Quadruple split

Chapter 2167 Shadow of the Destroyer

"Okay, then, what is the 'third point' you really want to remind me of?"

Mo Tan stared at Jenny standing in front of him, his eyes were calm and peaceful.


But the latter did not give an answer immediately. Instead, after a long silence, he shrugged and said, "I don't know."

"you do not know?"

Even Mo Tan couldn't keep calm before this completely unexpected answer, and his eyes widened in surprise.

It can be seen that although he guessed Jenny, he still had something to say, and even took the initiative to dispel the other party's concerns about the reason. However, he did not expect that Duan Ran would bluntly express that he 'didn't know', and it was not like that at all. It looks like he is lying.

"Yeah, I don't know."

Jenny nodded and said bluntly: "In other words, I could already vaguely see it, but now I can't see it, so... I don't know."

After these words, Mo Tan, who had a little understanding of the profession of astrologers, was not completely confused. Instead, after a brief pause, he suggested: "Can you elaborate on it? Maybe we can think about it together. After all, this kind of The feeling of being neither up nor down should be quite uncomfortable, even if it is for your physical and mental health, I think you should try to understand it as much as possible."

"Well, if you think it should be like this, I don't have any objection."

Jenny did not show any resistance, and said in her usual tone that had nothing to do with mysticism and was very 'realistic': "Before explaining, let me briefly introduce to you the three basics of astrologers. Quality, more systematically speaking, should be inspiration, talent and talent."

Yi Zuo blinked and repeated curiously: "Inspiration, talent and talent... Uh, why do I think they mean the same thing?"

Mo Tan, who had a very in-depth and systematic understanding of astrology because of Diana, did not speak, but just leaned back in his chair and listened quietly.

"Yeah, it does sound like the same thing, but for us so-called astrologers, the differences between these three concepts are actually very big."

Jenny casually put her arm on Yi Zou's shoulder, showed the latter a friendly smile, and explained: "Let's talk about talent first. We can understand this literally. In short, it means whether you are suitable for the job or not. In this field, for example, I am a rookie who has also studied related knowledge for a month. My achievement is to realize that "water" will be abundant tomorrow by observing tea leaves. Your achievement is to realize through the pulsation on the surface of [Agge variable star] If you judge that your head will be chopped off tomorrow, and then...everything is normal except for a rain the next day, then it proves that I am more talented than you, do you understand?"

Because she explained very clearly, Yi Zuo nodded immediately and said: "Yes, I understand, because there is nothing related to beheading, but the connection between rain and water is very real, right?"

"That's right."

Jenny smiled happily, and then continued: "Then, let's talk about talent. This one is even simpler. If I make a judgment that the 'water' will be full tomorrow through divination, language or other words that you think are appropriate. Finally, if I directly guess that it will rain tomorrow accurately, and in fact it will rain tomorrow, it proves that I am very talented. On the contrary, if I guess "I may wet the bed tomorrow" based on the same reason conclusion, it means that although my talent is good, my ability is really limited."

Yi Zuo suddenly realized: "That's it."


At this moment, Mo Tan suddenly smiled and asked: "If that's the case, what would it be like to have talent but not talent?"

"We generally call those people 'liars'."

Jenny shrugged and said calmly: "Using the example just now, the person who predicted that his head would be chopped off realized that nothing happened the next day except a rain. If he was very talented, he would He will make up a very convincing story, for example, his soul in the previous life was just beheaded, which caused the goddess to cry and turned into heavy rain... a story that is probably dozens of times more exciting than this, so that others will believe it."

Yi Zuo burst out laughing, while Mo Tan nodded as expected, sighing: "I knew that astrologers may not be able to do horoscopes."

“Then, in the end, it’s called ‘inspiration’.”

Jenny didn't laugh, but said calmly: "This one is more special, because it is not exclusive to a certain profession, but like 'magic', it is something that everyone has, but it is not as effective as without training and learning." The same theory as practicing magic and using elements and divine magic is the same. Unpolished inspiration is completely uncontrollable and will almost never appear. However, it does not rule out that you are working outside alone, suddenly slap your head and feel something is wrong, and immediately find out when you go home. My husband is currently hanging out with someone else’s husband.”

Yi Zhao: "Wow..."

"That's a good example. Don't use it next time."

Mo Tan raised his eyes and vomited, then knocked on the table and said helplessly: "Tell me the important point."

"The key point I have actually said before is that inspiration, talent and talent are actually separate in our industry, and the most special one is 'inspiration', because whether it is clear and directional inspiration, or it is The accuracy of any vague inspiration is over 90%."

Jenny narrowed her eyes slightly and said softly: "Among them, the more famous one in my knowledge is the astrologer Sir Maguire in 4709 of the Holy Calendar. He was an excellent nobleman and a bad astrologer. As for how bad he is? You can think that he has no talent or talent at all. The so-called astrologer is just something he calls himself because he likes this profession. But even so, he still used his power to find several teachers and learn from it. A lot of basic knowledge and theory, and then... a lot of shame everywhere.”

"Disgraced everywhere?"

Yi Zhao asked with great interest, curiously: "How did you lose face?"

"I go around doing divination in the name of an astrologer, but I never succeed even once."

Jenny smiled, spread her hands and said: "But Sir Maguire has a good character. Even if he is ridiculed and ridiculed, he never uses his aristocratic status and power to suppress others. Every time he makes a mistake in divination, he He apologized cheerfully to the other party, and sometimes even helped the other party settle some small things as compensation. Over time, although "Sir Maguire can do divination" has become a joke in major circles, people also He laughs at things but not at people, so even though his business ability is terrible, his reputation is unexpectedly good."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, raised his eyebrows and said, "Until one day?"

"That's right, until one day, Sir Maguire suddenly went crazy and told others that there would be a huge natural disaster in the west. If left unchecked, at least hundreds of thousands of people would be affected, but he couldn't tell anyone. The exact time, place and form of the natural disaster, so naturally no one will care."

Jenny poured herself a special drink and enthusiastically signaled to Mo Tan that he could also come to a spot. Then, even after being politely refused, he continued: "After all, if you usually do the usual 'remember to bring an umbrella when you go out tomorrow'," Most people would be willing to follow Sir Maguire’s advice to buy a good book and read it all day long, and to cover himself with an extra layer of quilt when sleeping at night. However, this kind of prediction about natural disasters has not been reflected in his past divination. This has never been done before. If it were you, would you believe it?"

Unsurprisingly, Yi Zuo immediately shook his head.

Unexpectedly, Mo Tan nodded and said seriously: "I believe it."

"Can you cooperate?"

Jenny glared at him and said angrily: "Do you believe it if I start over again, it's you?"

Not surprisingly, Mo Tan immediately shook his head: "I don't believe it."

"Yes, just like the two of you, in the country where Sir Maguire was at that time, no one was willing to believe him, whether it was the aristocracy or the civilians who were friends with Maguire because he was approachable. Not to mention the parliament as the ruling class at that time. Although Maguire was one of them, in the vote to 'prevent disaster', except for Sir Alex himself, everyone else voted in favor without exception. In the end, because Maguire was too persistent, he was even temporarily deprived of his seat in parliament until he stopped promoting the 'disaster theory' that would shake people's hearts."

Mo Tan smiled and said casually: "I think that was just an excuse to calm him down. After all, based on that knight's past deeds, no matter what he preaches, I'm afraid it won't 'sway people's hearts.'"

Jenny also laughed and nodded: "Yes, given that Maguire has proposed many excellent policies and is upright, he can be called the mainstay of the parliament, so the reason why others made such a decision is just to give him Go down the stairs, and then everyone will do whatever they have to do as always."

Mo Tan smacked his lips, shook his head and said, "I guess he didn't do it."

"Yeah, he didn't do it."

Jenny hugged her shoulders and said calmly: "In fact, one month after he was deprived of his status as a parliamentarian, he directly declared a rebellion."

Yi Zhao: "Huh?"

Mo Tan: "That's it."

"Sir Maguire's family has a long history, and both wealth and armed forces under his command are not small. Therefore, after he left the center of the country, the rebellion process was incredibly smooth. It only took less than two months. He occupied several large counties in the western part of the country, changed his past behavior, and began his cruel and ruthless tyranny."

Jenny spoke calmly in her charming cigarette voice, and said calmly: "For a time, the people in the western region were in dire straits, and the people were miserable, so they had to flee to the east to seek shelter from the kingdom's regular army, and then... you should have guessed We’re here.”


Mo Tan nodded slightly, then smiled at Yi Zuo who also nodded slightly: "Tell me about it?"

Yi Zuo smiled reservedly and said softly: "I think it was Sir Maguire who reached a tacit understanding with the people in the parliament, so no one was really hurt in the end, right?"

"Almost, but rather than saying it is a tacit understanding, it is better to say that Sir Maguire forced the Parliament to accompany him to a tacit understanding. In other words, if the other party cooperates, then the rebellion will be controllable, but if the Parliament does not cooperate, the consequences will be disastrous. ”

Jenny smiled playfully, spread her hands and said: "But those at the top of the kingdom are not stupid. After seeing that the rebels did not prevent the people from leaving, the kingdom's army also spent a lot of energy to properly resettle the refugees under the instruction of the parliament. And in During this process, the rebels just stood firm and did not take advantage of the regular army's opportunity to resettle the refugees to launch an attack."

"Then what?"

"Then? Then when the two sides were in a stalemate for about three months, the evil dragon [Thick Earth Dragon Davar Emberwing] who had been sealed in the far north of the continent for seven centuries broke out, and after he broke the seal The first thing he did was to fly to the west of Sir Maguire's country, where was the former site of the City of Miracles, and the person who sealed the dragon was the chief of the Parliament of Truth who had been dead for six centuries. Earth Sage] Go'el."

"Could it be that……"

"Yes, even though the City of Miracles has long since left the earth, the evil dragon who has gradually fallen into madness over the long years has already lost his mind and poured out all his anger on that innocent land. When the Justice Sect The Pope, the Grand Knight Commander of the Blood God Sect, the Security Vice Captain of the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce, and the Third and Sixth Seats of the Parliament of Truth rushed to the scene and joined forces to kill him. Sir Maguire and the soldiers who were loyal to him Already sacrificed to Davar’s wrath.”

"All dead?"

"They are all dead. You must know that Davar Emberwing had legendary strength when he was sealed by Sage Gu'ir. The seven centuries of silence allowed him to accumulate outrageous power. He used dragon language magic to It overturned countless amounts of land and tore apart any creature larger than the size of a hand."

Jenny sighed and shook his head: "The only good thing is that Sir Maguire and his followers died almost the moment the magic took effect, so they should not have suffered any pain."

"His prophecy came true."

Mo Tan sat upright, nodded and said, "There is no doubt that that knight is a genuine and excellent astrologer."

Jenny nodded slightly and said softly: "Yes, it is precisely because he is a genuine astrologer that he can distinguish the difference between 'inspiration' and 'talent', and know that the ominous premonition is not a figment."

"So...what did your inspiration tell you?"


"Please rest assured that you are not Sir Maguire. In the name of the goddess of dawn, I am willing to believe you without reservation."

"You and I both know that the goddess's name has no binding power on you."

"It's just a sense of ceremony."

"Well, it's the Destroyer."


"It's the Destroyer, Pastor, I saw the Destroyer..."


"His shadow is almost overlapping with yours, and it even makes me wonder if that person is me..."

Chapter 2158: End

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