Quadruple split

Chapter 2165 The bane of destruction


Mo Tan, who has been into the [Innocence Boundary] for nearly a year, and the depth of the game can crush almost all players, frowned and interrupted: "What is this [Destroyer]? Why can't I even listen to it?" Never heard of it?"

Jenny smiled lightly and asked: "Is there any problem? You know that although your body is more than 20 years old, it has only been less than a year since you really came into contact with our world. Have you heard of anything? It couldn’t be more normal.”

The half-dragon female knight next to her immediately stood up for her senior and said very proudly: "Me! I haven't heard of it either!"

"You grew up in the Holy Union. You spend several hours every day just praying to that perverse goddess. Plus you are self-disciplined, diligent, and simple. Naturally, you don't have time to care about those miscellaneous things."

Jenny turned around and blew out a delicate heart-shaped smoke ring towards Yi Zuo. She raised her eyebrows at the latter who subconsciously raised her eyebrows and said, "Seriously, Knight Sister, don't tell me you haven't heard of [Destroyer], even if you haven't even heard of it, I wouldn’t be surprised if [the astrologers] don’t know anything.”

Followed by: "..."

"Please don't bully my knight."

Mo Tan said this in a slightly more serious tone than before. Although his tone was still gentle, it was enough to make a delicate person like Jenny understand his attitude immediately.

"It's just a joke, and I think it is a very cost-effective thing for Knight Yizuo to exchange the harmless ridicule I just made for you to say 'my knight'."

Jenny flicked the 'ash' lazily, and while watching the faintly fragrant embers quietly dissipating in the air before falling to the ground, she said in a brisk tone: "Anyway, I don't think you know. Destroyer] This kind of thing is normal.”

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly, pondered for a moment and then said calmly: "I think I am fairly knowledgeable in the field of common sense."

Jenny raised her eyebrows: “Modest?”


Mo Tan nodded and gave an affirmative answer, indicating that the 'not bad' in the previous sentence could be ignored.

"Well, you are indeed the Black Van Priest. It seems that even among people from other worlds, you are a particularly special one."

Jenny smacked her lips and chuckled: "I have observed your fate, but the results are not ideal. Putting aside those annoying details, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that you are too 'mysterious' and too... 'Complicated', so much so that even though my business ability far exceeds the average level of contemporary astrologers, it is difficult for me to get a full picture."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and said very reservedly: "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Miss Astrologer, who had found nothing out, was not angry. She just casually brought back the previous topic and said: "Then, I will explain a little about the so-called [Destroyer]. Your surprise just now is actually not unreasonable. After all, even those who are born and raised in this world, most have never heard of this word. Rather, this title usually only exists in the small circle of astrologers like us."

Mo Tan nodded with interest: "It doesn't sound like a good thing."

"That's natural. You have to know that although the name [Destroyer] is not widely known, there are countless disasters caused by them in history, such as the infamous 'Padrock Massacre', 'Ten thousand people disappeared in Amber City' The case' is all their work."

Jenny miraculously kept talking while puffing away the smoke, sighing leisurely: "Not only that, even the predecessor of the Violet Empire, the fuse that led to the collapse of the Cang Yue Empire, was lit by them, or in other words , they bewitched a poor man, and through the foreshadowing they planted in that man, they induced the collapse of the Cang Yue Empire centuries later."

Mo Tan's eyes narrowed slightly and he immediately asked: "The trigger of destruction? Who are you referring to? [Mad Emperor] Soram? It can't be [Ruin King] Torres, right?"

"You're asking questions knowingly."

Jenny didn’t answer him, she just said this lightly.

"All right."

Mo Tan pinched his eyebrows with a subtle expression and tried hard to get rid of a certain handsome and calm star player from his mind: "So is it really the 'henpecked Sola Cha'?"

Jenny said "Oh" meaningfully and chuckled: "Got a story?"

"A bit, but it should be the best unofficial history among unofficial histories."

Mo Tan casually told a 'story' that had little to do with this topic, frowned and said: "In short, although I only started paying attention recently, I still know the history of the Cang Yue Empire relatively well. If I remember correctly If so, it should have been Emperor Solacha who was flirting with women because Queen Belika was too strong, which eventually triggered a somewhat bloody large-scale palace ethics drama, but... is it really as Ye Shi said, because For various reasons, the [Mad Emperor] Soram who later succeeded to the throne did not have the blood of the Cang Yue royal family, which led to the decline of the Cang Yue Empire starting from him, and eventually its complete destruction?"

Jenny blinked in surprise and asked curiously: "Is that what the unofficial historian said? [Crazy Emperor] is not the biological son of Sola Cha and Bellica?"

Mo Tan was also shocked: "You don't know?!"

"Why should I know?"

Jenny sipped the cigarette between her fingers that seemed to be unable to burn out no matter how hard she tried, and said without thinking: "I am an astrologer, not a scholar, a philosopher, or a historian. Can't I not like reading?"

Mo Tan, who had never considered that the cultural level of the girl in front of him might not be very good, was stunned for a moment, reacted for a while before nodding: "Okay."

"That's right."

Jenny nodded with satisfaction, leaned on the corner of the table and folded her legs gracefully, leaning slightly towards Mo Tan: "In short, the wild history you just mentioned was obviously made up. In any case, the [Crazy Emperor] ] There is no doubt that he is the biological son of Emperor Solacha and Queen Belika. To be honest, does anyone really think that such a large Cang Yue royal family can’t even find out the bloodline of the prince?”

Yi Zuo, whose heart for gossip was gradually igniting, pursed her lips and asked curiously: "Can I?"

"Of course, any outstanding alchemist can do this. Although this kind of talent is rarer compared to combat professions, for the Cang Yue royal family, you can summon a few just by shouting. Ten or hundreds of people of this level verify the bloodline."

Jenny deservedly nodded and added: "Don't forget how influential the Hopkins family was at that time. Now that Sola Cha has been proven to have been unfaithful to Bellica, they will try every means possible. It proves that the latter is loyal, and the royal family naturally has the same position on this matter, so the fact that the prince is unclear about his bloodline is simply nonsense and a pure third-rate bard story."

"Ask a question."

Mo Tan raised his right hand and asked curiously: "Didn't you just say that you don't like studying history books? Why do you know so much about what happened at that time?"

"Good question. If possible, I actually don't want to know so many things."

Jenny shrugged and said in a rather helpless tone: "It's a pity that those who inherited Damas Remidep, and I spent the first half of my life trying to inherit the name Damas Remidep. Anyone who prepares cannot avoid this.”


Yi Zhao asked curiously while making tea for Mo Tan in front of the cabinet next to her.

"Yeah, why."

Jenny smacked her lips, and then suddenly turned to look at Mo Tan, who was leaning on the back of the chair with his arms folded: "Would you like to take a guess?"

The latter nodded slightly and guessed calmly: "Because that matter is related to 'Damasi'?"

"Yes, it has something to do with Damas."

Jenny snapped her fingers with her free left hand and said calmly: "You can understand that the fundamental reason why the Cang Yue Empire was foreshadowed to be destroyed back then was the Damas Remedep of that generation. "

Yi Zhao was immediately confused: "Eh?"

"As far as I know, Damas Remedip lived in the Cang Yue Empire for a long time at that time, and in the process he established friendships with many important people or families, including members of the Violet family. The predecessor of the Crossflower family and the Hopkins family of Queen Belika."

Because she had already heard about the story of calluses on the ears, Jenny explained very fluently and spoke very quickly: "When the Hopkins family noticed that there was something wrong with Emperor Solacha, the first thing they did was to go find him. The great astrologer wanted her to help 'see' the situation, but the result was that they only found a mirror in Damas' residence, a mirror that sealed her consciousness."

Mo Tan's eyes immediately flashed with surprise when he heard this, but he was not too surprised. After all, he watched the whole game between Xinglong and Rebecca, and he naturally noticed the relationship between the latter and the mirror. Communicate, so naturally there will be no impression.

"According to the consciousness in the mirror that can only exist for three months, Damas foresaw this incident in advance, so he ran away to hide somewhere else early, but considering that Hope has The Jins family was really generous with her, so they left a mirror that sealed her consciousness to repay the favor."

Jenny sighed, shook her head and said: "What happened to Damas of that generation was that her consciousness copied in the mirror actually indirectly destroyed the Cang Yue Empire by herself..."

So, Jenny casually told Mo Tan and Yi Zuoshuo a secret that not many people around the world knew——

The beginning and foreshadowing of the story is that Damas of that generation believed too much in his own character, and was carelessly misled by a consciousness with the same ability as himself, and did not discover his innate ability. Instability and chaotic tendencies, and the reason why the consciousness that is equivalent to Damas's clone is so different from the original body is precisely because each astrologer has a different understanding of 'destiny', and as the greatest astrologer of the year The consciousness of the astrologer Damas, who is naturally an astrologer in a sense, and a very good astrologer.

Unfortunately, not only was he born without freedom, but his conscious body, which strictly speaking only had a 'lifespan' of three months, turned into a [Destroyer] almost as soon as the thought came into being, maintaining great hostility to fate and causing [The Destroyer] who wishes from the bottom of his heart for the death of all things and the collapse of destiny.

Therefore, she immediately deceived the then Grand Duke Hopkins and asked him to "accidentally" appear in the hands of Queen Belika in some clever way, and "accidentally" revealed the emperor's secrets to her. The truth about teh tarik is infidelity.

The Emperor Solacha and Queen Belika in history are not Awakening Dragon and Rebecca, and their fateful trajectories are also completely different from those of the two players in the game. In the end, although things seemed to be going in a different direction. The prodigal son turned back, and Bellica also chose to forgive him. The two got back together and lived a happy, happy, sweet, and happy life. But in fact, the powerful queen with two swords in history had already been in her husband's prodigal son. She was already crazy before, and the culprit that caused her to fall into madness but still maintain the appearance of sanity was naturally the consciousness of Damas in the mirror.

There is a saying, for an astrologer who works with destiny, it is not too easy to seduce a woman who is so fragile that she has almost collapsed due to countless betrayals, so the consciousness that has turned into a "Destroyer" is very difficult. He simply drove Queen Belika crazy, and after controlling her as a puppet for a while, he left the mirror and took over her body. Later, the [Mad Emperor] Soram occupied Belica. The son born of the Damas consciousness of the body and Sola Cha.

"Wait a moment……"

Yi Zou, who was so absorbed in listening that he forgot that his tea was only half brewed, opened his eyes wide and exclaimed: "You mean, the consciousness sealed in the mirror took over Queen Belika's body, and followed her The emperor of the Cang Yue Empire gave birth to a child? This... this is too ridiculous."

"This is not ridiculous, but a very complex, very profound, and very vicious secret technique. But unfortunately, because Damas' inheritance is too comprehensive, even my useless mentor has a lot of it in his head. Forbidden knowledge.”

Jenny shook her head and explained calmly: "And the consciousness that also has all the knowledge of 'Damás Remedep' but has completely fallen at the moment of birth will not have any moral burden, so in order to continue It only has a 'life span' of three months. Not only did it control Queen Belika to secretly extract a large amount of consciousness to supply itself at the cost of turning hundreds of people into idiots through very cruel rituals, it also ultimately directly drove Belika, who had fallen into madness, Crush away the consciousness and take it away.”

"Then [Mad Emperor] Solam..."

"Naturally, he has been affected by the mother's madness since he was a fetus, and he became the first person cursed by fate."

"That occupies Bellica's consciousness..."

"It's very cliché to fall in love with Sola Cha, and then commit suicide immediately after the former died in depression."

Chapter 2156: End

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