Quadruple split

Chapter 2112 Super Friendship?

"Xiao Wu, why don't you get enough oil and salt?"

Lusail glared at Guoshi Wushuang and said angrily: "Let's talk about it later, there are only a few people now."

The national scholar Wushuang smiled and said cheerfully: "Good guy, it turns out that Brother Lusail is planning to hold a meeting for everyone. I have to support him. What do you think, he is the strongest?"

"Stop laughing at me."

Xinglong shook his head, picked up the second plate of mashed potatoes, and shrugged: "Cordoba is only ranked second on the list, how can I be the strongest?"

Guo Shi Wushuang raised his index finger seriously and said seriously: "The strongest among professional players."

Xinglong laughed dumbly and waved his hand: "No, if your words get out, it will be worth at least two weeks. Don't cause trouble for your colleagues in the public relations department."

"Haha, people earn only that amount of money, and they are afraid that they will not have the rhythm instead of the rhythm."

Guoshi Wushuang grinned, and then suddenly lowered his voice and said: "But speaking of public relations, have you heard that the Rock Demon Club is on the verge of disbanding and will be put up for sale soon?"

Lusel smacked his lips and said happily: "I heard about it, I'm so happy."

"The Rock Demon Club?"

Xinglong was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Didn't they develop well in the past two years? Why are they suddenly on the verge of disbandment? The core players have left? No, not to mention that the transfer window has not yet come. Even if they do, their substitutes and the main players of the second team are still pretty good."

"Hey, this has nothing to do with the players, or even the club."

While sipping the fragrant cup of barley tea in his hand, Guo Shi Wushuang explained in a leisurely tone: "The problem lies with the head office above the club - [Sandstorm Network Technology Co., Ltd.]."

Xinglong looked at Guoshi Wushuang with a confused face: "What is that?"

"A company that has prospered by developing mobile games, because of the astonishing wisdom of its leaders, has obviously caught up with several trends in the past few years, including but not limited to the 'explosion of military themes', but it still has not been able to fully rise. , a company that is not short of money but has the characteristics of a small workshop.”

Guoshi Wushuang seemed to have expected that Xinglong had no understanding of this kind of thing, and immediately explained like a treasure trove: "Their signature beautiful girl IP [Flash Reverse Stars] made a lot of money in the past few years, and after that they started to diversify The [Rock Demon Club] that you are familiar with is their business in e-sports. In addition, they have also incubated about three mobile games based on the existing ones."

Xinglong took a bite of mashed potatoes and asked in confusion: "Isn't this normal? I remember that there are many companies that have only entered the e-sports circle in recent years, and the Rock Demon Club should be doing well. Before We even looked after each other when we were playing Olathe Wars."

"What you call care should be that time when the Rock Demon Club sent out a total of seventeen professional players as mercenaries to help your Red Constellation fight for the BOSS with us, right?"

Lusail tugged at the corners of his lips, then spread his hands after Xinglong looked away humbly, and said: "By the way, you think the Rock Demon Club is okay because you are only familiar with their professional players, but As for the management...let's put it this way, except for a few external managers, it's a complete mess."

Guo Shi Wushuang laughed out loud immediately and sighed: "This matter has to be compared. Although the management of Rock Demon Club is very nonsense, it is actually still slightly inferior to the astonishing wisdom of the top management of their head office."


As soon as he said this, Xinglong, who was originally not interested in the head office, became interested and asked, "How do you say it?"

"Ahem, I see that you are not a master of mobile games like [Flash Stars], so I will explain it to you with a few examples."

Guo Shi Wushuang cleared his throat, and was as always very active in anything other than his job as a professional player. He eagerly explained to Xinglong: "First of all, the background of the game [Flash Reverse Stars], the explanation for saving money is you. You are the military commander of an organization, and you have a bunch of subordinates who look like beautiful girls but are actually weapons. Your job is to fall in love in the base, fight for the rights of the beautiful girls with inferior weapons in society, and occasionally go out to maintain world peace. , thwart the conspiracy of the evil forces."

Xinglong nodded slightly: "I see, it sounds pretty good."

"But it actually plays pretty average."

Guo Shi Wushuang shrugged, and then said with a strange expression: "As for [Flash Stars II: Amplification], which was just released a few months ago and has been developed for several years and is highly anticipated by everyone, its main plot line is ten Years later, as the leader of a wandering mercenary group..."

"Hold on."

Xinglong frowned and asked in confusion: "Am I not the commander who maintains world peace and thwarts the conspiracy of evil forces?"

Guo Shi Wushuang spread his hands: "You don't agree with the organization's philosophy, so you have to leave the house."

"Well, if the organization is indeed dark, it's not impossible. What about the beautiful girl with weapons under me?"

"Exuberantly and joyfully, shouting that they are finally free."

"Ah? I'm not fighting for their rights, so why..."

"I don't know, maybe they don't like to be treated as humans."

"Okay, what next? Is my mercenary group special..."

"You are so depressed that you can't even refuel. You drink every day and destroy yourself. There are several girls with weapons who follow you, but in fact they all dislike you openly and secretly."


"And your journey is a road story that witnesses the weapons girls who fell in love with you in the past become girlfriends, confidants, and bartenders after they have their own lives."

"By the way, many of these people have a relationship with you who exchanged rings, wore wedding dresses, and held a vow ceremony in the previous film."

"Wait a minute, I'm a little confused..."

"But in the second part, they will show off their affection to old widowers, little boys, and terrorists. They will only think of you when they ask you to spend money on clothes."


Xinglong, who had never played that game but had his blood pressure skyrocketed just after listening to Guo Shi Wushuang, finally couldn't bear it and put down the plate of mashed potatoes in his hand, and said angrily: "They have a grudge against the players. ?"

"No one knows whether they have any grudge against the players, but..."

Some deep and deep voices sounded nearby. The tall, crew-cut boss Sakaki, who was the sign of Joban Studio and had a calm temperament, walked over slowly and said calmly: "They must have a grudge against money."


Lusail immediately walked up happily and put his arms around his old friend's shoulders: "You're here?"

"Well, I heard you talking about such unlucky things when I came here."

Sakaki frowned, and then he lifted Lussail's shoulders expressionlessly: "Don't hook up. It's not like you don't know about your wife's problem. She seems to really want you to have some inappropriate relations with other men. .”

Lusselle sighed and said helplessly: "Who says it's not the case? It's a pity that she has very strict control over the opposite sex."


Xinglong coughed slightly, and asked with curiosity to the national scholar Wushuang who was enjoying tea with Juezan: "So what happened to the Sandstorm Company in the end?"

“The capital chain was broken, and the turnover fell to the center of the earth. With a single-day income of US$884, it broke the lowest turnover record for mobile games from 2030 to 2050.”

While Guo Shi Wushuang was giving himself tea, he said in a brisk tone: "I think there is nothing wrong with the game. It's the players who don't understand art. The chairman of the company used his amazing wisdom and tried to overcome the difficulties with cold treatment and covert changes. As a result, word of mouth The second explosion even affected other games under the banner, leading to a complete financial collapse and finally jumping off the building.”

Xinglong, who had a fairly upright outlook on life, pursed his lips and sighed softly: "Oh, but..."

"It's a pity not a little bit."

Lussail laughed and said happily: "You don't think that kind of person really has the courage to commit suicide, do you? He just listened to the public relations advice he hired with a lot of money. He jumped off the second floor wearing cotton pants and a down jacket and broke his leg. He thought It just triggered a wave of public opinion to bite players online."

Xinglong: "Huh?"

"In the end, everyone found out that the public relations officer hired by the chairman with a lot of money was exposed to be a veteran [Flash Stars] player who was furious because he was cuckolded by his second-dimensional wife and deliberately broke into the enemy's army."

Boss Sakaki took over the conversation, picked up a glass of ice water and toasted to Xinglong: "The ruined IP went into the trash can, the chairman had astronomical debts and became a cyber clown, and the famous publicist was blocked by the industry but he had no complaints. A company that regrets and disrespects its players will be destroyed overnight.”

Xinglong smacked his lips, and his thousands of words finally turned into one sentence: "Very good."

"So what is the purpose of you Pofengniao sending messages to major clubs and studios saying you want to 'get together'?"

Boss Sakaki turned to look at Lusail and frowned: "Although this rare competition day that does not involve any interests is indeed very suitable for colleagues in the industry to get together and relax, but I don't believe that you called everyone here just for the sake of it. Watching games and gossiping together.”

The national scholar Wushuang nodded slightly and said concisely: "Second the proposal."

"But it's nice to be lively and lively like this."

Everything outside the competition is basically left to Hanmei and Jiuzhong. Xinglong, who is not under any pressure, smiles calmly and says: "We really don't have much chance to communicate due to this or that reason on weekdays. We all know each other quite well."

"That's it."

Lusser nodded and agreed: "So we are anxious for this gathering. Our original intention is to let most of our colleagues relax. After all, it is absolutely unprecedented that no professional player can reach the top four in such a heavyweight competition. It’s not common for everyone to be devastated and no one to play.”

Boss Sakaki, who knew his friend very well, nodded and asked in a deep voice: "So 'most of our colleagues' come here to relax, but what about the remaining small number of people?"

"Hey, you're so boring."

Lussell glanced at Sakaki and said lazily: "In about ten minutes, all the invited club coaches and all studio directors will be gathered together to discuss the same content as our table, except that The atmosphere over there will be a little more serious.”

The national scholar Wushuang nodded slightly and asked, "So, what is the topic?"

"I plan to wait until everyone is here before talking, otherwise it will be too troublesome to explain over and over again."

Lussell did not give a direct answer, but joked: "Would you like to take a guess?"

"No guessing."

Guoshi Wushuang shook his head, and then added: "But first of all, we can rule out that it is related to the [Inquisition and Controversy]."

Lusail clapped his hands: "Smart."

Guo Shi Wushuang just smiled and said nothing, and then, accompanied by a gust of fragrance, a man with a very hot figure was wearing a leather jacket, tight pants and very punk-style rivet boots. He had long purple hair and embellished eyes. The woman with a sexy black mole strode over.

"Hey, Baihua."

As the host, Lusail immediately raised his hand and waved, saying hello to the ace player of the Yingyingyan Club, the number one lesbian in the e-sports circle with the ID name [Hundred Flowers Sha].

"Hey, Lao Lu."

Baihuasha also raised his hand to say hello enthusiastically. A pair of phoenix eyes swept over the other three people and said in surprise: "Wow, Sakaki, Wuliang and Xinglong, you are all here, you are here so early."

Boss Sakaki nodded: "Well, I have nothing to do, so I came here with everyone."

"Haha, the last time we met was in the Scorching Sun Valley of Olaxi War Chronicles."

Guo Shi Wushuang also greeted him warmly and said with a smile: "We suffered a lot at your hands back then."

Xinglong also nodded to Baihuasha solemnly: "Long time no see, hello."

"Hey, I always have this face in the game, so I'm sure you're fine. Oh, don't talk about it now."

Baihuasha rubbed his hands and asked with bright eyes: "Since you are all here, where are Sister Shiyin, Sister Kouzhong, Sister Hanmei, Sister Xueyue, Sister Musashi, and Sister Lorelai? Come on, where are they? Bring it out quickly!"

Sakaki: "..."

Xinglong: "..."

National Scholar Wushuang: "..."

Lusail: "What, Baihua, what did the notification you received say?"

"Our manager said that you guys, Po Feng Niao, are going to have a huge social gathering, and he said that I can go out with double-digit girls."

Baihuasha blinked and continued rubbing his hands: "So where is the girl!?"

Lusel twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly: "If you use your brain, you shouldn't believe the nonsense that we will take the lead in organizing a super party, and also date two-digit girls at the same time. Why don't you say it?" How about sleeping together?"

"That's okay!"

Baihuasha's eyes lit up and he said loudly: "It's better to sleep!"

Sakaki shook his head. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the overly lively place in the distance: "What's going on over there? Why is it so noisy?"

"Oh, someone just said that they saw the typing warrior, the president, who was in flames."

Baihuasha, who had just come from there, said nonchalantly, with a very irrelevant tone——

"Right now, a group is forming to search for someone to beat her up."

Chapter 2103: End

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