Quadruple split

Chapter 2102 Night Song is under construction

"Similar to the previous two semi-final matches, this match is still a deserted composite map. Through God's perspective, we can find that the distance between the players on both sides is relatively far, and there are obvious differences in the surrounding environment."

It was clear that it was difficult for someone to explain normally because his two daughters were both on the court. Shota had no choice but to shoulder the C position. After the Ji sisters successfully loaded the map, he said sternly: "From the analysis of the previous games of the two players. , it can be seen that the advantage of Yege player lies in various engineering creations. Compared with conventional combat professions such as warriors, mages, rangers, thieves, and monks, she is a rare person in this competition who is called an engineer. They are mainly "auxiliary occupations" or "manufacturing" players, and facts have proved that as long as they are determined in [The Realm of Innocence], even engineers like Night Song Players can still shine in the battle. "

The smiling face next to him immediately clenched his fist and waved his hand, sneering: "The power of science, boy! The equivalent is art! The truth is only within the range of the cannon!"

"As for the anonymous players, they have very amazing individual combat abilities."

Completely ignoring the shouts of the smiling face, Shota continued to introduce: "Whether it was the previous focus match or the performance in the last two rounds, the anonymous players showed us a suffocating sense of oppression, whether it was speed, strength or performance. Their skills are impeccable. Although they have not encountered famous masters such as Cordoba and Awakening Dragon, they were able to eliminate the top 20 in the personal rankings in a record-breaking manner in the shortest time and defeated the veterans in the industry. Player Sakaki’s Kei player is enough to prove the strength of anonymous players.”

The smiling face smiled proudly and said in an inexplicably arrogant tone: "When autumn comes on September 8th, I will kill all the flowers in bloom!"


Seeing that this man was already talking nonsense, the good wife could only cough lightly in desperation, reminding her husband to hold back a little.

Although Xiaomian is not very shameless in front of anyone, he only obeys his wife's words. Therefore, although he was so excited at this moment that he was a little delirious, he still calmed down after this slight cough and remained reserved. He leaned back on the chair and became silent.

"This is destined to not be a simple game, and the outcome is likely to be just a matter of thoughts."

Xiao Xiaobai, who was very objective and reliable as long as he was not talking about morning glory, narrowed his eyes and said sternly: "Contestant Ye Ge showed crazy destructive power in the last round of competition, even though even she herself couldn't bear it. Equivalent, but if that method can be used repeatedly, I think even strong men with fault-level strength such as Xinglong and Cordoba will have a hard time taking it on head-on. Although the anonymous player has never shown his full strength, But from an objective perspective, I don’t think she can withstand beatings better than the Cordoba players.”

The Good Wife pursed her lips and asked with some uncertainty: "But Player Cordoba is at the epic level. Are you sure that even he can't defeat Player Yege?"

"It's not that we can't do anything about Player Ye Ge, it's that we can't do anything about Player Ye Ge's horrific method of blowing up himself and Player Mu Xuejian in the last round of the competition."

Xiao Xiaobai shook his head and explained: "Don't forget, our [Inquisition] has never prohibited players from using 'external forces'. As long as it is within the rules, everyone can fight how they want and use whatever they want." Just use whatever you want, and we all know that under the same quality, the direct power of those [disposable consumables] is usually far better than that of 'equipment'."

Shota nodded slightly and agreed: "To give an inappropriate example, for example, an epic-quality long sword with a high-level use threshold and a bottle of epic-quality poison with a high-level use threshold. Regardless of the user's strength, In this case, if the former can kill a mid-level monster with one strike of his sword, the latter might not be able to withstand even ten high-level monsters if he drinks it in one gulp."

"That's right, and the power of the item used by player Ye Ge when he eliminated player Mu Xuejian has obviously exceeded the limit that normal players can exert."

Xiao Xiaobai shrugged and complained: "I have considered before, if I spend money regardless of the cost, can I purchase something in the game that is far more powerful than everyone's average strength, such as spending hundreds of thousands of gold coins to buy a An epic spell scroll that can be used by anyone, there should be a lot of room for manipulation in this kind of thing, right?"

"Operation space is one thing, price/performance is another."

Shota shook his head and retorted: "In the final analysis, even if everyone attaches great importance to the competition, this extremely utilitarian method may not be cost-effective. Leaving aside the players who do not have enough financial resources to practice this kind of consumption, for players with sufficient financial reserves, For studios or clubs, the most important thing is to use competitions to increase their publicity, popularity, reputation and other mass bases. Spending a lot of money to buy consumables to win the competition will not only be difficult to produce positive effects, but may also give people Leaving a bad impression as a 'bully' is not worth the gain."

Little Bailiu frowned slightly and asked again: "What if it's to get a reward?"

"It's not worth the loss."

Shota continued to shake his head and said calmly: "Things that can work wonders in the competition must be expensive. If the hard power is not enough or the professionalism is not good enough, the cost of relying on consumables along the way may be astronomical. Although our rewards are good, but As everyone's strength becomes stronger, the value of these rewards will continue to decrease, and it will be a loss no matter how you calculate it."

Xiao Xiaobai touched his chin and pondered: "What if someone just wants to spend money and kill the other person?"

"You are just making excuses."

Shota rolled his eyes angrily, then coughed slightly and said seriously: "Then, the preparation time is about to end. I hope both players can perform well."

"Little clever ghost, I have changed because of you."

"Little clever devil, longing for limitless things."

"A clever little guy who works hard and doesn't complain."

"Little clever ghost, why is Mrs. Xiangjian..."

"Game start--"

Game time PM18:31

[Inquisition and Debate·Personal Battle] Contest-specific map S5609-7725

Southwest Continent, Nismont Lake District

At the beginning of the game, Ji Xiaoge suddenly made a difficult decision.

She decided to give up thinking——

The reason is simple, because she wants to get good grades and her sister sent a message to encourage her. She doesn't want to lose, but she has seen the opponent kill Keyi in an instant and she doesn't know how to win, so she just doesn't think about anything.

Of course, not thinking about anything does not mean that she will just stay in a daze and wait for death. Just thinking about it, the girl immediately started to take action after regaining control of her body. She first emptied a large mountain of materials from her luggage. Then he took out the power hammer, rechargeable drill and other tools, and started working with flapping wings.

That's right, Ji Xiaoge, who no longer thought about how to win the opponent, directly entered his own rhythm and started building a position as a 'field engineer'. It was not like a spell caster's three-step, three-step, six-knot approach. A position on the border, but in a literal sense, a position with trenches, forts, bunkers, and traps!


Although his biggest hobby at Tianzhu Mountain was getting into the kitchen to do chemical work when Lu Wei wasn't paying attention, as Master Lu's favorite apprentice, Ji Xiaoge was not the kind of person who went in one ear and out the other during lectures. People, on the contrary, in terms of engineering, thanks to his somewhat single-threaded but very good logical thinking mind, this girl can basically understand what Master Lu said!

It is true that a teacher's teaching level is superb, but what can keep a teacher's enthusiasm for teaching is continuous and even increasingly intense positive feedback. In other words, since Ji Xiaoge became Master Lu's apprentice, he has almost never let the latter I have been disappointed, and the same is true for the teaching on the 'combat field'.

Although the engineer profession has never been suitable for head-to-head confrontation with others on the battlefield, even the so-called [battlefield engineer]'s positioning in the battle situation tends to be 'support' and 'auxiliary', but Lu Wei still explained to Ji Xiaoge How to protect yourself and win the battle as a technical force when you are inevitable and must engage with the enemy.

First of all, it is to sweep away the fog of war in a specific location and build a position in a place that is best known by yourself. After all, engineers are inherently fragile. Even if there are some emergency defense methods, they must try to avoid encounters. This is the most basic Exploit strengths and avoid weaknesses.

In the previous game against Mu Xuejian, because he was in a bad mood and had no idea about victory, Ji Xiaoge did not start to reward positions, but carried Jati with him in the mentality of finishing the fight early and relaxing. Lin took the initiative to search for the opponent, which was actually very unwise. At this moment, Ji Xiaoge was undoubtedly doing the right thing by no longer thinking about how to defeat the terrifying enemy and focusing on practicing what she had learned.

Thanks to the good habits he developed during his adventures abroad, Ji Xiaoge's luggage was almost filled with various semi-finished products, some of which were semi-finished products for consumption such as cured meat, frozen fish, vacuum soup dumplings, minced fruit and meat, etc. , and the other part is practical semi-finished products such as primers, gun mounts, high-voltage components, charging suits, blank ammunition, rune armor pieces, etc. What Ji Xiaoge is doing at this moment is to transform the latter from semi-finished products into finished products.

This process is not simple, but for this disciple, the chief engineer of Tianzhu Mountain who has a high level of theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience, the basic materials are all luxurious rune alloys, and the tools are of unique epic quality. In the case of special supplies, it is really not too difficult to build a high-tech position with all the internal organs in a short period of time.

More than thirty [rune cannons] with phantom paint, a range of about fifty meters, and embedded with three basic runes of 'acceleration', 'calibration', and 'strength' were carefully set up by Ji Xiaoge. With the main position as the center and in every corner within a radius of 500 meters, these thermal weapons, which are as powerful as low-cost horizontal fire by high-level rangers, although limited in power, are superior in their extremely high attack frequency and sensitive response. Not only can they be controlled remotely, It can also automatically fire with a large number of [biological scanning devices] that are also installed nearby. In addition to 'energy bombs', each cannon is also equipped with ten armor-piercing bombs, ten high-explosive bombs and ten diffusion bombs. Although the cost is It's not cheap, but it can effectively make up for the shortcomings of weak conventional power.

In addition to [Rune Cannon] and [Biological Scanning Device], Ji Xiaoge also deployed a large number of [KVII Type Magnetometers], which only have two functions of 'attraction' and 'repulsion', and its effective range is approximately A bulky device of about three meters, its characteristic is that the effective target is not a conventional metal, but the unit 'marked' by it. In other words, if the [KVII type magnetometer] marks a mudkachu A, then its target It's just pure Nukachu A. Things such as metal, Nikachu B, and morning glory will not be affected by it. In addition, these magnetometers can also simultaneously download the 'label' units within a certain range. The data is a special device that is very flexible in use.

However, because these devices touch upon the knowledge blind spots of the four commentators, although they are trying hard to speculate on Ji Xiaoge's layout, except for the more obvious things like the [Rune Cannon], the functions can be guessed. There are basically only a few of them, but as time goes by, Ji Xiaoge's half-mile radius is almost covered with similar things, from [Rune Prism Tower] that can emit lasers and pulses to [Sensors that can detect hostile targets]. [Remote control fire thunder] has everything you need.

On the other side, Anonymous, whose face was covered by the equipment as always, and who was covered in black robes, started immediately after the game started, searching the current map at an incredible speed, obviously intending to find the opponent as soon as possible. End the battle.

But unfortunately, although Anonymous's tactical idea was completely correct, her luck was not good enough. Although the search was extremely efficient, she was still unable to catch Ye Ge, who was theoretically the most vulnerable, in the first ten minutes. When she finally found When Ye Ge was near, he was confused by some kind of engineering device that could shield the breath and exert micro-interference, and did not break into it immediately.

It wasn't until nearly twenty minutes into the game that Ye Ge almost armed himself to the teeth and expanded his position for three full circles, before Anonymous finally locked the former's position.


It crashed in like a fierce storm.

The next moment, accompanied by a piercing alarm that could almost shatter human eardrums, countless dazzling engineering devices roared at the same time, including but not limited to energy shocks, rune pulses, cluster bombs, tea eggs, booby traps, etc. A wide variety of weapons were sprinkled like a torrential rain, and among them was mixed a Blue Dragon armor-piercing bullet that Ji Xiaoge personally shot through [Valkyrie Catherine Sniper Mode].


However, Anonymous, who walked in front of the Night Song Formation, just let out a chuckle that was obviously processed, regardless of gender or timbre. Then he stretched his hands behind his back at the same time, and at the moment he pulled out the two sharp swords, one long and one short. Wrong step and twist——

[Normal attack]*57!

Chapter 2093: End

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