Quadruple split

Chapter 2080 The semi-finals battle after the commercial!

Game time PM15:43

The Boundary of Innocence, Public Space No. 001

"Another missed shot!"

On the big screen in the central square, the commentator smiled, widened his eyes, and exclaimed.

"It's a morning glory after all."

Xiao Xiaobai continued to repeat this sentence calmly, with a calm and indifferent expression.

At the same time, as the public space with the largest number of people watching the game, a large number of players were already discussing it in the square. For no other reason than the performance of the morning glory was really unexpected.

It is true that from God's perspective, the petunia does not perform well at all, but for ordinary viewers who do not know the cause and effect, the possibility of the matter is nothing more than 'Yaya missed' and 'it is indeed a morning glory'. There are two possibilities. In view of the fact that the former showed a terrifying hit rate in the previous round, after three consecutive arrows missed, everyone gradually began to speculate in the outrageous direction of "Big Flower Morning Glory is not simple" again. .

However, due to the wildly boasted tactics of the four commentators, most players are still a little undecided at this moment. They suspect that Petunias grandiflora is a parallel import, and they suspect that they themselves are parallel imports because they cannot see how powerful Petunia grandis is.

As a result, after a brief commotion, the originally lively public space No. 001 fell into an eerie silence. Except for the voices of the four commentators, no one spoke or whispered to each other.

Not only in Public Space No. 001, at this moment, almost all the players watching the game attentively, including Mo Tan and others, subconsciously closed their mouths and held their breath, waiting for the moment when the two would decide the winner.

When a large number of speculations have failed, and neither the strong players nor the rookies nor the fun-lovers nor even the official commentators can predict the direction of things, the only thing everyone can do is to concentrate on watching the game and wait until the winner is determined before thinking about it with the benefit of hindsight.

However, although the audience can be silent, the four people in the commentary box cannot be silent. When the smiling face, the handsome guy and the good wife are all a little confused, and they don’t even know how to blow the morning glory, only the little one can. Xiaobai performed steadily as always——

"As the saying goes, there are only three things that can be done."

I saw her eyes fixed, staring at the increasingly stiff face of Petunia dahua, and said seriously: "Although Petunia dahua likes to give opportunities to opponents like the players from Cordoba, considering that he was in the last game That clean and decisive victory is enough to show that this kind of 'tolerance' has an upper limit, in other words..."

At this point, she could pause for a moment, obviously waiting for the other three to answer, but the smiling face and the handsome guy simultaneously looked at their nose, mouth, and heart, pretending to be grandsons as if they suddenly became deaf.

Not only that, even the good wife with a gentle personality did not express her conclusion considerately this time. Instead, she coughed lightly and asked weakly: "What is it?"

"The situation is about to change."

Xiao Xiaobai said lightly, and the corner of her mouth curled up in an arc that was so unclear that she didn't even know what it meant, and said meaningfully: "That's a big flower morning glory."

【as long as you are happy……】

The smiling face, the handsome man and the good wife sighed in their hearts at the same time, casting helpless and gentle eyes at Xiao Xiaobai.



Xiao Xiaobai suddenly slapped the table and shouted: "The big flower morning glory has moved! Look at his posture...could it be a vitality bullet!?"

[My vitality is the fault of your third sister-in-law! That's a fucking gesture of surrender! 】

The smile almost broke his teeth before he could hold back the words that were already on his lips.

Fortunately he held it back...

Because in the next second, the left half of the big screen was suddenly covered by fire and smoke in a roar that could almost shatter people's eardrums. Then people looked at the big flower with his hands raised in confusion. The morning glory appeared in the center of the screen, and a golden [WIN] appeared in front of it!

That’s right!

Game time PM15:44

Brave Yaya, who was not afraid of difficulties, had her life points instantly reduced to zero in an earth-shattering explosion, while Dahua Morning Glory, with full health, won the final game of the quarter-finals of the Inquisition Battle and Individual Competition!

Complete victory——! ! !

At this moment, even the smiling face and the handsome man could hardly control their expressions. If it weren't for the masks and bandages, everyone would probably be able to see the two distorted faces in shock, while the good wife was in the big flower. Qian Niu fell into a state of trance the moment he won, and actually fell into a downtime.

Only Xiao Xiaobai, who seemed to have extreme confidence in Big Flower Morning Glory from beginning to end, still maintained perfect expression management, and said calmly when the entire public space was completely fried by the result of this game: " So, although the commentator must have a relatively objective and fair stance, I still want to give the other seven players a piece of advice——"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone who was watching the live broadcast of the game at this moment subconsciously held their breath and stared intently at the girl who claimed to have a daughter in college, but she looked and sounded like a little sister. , the most unique interpretation of the painting style.

"Watch out for the morning glory!"

With Xiao Xiaobai's last words, a large number of public space partitions were instantly drowned by countless cries of ghosts and wolves, for no other reason than that this was a dramatic and almost full game, and just because everyone's attitude towards the morning glory changed. From 'awe' to 'questioning', and then to 'astonishment' at this moment, as the saying goes, respect the cow, question the cow, understand the cow, and worship the cow. When the game ended, people finally realized that what was on the screen was Those four people were never bragging about the petunia. Instead, they were professional commentators who had clearly seen the power of the petunia before countless others. They started at the stage of "understanding the cow"!

What's ridiculous is that even though the four commentators have tried their best to popularize the science, there are still countless people who think it is completely nonsense, and even have a rebellious mentality, thinking that Dahua Petunia is actually a mid-to-low-end player who is strong on the outside but hard on the inside.

but now! All doubts have disappeared! If you want to ask why, the best proof is that Petunias grandiflora maintained 100% health and stamina until the end of the game!

"Watch out for the morning glory!"

Official explanation Xiao Xiaobai said this.

"Watch out for the morning glory!"

Countless players said this to their friends who love other top eight players.

"Watch out for the morning glory!"

Netizens who were typing their keyboards in all the sections of the official forum of Innocence Boundary and other authoritative forums in the industry such as Quanquan News said so.

All in all, at this moment, almost everyone who pays attention to the debate on guilt is calling the same name in their hearts, mouths or texts - Morning Glory!

So the question is, what did Petunias do to kill their opponents directly from such a terrifying distance?

The answer is... nothing.

Yes, regardless of the messy content outside the field, at least in this game, Petunia Grandiflora really did nothing, and the reason why he raised his hands in the end was exactly the same as Xiaomian's guess. He simply decided to admit defeat after realizing that he had no hope of winning. In fact, if Yaya hadn't exploded, Dahua Petunia might have followed Gu Xiaole's example in the previous round and simply gave in and quit the game.

So the question comes again. Since the morning glory has done nothing, how did Yaya explode?

If we upgrade back to God's perspective, we will find that this problem is actually very easy to explain——

First of all, do you still remember what Yaya did after finding the ideal ambush point and before setting up a sniper with her bow and arrows?

Yes, she laid a bunch of self-defense traps around her.

Secondly, the effect text of its talent [Hunting Goddess's Praise] has this sentence: 'When any of your attacks except traps causes damage to a unit with DEBUFF [Hunter Mark], the effect of your next activated trap will be greatly increased. Improvement is inversely proportional to the distance between you and the target.

Finally, in order to test whether her high-speed movement could trigger the extra hit bonus in the [Ambush] trait, Yaya was afraid that if she repeatedly provoked Brother Niu, he would be directly killed by the latter, so she randomly picked a tree and applied various effects on it. Picking a target, he could mark anything with the [Hunter Mark], and perfectly hit the fire maple tree during the movement.

Then, after combining the above information, some chemical reactions that are popular but not so good for Yaya came into being.

To put it clearly, when Yaya's arrow hit the fire maple tree that was added with the [Hunter's Mark] BUFF, according to its talent [Hunting Goddess's Praise], the next triggered trap had already entered the trap that was about to be destroyed. After the experiment was successful, Yaya continued to move at high speed over a short distance around the ambush point. Due to her adrenaline surge, she didn't pay much attention to the details and stepped on her own trap. Fortunately, the one that survived was an [explosion trap].

Although in most games, people are usually not affected by the traps they cast, it is a pity that Innocence has never been a "most" game. It is actually quite talkative to some extent. Logic, that is to say, since people in reality will fall into pits dug by themselves and be blown away by mines they planted, then there is no reason for these rangers and thieves in the Innocence World to be immune to their own traps, so in Ya After Ya stepped on it, the [Explosion Trap] consisting of a set of metal activation devices, six compressed fire element crystals, two lightning magic crystals, three explosive balls and half a set of goblin primers immediately exploded with her. !

Under normal circumstances, this [Explosive Trap] can probably make high-level thieves, rangers and other professions with average strength and equipment lose about 30% of their health. If they are relatively thick warriors and berserkers, The maximum loss of blood is about 10%. Shield warriors, knights, and paladin professions will only be hindered by the impact, and it is difficult to suffer external injuries.

But considering Yaya's extremely fragile physical condition due to the "Gan of the Hunting Goddess", even with an explosion trap of this ordinary size, she would be blown away at least half of her HP with one kick. If the explosion was a critical hit, she would even be It is possible to be directly damaged by the explosion.

However, things are not that simple. In view of the talent [Praise of the Hunting Goddess], the blasting trap activated by Yaya's kick must be greatly strengthened according to the rules, and the specific magnitude... is related to when the trap is activated. The distance between the person and the activator is inversely proportional.

In other words, the farther away Yaya is from the person who triggered the trap, the lower the extent to which the trap will be strengthened. The closer the distance between Yaya and the person who triggered the trap, the higher the extent to which the trap will be strengthened.

So, please listen to the sub-questions——

It is known that ‘Brave Yaya is not afraid of difficulties’ stepped on the trap set by ‘Brave Yaya is not afraid of difficulties’. Please guess how far away ‘Brave Yaya is not afraid of difficulties’ is from the person who unfortunately stepped on the trap?

The answer is obvious.

So, with the blessing of the above factors, the [Explosion Trap] that was strengthened to the limit directly created a beautiful mushroom cloud to send Yaya away, although the power was not as powerful as Ji Xiaoge's detonator, which was generally understood as a nuclear bomb. It’s comparable, but the visual effects are absolutely magnificent, and the fashion value is fully maximized!

It's just that... this fashion value is directly applied to the morning glory.

There is no other reason. From the perspective of the audience, the whole process of Yaya being exploded is actually very simple. To put it simply, she was running around with her bow and arrow, and then the morning glory suddenly raised her hands, and then At once……


So in the eyes of uninformed people, no matter how you look at it, Brother Niu got tired of Yayana's lack of new ideas and showed no restraint, and then he used some tricks to destroy the latter.

In one word, handsome!

Two words, handsome!

Three words, so handsome!

In addition, Brother Niu was almost expressionless throughout the whole process (excessive tension caused facial muscles to stiffen), and even the moment he killed his opponent, he did not have any emotional fluctuations (he had no idea that Yaya had exploded), Si The commentator's crazy boast (no mistake), as well as its simple, low-key, and restrained appearance (this is really simple), countless people finally admitted in front of this mountain of ironclad evidence that Petunias grandiflora is actually a peerless master. I blindly misunderstood the commentators' sincere words. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, not only has Petunia dahurica directly gained a group of real fans, but the phrase "Beware of Petunia dahurica" ​​has also become the most popular one in the Innocence Circle circle nowadays. The popular sentence spread like a plague in less than ten minutes!


"Ahem, then, with the end of the quarterfinals, our personal battle will gradually reach its climax."

Instead of disconnecting immediately after the game as usual, the reinvigorated smiling face cleared his throat and loudly shouted in a provocative and resonant voice: "Next, let's enter the draw! But before that, , you can take a look at the battle table on the big screen first——"

At the same time, the black screen behind the four commentators suddenly lit up:

[Controversy on guilt·First half of the semi-finals battle]

Night Song/Field Engineer-Neutral Good VS Anonymous/Sword Yama-Chaotic Evil

Awakening Dragon/Fighting Soul-Lawful Neutral VS Cordoba/Agent-Neutral Good

[Controversy on guilt·Second half of the semi-finals battle]

Mourning/Elemental Master - Chaotic Good VS Christina Yuk/Dragon - Neutral Good

Morning Glory/Great Sword Master-Absolute Neutrality VS Anonymous/Evil Plague Master-Chaotic Evil

Chapter 2071: End

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