Quadruple split

Chapter 2074 Tracing the Origin of the Plague


Gu Yanyue hugged Ye Xi's arm tightly and said softly: "It's okay to never experience the taste of health. As long as I think that the child knows how much torture he has endured since he was a child, but he can still smile so happily, I will A bit... ugh, is there really no way to cure her?"

Bai Zhen shook his head and said sternly: "It's impossible. According to my observation, this child's life has begun to countdown. No matter how hard he works to maintain it, I'm afraid it will only last half a year. Even if someone can help her bear the most With expensive drugs, she will only have one year to live at most, and her quality of life will be very bad in the second half of the year.”


Liu Li sighed and sniffed with a little red eyes.

Just when the atmosphere fell into a downturn, only Ji Wutong, who was sitting in front of the commentary desk, looked as usual and said without looking back: "I don't know what you are sentimental about. The child is certainly pitiful, but in this world There are countless children who have suffered worse than her. If each of us wanted to sympathize, we would have nothing to do except huddle in bed and wipe our tears that day."

"That's what I said."

Wan Teng, who looked like a primary school student, frowned and said angrily: "Now that you have encountered someone, you will always want to help, right? If you can't help, what's the problem with being a little frustrated."

"No problem, I just think that this kind of self-satisfaction is not necessary."

Ji Wutong's eyes were a little deeper, and his tone was slightly different than usual: "Since you have really tried your best, let the world continue to turn as it pleases. Perhaps in a sense, we are indeed ' Superman', but Superman is also a 'human being'. No one is qualified to hold us responsible for every tragedy. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This nonsense is an extremely despicable moral kidnapping from the beginning, so I hope you Learn from me.”

Cui Fan twitched the corners of his lips and smiled dryly: "If you don't have morals, you won't be kidnapped, right?"

"Get lost."

Ji Wutong rolled his eyes and hummed: "In short, everyone is a person with capital. It's okay to yell when there is injustice. It's okay to take action when it's time to take action. But if we can't solve it, then we should do whatever we have to do. Relax your mind and don't act like other people's children suffered such a serious crime because of you, and you don't have such a big face."

"You're trying to comfort me though."

Bai Zhen turned to look at Ji Wutong and asked very calmly: "But did you break your guard because you thought about Jiang Dao? I remember she told you something similar back then... I'm sorry, I'm too talkative. "

After Ye Xi, who was calm and quiet most of the time, turned around and looked calmly, Bai Zhen immediately changed his words and apologized, and subconsciously remembered the rare times when his daughter was angry, and couldn't help but shudder again.

"Are you done talking?"

At this moment, Yi Nan, who had just gone offline to coordinate advertising matters, also walked in. After scanning everyone, he said calmly: "Everyone has a rest after chatting. The next game will start soon."

Just like that, soon, only Yi Nan and Ji Wutong in front of the commentary desk were left in the room.


Pulling out a chair and sitting next to Ji Wutong, Yi Nan asked casually.

"Did you hear everything?"

Ji Wutong asked lazily while stroking the sparse stubble on his face.

"No, I'm just asking casually."

Yi Nan shook his head, and then suddenly laughed in a very rare way: "Sure enough, people tend to be sentimental when they get older."

"Fuck you uncle, I will always be eighteen."

"Do you usually get along well with your two daughters and siblings?"


"Let's talk about something else to change your mood."

"Okay, do you still remember the match between Guo Shi Wushuang and Xiao Cui?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"If I'm not wrong, my daughter may have deceived the kid from the Sword Emperor's family before. Her friend who was very good at playing was not called Jet Black Mo."

"Oh, what then?"

"Then, that boy may have been to Academy City with my daughter."

"Oh, what then?"

"It seems they also met the child from the Sword Emperor's family there."

"Oh, what then?"

"Xiao Cui seems to know that bastard named MO."

"Oh, what then?"

"You said that if I treat Xiao Cui to a meal some other time, he should be able to reward me, right? After all, I am his father's friend."

"You are right, although Cui Fan was almost killed by you back then."

"Don't talk nonsense. I just created an opportunity for Miss Tarot to have some heart-warming talk with Cui Fan alone."

"Yes, Cui Fan's heart was almost ripped out by her."

"Stop talking nonsense, anyway, I plan to treat Xiao Cui to a meal."

"Oh, what then?"

"Then ask him about the friend named MO. It's best to investigate that guy's detailed information."

"Oh, what then?"

"Tell him something heartfelt."


at the same time

Public space, Wenqiu’s private room

"I win! Brother Lei!"

The girl who bumped into Gaheres's arms raised her little face with a smile and said happily: "That big sister is stupid! She is no match for Wenqiu!"

Although he didn't think Shuxiang was silly, Gaheres still nodded and agreed obediently: "Yes, yes, Xiao Wenqiu is the best. Congratulations on making it to the quarterfinals."

Wenqiu suddenly smiled brighter when he heard this. Just when he was about to say something, his legs suddenly went limp and he knelt on the ground. Scared, Gaheres quickly leaned over to hug him and said in a panic: " What's going on? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Are you..."

"Ask Qiu if everything is okay."

The girl shook her head vigorously, made a cute face at Gahres, and then struggled out of the latter's arms, walked to the mat next to her and swayed her legs while smiling: "It just happened suddenly. It just hurts a little."

Gahres was stunned for a moment, and then immediately asked: "What does it mean it hurts? Where does it hurt? How much does it hurt? Why does it still hurt in a public space?"

"Oh, Brother Lei, you are so annoying."

Although she looked normal, her face became paler and a layer of fine beads of sweat gradually appeared on her forehead. The girl pouted and complained angrily: "If Wen Qiu says she's fine, she's fine! She's gotten used to it after so many years. , this kind of pain doesn’t feel like anything at all!”

"That can't be done...well...you're right...Brother Lei is a bit nagging."

After all, Gaheres still couldn't tell the whole story. Although he knew that the current situation was absolutely abnormal, and it could even be said that the phenomenon of making players feel painful in a public space was definitely weird, but he had figured out the problem. With Qiu's temper, he knew that he couldn't say any more, otherwise the girl would very likely kick him out of here in anger, so rather than that, it was better to stay with her like this.

[I remember that the game cabin of Innocence Realm should always monitor the player's physical condition. If there is no major problem, it will be disconnected and an alarm will be issued immediately. Although I don't know the principle, it has been almost a year since the server was launched. Nothing has happened to him, so he should be trustworthy...]

While Gaheres comforted himself in this way, he held the girl's hand, trying to give the latter some strength, but in turn, the girl gently scratched her palm and responded with a warm smile——

"Wen Qiu is okay. Including Brother Lei, there are countless people who have been caring and caring for Wen Qiu!"


"But if it is discovered that he has done many bad things, how many people will still like to ask Qiu?"

"at least one."

"Ah, Brother Lei's words are so disgusting! It's a pity that you are not asking for Qiu's food!"

"That's great~"

Game time PM15:21

Public space, Idong’s private room


Yidong turned to look at Mo Tan, who was sitting next to him, holding his arms and saying nothing, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong with you? You've been distracted since you came back."


Mo Tan, who had successfully changed his number and said goodbye to Ji Xiaoge before the start of the game, and followed the latter back to Yidong's private room, opened his mouth. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Yu Chen's expression flustered. Appeared in the main hall in white light.

"Hei Fan!"

The girl who was teleported in immediately ran up to Mo Tan and shouted in panic: "That's... that's...!"

"Ask Qiu."

Mo Tan nodded stiffly, and after Yuchen sat down (Yidong wisely gave up his seat), he spoke again: "You read that right, it's her."

"How could it be her!"

Yu Chen grabbed Mo Tan's wrist with her cold little hands, and her slightly trembling voice was filled with disbelief: "Why is it her? How could it be her?"

"Having said that..."

Gently patting the back of Yuchen's hand, Mo Tan took a deep breath and said in a difficult voice: "But if you think about it carefully, Wenqiu does meet the requirements of the person who caused the incident, and the fact is that until we In the end, they were unsuccessful and failed to catch the real culprit behind the scenes.”

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Ji Lan raised his hand in confusion and said, "What are you two talking about? Can you explain it a little bit?"

Huo Yanyang next to him nodded vigorously and agreed: "That's right! Let's listen to the gossip together!"

In addition to the two of them, Yi Dong, Gu Xiaole and Cordoba all showed thoughtful expressions, as if they had thought of something.

Sure enough, before Mo Tan and Yu Chen could adjust their mood and start explaining, Yi Dong was the first to speak: "What you just talked about couldn't be the plague in Misha County, right?"

Obviously, although he had not experienced it personally, Yidong had already heard from Mo Tan about the catastrophe that happened in a small county on the border of the Holy Land in the Northeast Continent, and immediately made associations with it.

"I even went to help at that time."

Gu Xiaole frowned slightly and said softly: "If I remember correctly, many people should have died at that time."

Cordoba, who participated in the middle and late stages of that battle and returned to the Capital of Light with Mo Tan and Yu Chen after the war, nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "A lot of people died. As far as I know, Almost all the players involved in that battle died in the final stage, and more than half of the NPCs in the joint force also died. Although the civilian casualties had been controlled when I rushed over, I heard that there seemed to be a large number of people before that. Innocent people die. Wait, are you two talking about...

"The [Anonymous] player from the match just now."

Mo Tan looked at the screen that was playing the advertisement with a gloomy face, and said softly: "It was the girl [Wen Qiu] I met somewhere in Misha County. When I met her, the plague had already begun to rage in the county, and For the safety of this child, the local priest asked me to bring her to Saint Xia Lian and her party who came from the City of Light. After that, we continued to move together until we met up with Yu Chen. , and handed the child over to the care of the local church until she left without saying goodbye.”

Yidong took a breath of cold air and said in shock: "Don't tell me that the plague was actually caused by this child!?"

"During that time, I never doubted Wenqiu. The journey of bringing her to meet Yuchen was strangely smooth. I attributed everything to my good luck."

Mo Tan held Yu Chen's increasingly cold hand and smiled bitterly: "But there is no way I could have mistaken that child. The [Anonymous] in the game just now was obviously her. She was on the top of the rankings before the guilt debate started. That 'evil plague master', and the methods she used in the game just now can be directly used as evidence, and this also explains why we have clearly wiped out the plague in Misha County, but we have never caught it. To the one who created the figurines."

Gu Xiaole sighed and said, "Because she has always been protected by you, standing in the sunshine like a harmless human or animal."

"This child..."

Hiran took a sip of soda water to suppress his shock, and said in shock: "How many people have been killed!?"

"If we take action directly, I'm afraid it will only be the Templar who was sent out to protect her."

While Mo Tan carefully recalled all the details at that time, he said with a livid face: "But if you really ask Qiu, the people who died indirectly at her hands...can't be counted at all."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became depressing. Even Huo Yanyang, Jilan and Yidong, who had not experienced Misha County, could still imagine how tragic the situation was a few months ago. After being associated with the lovely, lovely girl just now, a strange and absurd chill passed through everyone's body almost in the blink of an eye.

And half a minute later, Yuchen, who had been hit the hardest just now, was the first to break the silence——

"When I meet her again..."

The girl turned to look at Mo Tan, her tone was soft but firm: "Let's explain the truth to her, and then let her atone for what she did, okay?"

"It is your will, my lord."

"Thank you, Pastor Black Van."

Chapter 2065: End

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