Quadruple split

Chapter 2041 Big Headwind

Relying on the information previously obtained from Leonardo Simon, Xinglong immediately realized that Pep and Creus were the first heirs of the Baroka family and the Hussein family respectively. Unlike Da Bresne, the Crucified Duke whose parents died young, they have not yet taken over the position of head of the family from their elders, but if nothing unexpected happens, as long as their respective fathers die, these two will officially become The leaders of two families.

As for the person in front of us, after a simple elimination, we can conclude that this person is Lionel Marshall. According to the information Leonardo gave before, although this man is not the nominal head of the Marshall family, he is Considering that his father has withdrawn from the background a few years ago and left almost everything to this only son, his actual status is equivalent to that of the talkative person of the Marshall family.

Leonardo Simon, Pep Baroka, Creus Hussein and Lionel Marshall are the closest friends of Emperor Solacha.

In fact, they were the only ones who dared to take the risk of being resented by Linda and Bellica at this moment, and immediately came to help after learning that something had happened to Sola Tea.

"But that help is limited."

Lionel sighed, smiled bitterly and comforted the highland horse that had just driven the two of them here, and said softly: "Considering the attitude of the Hopkins family, Linda's attitude, and your mother from the royal family, The attitude... those two guys can sneak out and cause trouble for you is the limit. If nothing else happens, they will be beaten until they can't get out of bed for at least three days after returning home this time."

Knowing that he must not be polite now, Xinglong nodded and asked bluntly: "What about you?"

"Me? I have a little more freedom here because of my status as the acting head of the family."

Lionel did not hide it, but said bluntly: "Essentially, I am the talker of the Marshall family, so at least for now, no one can restrict or restrain me, and Legally speaking, I am only the acting head of the family after all, so even if I cause any trouble, this identity will be brought to the fore as a matter of course. As long as I tell my father in advance how to deal with myself, most of the trouble can be minimized. .”

Xinglong smiled apologetically: "In this case, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you a little more."

"got used to."

Lionel shrugged and said leisurely: "I don't know how many times I have been troubled by you since I was a child. Although the nature of this time is a little different, but... there is no way, although from a rational point of view I I think that a certain Emperor should indeed receive some small punishment, but from an emotional point of view, I still chose to give tea to my good friend Sola."

"I want to go back to the palace."

Xinglong immediately made his only request.

"Go back to the palace..."

Lionel frowned and asked, "Can the problem be solved by returning to the palace?"

"No, but compared to being caught outside, returning to the palace at least allows me to take the initiative."

Xinglong, who knew very well that he would definitely have a battle with Rebecca in the end, said this categorically, and then calmly waited for the other party's reply.

And Lionel didn't let him wait too long. Two seconds later, the contemporary Marshall family's de facto talker nodded and said seriously: "In that case, okay, I'll send someone now. Contact Pep and Creus and ask them to find ways to support you, and then personally lead a team of people to escort you back to the palace."

"Please do anything."

Xinglong looked gratefully at the man in front of him who didn't look much older than him, but just standing here made him feel very safe. A strange and strange emotion suddenly rose in his heart.

There is no need to go into details about the feeling. As for the reason for the word "strange", it is because Xinglong has always been the central axis and core since his debut. In other words, at least in the Red Constellation Club, its positioning is to give everyone a sense of security. role, so even though he has seniors such as Hanmei and Jiuzhong by his side, Xinglong has never relied on anyone, but strives to do his best and become everyone's strongest support.

But this Lionel Marshall, who has a calm personality, correct outlook on life, and is calm and collected, has a temperament that people like Xinglong want to rely on subconsciously.

[It’s a pity that the current Marshall family...]

Subconsciously recalling the news that he accidentally saw about the Marshall family of the Violet Empire who committed serious crimes such as colluding with cults and selling slaves, and was eventually exterminated, Xinglong suddenly felt a sense of sadness.

"No time to be dazed."

Lionel, who didn't know that the Marshall family was completely extinct, patted Xinglong on the shoulder again and said seriously: "I'm going to make some arrangements now. I'll give you five minutes... no, three minutes to rest, and then We set off immediately, I just received news that Bellica is about to join Linda now."

Naturally, Awakening Dragon would not have any objections to Lionel's arrangements, so when the latter went to arrange the follow-up matters, he once again gave himself a complete set of potion + mixture + magic scroll buffs, and the increase in his own strength would be normal. About 60% of the state was achieved, and then left the mansion with Lionel, surrounded by dozens of elite guards.

However, the next minute after they left the hiding place, Sean Dantis, who was quite accomplished in strategy and tactics and had excellent martial arts skills, locked the position and personally led people to copy it.


Lionel, who was riding his horse at the front, frowned and shouted angrily at Sean Dantes, who was squatting on the eaves of the roadside with a sword and looking down coldly: "How dare you attack the Lord of the Blue Moon?"


Sean first waved his hand to let the Mirror Guards and Flower Thorn Scouts he brought rush forward to fight with the Marshall family's elite, and then he said with a serious face: "Senior Lionel, I have no intention of attacking the emperor, but This is a family matter between His Majesty and Her Majesty Bellica, I think..."

"Back off!"

Lionel directly slashed a silver-refined war spirit at Sean who jumped off the eaves and blocked the two of them, and shouted: "Let them go home to solve the housework!"

"I'm sorry to have to obey."

Sean used his sword without hesitation to offset the opponent's fighting spirit, and said sternly: "Sister Linda also said that she wanted to consult with His Majesty on a few things for verification..."

"You don't deserve it."

Lionel's eyes narrowed, and he jumped directly from his mount, struck Sean's blade with a heavy sword, and said sternly: "I'm warning you Sean, I don't care what Linda wants to do, but If she really dares to commit the following crime and raise the seriousness of this matter from the level of 'household matter' to another level, then don't blame me, the Marshall family, for staying out of the situation when Crossflower was wiped out!"

"It doesn't matter."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Sean's pale face, and he gritted his teeth and said, "The Dantes family will advance with the Cross Flower..."

Boom! ! !

"Shut up, do you know what you are talking about!?"

Lionel glared hard at Sean, who was obviously a little over the top, and while preventing Sean from causing a murder for his family, he turned to the awakening dragon on horseback and shouted: "You go first, Those two guys should be ready to take over, I’ll stop Sean here!”

"Okay, be more careful!"

Xinglong was not polite. Hearing the words, he immediately leaned forward and galloped his horse. In an instant, he left Sean and Lionel who was restraining him behind, and rushed towards the palace at full speed.


Lionel, who turned back to engage in a high-speed sword fight with Sean Dantes, lowered his voice and said sternly: "Are you crazy? Do you know how many pairs of eyes are looking at this place now? Do you know that you If I finish that stupid sentence just now, will it bring much trouble to your Dantès family and the Crossflower family?"

"Shut up!"

Sean gritted his teeth, and the long sword in his hand became faster and faster, and finally turned into a series of flying star-like blade lights to suppress Lionel, who should theoretically be more powerful, and said angrily: " Senior, you have obviously never considered Sister Linda’s mood, why are you talking so nonsense here!”

"what are you saying?"

Lionel frowned, and the mercury war energy flowing on his body suddenly erupted, suppressing Sean's endless sword light, and asked: "What's wrong with Linda?"

"I just hate this about you!"

"Hey, Sean, what are you doing..."

"Stop talking nonsense and look at the sword!"

On the other side, Xinglong, who had less than ten Marshall guards left around him, made a very smooth dash after getting rid of Sean. He passed through several blocks in the blink of an eye, and saw the palace where he could vaguely see it. Two groups of our own!

You don't need to think about it to know that the tall man who puts a huge burden on the crotch mount must be Pep Baroka, and the other one is thin, wearing silver glasses, and even the mask is covered with cloth. The man who was made of high-quality magic pattern cloth could only be Kraius Hussein, who came from a wealthy family that would make him crazy.

Naturally, the reason why they appeared here could only be to escort Xinglong to the palace as arranged by Lionel.

Logically speaking... it should be like this.

【Something's wrong! 】

Almost as soon as he saw the two of them clearly, Xinglong, who realized that both Pep Baroka and Creus Hussein's eyes were a bit cloudy, suddenly looked solemn, and then immediately jumped up, And in the next moment, he watched helplessly as Pep used the giant sword in his hand to split the highland horse Lionel gave him in half.

At the same time, Hussein also pulled out a large number of scrolls from his sleeves under the cover of the blood flying in the sky, and threw them at the awakening dragon in mid-air without explanation.

[Defection? wrong……】

Xinglong immediately set off a burst of [Palm Wind] to push back the scrolls, and then turned his head sharply to look at the tall Pep Baroka, watching helplessly as the somewhat familiar but not very familiar figure slowly walked away. It came out from behind.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Solacha."

Rebecca Hopkins showed an oppressive smile and stared with burning eyes. Not only was she surrounded by the small forces of Baroka and Hussein, but she also had to face Pep, The awakening of the three masters Kraius, Yana and Xiao Miao (Kreus and Xiao Miao are both half): "The game of cat and mouse is over!"

That's right! As one of the two protagonists of this game, it is not without reason that Rebecca did not come to the royal area until now to block the awakening dragon. First of all, there is no trace of Damas, the spiritual body inhabited by Eris's sunglasses. With unreserved help and keeping up with Linda at all times, she first grasped the structure of the Royal District, and then stayed close behind the Awakening Dragon to act with the Flower Thorn Scout. It was not until the other party left the Canal District that she He rushed into the royal area from the other direction, always observing the situation.

In this process, the three families of Baroka, Hussein and Marshall really came to help at the critical moment and rescued the awakening dragon. Unfortunately, what the latter did not expect was that Rebecca soon consumed them one after another. He lost his accumulated three levels of [White Tiger Sitting in the Palace] and was forced to complete the recruitment of Pep Baroka and Creus Hussein. However, Lionel Marshall did not bring the awakening dragon to hide. Instead of going to his own mansion, he ran to an unknown backup place for him to take refuge to avoid Rebecca's forced recruitment.

After that, Rebecca, who had always been in contact with Linda Bresne, made a quick decision and suggested that Sean Dantes lead people to contain Lionel Marshall, while she took Yana and Xiao Meow and others, together with the recruited Baroka and Hussein, intercepted the awakening dragon.

Rebecca knew very well that when her opponent was the Awakening Dragon, she would probably only have one chance, so she did not take action in a hurry. Instead, after careful planning, she chose to take action here which was not far from the palace. Tuqiongdiao saw that he faced Xinglong with the best situation he could theoretically achieve.

A person with qualities that can be recognized by Xinglong as a qualified opponent is definitely not a reckless man who only knows how to fight, unless... that person who only knows how to fight is really, really good at fighting.

It's a pity that Rebecca is not that kind of person, so she took it as a matter of course and implemented all her understanding of the identity of a professional player in this game. She also tried her best in the literal sense, and at this critical moment Node appeared in front of Xinglong with a desperate advantage.

It is true that if Awakening Dragon ran for another ten minutes and delayed Rebecca's [Capture Action] for an hour, the situation between the two parties would be reversed instantly, but in the game, the word 'if' has no meaning. .

But the reality is that Awakening Dragon is almost helpless and blocked by Rebecca at this moment.

Not only that, according to the effect of [Capture Operation], which increases Rebecca's all attributes by 1% every minute, there is no doubt that her rage meter is fully stacked at this moment——

【Very strong! 】

Xinglong took a deep breath, nodded slightly to Rebecca, and then tapped the blade of Pep Baroka's sword with his toes, who had no idea what "mercy" meant when being controlled. Clenching fists, holding breath and concentrating——

[Riding a dragon to ascend to heaven]

Fighting active skills

Requirements for mastering: Possessing the profession [Fighting Soul], unlocking the passive skill [Shape of the Four Saints·Dragon], and having a maximum mental energy value \u003e 2500

Consumption/limits: physical energy value 300, dexterity value 300, mental energy value 300

Effect: Launch a large-scale air blast directly above, causing huge real damage to all units within the skill range, and increasing the effect of your next damaging skill by 50%. Cooling time: 75 minutes

[Remarks: The world's martial arts master Shenglong. 】

Game time AM12:17

[Inquisition and Debate·Personal Battle] Contest-specific map, mirror space S6851-1414

Cang Yue Empire, Imperial Capital Permun, Royal District, Xuanjin Avenue

Queen Bellica's valet Yana Hopkins and Druid Meow under the Crossflower family lost their fighting power at the same time and fell to the ground unconscious.

Chapter 2032: End

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