Quadruple split

Chapter 2030 Hypnosis

Although both Queen Belika and Rebecca are adults, and their ability to accept (and even create) violent and bloody scenes is very good, the scene in the Mirror of Erised belongs to Damas Remedip The conscious body still did not present the subsequent scene, that is, what happened after Solacha said 'kill them all'.

Of course, even if Damas replaced the live scene with a black screen, Rebecca could also imagine that the subsequent development must be that the guy named "Roman" descended from the sky and chopped down the melons and vegetables of the three prisoners. The miscellaneous fish that Emperor Cang Yue personally pronounced a death sentence turned into a few mosaics.

After that, I don’t know whether it was to take care of Rebecca’s emotions, but the Mirror of Erised did not show even a complete and plotful image, but a series of dazzling but not lost cross montages. , one thing said, Rebecca felt that if Damascus Remy Depp was allowed to become an art film director in reality, then his use of lenses and editing rhythm alone would be enough to leave a mark in the history of film and television. Pen.

However, Rebecca's sigh did not last long, because under Damas' superb narrative level, she was quickly dismayed by the fact that the content in the magic mirror was not 'adapted from a true story', but was simply a 'true story'. Attracted.

In the clips that flashed before her eyes, in the rapid and frequent alternation of several plot lines that occurred in different regions at the same time, Rebecca quickly became immersed in the story of "Sora Tea's Derailment". "It's hard to extricate myself from the artwork..."

She saw the elf woman rescued by Sola Tea falling softly to the ground, her eyes red from crying.

She saw that when the two met again a few months later, the elf looked at Sola Cha with an unbreakable admiration in his eyes.

She saw the elf cuddling shyly behind the man, leaning on the latter's shoulder with a reddish complexion.

She saw that Bellica Hopkins, who looked exactly like her, always subconsciously protected her husband behind her, repeating in a voice full of love and tenderness - I will protect you.

She saw the elf who was biting his lower lip muster up the courage to walk up to Sola Cha and rest his head on the latter's chest, making him look like a little bird.

She saw that in the same pavilion, the elf was crying in front of Sola Cha, who was wearing a black imperial robe and a blue moon crown above his head. He finally said goodbye to him with a sad smile and vowed to leave the latter's life.

She saw Xinglong in the study push away Rebecca, who was wearing a gauze-like nightgown with a gleaming gaze, and kept the latter away on the pretext that state affairs were difficult to resolve.

She saw that Xinglong wanted to go to the western border of the empire for inspection on the pretext of being considerate of the people's sentiments. She was told that she would stay in the imperial capital, although she was helpless and reluctant, but she still packed his clothes and luggage for him all night long. Luo Men, Xinglong's personal attendant, gave him all kinds of advice, telling him that His Majesty was of average physique and pampered, and that Brother Luo Men must take good care of him.

She saw that Xinglong who appeared in the Elf Forest did not show consideration for the people's sentiments. Instead, he took Luo Men to an inaccessible wooden house and met the lovely elf woman again.

She saw that the sound was better than the sound because it had been silenced, and that the screen was covered with mosaics.

She saw the awakening dragon holding the reddish-faced elf who was sleeping peacefully in his arms after the storm, and showed a doting smile that he had never shown to Rebecca.

She saw that in addition to the elves, Xinglong soon met a tall and good-looking orc girl who was bullied because of her poor piano playing skills.

She saw that in addition to the orcs, Xinglong also stood up for a certain viscount daughter who was bullied by a big noble at a banquet.

She saw that in addition to the Viscount's daughter, Awakening Dragon also prevented Luo Menger from killing a half-dragon female killer who was suspected to be from the Sun Dynasty. She had undergone hellish training since she was a child and had almost become a puppet.

She saw that in addition to the half-dragon female killer, Xinglong was also hanging out with countless girls of all kinds.

She saw that no matter when, in the series of betrayals in Awakening Dragon, there were scenes of her, but Rebecca's eyes were always full of trust, dependence, love, and longing when she looked at the other person.

It's just that I don't know when it started, but there was a touch of sadness behind these feelings, which was always fleeting.

Rebecca knew that at the time, she didn't know how many times Xinglong had betrayed her, so the source of this sadness could only be the man's increasingly lackluster eyes when he looked at her and the perfunctory words filled between the lines. Bored.

【Did I do something wrong...】

In the picture, Rebecca, or Queen Belika with the image of Rebecca, was leaning against Sola Cha's study. Her always bright and clear eyes were a little dim. She didn't say a word, but she was outside the mirror. Rebecca easily interprets her inner thoughts.

She was questioning whether she had done anything wrong. Even though she felt that her husband in name only was becoming more and more indifferent day by day, she never thought about what was wrong with him, but instead examined what she had done wrong.

At this moment, Rebecca deeply felt how much the woman in the mirror loved that man.

At this moment, Rebecca also realized how humble the love of that stupid woman with low emotional intelligence muttering to herself under the moonlight was.

Unfortunately, she discovered with infinite sadness that at this moment, except for her brother Santos Hopkins, who also seemed not very smart and also served in the Guards, no one stood beside her. around.

After that, Rebecca just stared blankly at the Demon Realm of Eris, watching the awakening dragon repeat his ridiculous things, and continued her sad and cautious love until one night, when she was supposed to go to Luomen. After discussing the funding of the garrison, he finally returned to the palace drunkenly and found some 'traces' that had nothing to do with Luo Men.

Obviously, although Her Majesty the Queen was a little slow, she was not stupid, so she immediately realized what she had discovered and immediately passed out.

However, an epic strong person is an epic strong person. Due to her strong physical fitness, Rebecca was unconscious for less than five minutes before slowly waking up. After that, as usual, she laid the ground for her husband who liked to spend the night in the study. He placed the bed carefully and then stepped out.

Only this time, Rebecca did not sigh lonely in the moonlight, but returned to her bedroom in despair. When one of the most loyal maids, from a branch of the Hopkins family, was sent to her, A girl who worked as a receptionist at the Thieves Guild for a while.

Very clever, very loyal, very diplomatic, very connected.

With only a silhouette outside the window in the demonic realm, Rebecca didn't know exactly what the two talked about. She only knew that in the next shot, the girl brought herself this magic mirror named Eris.

In the mirror, there is the emperor who has left the palace telling a series of lies.

In the mirror, there is the magnificent courtyard of Honghua Club, and the expectant eyes in the attic.

In the mirror, there is a pair of delicate and cute cat ears, a handsome and elegant Xinglong.

In the mirror, the sound has been harmonized, and now the silence is better than the sound. It is a mosaic that is so thick that it is crazy.

In the mirror, there was a huge scandal announcement spread by the Thieves Guild and almost detonating the entire imperial capital.

In the mirror, the tall Roman was hit on the back of the neck with the handle of a knife from behind by a man with the same blond hair as Rebecca and a gloomy expression. He murmured 'Your Majesty...' while rolling his eyes and fell down. Go down.

And the last scene is that although there are no double swords hanging on her waist, but a pair of long swords stuck behind her, the "Double Sword Queen" leads her own bodyguards and the rebel guards all the way from the Imperial City to Honghua. The scene at the entrance of the club.

At this moment, I don’t know whether it’s because Belika and Solacha in all the scenes in the mirror are wearing the skin of [Rebecca/Awakening Dragon], so that the person involved has a strong sense of substitution, or it’s because of this face. The mirror that houses the soul of the great astrologer has the power to confuse people's hearts, or it may be both. In short——

Rebecca Hopkins's [Rage Value] at this moment has reached 90 points, and her own resource [Rage Value] as a mad warrior profession has been directly pushed to 100%.

"Now, although the news was blocked immediately and did not spread outside the imperial capital, the consequences of such a huge scandal are still immeasurable, and we do not mention the big impact, at least as far as your pursuit of His Majesty is concerned. From a personal perspective, it will obviously be much easier than normal.”

Damas, who reappeared on the mirror, smiled and winked at Rebecca, and said softly before the other party spoke: "I know what you want to ask, dear Your Highness, at this moment, your brother, Guardsman Deputy Commander Santos has blocked the back entrance of the Red Flower Club, and your personal attendant, Miss Yana, is leading her men to fight against the poisoned Captain Said who is stationed at the entrance of the club with only a small number of royal guards. , the latter can be subdued within half a minute."

"very good."

Rebecca stood up with a stern expression, casually pulled out a few strips of linen from her luggage and tied the [Eris Alpo] magic mirror to her left forearm like an arm shield, then took a deep breath and slowly He took out his sword and said in a deep voice: "I know what to do."

"Don't be impulsive, Your Highness."

Denis Remedep's somewhat gloating voice of comfort echoed on the mirror.

"Don't teach me how to do things, Damas."

Rebecca, whose eyes were somewhat hollow, said coldly, and while walking towards the front yard of the Red Flower Club surrounded by a large number of guards, she said calmly: "I know it's not a big deal to just watch the excitement. , I also know that you have been trying to influence my spirit from the beginning, and the reason why I didn’t pay attention to it is just because being ‘influenced by you’ is exactly what I want.”


Damas choked immediately.

"If you understand, then do your job."

Rebecca shook her neck, and while quickly adapting to the basic attributes that had been increased by nearly 400%, she said calmly: "Don't underestimate professional players..."

[What is a professional gamer? 】

The elf woman in the mirror twitched the corner of her mouth, but in the end she did not ask the question that she had foreseen would not be answered, but obediently shut up and became quiet.

And Rebecca didn't talk to Damas anymore. She just walked into the front yard silently, then held her breath and swung hard at the tall man who was being beaten by a swift figure——[Raging Glory] cut】

Buzz! ! !

Accompanied by a piercing whistling sound, Said, the leader of the guardian force who was already exhausted, was directly thrown into the air. Although he was not seriously injured due to his strong physical fitness and the adamantine plate armor on his body, he was still hit. Rebecca lost consciousness with this frightening sword blow, and fainted directly after crashing through two walls.


Rebecca, whose eyes were still empty, walked towards the main entrance of the club expressionlessly and said coldly without looking back: "Follow me to pursue His Majesty. Anyone who dares to obstruct me will be killed without mercy."


Led by his personal attendant Yana Hopkins, everyone around them gave firm answers at the top of their lungs, fearing that they would be killed without mercy by the angry Queen.

After all, everyone saw the sword strike by Her Royal Highness the Queen just now. Although Captain Said was at the end of his strength, being able to kill him so lightly can only prove two things -

First of all, His Highness’s epic-level strength is definitely not mixed at all.

Secondly, His Highness is in a very bad mood right now. Even Captain Said, who usually has a good relationship with him, hacked him so cleanly. If any of the short-sighted soldiers dared to disobey the power of heaven, he would probably be hacked to death directly.

The above are the thoughts of the people around her. So, putting these aside, what is Rebecca herself thinking at this moment?

The answer is that Rebecca is now trying not to use her brain as much as possible, but leaving everything to her subconscious mind that has just been subtly influenced... or hypnotized by the astrologer in the magic mirror.

Yes, in view of the fun-loving nature of this generation of Damas Remedip, after she determined that Rebecca was not Belica, she immediately began to exert a subtle influence on the latter, trying to make her confuse 'herself' With the existence of 'Belika', and on the premise that the 'player' has a naturally high resistance to this aspect, this influence is almost impossible to succeed, even if the Solacha couple in the mirror have been tampered with by the system to wake up. With the appearance of Dragon and Rebecca, it is almost impossible for Damas, who is just a consciousness, to influence a player, especially a professional player like Rebecca.


but! !

What if Rebecca did not resist this induction and hypnosis, but instead chose to cooperate to the maximum extent?

The situation immediately changed. After all, it was still hypnosis, and the results of resistance and cooperation of the person being enchanted were basically the same in heaven and on earth.

So the question is, what is the reason for Rebecca to cooperate with Damas?

There is only one truth, and that is—

【Kill Dragon! 】

Chapter 2021: End

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