Quadruple split

Chapter 2027 Drag! stamp!

"His Majesty……"

The gentle, charming and pitiful voice came from behind again, but was interrupted by Xinglong raising his hand without hesitation.

"Are you Mitis?"

While silently activating skills such as [Reinforced Iron Bones], [Qi Shifting Clouds], [Unity of Heaven and Man], [Clear Mind] and other skills, Xinglong turned his head to look at the woman behind him, and met her eyes. He was stunned for a moment.

There is no other reason. In fact, this half-orc woman from the cat tribe, who is dressed in black gauze, has skin as white as fat, has a moon-like appearance, and has a pair of beautiful pointed ears on her head, is so attractive that Xinglong, who has seen her before, is All the beautiful girls couldn't help but froze slightly.

It is true that just the friends in the same club include the gentle and watery legal lolita Kunou, the sunny and cheerful bold girl Hanmei, the angelic face and devilish figure Yin Yue, and the wild charm girl Xue Ran, but wake up Long, however, had never had the slightest thought for any of them. Not only that, he even had no concept of the word 'beauty' because he had been in this state for a long time.

Of course, this does not mean that Xinglong is a freak with no desires, or that he prefers young men to girls, but that although he is a strong-blooded young man with a normal sexual orientation, he... The passion for playing games far exceeds the passion for falling in love.

In other words, maybe during a certain holiday, Hanguang from the same club will try to ask Hanmei out to the amusement park, the pioneer will ride his heavy motorcycle in the downtown area waiting to be approached by a little girl, and the gentleman will go to a certain There are few clubs where normal people would find sexy succubi or witches to discuss life, so if it were Awakening Dragon, he would just take a comfortable bath and then find a game not planned by the club and play it for a few nights!

It is worth mentioning that as long as it is a game, Awakening Dragon is willing to accept all comers. In addition to MMORPG, which he is best at, and MOBA, RTS and FPS, which are most suitable for competitions, he is also interested in card games, music games and turn-based games. , two-dimensional open world games, and fighting games are all involved. Whether it is a stand-alone or online game, as long as he can play it, he loves to play it.

There are even rumors that Awakening Dragon can even play beautiful girl dress-up games and love simulation games. It seems that except for otome games and R18 games, the buddy is involved in all game types, not to mention Plants vs. Plants, which was popular decades ago. Zombies, and even Spider Solitaire, FreeCell and Minesweeper that come with many old computers, he can play with gusto for several nights.

I still remember that after a game interview, a reporter from the Nitan News who wanted to dig up tidbits directly asked the question that made everyone tremble and shine when interviewing Xinglong: "As the best player on the planet, One of the e-sports players, Xinglong player, although you have a large number of loyal fans and close teammates, you still seem to lack a caring confidante who can accompany you as a couple, so what do you have in this regard? Any ideas?”

And Xinglong’s answer is very simple——

"No time."

He looked at the reporter in front of him with a smile and said sincerely: "Although I occasionally envy my friends who have partners around me, and I even received a wedding invitation from a high school classmate last week, but my own words...although it is also very... I want to find a girlfriend, but I’m really too busy, so I really don’t have anything to talk about, but when I have something to talk about, I promise I won’t hide it from everyone on purpose.”

Ever since, with Xinglong's nearly perfect score, no one asked about his emotional state anymore, and his "no time" statement was widely recognized by people. After all, in everyone's eyes, he is self-disciplined and sensible. The Awakening Dragon's ability to achieve such results is naturally inseparable from his hard work, so it really makes sense that he has no time to find a partner.

However, although Xinglong is indeed very self-disciplined and hard-working, this does not mean that he does not have rest time. In fact, although he never plays fish in training, the rest time he leaves for himself is actually not too little. Not only do you have more than five hours of free time to arrange every day, but you also basically don’t practice extra on weekends and holidays, so the saying “no time for love” is nonsense...

‘Because I spend all my spare time playing games, I have no time to fall in love’ is the truth!

To sum up, Xinglong is definitely not a person who will be blinded by beauty, but this time, he was very obviously stunned for a moment in front of this cat tribe half-orc woman named Mitis.

Not because of her beauty, but because of the dependence and love that cannot be concealed or transformed in the latter's eyes.

That is not a flirtatious look that is shown to everyone indiscriminately, but a gaze that belongs to the sweetheart in front of you, and whose love can almost make people melt.

Therefore, Xinglong, who had never been looked at with such eyes before, unconsciously stayed in front of Miss Metis for half a second.


After Mitis was a little confused but still nodded obediently and admitted her identity——

Without hesitation, he raised his right index finger and pointed it between the latter's eyebrows.


The next moment, Mitis only had time to let out a soft cry of confusion before she fell softly onto the huge bed and lost consciousness.

"I'm sorry, but your eyes are a little too heavy for me."

Xinglong touched the tip of his nose with some embarrassment and muttered with a reddish complexion. He rarely showed the appearance of a young boy, causing the fans who were thinking about him in front of the screen to burst into deafening wails.

Of course, the awakening dragon couldn't hear these strange cries, so he just continued to add various buffs to himself, even including [Stoneskin Technique], [Slow Falling Technique], and [Wind Movement Technique] in the form of scrolls. , [Eagle Eye], [Thorn Armor], [Soundproof Barrier], [Arcane Wisdom], and [Giant Strength Potion], [Potential Explosion Potion], [Swift Potion], [Level III] in the form of potions Resistance potion].

Therefore, in less than twenty seconds, the gain effect in the Awakening Dragon character panel has exceeded three rows. It is no exaggeration to say that after this series of actions, its panel attributes have been increased by nearly ten one.

After completing this, Xinglong immediately rushed out of the room. Although he moved very quickly, he did not make a sound.

In this way, twenty-seven seconds after the start of the game, Awakening Dragon officially left Mitis's room, and sent [Warning 5] in the mission, that is, the hidden danger that Queen Belika witnessed in Miss Mitis's room. It's been ruled out.

There is no way, for a professional player like Xinglong who has been specially trained for even just the act of [reading tasks], he realized at the first sight that the effect of [catch an adulterer in bed] is directly fatal to him Yes, after all, most of the opponents who play the role of Queen Belica are not weak. Even if there is a big gap between themselves and themselves, after obtaining 90% damage reduction and each attack will cause damage equal to 9% of their health. After using these two effects of real damage, let alone defeating the opponent head-on, I might not even have a chance to run.

In addition, in view of the DEBUFF that will definitely be eaten after leaving the room [one spring breeze, legs weak for three days], Xinglong was very clear-minded and blessed himself with most of the buffs before leaving. In this way, because he You haven't left the room yet, so the cooldown for these actions is not extended to 60 minutes.


[Starting now is the key point! 】

After rushing out of the room, Xinglong immediately felt dizzy and his face quickly turned pale. Although he could barely maintain his figure, his steps were still very staggering and his legs were swinging uncontrollably.

Obviously, the [spring breeze once, legs weak for three days] in the mission description has taken effect, and when the two basic attributes of strength and physique dropped by 45% in an instant, even though Xinglong was mentally prepared, he still I felt a very strong sense of detachment and experienced a series of negative states that I had never experienced in my life, mainly backache.

However, Awakening Dragon is Awakening Dragon after all. Even if his back aches and his legs are cramped, his dexterity attribute has not been weakened. He is still walking as fast as flying. With ghostly speed, he moves quietly and quickly. Not only did he master this level in a short time structure, and even determined several rough escape routes.

That's right, it's the 'escape route', because from the very beginning, Awakening Dragon never thought of fighting head-on with Rebecca Hopkins, who was playing the Queen of Double Swords Belika in this state.

In other words, he had no intention of completing the mission, which was to 'confront the Queen head-on to strengthen her husband'.

There is no other reason. In Xinglong's view, this so-called special mission is definitely a trap. It looks beautiful, but if you step into it, you will probably die!

It is true that the reward for this special mission is very tempting, even to the point of being unreasonable. You must know that if Xinglong wins this game, then his opponent in the semi-finals will have a high probability of being Ke. Erdoba, and in his opinion, the biggest gap between himself and the opponent lies in the character panels of both parties.

The reward of [Increase all basic attributes by 100% in the semi-finals battle] is undoubtedly the most powerful weapon that can help Awakening Dragon defeat Cordoba.


In Xinglong's estimation, if he was really stupid enough to confront Rebecca head-on, even if he attacked her with a sneak attack after escaping from the club, the final result would probably be to be killed head-on.

There are three reasons——

First, when all skills are given a 60-minute cooling time, if you cannot kill the opponent in a short time, once you let the opponent react, you will be dragged into a protracted battle and you will immediately be at an absolute disadvantage, and there is a risk It is very likely that he will be forced to expose all his trump cards in this game.

Secondly, since you have a mission, the other party probably also has a mission, so you cannot measure the strength gap between the two sides solely from your own perspective. Taking into account the positions of both parties, if you accidentally trigger certain mechanisms on the other side, the situation may become far worse. The situation is more dangerous than what I guessed through the mission.

Third, the weakening of the two basic attributes of physique and strength is too fatal. From Xinglong's point of view, even if he has an overwhelming advantage under normal circumstances, when both parties are at the same level, he will be slashed. It is very likely that the opponent will "defeat ten players with one force", and then the dreamy situation of being instantly killed by Cordoba will be repeated.

Therefore, both rationally and emotionally, Xinglong felt that the special mission was basically a trick to commit suicide. If he wanted to win the game, he still had to return to the palace in the normal process and use that [Five Beasts Aphrodisiac Wine] to lower his base. The negative status of attributes and extending the CD of one's own skills is removed.

It’s difficult and troublesome, but it’s a good challenge!

[If you can't pass this level, beating Cordoba will be a joke. 】

Xinglong took a deep breath, glanced at the system time, and suddenly appeared in front of an orc soldier in military uniform. When the latter's eyes widened and he was about to shout, he cut his neck with his backhand, causing him to fall into the trap. He broke out of the coma state called 'breath-holding' and accelerated his pace towards the second floor.

As of now, the game has only started for less than a minute. Considering the content of the mission description, Xinglong believes that he does not need to hide himself in the next two minutes. After all, the leader of the defenders who is loyal to him will probably It will take three minutes for him to be defeated and captured, and before that, even if he is discovered by the defectors who have infiltrated, it will not cause Said and Luomen to be executed by the angry queen, and he will be burdened with [Brother! No! 】This DEBUFF.

[If nothing else happens, the back door should be on the south side of the first floor! 】

While observing the surrounding building structures, Xinglong ducked around an elf thief who had just come out of the corner like an assassin, and slapped him on the back of the head without looking back, causing him to fall into a deep coma without taking any detours. On the ground to the first floor.

If Ji Xiaoge's sense of direction and space is 95 points and Mo Tan's is 3 points, then Xinglong must have at least 80 points in this area, so not only did he determine the location of the back door in a short time, He even knew where the guards who infiltrated the club probably came from.

So what he has to do now is——

"Where is Santos?"

The awakening dragon hiding in the dark suddenly grabbed a guard soldier from behind who had just climbed in from the window, and said in a deep voice: "Answer me, this is the emperor's order!"

"Why is Your Majesty so sorry to Her Majesty the Queen? Why is it that we are so loyal to you..."

"Answer my question or die here."

"The deputy...the deputy commander is guarding the back door..."

"Very well, let's get some sleep."

Xinglong, who had already entered a decisive state of killing, nodded, then knocked out the warrior with one punch, and continued running towards the back door after a brief hesitation.

Obviously, if possible, he hopes to defeat the defected deputy commander Santos Hopkins and return these powerful guards to his command.

One minute later.

The second before the fighting at the front door suddenly stopped, Xinglong, who could no longer wait, rushed out of the back door and without hesitation kicked the gloomy-looking man in gorgeous armor with a [Feiyanzhe]. middle-aged man.

boom! ! !

With the sudden outbreak of epic-level fighting spirit, the stunned Awakening Dragon was directly stuck in the neck and was violently thrown to the ground, and his health value dropped to 40%.

"How dare you come out!"

The furious Santos pulled Xinglong in front of him, stared at him with splitting eyes, and growled in a deep voice: "Sora Tea! You! How dare you! Come out!!!"

【Lost. 】

Xinglong smiled bitterly and closed his eyes in despair.


"Listen, you poke my eyes hard for a while, and then I will take advantage of the situation and attack indiscriminately to block the brothers of the Guards for you. This will probably last about two minutes..."


"Keep your voice down! What are you talking about? My sister is already mad. If I hadn't reacted quickly and locked up Brother Luomen and pretended to turn against you, the first thing she would have done after finding out about your cheating would have been to follow us around every day. Your Guards sacrificial flag!”


"Listen, your uncle, I can only help you get here. Go back to the palace quickly! As long as you don't get caught, there is room for maneuver in everything!"


"No time! She's coming! Poke me in the eye!"


"Don't be reluctant to do it! Just think of me as repaying the favor you brought me to 'see the world'!"


"Do it!!!"

Chapter 2018: End

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