Quadruple split

Chapter 2020 Little Emotions

"You also think Mu Xuejian is more powerful..."

After receiving the news from his online dating partner, he immediately found an excuse and ran out. Ji Xiaoge, who rushed to the public space as soon as possible, pouted and looked a little depressed.

It can be seen that although she has no desire to win and knows that she and Mu Xuejian are not comparable, she still felt an inexplicable sense of frustration after hearing Mo Tan categorically confirm that the other party was stronger.

But she quickly regained her composure, took Mo Tan's arm and made a face: "Although I didn't think I could beat her at first!"

"Your grades are pretty good now."

Mo Tan gently touched the girl's soft hair with a seductive fragrance. While trying to calm down his mind, he looked around and said: "Starting from the top 16, no game will be easy. Although there are players like you who are more lucky, the difficulty coefficient from this round has entered the next stage, and even under such circumstances, the Mu Xuejian you matched with is considered to be the best."

Ji Xiaoge, who is not particularly sensitive to combat, flapped her wings twice and asked curiously: "You think so highly of her. Is it because of the one in Academy City?"

"There is a large part of the reason, but not entirely."

Mo Tan thought for a while and said with emotion: "Do you still remember the "Sword Outline" she gave me at that time? It is no exaggeration to say that that book helped me even more than the one Lao Jia gave me. The Diesel family's "Knight Development Guide" is even larger. Although it is handwritten and original by Mu Xuejian, a player, the wild ideas and understanding of swords in it can be said to be very fascinating."


Ji Xiaoge hugged Mo Tan's arm subconsciously and tightened, and after a brief silence, she whispered: "It's very 'fascinating'?"

"Yes, this feeling is the same as when I first watched "The Birth of Tragedy". Although I think Mu Xuejian and Nietzsche are not the same type of authors, and the latter is not even an author at all, but I But I can feel the same amount of aesthetics from the "Sword Guide", an aesthetics centered on the 'sword'."

Mo Tan smiled and whispered with admiration: "The pursuit of the relationship between truth and aesthetics always makes me indulge in it unconsciously. To be honest, the reason why I can now understand [Xiao ] has used the sword form to a pretty good level, and even has the ability to make impromptu 'magic changes' when using sword moves. This is mainly because the "Sword Guide" gave me considerable inspiration, so speaking from a subjective point of view , I am really optimistic about Mu Xuejian, and I am not surprised at all that she will achieve good results."

"Well, that's true, though."

Ji Xiaoge pursed her lips, stood up on tiptoes, rested her chin on Mo Tan's shoulder, and asked, "So have you forgotten that her opponent in the next match is me?"

"How can it be."

Mo Tan laughed dumbly, shook his head and said: "I think you are already very powerful, but it's just not easy to compare with her."

Ji Xiaoge raised his eyes and lightly poked the other person's cheek: "Why didn't you just say that I would definitely be beaten flat by her?"


Mo Tan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled: "You don't plan to fight well anyway. Wouldn't it be nice to switch to the role of an audience here in the top 16?"


Ji Xiaoge pouted, suddenly grabbed Mo Tan's hair hard, and muttered: "Who didn't plan to give it a good beating! I never said that!"


Mo Tan was stunned at first, and then realized that although Ji Xiaoge had definitely made the above remarks, the problem was that she had always emphasized that the place where she did not want to continue winning was not in front of herself, but with everyone in the small offline group. They were talking about it together, and they were frightened immediately, and then they immediately changed the subject and talked about something else.

Ji Xiaoge also cooperated very cooperatively while walking around the green belt on the edge of the square with Mo Tan on his arm, while talking to the latter about all kinds of nonsense, looking as silly and happy as ever.

However, since the word 'looks' is used here, it means that even a winged beautiful girl with a cheerful personality and almost no random thoughts, her mood at this moment is not as sunny as she shows. beauty.

As for the reason, it's very simple. It can only be Mo's attitude just now.

Admittedly, Ji Xiaoge didn't think her new online dating partner had any bad thoughts about Mu Xuejian. In fact, having been with someone for nearly a year, she knew very well that 90% of her online dating partners were just innocent. I just admire the works and sword skills of that beautiful sword-crazy girl.

But even so, Ji Xiaoge, who is already very sensible, can only let himself behave as cheerful and lively as usual, trying hard to control his emotions so as not to add extra burden to someone, but his real mood... actually a little bit None are beautiful.

This is all nonsense. Anyone else who listened to his [online dating partner]'s compliments to his girl for nearly three minutes would probably not be happy. To be honest, Ji Xiaoge could maintain his outward cheerfulness at the moment. Mo Tan noticed the clues and was already ahead of most of his love partners. After all, anyone who does this kind of thing has enough reasons to lose his temper.

So here comes the question, why is Mo Tan, who is neither an idiot nor a blockhead, and whose emotional intelligence is absolutely online, and who has not been forcibly reduced to intelligence by some force that is not humane to outsiders, under the current personality that is quite sharp in all aspects? Can you find that you have made a 'gaffe'?

The reason is very simple, that is, although he knows very well that he is 'Mo' at this moment, subconsciously, he does not actually compare the current 'Mo Tan/Mo' with the one he was with everyone in Yidong's private room. 'Ink Tan/Hei Fan' was completely separated.

This is not to blame him. After all, in essence, even if he has different roles and different mental states, up to now, Mo Tan has never regarded himself as 'Hei Fan/Tan Mo/Mo' deep down in his heart. ’, in other words, in his subconscious, he is always [Motan].

Even if he is now under the chaotic neutral personality, he dislikes 'himself' more and more, even if he is under the absolute neutral personality, his mind is full of Yuchen, even if under the current personality, he is dating Ji Xiaoge Juezan online, but This man who has become a scum in the concept of established facts still subconsciously feels that he is [Mo Tan].

And this also leads to the fact that although he will not have any problems in the general direction, he will occasionally make some mistakes that ordinary scum would not make.

For example, it is absolutely impossible for a normal person to declare in front of his girlfriend (even an online girlfriend) that he will definitely lose in the next round without any scruples, and analyze his opponent from an appreciative perspective.

But Mo Tan's side is a bit more subtle, because the first person who said that he definitely couldn't beat or win was actually Ji Xiaoge, and it was Ji Xiaoge who bluntly said that he had neither ambition nor confidence in the ranking, so In this case, he would not subconsciously feel that there was anything wrong with what he just said. After all, in a sense, he was actually following what the other party said. Under this premise, he praised Mu Yibo. Xuejian can even make Ji Xiaoge feel more at ease when he loses.


but! !

Mo Tan ignored one important point, that is, the person who listened to these words was not 'Mo/Mo Tan' at this moment, but 'Hei Fan/Mo Tan' who was regarded as a friend by Ji Xiaoge. In other words , what he just said was definitely not a problem from the perspective of 'Hei Fan', but when it was said by 'Mo', something... was wrong.

Because Ji Xiaoge never told Mo that he had no ambitions for rankings, and even maintained a negative attitude for some reason.

What must be mentioned here is that the so-called 'some reason' is because Ji Xiaoge is afraid that if her ranking is too good, she will hurt 'Mo' who was eliminated early. After all, in her opinion, although many boys don't say anything, , but in fact, I still mind if the person I care about crushes me in the field that I am good at, and taking the initiative to let go is the taboo among taboos!

Although Mo Tan didn't care in his current mental state, Ji Xiaoge still never mentioned that he had a 'negative' attitude towards the game in order to take care of his self-esteem.

Ever since, based on the above circumstances, although both of them had good intentions, in the end, Mo Tan still had a unclear self-positioning relationship in such small details, which made Ji Xiaoge a little hurt.

There is a saying. In many cases, the saying that "falling in love makes people stupid" is actually biased. If explained from a relatively more objective perspective, in fact, the so-called "making people stupid" is mainly because each other has the same characteristics. Too many worries and too easy to overthink, which can complicate some simple things.

Just like now, it is clear that neither Mo Tan nor Ji Xiaoge is stupid, but things have become subtly complicated, and this complexity is still unilaterally complicated on Ji Xiaoge's side. After all, someone who has no consciousness at all can't I know that I am not happy because I have caused trouble to others.

After that, the two of them strolled together for about 20 minutes. Then Ji Xiaoge said that he had received a call from his sister and wanted to leave first. Mo Tan, who had originally planned to change his number and go back to watch the game, naturally had no objection. So he nodded happily and let Ji Xiaoge get off first.

Notice! Here is another question!

First of all, for Mo Tan, although he was a little reluctant to leave the other party, but considering that he would go to the same place to watch the game soon, he immediately felt relieved, so he said to Ji Xiaoge, "I'll go first." The reaction to the sentence was very natural, and the phrase 'go, go, go' was said without hesitation.

However, in Ji Xiaoge's eyes, the situation was that the two of them finally got tired of being together for less than half an hour, but when he reluctantly said that he wanted to leave, the other party agreed so happily that it seemed like there was no It doesn't matter if I accompany you alone.

Of course, the above-mentioned emotion is actually just a vague 'tendency'. Although it looks serious when converted into words, in the heart of the person involved, it is just a little uncomfortable. After all, Ji Xiaoge really understands Mo Tan, I know very well that even if the other person is reluctant to let go, he will show it because he doesn't want to make it difficult for him.

As for Mo Tan, it can only be said that if he is just 'mo', even if he doesn't want to make things difficult for Ji Xiaoge, he can't completely hide his desire to stay with the other party for a while, but he is not just 'mo' but In the case of 'Mo Tan', because he has the hope of 'seeing her again soon', Mo Tan can completely conceal the reluctance and loss in his heart at this moment.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoge, who was originally a little unhappy, felt another layer of minor unhappiness after the two separated.

But even so, she never thought about losing her temper with the other party. After all, apart from being a little irrational in cooking, Ji Xiaoge has always been a very 'sensible' good child, although she is not as understanding as Yu Chen. There is a slight difference between Renyi and Gu Xiaole in their tolerant and easy-going attitude, but they will never do anything that she considers to be 'unreasonable'.

And this good quality is not actually an 'advantage' in some situations, because suppressing one's emotions is never the best way to solve problems. Even if time can bring relief in most cases, at least relief During the period before, these negative emotions were actually quite influential.

Game time AM10:37

Public space, Idong’s private room


Ji Xiaoge appeared in front of everyone in a burst of white light. He smiled happily and said to everyone who turned their attention to him for the first time: "I suddenly felt a little nervous."

Hirano smacked his lips, shook his head and said, "Stop it, didn't you say before that you can't advance even if you beat me to death? There's nothing to be nervous about if you're looking forward to losing the game."

"Ahem, I just suddenly felt that I've reached this point, and it's not impossible to struggle a little longer."

Ji Xiaoge shook his wings, spread his hands and said, "Then I suddenly realized that I didn't have much capital to struggle, so I started to get nervous."

Huo Yanyang frowned and asked curiously: "Shouldn't that be called 'despair'?"


Gu Xiaole slapped Huo Yanyang on the head and said angrily: "If you can't speak, don't speak!"


Mo Tan, who had changed his number first and came back, looked at Ji Xiaoge with some curiosity and asked, "Where is Xiaodao?"

"Xiao Dao?"

Ji Xiaoge blinked in confusion and said, "Didn't I say before that Xiaodao had something to do and couldn't come today? Ah! Mo Tan, are you trying to take advantage of Chen Chen's absence to attack my sister..."

"Stop it!"

Mo Tan, who was originally a little curious as to why Ji Xiaoge's words were inconsistent with each other, suddenly shuddered and said seriously: "I just think that as a sister, she should come and watch the game."

"Haha, what's there to see? Anyway, I will definitely be killed by the super handsome and powerful female warrior Mu Xuejian. Watching me compete is not enough to waste time."


"What's wrong? What did I say wrong?"


Chapter 2011: End

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