Quadruple split

Chapter 201 Conducting electricity

Mo Tan had no intention of obeying Taylor's command from the beginning, because he knew that although the bearded paladin was not too rigid in his thinking, but he was indeed somewhat rigid, he would definitely let everyone cover the retreat of the villagers at this time, and he himself Then he will take the other three people to stay in the rear, and finally wait until Mo Tan and the others are almost out of the danger range with the villagers before they open a big blow or explode on their own. They will either die with those mutants or try to die with those mutants. His last words should be to tell the remaining three knights to run fast. If there is plenty of time, they may reminisce about their sorrows and sweet memories, and in a trance, they see their childhood sweethearts/youth crush and close their eyes with satisfaction...

If it were such a routine, it could at least last about a chapter and a half.

But it is a pity that although Taylor does intend to follow the above-mentioned plot direction, Mo Tan does not seem to intend to make those plots become reality.

So he fell out whenever he wanted. Not only did he not fully obey Taylor's command as promised in advance and obediently lead people to organize an evacuation, he even let the guys he brought out join the battle!

This team is composed of two shamans, two rangers, a thief, a druid, two warriors and two mages. They are all low-level professionals who helped defend Mida City before. Led by Druid Eman Heiye, everyone has a good relationship with Mo Tan.

The reason why these people are willing to obey Mo Tan instead of Taylor's command is related to the two previous training battles...

Lord Sol only issued a recruitment revelation, but did not plan to intervene too much in the future. Therefore, in addition to the civilians who were being trained by the paladins in the city, the remaining low-level professionals and the escort team led by Captain Kahn Mo Tan was temporarily in charge, which was also the latter's request.

If the situation does become extremely pessimistic, then these low-level professionals who have not been added to the blockade may become one of the main forces in Misha County in the future. It is based on this idea that Mo Tan wants to Lian wanted to get to know these people as much as possible before returning.

So, even though he spent most of his online time every day as a stake, Mo Tan still took part of his time to do some research in the newly built camp outside Mida City. To put it simply, he just randomly found A group of people asked them to beat each other to see how strong they were, and he temporarily joined one of the sides during the two training sessions...

With his strong observation and analysis skills, he quickly grasped the average strength of this group of people. It was probably slightly weaker than the previous Fenrir team, but it was not a big problem for each person to deal with one or two mutants.

In addition, Mo Tan also helped the side he joined easily beat the other side, and then in turn helped the other side beat back.

Having already built up confidence in his current self and without the slightest psychological burden, Mo Tan made full use of his own characteristics and made everyone on his side perform at nearly 200%. The effect of this attack, while simultaneously resolving all the offensive attacks from the opposite side, sounds particularly fantasy.

But he can indeed do this, make up for any possible shortcomings, bring out the strengths and strengths of everyone around him, interpret the current situation as quickly as possible and come up with ways to deal with it. This kind of thing is very important to the current situation. It is simply an instinct for Mo Tan of 'Black Brahma'.

This is something he couldn't do under the other two personalities.

What Mo Tan needs to do is just to use this instinct in the right situation, just like what he did before in Fenrir Team...

The ten people around him were all participants in the training wars he organized before. They didn't have absolute, but at least sufficient trust in Mo Tan.

【that's enough! 】

Mo Tan looked at the group of mutants not far away, at least most of whom were soaked by the torrent and showers, and lightly snapped his fingers: "Mircha, Tirion, electrify them~"

"Okay, Mr. Black Van!" The wild boar shaman belonging to the ethnic minority summoned a dark purple totem pole and shouted loudly: "Thunder spirit sleeping above the clouds, please listen to my call and come~ "

The totem pole on the ground suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning and shot straight to the sky. In an instant, it disappeared into the dark clouds that had been entrenched in the sky for more than half a month.

The half-orc shaman named Tirion Windfury chuckled, closed his hands heavily, and in the next second pulled out several dazzling blue lights from his palms, waving hard at the mutants. Go: "Tick my Yang Ming Beast's flaming red lips!"

[What kind of lips does Yang call? 】

Mo Tan glanced at Tirion in surprise, but didn't say much, because the chain of lightning that kept flashing blue arc light had already touched the first mutant, and at the same time, a bright purple Thunderbolts also crashed down from the clouds, hitting the monster that Mo Tan singled out!

Futaba once told Mo Tan through a friend's message that the thunder summoned by supernatural power is more powerful than ordinary lightning. In the same way, the water element summoned by magic is naturally purer than ordinary water flow, and at the same time, it is incredible that it has almost Non-attenuating electrical conductivity.

That smart girl seems to have started studying mixed magic...

"Although they have lost their mind, pain and even souls, their vitality is many times stronger than before." Mo Tan looked at the mutants who were paralyzed in place not far away, and said softly: "But these mutants After all, they are still human beings, and even if they will not be chopped to death, frozen to death, or burned to death, they will still be paralyzed by lightning, slowed down by cold, and of course they will be burned by fire."

A female elf warrior with a big sword on her shoulder came forward and stood in front of Mo Tan with a heroic appearance: "Hey, when can I rush up and kill people?"

"There's no rush yet." Mo Tan shook his head, calculated the time silently in his mind, opened the holy book, used the extreme casting distance to apply the enhanced holy healing spell on a bruised paladin, and charged Tai. Luo shouted: "After the next round of electric shocks, you have about five seconds to run over and get ready."

Most of the mutants were convulsed by the electricity. Although they had completely lost their sense of pain, it did not mean that they were immune to various abnormal conditions. Therefore, the pressure on the four paladins who were deeply trapped in the enemy's formation suddenly decreased, and they finally obtained A moment of respite.

Taro may be able to kill a dozen mutants by himself, and the other three paladins can easily deal with two or three of them each, but this does not mean that together they can kill thirty or forty mutants at the same time. The number A complete disadvantage will greatly offset personal strength, not to mention these knights are still fighting on foot!

The setting of Innocence is different from that of many games. Although it sounds a bit strange, it is indeed closer to the real world.

It is absolutely impossible for the knights in this game, no matter what kind of knights they are, to be stronger off the mount than on the mount. This can be seen from Mo Tan's game experience as 'Mo'. As a knight, he only has a bunch of sheep to ride, which is much better than fighting on foot!

Not to mention Tyro and the others. Not only are they unable to use any knightly skills while fighting on foot, but the heavy plate armor on their bodies is also increasing their physical consumption like crazy. In addition, they have limited space to move due to facing a large number of enemies at the same time. For other reasons, the situation has reached its extreme.

But this does not mean that Taylor believes that Mo Tan and others can turn the situation around.

Mo Tan also knew this, so he added loudly: "There are sixty-three mutants in total. You can't hold on until everyone is out of danger. Believe me, Lord Taylor, I have a way! In the name of the goddess!"

"Okay." Tyro chopped off a mutant's head with force. After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said to the three people around him: "Brothers, get ready, let's rush back."

Now he also discovered the same problem as Mo Tan, and realized that even if he and the other three paladins risked their lives, they would not be able to hold on until everyone was away from the threat. In addition, the conductive offensive set by the opponent just now was indeed quite effective. As a result, I made up my mind.

Mo Tan smiled slightly, then turned to the two shamans in the team and said, "Those guys are about to recover, let's give them another shot."

"The spirit of the ancestors~"

"The flaming red lips of Yang Miao Beast!"

Crackling! !

The mutants whose paralysis had not completely faded suddenly began to twitch again!

The three of them, Tyro, waved their cross swords desperately and fought back from the mutant team's attack.

"Rangers and mages are ready to assist. The second paralysis effect should not be better than before!" Mo Tan reminded loudly, and then asked the elf girl who had just ran back from a distance: "Have the villagers settled down?"

Trainee thief Elsa Qingfeng nodded: "Everyone has gathered at the entrance of the village. I checked and there are no other mutants wandering around except here."

Mo Tan nodded slightly: "Thank you for your hard work. You and Tirion go to the road on the right, set up a deceleration trap and an earth-binding totem, and then come back as soon as possible."

As soon as he finished speaking, those mutants who had completely gotten rid of their paralysis had already turned around and came to kill them. The previous two rounds of attacks did not cause too many casualties to these monsters. They were seen chasing the four of Tyro with their hands and feet while roaring. People, the first few had already closed the distance to within two meters in an instant.

"Go quickly." Mo Tan whispered to Elsa and the two shamans, and shouted loudly: "The ranger continues to contain the situation, the mage and others follow me, the warrior goes to the back, Mr. Taylor, this way!"

Then he took the lead and turned into a path next to the alchemy workshop, followed closely by Luna and others...

"Luna?" Mo Tan looked at the girl trotting next to him in surprise, and asked in shock: "Why didn't you go with the other villagers just now!?"

The other party glanced at him and replied leisurely: "Well, I forgot..."

"Okay, then you just follow." Mo Tan shrugged with a wry smile, and then stopped at the end of the trail. Behind them, the two warriors in the team had already fought against the monsters with the Paladin. .

However, they were not suppressed very hard this time. For no other reason than this small road with houses on both sides is really narrow. It is already the limit to accommodate three adult men standing side by side at the same time. If it is Cordoba A maximum of two of those large ones can stand at the same time. Of course, if he turns into a kobold, he should be able to hold about five...

Anyway, this is the first stop!

About half a minute later, the four paladins finally met everyone at the end of the path.

Under Mo Tan's arrangement, Taylor and the two intact warriors in the team blocked the road and fought with the first few mutants. The rangers who climbed to the roofs on both sides continued to output firepower downwards, while the rangers who were also long-range professionals The two mages used water magic to work with Mo Tan to restore the injuries of the other three paladins.

The scene seems to have stabilized...

[But this is only temporary, and this place cannot last long. 】

Mo Tan looked at the crumbling wooden houses on both sides that were gradually being attacked by mutants. He frowned slightly, put a law shield on Taylor, and then began to look around.

In this case, detailed command does not have much effect, so he needs more similar terrain to reduce the number of mutants, but right now, the most 'bustling' place in the village does not even have many such trails. There are only a handful of buildings.

"Miss Luna." Mo Tan, who looked around to no avail, scratched his hair and looked at the man squatting next to him in a daze.

The ‘local’ asked: “Is there any other narrow space similar to this place in the village?”

Luna looked up at him, shook her head slowly and said, "I don't remember, but there probably isn't... because there are many places where we can build houses for everyone... Well, there may be, but I must have forgotten it."

"Uh, okay, thank you." Mo Tan shrugged, then looked back at Taylor, whose physical condition seemed not to be optimistic, and used several of the healing spells that had just been cooled down on the other three paladins. Then he asked loudly: "How many have been solved?"

The female elf warrior from before used her giant sword to cut off the claws of a mutant: "Two! There will be three soon! These zombies are more resistant to being beaten than my son!"

"Thank you for your hard work, but don't retreat! Please hold on until the two houses next to you collapse." Mo Tan said in a deep voice, and then checked the surrounding environment again, thinking about what else could be done. Continue to use the terrain to kill the position.

Emang, who had turned into a human again at some point, leaned over to help a paladin apply some medicine, then turned to Mo Tan and whispered: "Let Mr. Taylor withdraw and recover, I will fill his position. "

"Taylor?" Mo Tan glanced at Taylor, who was covered in blood and had been bitten with at least a dozen wounds in the previous chaos, and shook his head seriously...



"Yeah, it just doesn't work."

Chapter 198: End

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