Quadruple split

Chapter 1995 Thirty-Two Strong

Game time PM14:49

The Boundary of Innocence, Public Space No. 007

"Ugh, my neck..."

Although he could no longer feel the pain, Gu Xiaole, who had defeated his opponent and left the competition space, still shivered with lingering fear. He covered his slender, fair and beautiful neck and muttered: "I can only say that it is fortunate that we are in a public space. This If it were in a game, it would be impossible for me to regain control of my body, ah no, I didn't regain it just now."

After muttering this, Gu Xiaole suddenly became dejected. The reason was very simple. Since he failed to regain control of his body from the Samurai Soul in the [Nine Yangs Tonghui] situation, then if he was placed under normal circumstances without In the Realm of Sin, it can basically be said that unless Samurai Soul gets tired of playing, it is completely impossible for her to regain control of the role of "The Great Onmyoji Gu Xiaole".

And in this case, based on Samurai Soul's performance just now, Gu Xiaole can swear that if Samurai Soul is allowed to do whatever he wants, his body will be tortured to death in ten minutes at most. Take the example just now, even though Samurai Soul himself does not The concept of "pain", but when it tilted the body's neck more than ninety degrees, Gu Xiaole found that he had begun to bleed while in severe pain.

[Until my strength improves further, don’t even think about ‘possession and body merging’. And even if I become stronger, my Samurai Soul will theoretically become stronger along with it, alas. 】

Sighing silently, Gu Xiaole shrugged unmotivatedly, feeling a little exhausted.

To be honest, she actually doesn’t attach much importance to her achievements in the [Inquisition]. A small part of the reason is that this girl has a rather Buddhist personality. Not only is she very open-minded, but she also has no vanity; as for the decisiveness The reason is that she does not need the rewards that many powerful players yearn for, namely - [Epic Career Quest Clues] and [Epic Career Quest].

If you want to ask why, we can only say that Gu Xiaole has a huge advantage over other players, that is, her profession is [Onmyoji] in the game, but she also happens to be an [Onmyoji] in reality. Not only that, Her aunt is still the strongest onmyoji on the planet, and her biological father is the patriarch of the strongest onmyoji family.

And what does this mean?

Let's put it this way, everyone is familiar with Futaba. She is one of those people who is no worse than Gu Xiaole in terms of talent, understanding or intelligence, but she especially hopes to get the [Epic Level Career Quest Clues] or the [Epic Level Career Task], if you want to ask why, the most fundamental reason is that Futaba can be a psychology master, mathematics master, computer master, and hacker master in reality, but she... really doesn't understand magic.

The same is true for Awakening Dragon. It is true that this strongest professional player is very good in all aspects. He can be said to be in the hall and in the kitchen. His English is also very good. His physical fitness is better than that of Han Guang, Pioneer and Gentleman. Too many, but even so, he couldn't even beat Hanmei in reality, so naturally he didn't know where the epic direction of the [Fighting Soul] profession was.

But Gu Xiaole is different!

Although her strength in the game is comparable to her strength outside the game, she is a well-established Onmyoji who has been receiving professional training since she was a child. Therefore, although she will also face bottlenecks, that is But it's more like a 'Bottleneck for the locals of Innocence' than a 'Bottleneck for Players'.

That's right, although 'players' have always enjoyed special treatment in this game, and there is even a [chat] system that can have an impact on the world view (bags can be replaced by space equipment), from nothing to the peak of high-level This process is several times or even dozens of times faster than ordinary NPCs, but what few people know is that in the process of going from [high-level peak] to [epic], players actually have a huge disadvantage compared to NPCs. .

Of course, the company will not mention this detail, and it is difficult for ordinary players who have only been in the game for more than half a year to notice it. However, in fact, the technical departments of a small number of clubs and studios have noticed the clues, but they This matter has not been made public. On the one hand, judging from what Innocence Company has done in the past six months, it is absolutely impossible for them to give players any 'explanation' on this matter; on the other hand, this Although this situation will narrow the gap in strength between ordinary players and their own professional players, things like [card level] are actually very helpful for the 'business' of these clubs and studios.

To give a simple example, many clubs and studios have the ability to mass-produce the equipment, weapons and even tasks that high-level players need. Companies such as Broken Wind Bird and Changban that place more emphasis on business have even built several complete assembly lines. , but if everyone can easily ascend to the epic level, then clubs and studios may not be able to ship large quantities of the things that epic level powerhouses need, and even if they can still achieve mass production, including but not limited to raw materials The troubles will also seriously affect its income, and cost-effective tasks that match epic-level powerhouses are very rare, and there is almost no possibility of mass production and customization. Therefore, after a comprehensive analysis, this situation is more in line with commercial value.

To sum up, for players who have not grown up in the world of innocence and have not experienced actual training, it is really difficult to climb to the peak of 'epic'. After all, even Futaba It is difficult for such extremely talented people to use their talents to offset the "worldview gap" problem. You can naturally imagine how difficult it is for everyone to truly break through to the epic level.

But Gu Xiaole, who can be temporarily classified as a 'Superman' outside the game, does not have such obstacles. In other words, as long as Gu Xiaole's hard power is enough, she can enter the epic realm at any time. To exaggerate, even now In fact, she could also use some secret method to directly upgrade herself, but considering which method would seriously affect the upper limit of the role of 'Gu Xiaole', she decided to take it one step at a time and ascend to the epic level in a perfect manner.

"But now it's almost completely stagnant..."

Gu Xiaole dropped his shoulders feebly and muttered: "The next step is to sharpen the body in all directions by letting the Samurai Soul possess me, and expand the spiritual power nodes from three to at least six. But my Samurai Soul... After the possession, I Can I still be alive? Ahhhhh, when dad said I might get stuck here, I still didn’t believe it, but the Samurai Shodown outside is still missing. I’ve been taught how to be a human being in the game, damn it!”

Since Gu Xiaole specifically chose a sparsely populated place to vent her complaints, the rest of the crowd didn't notice her complaints. She continued to complain angrily for five minutes before closing her mouth due to lack of oxygen and calming down. It took a while to catch my breath.

"If it really doesn't work, I can only ask my uncle. Hey, my stinky daddy is so annoying. He doesn't allow me to ask for help when he can't come up with a solution. He clearly regards his uncle as his idol behind his back, but he still has to do it in front of his daughter. If you want that face, you are the only one who calls me sweet as a brother-in-law when I am on the phone."

Gu Xiaole rolled his eyes and decided to ask his uncle, who could let his natal ghost hold a shareholders' meeting on his behalf for liver gaming activities, some other time. After that, his mood suddenly improved. After stretching his body, he stood up from the lawn refreshed. : "Okay! Go back and say hello to everyone and log out. Today is the 20th anniversary of [Wild Rose Garden]. You have to download the game early and queue up to buy the anniversary figures. This year's limited promotion is our destiny [ Major], even if I die, I will have to take husband No. 7 home!"

Having said that, Gu Xiaole stopped delaying and directly chose to teleport back to Yidong's private room.


"The blood-stained players, it feels a bit difficult to handle."

As soon as she returned to the room, Gu Xiaole heard her aunt's voice. She turned to look at the big screen and found that her aunt, whose pseudonym was "Beauty", was indeed at the commentary table, and next to her was a petite girl. Although the woman had pulled the high collar of her black woolen sweater close to the bridge of her nose, revealing only a pair of beautiful black eyes that seemed to be embedded with silver cross stars, she could still tell that she was a beautiful woman with very good looks.

But Gu Xiaole's focus is not on how beautiful the other person is, but on the other person's identity.

[Spirit Controller Ye Xi, the mother of Xiaoge and Xiaodao, my aunt's best friend, a woman who once penetrated the first seventeen levels of the underworld on her own, well, she seems to be very gentle and virtuous, and her father The description is completely different. 】

Gu Xiaole frowned, then walked briskly to sit between Yi Dong and Mo Tan, put a pair of long legs on his younger brother's knees and asked cheerfully: "Is this Lan Jiang's game?"

"Don't you have eyes yourself..."

Yidong pushed his cousin's legs away with a look of disgust and said while staring at the screen: "Hurry up and watch the game. Let me tell you, that kid Kang Lan seems to be cheating. He is already suppressing the girl opposite. Ten minutes!”


He quickly turned around and tried to put his legs on Mo Tan's knees, but after getting a sweet smile from Yu Chen, he honestly crossed his legs and did it. Gu Xiaole, who was looking at the screen intently, asked curiously: "Why? ah?"

"See for yourself."

Yi Dong rolled his eyes and curled his lips.

At the same time, the [Beauty] sitting in the commentary box on the screen also spoke again. She was seen holding her companion's arm seriously and speaking quickly: "Look, look, look! How many times has this happened? Well, player Hiran once again dodged a sudden advance from player Xue Ran. Not only was he not injured at all, but he even further widened the distance between the two sides. What do you think, Xiaoxian?"

The woman known as Xiaoxian tilted her head and thought for a while, then replied with a very pleasant and soft voice: "I think this can no longer be described as luck. Player Hiran gives me the feeling that he has already I have studied the Bloodstained players for many years, and I know everything about the opponent’s fighting style and attack rhythm, and I have even completely mastered their thinking patterns.”

"That's it."

The beauty touched her chin and guessed: "Could it be that Player Hiran is a fan of Player Bloodstain, so that's why he knows her so well?"

"It's possible. After all, Bloodstained Players seem to be very popular."

Xiaoxian smiled, clapped his hands and said, "If this is the case, player Hiran must be very happy to be matched with a player that he likes so much."

The beauty chuckled and shrugged: "Player Hiran may be very happy, but the mood of the bloody player may not be very beautiful. Although she was calm at the beginning, her attacks have now It’s starting to lose its structure, and it’s obviously a sign of urgency.”

"I don't think so."

As a result, her partner shook his head and said softly: "The Bloodstained Player is a professional player. I don't think she will lose her cool so easily. If I want to say it, she may have done the same thing as me. My guess is that player Hirarashi may have studied himself in all aspects, so he fought seemingly unstructured in an attempt to disrupt player Hirarashi's rhythm."

The beauty suddenly understood and exclaimed softly: "Wow, so there is such an explanation! But the blood-stained players' attacks without any structure, it seems... they don't work."

"Yes, Hirarashi player still skillfully uses his body skills as if he can read the blood-stained player's thoughts."

"Tsk, no matter how powerful the berserker is, he still can't outrun the ranger."

"So the most important thing here is to predict the opponent's actions, but..."

"The Xueran player who has the greatest need for prediction was completely defeated by Hiran in terms of prediction."

"If this continues, the situation of blood-stained players will be very bad."

"That's right, although the lower the blood volume of the berserker professional system, the stronger the combat effectiveness, but player Hiran's health value is still more than 80%. On the other hand, player Xueshen, after replenishing his health value three times through potions, Now the blood volume is only less than 40%."

"Next, it's time to decide life or death."


"Speaking of which, we have seen that beauty before."

Gu Xiaole, who actually didn't care much about the game itself, turned to look at Mo Tan and asked curiously: "So the one next to him is the other commentator from Group B?"


Mo Tan nodded and replied distractedly while paying attention to the unfolding: "The commentator next to me who is partnered with the beautiful woman is called 'Good Wife', but the former felt that calling it like this might make others misunderstand that the two of them are Lily, so they called them My partner is Xiaoxian.”

"A good wife is okay..."

Gu Xiaole vomited in his heart, and then they both looked up at the screen and sighed: "Lan Jiang is really amazing. Isn't this just showing off other people's underwear?"

"Who says it isn't?"

"Ah, that Xue Ran has used his ultimate move, Lan Jiang..."

"I dodged it, and I dodged it in advance, tsk tsk."

"Tsk, tsk."

【Inquiry into Crime Debate】Last Round of the Second Day

[Hirashi - Neutral Good] advanced to the top 8 of Group B, ranking among the 32 strongest players in individual battles.

[Bloodstained - Chaotic Neutral] was eliminated miserably. So far, the two strongest clubs in the industry, Red Constellation and Broken Wind Bird, only have one main player left who has not been eliminated.

At this point, all of Mo Tan's acquaintances have completed the game.

Thirty minutes later, all the games on the second day of the [Battle of Inquisition] came to an end, and the top thirty-two players were finally announced. The top eight players in each of the four groups A/B/C/D are——

Chapter 1986: End


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