Quadruple split

Chapter 199 A solvable situation

Tony is not the only person who has come to Mida City to rescue these days. In fact, Taylor's paladins have rescued more than 500 people so far, most of whom are civilians from surrounding villages and towns. There are many similar situations in Bazi Village.

There were those who sent advance personnel to the city to report the news during the escape, and there were also those who were promoted by Saint Xia Lian during the eradication of mutants. The situation of the former group was generally the same as that of Teacher Tony, while the other group of people were informed by Xia Lian Knowing the cause of the mutants, they went to Mida City in an organized way. The latter was usually followed by three paladins. One of them set off first to deliver the news to the city, and the remaining two were responsible for guarding. The two had something in common. They all need support or coordination, so Taylor has been sending people out since two days ago...

Groups of refugees were continuously brought into the city, and the Paladins, in addition to the thirty permanent defenders, took turns rushing to various places around Mida City to provide support. In order to ensure the combat effectiveness in the face of the mutants, Taylor Knights are usually allowed to operate in groups of ten, and the facts have proven that this plan is correct, because mutants pose too great a threat to civilians, so whether they are those wandering around or suddenly transforming during the migration process All these put a lot of pressure on the knights. Sometimes when encountering a big wave...I mean a big wave, even if the guard team is composed of ten people, it is easy for the wounded to appear.

With the continuous advance of Xia Lian's large forces and the sharp increase in the number of mutants, the manpower in Mida City began to become more and more tense. Although occasionally a few knights who followed the saint to go out to clean up would be added. But in the end it was just a drop in the bucket, so...

"Impossible!" Taylor shook his head at Mo Tan and asserted in a deep voice: "There are only thirty-six paladins left in the city, and there cannot be any more. Mida City has a huge goal. Moreover, those monsters seem to have the ability to sense the breath of the living. If the defense strength is insufficient, it will easily lead to a big mistake. If the Holy Lady has three advantages and two disadvantages..."

"It's okay with me." Yu Chen interrupted Taylor softly and said gently: "Mr. Taylor, since we have the ability to help innocent people, we should not remain indifferent."

Tony immediately looked at Yu Chen with grateful eyes. If Mo Tan hadn't been there to support him, he might have knelt down directly.


"Please forgive my refusal, Your Highness the Saint." However, Taylor rarely rejected Yu Chen's point of view and asked with a solemn expression: "Please imagine under what circumstances you will encounter danger?"

Yuchen blinked and asked with some confusion: "What... situation?"

"Break the city." Mo Tan, who was next to him, answered the question before Taylor, and then shrugged at the latter: "The knights will definitely put Wangyu's safety as their first priority. In other words, if Wangyu If you encounter danger, it means that Mida City is doomed, right, Sir Knight?"

Taylor nodded slightly, and then explained to Yuchen: "Yes, as Pastor Hei Fan said, the possibility of you encountering danger is the same as the possibility of destroying the city, and the destruction of Mida City is also the same. It means that tens of thousands of civilians will be annihilated, so...even from the perspective of innocent people, please understand my decision."

Tony's hopeful eyes immediately darkened, and he felt that he was destined to be unable to fulfill this responsibility...

"We still have those professionals and Lord Sol's guards, and the possibility of a large number of mutants suddenly appearing here is not high." Yuchen had not thought about this, but she still insisted to Taylor. : "I think Mr. Taylor's judgment just now...is unfair."

Taylor turned his head away slightly.

Yuchen smiled softly and said softly: "Are you too worried about my safety? You feel that as long as a saint like me is here, you can't take even 1% risk, so even if something happens, The sex is almost non-existent, so you can never feel completely at ease, right?"

Taylor was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the usually timid girl in front of him would think so much, and he almost got his thoughts right.

The beloved of the Goddess of Dawn, one of the only saints of the Dawn Sect, her life is irreplaceable, and every devout person will make the same judgment. This is why Taylor does not dare to take risks, even this risk The likelihood of it happening is really low.

"Okay, you don't need to say any more." Taylor, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly smiled at Yu Chen and said softly: "I will not let you fall into crisis no matter what."

"But!" Yuchen wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Taylor raising his hand.

"But I am not only a devout believer of the goddess and your follower, but also a knight." Taylor patted the sword on his waist and said in a deep voice: "I don't want you to put yourself in danger, but I have also made an oath to help anyone who asks me for help and to fight for the defenseless people, so I have just made preparations and will go to that village to fight for those innocent people."

Tony was just an ordinary civilian. He couldn't understand the conversation of the previous few people, but he understood that the extremely mighty-looking paladin in front of him was going to go to the village to rescue him. He was overjoyed and said gratefully: "Thank you, Lord Knight! "

Yuchen also looked at the other party in surprise: "Mr. Taylor, you..."

"Are you going to die?"

Mo Tan suddenly asked lightly. He stared at Taylor's calm and firm eyes and repeated again: "Are you going to die?"

Taylor just asked calmly: "Why do you say that?"

"Tony said that more than thirty mutants appeared in their village last night." Mo Tan stretched out a finger and shook it, then spread his hands and said: "It has been at least ten hours now, and there will definitely appear during this period. There are inevitable casualties. Not to mention how many people died, the probability of those injured transforming into mutants is very high. How many do you think you can deal with by yourself? Ten? Or fifteen?"

Taro replied calmly: "Without companions to coordinate the charge, fourteen or five is probably the limit. If you can't fight on horseback, it may be even less."

"So you decided to die?" Mo Tan sighed, looked into Taylor's eyes and asked, "On the premise that there are other options?"

Taylor shook his head and turned towards his horse: "There is no other choice."

"Three Knights."

"What do you mean?" Taylor looked back at him and narrowed his eyes slightly: "What three knights?"

Mo Tan smiled: "Including you and a total of four holy knights who have temporarily left Mida City, the defense force here should be sufficient, right?"

"If you just contain those mutants and give the civilians a chance to escape, the result will be the same if there are three more people." Taylor thought that Mo Tan just wanted to bring three more knights with him, so he replied calmly: "If you want to To ensure that everyone survives, at least a team of ten people is needed, so the difference is not big, there is no need for others to accompany me on the adventure."

Mo Tan blinked: "I have no intention of recruiting a few more people to die with you."

"Then don't talk anymore." Taylor waved his hand and smiled: "If I can't come back, Knight Robert will take over the command of the Paladins. I hope you will cooperate with him."

"You, plus three paladins, plus me and ten low-level professionals." Mo Tan ignored Taylor's words and just said softly: "This configuration should solve the problem."

Tyro frowned: "Plus you and ten low-level professionals? They can only deal with two or three at most. Even if none of the villagers transform into mutants during this period, it will still be dangerous. I disagree."

Mo Tan rubbed his forehead helplessly: "I'm sure."

This is the truth. He and Yu Ying have seen the strength of those low-level professionals before. Although they are not powerful, if ten good players are selected from them, as long as they cooperate properly, it should not be a problem to deal with dozens of mutants. It would be huge, and it would be safer if we added four paladins including Taylor.

But Taylor obviously simply calculated the average combat effectiveness of those people, so the conclusion would naturally not be very optimistic.

All in all, although Mo Tan was not 100% sure, and although he was a little scared before saying this, he felt that he should be able to do it...

In the past two days, he had focused a lot of his energy on those low-level professionals, and also took advantage of Yuchen's break to organize two small-scale confrontation training among the recruited volunteers, and the results were pretty good.

Perhaps Mo Tan himself didn't realize that he had changed a lot after fighting side by side with the Fenrir team several times, and he also discovered a lot of things that he could do even now. There's too much I can't do.' This thought has quietly disappeared.

[If I try it, maybe even I can do it now]

[If I try it, maybe I am enough at this moment]

He thought this way before when he was thinking about the situation in Misha County in the chapel, and now he thinks the same way, so...

'Help convince Taylor, my plan should be feasible, you can fool him~'

Mo Tan winked at Yu Chen, quickly edited a message and sent it.

"Priest Heifan, I think even if you do it again..." As soon as Taylor was halfway through his words, he was lightly tapped on the shoulder by His Royal Highness the Saint, and he immediately choked.

"Mr. Taylor." Yuchen took a deep breath secretly, then said seriously with a straight face: "I think Hei Fan is right, well... I mean, I felt the will of the goddess just now, I think this is the right thing to do. If you want to make less or no sacrifices, you can give it a try."

‘I am already incoherent (=﹏=)! ! ’

Mo Tan glanced at the message from Yu Chen, then shook his head slightly and quietly gave a thumbs up.


"Okay, since Her Majesty the Saint has said so." Taylor struggled for a while, but finally followed Yu Chen's advice and said in a deep voice: "Then without further ado, you go organize the manpower. We will be in Nanjing in ten minutes. The door meets, but Pastor Heifan, you have to promise me that you will obey my orders when the time comes."

Mo Tan nodded happily: "I promise."

three hours later

North of Misha County, Erbozi Village ‘Luna Alchemy Workshop’


The two panting young men threw a handful of broken crystals outside at the same time, and then immediately flashed to both sides of the door. The next second, several bright purple fires suddenly ignited outside, as well as a series of painful roars.

"It works! Their movements have slowed down!" A little boy quickly ran to the door while his family was not paying attention, stretched out his neck and took a look outside, and then excitedly turned back to a blond girl in a purple robe in the corner. She shouted: "Sister Luna, you are so awesome~"

Then he was dragged back by his father holding his ears.

"Thank you, little Dennis." The human girl, who looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old at most, gently shook the crystal bottle and replied without raising her head: "But please be quiet now, please."

Luna Lynch is a slender girl with soft lines. She is thin and always wears a necklace that seems to be made of beer corks. She has an ethereal and warm voice, and has a pair of unusually hazy light blue eyes, which often gives people A feeling somewhere between laziness and sleepwalking.

Even though she is sitting in front of the alchemy table making props, even though she is blocked in this three-story building with more than 80 people at this time, she still looks lazy.

"Well, it seems like there's something missing. Let me see~ Let me see~"

The girl took a look at the light pink liquid in the crystal bottle and placed it on the wooden shelf next to the alchemy table. Then she slowly turned over the notes on her knees and muttered softly: "Two black fish eyes, three spoons of dream dust." , half a spoonful of diluted Balrog pollen, three drops of potent concoction, one energy storage crystal, two colorful frog venom glands... uh, how many did I put in?"

Luna shook her head, then took out a metal box from under the alchemy table, opened the lid and took a look inside, muttering: "There are five missing... haha... because they are the venom glands of the colorful frog, so I accidentally remembered Has it become five...but it probably doesn’t matter, um, probably.”

She stretched, then picked up the crystal bottle from before, poured the liquid inside into the row of diamond-shaped molds in front of her, stretched out her hands and whispered softly as if she was dreaming: "Silver and iron are pure. On the left side of the scale, the surging wind, on the right side of the scale, the swaying ice, mold it... mold it... mold it with what? Forget it, let's do it like this, refine it at high speed!"

I saw streaks of light blue magic spreading out from Luna's hands, and then quickly blending into several symbols engraved on both sides of the alchemy table, followed by a hazy black mist rising in front of her. When he got up, a few wisps of burnt smell overflowed...

"Very good, here are a few people to throw these out. Well, it's best to throw them as far away as possible... Yes, the farther away the better..."

Chapter 196: End

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