Quadruple split

Chapter 1987 You’re welcome, that’s right

[Inquisition and Debate·Personal Battle] Contest-specific map, mirror space S7022-1568

The time is bleak late autumn, dry and cold dusk.

The location is a dead fortress and an empty drum stand.

The character is Cordoba, a professional gamer.

"Oh haha."

After turning on the image protection function, the Highlander, whose appearance changed to be incomparable to 'Cui Xiaoyu' except for his height, turned his head to look at the young woman not far away with some surprise, and raised his hand to say hello. : "Hello...uh?"

Cordoba choked in embarrassment when he saw the girl suddenly dodged and moved at least ten meters, half-kneeling on the ground holding a giant wheel saw, subconsciously closing her eyes and waiting for the terrifying blow to come.


And Yin Yue, who fully complied with Xinglong's previous instructions and immediately activated the displacement skills to avoid the opponent after discovering her, suddenly realized that the opponent did not seem to have the intention to take action, so she also maintained her "anti-impact posture" in a particularly speechless manner. .

Not only the two of them, but also the two commentators and many viewers couldn't help laughing at this moment, but it was not a malicious ridicule. After all, Silver Moon's opponent was Cordoba, and the latter's previous opponent Basically, they were smashed into mosaics when they met each other, so this little girl’s sudden and frightened move not only did not make everyone think that she was making a fuss, but instead made countless people who cherish her love deeply feel distressed, and directly transformed into a fan of Yinyue. I hope This girl can fight beautifully and die completely.

If you want to ask why, the main reason is that this young lady who is not only heroic but also full of oriental softness is the best choice in terms of appearance, figure, and temperament. Although she is not a super stunning beauty, she has won the 'professional After the player's super strong score, the overall evaluation in the eyes of many young people is no lower than those of movie stars and advertising models.

As for why not many people expect her to win, the main reason is... not many people think she can win.

Including Silver Moon himself.


After a few awkward seconds, Yin Yue was the first to break. After standing up, he casually hung the wheel saw behind his back and gave Cordoba a fist-holding salute that is very rare in today's society and only used by practitioners: " I am the Silver Moon of the red constellation, please give me your advice.”

[Since you said that, let me ‘advise’ you. 】

Although he wanted to say this, Cordoba, who was very aware that he was currently being watched by countless people, finally shook his head and said in the most amiable tone possible (which seemed extremely artificial to Mo Tan and other acquaintances): "Let's do our best. "

【? 】

Yinyue was stunned immediately. After reacting for a long time, she finally realized that the words "Let's work together" were probably not a completely out-of-mind statement. She couldn't help but laughed and said: "Mr. Cordoba really Very gentlemanly."

"No...no, no, I'm just a casual player when I have good luck."

Cordoba, who was particularly nervous when he thought that he was being stared at by countless people, replied stiffly, and then asked as if he had nothing to say: "Are you alone? I'm looking at my mission here. , I thought you had to bring at least a hundred or so boys."

After all, he is also a first-class professional player who has seen big scenes. After realizing that the Cordoba in front of him would not suddenly pick up the ferocious spear behind his back and film himself into a mosaic, Silver Moon has regained his composure. He replied in a brisk tone: "As for my brother, there are indeed thousands of people outside listening to my command, but I didn't let them come in with them."

Cordoba nodded and asked, "Then why don't you bring them in?"

"Because according to the game description, the system will not give the weaker side an advantage enough to even out the gap between the two sides."

Seeing that Cordoba had no intention of taking action immediately, Yinyue didn't mind chatting with this legendary figure for a while, so he said calmly: "According to the research of our colleagues here, this rule should be able to It is detailed as 'the system will not directly help one side to establish an absolute advantage in the initial stage', so although I can get more and more substantial help through efforts in all aspects, those who appear directly in my mind after the game starts There is no doubt that the support around me cannot give me a sufficient advantage.”

Cordoba suddenly realized: "Oh——"


Perhaps the other party's painting style was too different from the ultimate giant he imagined. Yin Yue actually laughed lightly, and then continued: "So I thought about it, and I don't want to fight for other additional resources. Under the circumstances, instead of leading the royal army to 'crusade' you, the bandit leader, I might as well come here by myself. In this case, I may gain more. After all, an environment that is too chaotic is not conducive to 'asking for advice'."

Cordoba scratched his hair that the system had temporarily trimmed (the 'hair' of Rune Body is a heat sink), and said in an incomprehensible voice: "I see, I completely understand."

"Well, that's it."

Yinyue, who didn't care whether the other party really understood, smiled, then took a deep breath, held the wheel saw hanging behind her, and said softly: "Then, before 'asking for advice', I still have One last thing I want to talk to you about, Mr. Cordoba.”

Although in the eyes of outsiders he is a terrifying demon with no blood or tears (under the influence of the sensory protection of minors, he does not know how ruthless he is), Cordoba is actually very good-tempered and nodded immediately, very cheerfully. He said: "Talk, you can talk about anything."

"As far as I know, you don't seem to be a professional gamer."

Yin Yue pursed her lips and offered an olive branch to Cordoba, who was able to communicate normally (before this everyone thought it was impossible, a face-to-face meeting without being instantly killed would be considered a success): "I don't know if you Have you heard about our circle? If you are interested, you can add us as a friend after our competition."

Different from the little Thorny Wolf who tried every means to bring Mo Tan into Tokiwa Studio, even now that [Innocent Boundary] is becoming popular, the person in front of him is tantamount to a very tempting building for any club. Gold Mine, but Yin Yue did not issue an explicit invitation, but expressed her intention in this regard in a subtle and reserved manner.

Of course, this is not because the Red Constellation is so noble, it is just that players such as Silver Moon are not responsible for this aspect. As the saying goes, there are specialties in the art industry. If Cordoba really has this intention, then the Red Constellation's [ [Public Relations Department] will definitely take action as soon as possible, and the latter's professionalism is unimaginable. For example, among the members of the Red Constellation Public Relations Department, the minimum academic qualifications are graduate students in psychology, and the quality of the field team can be almost all. Overwhelming those industrial idols who were in the film and television industry decades ago who couldn't even understand their lines and were no more than illiterate. Their enthusiasm could even make some weak-minded people lame. By the time they reacted, the contracts had already been signed. .

All in all, Silver Moon is just talking to the club that absolutely hopes to win Cordoba at this moment. If the latter really has the possibility of joining the Red Constellation, Silver Moon will not be the one to officially launch an offensive against him.

It's a pity that Cordoba just shook his head after hearing this and said with a smile: "It's okay to make friends. As for the professional circle, I have always been very satisfied with my position in the industry over the years, and I have not changed it for the time being. The character’s plan.”

Yinyue blinked and looked at Cordoba with some disbelief, who was insisted by his colleagues in the market analysis department that he was 'definitely not a professional player'. He said in astonishment: "Cordoba... what is your position in the circle? ah?"

"The audience."

Cordoba grinned and said cheerfully: "Although I don't watch many games in normal times, e-sports is definitely my first choice to watch events like the Asian Games and Olympics. For the S game of Olathe Records, I I’ve always been watching.”

Silver Moon: "Ah this..."

"I'm not a professional gamer, and I don't have the skills of a professional gamer. To be able to play well in [Innocence Realm], or even become an 'Internet celebrity' in a sense, is just luck, so I'm sorry. Let’s stop this topic here first.”

After a sober speech, Cordoba ended the topic briskly, and then took off the heavy, ferocious long-handled weapon that read "staff" and looked at Silver with a warm expression. Yue said: "If I remember correctly, this game should be that... focus battle, right? Let's not just chat and let everyone wait, although I, a gloomy nerd outside the game, am actually quite happy. Someone who can have a few words with Miss Yinyue."

"It's a great honor."

Yinyue smiled faintly, then took a deep breath. After confirming that Cordoba had no intention of attacking first, his eyes narrowed slightly and he said softly: "Then, please show mercy."

【Moonlight Butterfly】

The next moment, a faint light flashed by, and the girl holding a huge wheel saw suddenly disappeared from the spot. It was not until a few seconds later that everyone realized that it was not a high-speed displacement skill, but some kind of direct movement of Silver Moon. This character's stealth ability, which can be erased from the visual level, is a super stealth skill that is even more powerful than moves such as [Disappear] and [Blinding Eyes], making players in the rogue and ranger professional systems envious.

Cordoba, on the other hand, stayed on the spot stupidly, without making any attempt, as if he had no way to deal with the opponent who suddenly disappeared from his sight.

So, at the seventh second when Silver Moon completed its hiding, the girl who noticed in the dark that Cordoba's attention seemed to be distracted for a moment suddenly took action, squatted directly beside the opponent and launched an attack. The wheel saw with its handle shining with a faint blue light was pulled out backwards, and the outer edge of the blade was actually attached with a layer of sharp energy that was constantly flowing.

[Collapse Moon Wheel]

The blow whose damage was greatly increased by [Moonlight Butterfly] tore through the air. This blow was not struck from the back, which is the preferred position for a conventional sneak attack, but from the side that was most awkward for Cordoba to defend against. It suddenly appeared from the rear that if ordinary mages, priests, rangers, thieves, etc. were not known for their defensive power and were unable to use heavy armor, they might lose half their lives if they were hit hard.

However, Silver Moon herself knows very well that although Cordoba is disguised as a system, her body that still looks extremely impactful will definitely be insanely strong, so her attack is enough to instantly kill ordinary high-level people. The squishy player's [Collapse Moon Wheel] is just a tentative attack, aiming to force out part of Cordoba's strength and get a rough estimate of its basic attributes...


He casually knocked down the staff of the agent that he had exchanged into his right hand at some point. Without even looking back, Cordoba easily resisted the wheel saw, and by the way, it was shattered without any subjective consciousness. The energy above caused a trace of blood to burst out from the tiger's mouth on Yin Yue's right hand.


Yinyue, who had only felt such pressure in front of Xinglong, had a serious look on her face. With the help of two auxiliary skills, she immediately stepped away from Cordoba, flicked her free left hand hard, and three A silver chain as thick as a thumb shot out from his cuffs, and instantly wrapped around Cordoba's neck, right arm, and right leg.

[Prisoner Dragon Lock] + [Thunder Talisman]

Without any hesitation, seeing that Cordoba made no move, Silver Moon directly detonated the blue talisman paper that she had covered with the [Prisoner Dragon Lock] before the start of the game. In an instant, more than ten dazzling thunder lights followed The chain roared out and swallowed up Cordoba who was bound at the end in an instant.

Then it was gone.

As if it was just an illusion, the lightning that was surrounding Cordoba a second ago was directed underground in the blink of an eye, causing nothing but sparks to appear in the cracks in the floor tiles under his feet.

【Ghost Needle】

Yinyue suddenly pulled out three slender black silver needles from the inside of the wheel saw, and 'pointed' them on the chain connected to her left wrist. Then the three rather sinister-looking hidden weapons turned into some kind of The solid-liquid mixture snaked out along the chain, and transformed into its original form again the second before it touched Cordoba, stabbing the latter's neck, shoulders and ankles fiercely.

Ding ding ding——

As a result, Cordoba just waved his hand at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and accidentally broke away from the three chains while grabbing the three long needles. If Silver Moon hadn't reacted very quickly and got rid of her prison dragon locks, , I am afraid that the whole person has been pulled into Cordoba's arms just now.

"Why...no, that's what it is."

In the middle of the conversation, he suddenly realized that the other party must have chosen to engage in a teaching battle because of his previous words of "please give me some advice". Silver Moon's eyes widened immediately, and then he shook his head with a wry smile, and clasped his fists at Cordoba with conviction. He cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much."

【Thank you for what? 】

Trying his best to restrain his urge to kill the opponent instantly, he wanted to make the game last longer. Cordoba, who had earned a lot of points from the focus games, blinked, and then showed a look of surprise, lamenting that the salary level of the Red Constellation seemed like While not too high, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, giving Yinyue a look of 'you just understand', and grinned refreshingly——

"You're welcome, you should."

Chapter 1978: End

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