Quadruple split

Chapter 1983 Cooperation and Refusal to Cooperate


Gu Xiaole and Shuxiang stared blankly at the short-haired girl who appeared in front of them at some unknown time, with a figure like a junior high school student, or at most a freshman in high school, and their brains were a little down.

On the one hand, it was because none of them knew this girl, and on the other hand, they were shocked that they did not realize that there was another person in front of them until the other party spoke out. This is a big problem for a marginal person or an Onmyoji. blow, even in the public space of a spiritual virtual game.

But soon, the two girls, both of whom had good business skills, adjusted their moods. After exchanging glances to confirm that the other party really did not recognize the girl like themselves, they nodded at the same time, and then asked the other party in unison. : "Who are you? What is the messenger of God?"

"God's messenger is a human being, given by Qiuyue."

The girl looked at the two people in front of her calmly, and Furui said calmly: "I am Akira."

Gu Xiaole blinked and continued to be confused.

Shuxiang, on the other hand, was stunned for a moment and then widened her eyes and whispered: "Is the Qiuyue you are talking about... Liang Qiuyue?"

Ming Sakaki glanced at Shuxiang, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Who is Liang Qiuyue?"

Gu Xiaole continued to be confused, feeling like he couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

"Well, the situation is a bit complicated. He is currently a classmate of a friend of mine."

Shuxiang touched the tip of her nose, then tried to change the subject, and said seriously: "So, this little sister Akira, you are..."

"This is not the place to talk."

As a result, Ming Sakaki raised his hand to interrupt the fragrance of the book, turned around and walked towards the outside of the central square of the public space, saying without looking back: "Follow me."

Gu Xiaole and Shuxiang looked at each other, and after a brief exchange of glances, they stood up in unison and quickly followed Ming Sak's thin back.


Gu Xiaole, who has a more outgoing and enthusiastic personality, jogged two steps and walked side by side with Mingsak. As he walked, he asked, "What do you want from us?"


Ming Sakaki replied briefly and concisely, and then continued to lead the way quietly. It was not until the three of them had left the sight of all players that they stopped in front of a decorative cedar on the green belt, and clicked after a long silence. Nodding, he said to himself: "It's relatively weak here."

Shuxiang looked at this 'friend' of friends with some curiosity, and asked doubtfully: "What is weak?"

"Weak stability."

Ming Sakaki replied lightly, and then stretched out his slender fingers to gently 'poke' the tree in front of him. Then, the tree turned into a mosaic under the astonished gazes of Shuxiang and Gu Xiaole.

That's right, it's a mosaic.

If this was in the game [Innocence Boundary], then the well-informed Gu Xiaole and Shuxiang might be able to deal with this situation calmly. However, when this strange scene occurs, it is theoretically impossible for the players to affect it. When they arrived at the public space, the two girls, who were well-stocked in every sense of the word and had definitely seen the world, were still stunned. They looked at Akira with an expression as if they had seen a ghost.

"go in."

The girl who created this mosaic just looked at them calmly and said expressionlessly: "The public spaces during this period are all 'fake' ones that have been replaced, that's why there is such instability. hurry up."

Gu Xiaole pursed his lips, and after a while he asked hesitantly: "What will happen to us after we go in, right? For example, we won't be able to exit the game, we will become fools in reality, or our characters will be canceled, etc. ?”

"There is no such possibility. Your data will be left here. Even if the connection is forced to be disconnected, it will only be one more jump step. It will not have a negative impact on the health of you or your character."

Aki Sakaki explained briefly, and then urged expressionlessly: "Go in, even if it is a fake, the search frequency here will not be low."

【go? 】

Gu Xiaole looked at Shuxiang without paying attention, casting an inquiring look at the latter.

【Go. 】

And Shuxiang, who had heard a lot about Ming Sakaki from her friend, a fringe person nicknamed "Tokiliu", who didn't think she was a bad person, nodded, and then took the lead to walk towards the mosaic.

Then it disappeared in an instant.


When he noticed that the girl next to him who called himself Ming Sak turned his attention to himself, Gu Xiaole, who was a little confused, could only take a deep breath and took two steps forward.

One thousandth of a second later


Gu Xiaole, who suddenly appeared in a classroom, let out a soft cry subconsciously, then focused his eyes and raised his hand to make two strokes in the air.


A faint blue flash of light flashed through the air, quietly splitting the broom in the corner of the classroom into two halves.

"Ice Curse..."

Gu Xiaole stared blankly at his white hands and said in confusion: "Can I use the skills in the game?!"


Ming Sakaki, who was standing next to the podium, shook his head and said calmly: "This is the inner layer of the 'fake'. All logic is based on the 'reality' in your world view, so what just happened was not [The Great Onmyoji Gu Xiaole]." The skills of the character, but the abilities possessed by a medium.”

Gu Xiaole pouted angrily and corrected: "It's Onmyoji!"

"Different paths lead to the same destination."

Ming Sakaki shook his head and said to Shuxiang who was staring at the cluster of flames between his fingers in a daze: "You are the same, but although the spells and spells have nothing to do with each other, it is best not to use symbolic power here, otherwise it may change the space. It has to be unstable.”

Shuxiang nodded, then dispersed the flame in his hand and asked, "Where is this?"

"J City North High School Class Six, of course, it's just a superficial appearance."

Aki Sakaki gave a straight answer and said calmly: "As I said just now, this is the bottom layer of 'fake'. It should have been 'nothing' where only basic logic exists, but in order to facilitate this conversation, I temporarily A [box] was made here as a container.”

Gu Xiaole scratched his hair, and after a while he shrugged and said, "I really didn't understand."

"Me too, but I heard from my friends about this girl Akira."

Shuxiang pursed her lips, looked at the expressionless girl beside the podium with stern eyes, and said seriously: "Shiliu said you were just an ordinary girl who was dragged by Liang Qiuyue to play role-playing games, but now it seems that you are not. It's not like this."

Gu Xiaole also nodded and agreed: "Although I don't know what kind of role-playing game it is, but someone who can carve out such a place in a public space really has nothing to do with the words 'ordinary girl' Relationship, so who are you?"

"I'm not human."

Ming Sakaki gave a concise and concise answer.

Scholarly: "..."

Gu Xiaole: "..."

"While studying at Beijing High School, I learned that 'secrets' will not affect people's normal communication and friendship, so I have no intention of making a more rigorous self-introduction for the time being."

Aki Sakaki walked slowly down the podium, sat down on the table in the middle of the first row, and said sternly to the marginalized people and Onmyoji in front of him: "Pomegranate never said she was a marginalized person, and Gushu didn't say he had a supernatural power. However, this has not affected the relationship between the members of the "Joining in Group"."

Gu Xiaole casually pulled out a chair and sat on it. He turned to Shuxiang and said, "I seem to have heard something extraordinary."

"Did that ancient tree turn out to be a person with supernatural powers..."

Shuxiang frowned, then temporarily put the matter behind her, and said sternly to Mingsakaki: "So, do you have anything to do with us?"

"Someone is acting recklessly and allowing destruction and collapse to spread."

Akira looked at the two of them without blinking, and said in a calm tone: "Some people are arrogant and ignore the concept of cause and effect and try to change the rules. This is bad and needs to be stopped."

Gu Xiaole touched the tip of his nose and said sarcastically: "Even if you say that... we don't understand."

"I can't say too much, otherwise your safety will not be guaranteed."

Mingsakaki shook his head and said in a deep voice: "After conducting the assessment as quickly as possible, I just tried to win over the two collaborators who are most likely to help me and will not produce too much 'reward'."

Scholarly Liu frowned slightly, shook his head and said: "I don't understand, and I have no intention of agreeing to you."

"Same here."

Gu Xiaole raised his little hand and smiled apologetically at Mingshuo: "I'm sorry, but after all, you can't explain clearly, and you seem to be hiding a lot of secrets. Even if this kind of cooperative relationship can be established, it cannot be reliable. And we are organized anyway..."

"If the situation gets out of control, people on the fringes cannot restore the situation."

Mingshuo calmly interrupted Gu Xiaole and said without any emotion: "No matter ordinary people, abnormal people or aliens, they can't save the worst ending. In this way, there will definitely be too tragic consequences in the end, and According to my calculations, when the gaffe gets to that point, something very bad will happen."

Shuxiang's eyes narrowed and she asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"I can't say."

Akira gave an annoying answer and said calmly: "I have no intention of forcing you two to help. I just think that we have the same idea. If you are willing, except for the content of 'cooperation', you cannot mention it to others. Your life will not be affected in any way, and you also have the 'right' to refuse what I entrust you with, so I think that even if it is to obtain more information, you have no reason to refuse my proposal."

"I think the reason 'super suspicious' alone is enough..."

Gu Xiaole sighed, rubbed his forehead and vomited.


Shuxiang immediately agreed, with a complicated expression.

"So what's your answer?"

Akira just looked at them intently, showing no emotion as always.

at the same time

System time■■:■■

Redundant buffer, underlying protocol chain, black box codename [Park]

In the lush virgin forest, a woman with ankle-length hair and delicate features is drinking Coke under the starry sky. She is sitting on a snow-white chair, with a snow-white tea set on the white table in front of her. A pair of beautiful heterochromatic pupils are black. Two colors of sterling silver. On the bridge of the nose is a pair of glasses as thick as the bottom of a beer bottle with spiral marks like mosquito coils on them. He has an elegant and mysterious temperament, but he wears extremely down-to-earth woolen sweaters, sweatpants, cotton socks and Indoor slippers look a bit nondescript.


Under the umbrella, the woman who seemed to be in a daze suddenly turned up into a smile. She raised her teacup and drank the Coke in one gulp, then smiled and said, "It's an uninvited guest."

"I don't like your image."

The middle-aged man in pajamas, unshaven, with messy hair and a weak expression appeared behind her at an unknown moment. He shook his head and said nonchalantly: "By the way, in principle, you should call me daddy."

Ms. Ye shook her head and smiled: "It's better to avoid it. As far as I know, being your daughter is not too hard, but if you can't get the father's love that can match those two girls, I, who call you this, will I’ll definitely be jealous.”


Ji Wutong raised his eyebrows, walked around to sit in front of Ms. Ye, and said with a smile: "The functions are quite complete. You were still just a simple little bud when I cut it off."

"You should feel lucky."

Ms. Ye refilled her cup of Coke, then took out a teacup and poured a cup for the man in front of her: "If I was not just a simple little flower bud, then the moment you peel me off, the 'retribution' will be It’s enough to directly trigger an apocalypse.”

The father of the Ji sisters picked up the cup of Coke and drank it down. He smiled and said, "I still have the ability to defeat the end of the world head-on."

"Maybe, my freak father who indirectly contributed to my existence, maybe you are right."

Ms. Ye did not refute, and the smile at the corner of her mouth even grew stronger: "But why are you so powerful, but you can't do anything about a mere incomplete 'karma'?"

Ji Wutong narrowed his eyes, which were not very bright and seemed to have not yet woken up, and said softly: "Word games are not the only pastime among smart people. I am not in the mood to show off to you. Since today I appeared here in person, you must tell me who that person is, otherwise I..."

Ms. Ye shook her head and said firmly: "Otherwise you wouldn't hurt me."

"Maybe, but I have to know what you're up to."

Ji Wutong's face turned gloomy in a rare way, and he gritted his teeth and said: "We have noticed that the person who uses that kind of power has appeared in the [Controversy of Condemnation]. Although he is not the source, he is an extremely valuable clue, but you But you are protecting that person’s information! Even if he is very close to your natural enemy!”

"I have my own ideas, and I have not broken the promise I made before the game. You have no reason to give me extra tasks, and I have no reason to take on the extra tasks you gave me."

"Really not possible?"


"Can I kneel down and kowtow for you?"


"Will you help me after knocking?"

"Kneel down and kowtow, I can't help."


Chapter 1974: End

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