Quadruple split

Chapter 1950

"Are you sure this is called 'awesome'?"

Weiyang moved his chair back with a look of disgust, and suggested pertinently to Mo Tan, who was smiling exaggeratedly: "If you are sick, I suggest you go offline and go to the hospital immediately. Not only do you take responsibility for your body, It can also help Yuying advance to the next round."

It can be seen that Yuying has already mentioned to Weiyang about her upcoming battle with 'Tan Mo'. After all, although they have this level of employment relationship in name, since they are essentially players, they are actually more emotional. They are close to good best friends. Although they are not as good as Yuchen's best friend group, they talk about everything, but their daily communication is definitely frequent enough, and they can talk about big and small things.

Because of this, the amount of text between Mo Tan and Yu Ying under their current personalities is at least six figures. Weiyang and Weiyang, who are considered half owners of the hotel, have been training at the headquarters. Xiao Liu, who was sent to be an intern under Jun Wu, knew very well that after all, they were all girls with good personalities, and it would be difficult not to get along with each other after getting along for such a long time.

By the way, the relationship between Junwu and Crowe has become much better than before, especially after Crowe learned through certain channels that the former was not a 'local', the original share capital was diluted to 77%. The anger seemed to have completely disappeared.

In fact, Weiyang was recently considering whether to tell Xiao Liu, the only uninformed person among the hotel staff, about the information about the ‘outsiders’, but he didn’t find a suitable opportunity for a while.

Of course, these things are not within the scope of Mo Tan's attention, nor are they within the scope of Xiao Ai's attention. The former is mentally ill and elusive, although the latter will pay attention to the hotel's operating conditions, passenger flow and other things worth paying attention to, and will report these The things were compiled into regular reports and handed over to her husband, but Xiao Ai didn't care about other content that was just personal.

As Mo Tan's current right-hand man, Ai Fanye is still young, but she is a very measured girl. Therefore, although she has already spread her 'eyes' all over the Free City, she will never 'cross the line' , on the one hand, it’s because this girl is civilized and polite, on the other hand, it’s also because [Harlequin Brand], a public welfare organization, has too little energy, too little foundation, and too weak strength.

It is true that with the efforts of Xiao Ai and Spider, [Harlequin Card] has managed to create a decent intelligence network, but in terms of strength... If the major forces in the Free City are fishing nets and thieves guilds It's a moving dream web like Wanderer Hotel, so the current [Harlequin Card] is a spider web that you can't wait to blow down in one breath.

The only advantage is probably that because there are many grassroots players, the efficiency of intelligence transmission can reach the level of 100M optical fiber. However, now that players have been trapped in the world of innocence for more than half a year, various forces are also gradually reforming, at least As far as Mo Tan knows, both the Wanderer Hotel and the Violet Empire have begun to hire players to carry out some liaison affairs, so from a long-term perspective, in the near future, such as intelligence, war, transportation, etc. The unique advantages for players will be effectively utilized by everyone.

Those idiots who dream of establishing a system in which players serve as high-level leaders, and who can manipulate NPC forces as casually as modern people fight primitive people, without any self-awareness, have a 100% chance of being taught how to behave and pay a high price in the future.

But Xiao Ai is very clear about how much she weighs, and even more clearly how much [Harlequin Brand] weighs, so she can tell whether someone is 'not as good as you' or 'too lazy to care about you'. Her acting style can be said to be It is quite meticulous. With the spider, one focuses on the outside and the other on the inside. It focuses on distant relations and close attacks. While constantly infiltrating the surrounding small workshops, it can be said that it is watertight and cautious when dealing with those behemoths.

With these premises, coupled with the fact that a certain Queen of Hearts is the eldest lady of [Angel of Death], although many people were aware that a small new force appeared on the stage during this period, they did not do anything about it. There is no real temptation.

The only person Xiao Ai can't figure out, and has no intention of thinking about, is 'Tan Mo', the de facto leader and founder of [Harlequin Card]. In most cases, he simply listens to the report. , rarely giving any substantive guidance.

after all……

“I had so much to do and so little time to take care of my mental health.”

Mo Tan grinned and declined Weiyang's kindness in asking him to go to the hospital, and then said in a brisk tone: "And if you want to please Yu Ying, being hacked to death by her own hands is the best option. If you just give up the competition, It’s too insincere.”

"so what?"

"So I decided to go play and let it go."

"Do you think I believe it?"

"It's hard to say, after all, even I have doubts about what I just said."

Mo Tan shrugged, and then lazily changed the subject: "Oh, by the way, I have something I plan to formally entrust to you and Jun Wu."


Weiyang frowned and asked in confusion: "What do you mean? You have never been so polite before."

"It's not polite, it's business."

Mo Tan looked at Weiyang calmly and said softly: "You can understand that I hope you can show your true ability and use all your skills."

Weiyang was stunned for a moment, then said: "We have..."

"Don't tell me anything."

Mo Tan suddenly raised his hand to interrupt Weiyang's words, and said with a smile: "I just want the results, my dear, just the results. Don't tell me how you investigated, don't tell me what methods you used, I just want It is enough for you to tell me the results in the simplest way."

Weiyang nodded slightly: "Tell me what you want to check, I will tell Jun Wu later."

"The jingoistic empire."

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly and said slowly: "From the last day of the Holy Calendar year 9570, which is the Moon of Shadows, the 10th day of Melody, all the major and minor events until now."

Weiyang tilted his head and thought for a while, then asked: "I can understand big events, but small... how small should it be?"

"If necessary, I would even hope that the pigs raised by that household in that year and month would die of dystocia."

Mo Tan gave the answer without hesitation that made Weiyang want to get angry and hurt others, and said seriously: "This is not a joke, this is very important to me."

Weiyang smacked his lips, and finally said noncommittally: "Okay, okay, anyway, I will truthfully convey it to Jun Wu and let him make his decision."

"that's enough."

Mo Tan, who had already guessed that Jun Wu would definitely accept the commission no matter how much he struggled, smiled and said happily: "As for the reward, if Miss Weiyang doesn't mind it, I can use my body now..."

"Sorry, I'm disgusted."

Weiyang interrupted him coldly, then stood up and said crisply: "That's it. You can just tell Jun Wu later about the specific reward. Bye."

Then she simply left Mo Tan's private room and disappeared.

a moment later


With super exaggerated twin tails, the super idol outside the game, the princess in the game trotted up to Mo Tan and said excitedly: "Why did you suddenly ask me to come here to find you? Hehe, Do you suddenly want to hear Xue Yin sing?"


"Oh, I know, I'm just having fun... eh?"

"just sing."

Mo Tan did not open his eyes, but said this lazily.


Xueyin was stunned at the time. After a while, she clapped her hands and said loudly: "Okay! What do you want to hear?"

"Don't you think you understand me very well?"

Mo Tan took out an eye mask with two fried eggs on it from his bag and put it on himself, and said calmly: "Just sing what you think I would like to hear now."


Xue Yin pouted in confusion, but didn't say anything. She just stood up and sat on the table in front of Mo Tan, tapping her lower lip with her index finger, tilting her head and thinking, and then——


The bells ring at night, and the shadow falls~

Who is at fault and who is at fault~

Sit behind the scenes and don’t tell anyone~

Stopped and kept silent, dumbfounded, the voiceless sound bound itself!

Play and sing to yourself, brag about yourself, drive yourself to ruin!

White shadows and black walls, there are ghosts~

Blue blood and red song, everyone's mouth is shining~

If you cover your ears with admonitions, where will the resounding sound come from?

No sadness, no joy, no ripples, no waves, the stars are sinking together with you and me!

The moonlight is bumpy, flickering, and drowning in the Milky Way!


Madness! Unruly! Roar! Off!

Discipline! Civilized! Cute! On!

Ponder! Reason! Study! Stop!

Justice! Disarray! Ordinary! Fuc——

Ruined! persecution! Acura the past, future and present!

Pop wheat! overload! Jump off the stage and fly boldly!


When will this absurd pastime end?

No one wants to appreciate the mess.

The orgies of old stained the icons with blood.

The deadly poison penetrates the marrow and spleen!

Sneer in the mirror——

In the corner of your mouth——

Wei Yang——"

As the last long sound dissipated into the surrounding darkness, Xue Yin suddenly jumped down from the table, turned around 360 degrees, put her left hand in front of her face, and stretched her right hand straight out to point at Mo Tan's. Super cute POSE, loudly said: "My favorite "Mirror Overload" is dedicated to my favorite teacher M!"

Bang bang bang——

Mo Tan, who took off his blindfold, slowly sat upright, applauded Xueyin with a smile, and raised his eyebrows: "But you sent me an email last time and said that you liked last year's song "Get Dice Love" the most. "

“I liked that one the most at the time because it was the song that received the most interactions within 24 hours after I released it. But I didn’t like it immediately because when we were writing lyrics and composing music, we were all going for the ‘vulgar’ thing~”

While maintaining her pose, Xueyin said with a smile: "My favorite song now is "Mirror Overload", because I think you like this song the most now, so I also like this song the most now!"

"very good."

Mo Tan continued to applaud and said loudly: "Very energetic!"


The planet-level idol in front of him winked playfully and said happily: "This is the first time I have held a private concert for someone alone! Isn't it possible that no one will send me flowers? Isn't it possible?"

"Easy to say."

Mo Tan stood up immediately, walked to Xueyin and said affectionately: "Transfer some money to me."

"Okay, okay!"

Xueyin immediately nodded fiercely and said loudly: "How much do you want to transfer? Give me the card number!"

"I mean the kind of token that can be used in public spaces."

Mo Tan rolled his eyes and curled his lips disdainfully: "Are you worthy of supporting me?"

[You have received 999999 public space special tokens from player: Xueyin-Neutral and Good]

The next second, the system prompt sounded in Mo Tan's ears.


The space where Mo Tan and Xue Yin were was filled in the blink of an eye with 9,999,990 [Excellent Juliet Roses] worth 0.1 tokens, making the two of them feel as if they were being pulled into a fantasyland. In a sea of ​​gorgeous flowers with no end in sight.


Xue Yin, who was in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, immediately let out a scream of surprise, and then swam towards Mo Tan in a freestyle style with her eyes shining: "This is the first time I have received so many flowers in one breath! So happy!"

"Just be happy."

Mo Tan put one hand on the girl's forehead, and while preventing her from getting closer to him, he asked expressionlessly: "So can I delete these things now?"

"No! I want to keep it forever! Keep it for the rest of my life!"

Xue Yin immediately danced and protested.

"Oh, then you can put all these things in your luggage and take them away."

Mo Tan remained expressionless.

"Eh? It's so troublesome..."

The girl immediately flattened her mouth, then grabbed a delicate black Juliet from the side of Mo Tan's neck, and said with a smile: "I'll just keep this one!"


Mo Tan nodded, and then used the authority of the space master to delete a total of 9,999,989 exquisite Juliets except for the flower in the opponent's hand.

Then the two people who had just been pushed into the air by the sea of ​​flowers fell from the sky and hit the poker-like table hard.

"Are you feeling better?"

Xue Yin stood up unsteadily, knelt down on the table and asked Mo Tan, who was lying in front of her in a 'big' shape: "I sang so beautifully, Tan, you must have been cured, right?"

"Who knows."

Mo Tan shrugged and asked lazily: "By the way, why don't you finish singing?"

"Because the second half is mainly the chorus, and in this song, whether it's your lyrics or my music, the rest is basically a coping mentality."

Xue Yin crawled next to Mo Tan and said happily: "So I think I can only sing the essential part. If it is useful, one or two sentences will definitely make you happy. If it is not useful, it will be considered complete." The ground didn’t sing from the beginning to the end... ah!!!"

"Okay, you have a point."

Mo Tan, who had kicked Xue Yin off the table, suddenly sat up, and the corners of his mouth returned to the usual playful curve, and he said happily: "I am indeed in a much better mood now."

"But you just kicked a lady's ass!"

"Then what?"

"Well, it's nothing."

"That's fine, okay, it's none of your business, just go and do what you have to do."


"I'm off to the competition, bye."

"Huh? Huh?"

Chapter 1941: End

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