Quadruple split

Chapter 195 Battle of the Holy Mountain

half an hour later

A thick arm suddenly lifted up from the snow, frightening the two orc children next to them and ran away with a cry.

Cordoba, who had lost most of his health in the cold, crawled out in embarrassment. The rune body under the cloak was flowing with scorching red light, rapidly melting the surrounding layers of ice and snow. From a distance, it looked like a steam engine turned into spirit. of.

"It's really dangerous. Fortunately, old guy Rubina has built a lot of new features before, otherwise it might have been cold just now. Well, it's quite cold now." Cordoba muttered in a low voice while moving his stiff body. , I guess he didn’t dare to speak loudly for a while.

After a while, Cordoba, who had completely dispelled his frozen state, finally regained his ability to move. The continuously flowing light on his body gradually changed from red to green, replacing the original burning runes with the Gust Talisman. The text is emitting a buzzing sound, faintly resonating with the thin wind element around it...

Five seconds later, the rune body mode transformation was completed.

Cordoba kicked the ground suddenly, and his whole body flew into the air as if he was light as nothing. In an instant, he was already a dozen meters away.

That's right, he's gotten faster!

The seemingly heavy body was galloping on the snowy slope. Even though he was carrying the heavy punisher's staff M2K, Cordoba did not leave any footprints wherever he passed. The anti-gravity force on his calf was shining brightly. The runes allowed him to temporarily get rid of most of the gravity, and perform a true step on the snow without leaving a trace under this holy mountain. The gust runes that filled his body allowed him to obtain at least four or five acceleration states at the same time, making his movement speed reach To a degree that is almost nonsense, even compared to Huskies who monopolize the entire polar transportation industry... sled dogs are not willing to give in.

This is the rune body that Lu Wei has temporarily upgraded, referred to as Cordoba V1.5!

Not only does it greatly increase the body's endurance and performance upper limit, but it can also transform into forms under specific circumstances as needed. For example, the current [Explosive Speed] mode completely replaces the runes on the body with gust, resonance, anti-gravity, and overload. Even if its movement speed is compared to the Ransaber galloping on the plains, it will not be at a disadvantage. In this case, Ji Xiaodao, who once could barely compete with Cordoba with its flexibility and speed, can theoretically even continue to move. You can't even touch him!

Of course, this extremely extreme super transformation form naturally has its shortcomings. For example, when Cordoba is in the current [Explosive Speed] mode, his strength and defense will be reduced to a very ridiculous level. The Punisher's Staff M2K, which has also been activated with anti-gravity runes, has almost completely lost its attack power, and its energy consumption rate will increase exponentially. To put it simply, it not only becomes fragile and weak, but also more likely to run out of power. …

There are many examples like this, such as the extremely destructive [Monster Overload] mode (but its own blood volume will decrease at a frequency of 15%/s); doubling the upper limit of health, doubling all resistance, and improving defense. 500% [immovable barrier] mode (you really can’t move); [unparalleled flurry] mode named by Cordoba himself, which increases all attributes by 300% within 20 seconds without any side effects in the process (after the end) Will self-destruct), and the [Big Mushroom] mode (directly self-destructs) that not only consumes nothing, but also causes indiscriminate and huge damage to all surrounding units.

If you choose to ignore those side effects, it can indeed be said to be quite powerful~

In short, at this moment, Cordoba is transforming his rune body into the [explosive speed] mode that can make him faster to climb mountains. Although it consumes a lot of physical strength and energy, it is not enough for those who have reached the destination. It doesn't matter to him. Anyway, he can have a good rest after going up the mountain, and his energy is very abundant at the moment...

This mountain range called Sumir was the first stop on his journey.

The sacred mountain Sumir, this majestic and magnificent snow-capped mountain is located at the northernmost tip of the mainland. It is the birthplace of all shamanic sects. It is said that the oldest and wisest elemental spirits in the world reside here, and there are countless pilgrims every year. People come here to listen to the whispers of the ancient ones. It is a holy place common to all shamans and orcs.

In addition to Sumir, the Elemental Spirits also reside in the Azure Sky Lake, Molten Forest, Lanyong Rift and Thunder Bluff in the Innocence Continent. They are also revered and guarded by the major shaman sects, but their status has always been Still not as good as this holy mountain in the polar regions.

The main reason why Cordoba went here was to find another light of apocalypse in this seemingly magical place. Of course, he was just trying his luck, but Sumir did have the value of trying, not to mention that he was in A new friend in real life, Wan Yang, named Huo Yanyang in the game, is also here.

[Even if you can’t find it, you can at least brag about it. Anyway, those high-level observers who are talking about it don’t have a clue~]

Cordoba thinks so.

at the same time

At the other end of the sacred mountain Sumir, the Elder’s Steps is located halfway up the mountain.

Huo Yanyang, who was wearing red chain mail, was in the middle of a chaotic battle. He panted and waved his totem pole to push back the two black-robed elves. He hit the war drum on his waist hard to release his auxiliary skills. A red bloodthirsty halo exploded under his feet, coating the eyes of the seven or eight surrounding orc warriors with a touch of golden red.

There are about twenty orc warriors here, as well as less than half the number of enemies exuding strange auras.

"Kill!" A certain naked orc warrior roared, and his muscular arms suddenly waved, and the battle ax in his hand hit the frozen soil hard, setting off a wave of ice and snow in front of him. conical shock wave.

A thin middle-aged man in a dark green robe was hit hard before he could dodge. The two arms he raised in a hurry suddenly had broken bones and tendons, hanging softly on both sides of his body. As he staggered back, he Another orc warrior hit him hard on the back of the heart with a war hammer, and with a loud sound, blood spurted out all over the sky. He even shouted: "It doesn't hurt or itches! I just... um... uh!" No injuries at all!”

Then he really got up from the ground as if nothing was wrong. The bones that were broken a few seconds ago and the internal organs that spurted out unexpectedly healed!

No matter how brave the two orc warriors who have been blessed by bloodthirsty are, they can't help but feel a little hesitant when they see this scene. After all, this scene is a bit too unbelievable!

I personally shattered the opponent's bones and shattered the opponent's heart with my own hands, but the guy in front of me with a crazy look on his face seemed to be unscathed... No, to be precise, he pulled out his weapon and rushed forward unscathed. Hacking and hacking!

What's even more shocking is that the haphazard attacks are accompanied by the opponent's words like 'You can't dodge', 'I'll hit you', 'You're bleeding, bastard'. These words can make a difference every time. reward!

This incomprehensible scene happened in every corner of this small battlefield...

The orcs, who had an advantage in terms of terrain, strength, and numbers, swung their giant swords, battle axes, heavy hammers, or totem poles again and again, but the opponents either strangely avoided the attacks that they were sure to hit, or were struck by them. Beaten to death and then get up unscathed the next second and continue fighting.

"Is this cheating?!" Huo Yanyang threw away the totem pole whose durability was cleared, picked up a hammer in his backhand and smashed it at the man in black robes in front of him: "Invincible Locks Blood Self-aiming, right!?"

Then he was knocked to the ground by the opponent's sword, half of his neck was almost cut off, and his health bottomed out on the spot.

After all, he is just a war priest who relies on intelligence. Even if his physique and strength are much stronger than other spell-casting professions, he is not a melee profession. He is definitely useless in melee combat with the tall intruder holding a two-handed sword in front of him. Odds of winning.

"Protect the priest!" A beautiful orc female warrior rushed over from the side, knocked the enemy who was trying to hit him back, turned around and asked loudly: "Are you okay?"

Huo Yanyang shook his head, and then poured himself a bottle of healing potion while covering his neck. After stopping the wound, he immediately got up from the ground, took out the last healing surge scroll from his bag and handed it to the former. Her voice was hoarse and she said: "Jana, go and treat those soldiers who are about to lose their strength. If we hold on for another five minutes, we will have to give up here if no one comes to support us."

The orc female warrior Janna hesitated for a moment and said hesitantly: "But the step of the elders..."

"You can get the Elder's Order back if you lose it. You... I mean if we lose our lives, we can't get them back. Listen to me." Huo Yanyang shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Those evil gods The power of believers is too weird, we have tried our best."

Janna no longer hesitated after hearing this. After covering Huo Yanyang and retreating to the rear, she immediately took the scroll to help a few soldiers who looked like they were about to die. Pure and warm water gushes out from the center of the scroll. , the life force contained in it finally managed to hang on to the lives in front of her.

"You guys should retreat first." Janna picked up the bandage and bandaged one of them randomly a few times, then picked up her two machetes again and rushed down. As the strongest member of the team, People, she must be responsible for the rear duty.

【This group of fools! 】

Huo Yanyang was panting and sitting on the half-meter-high steps to recover his health. He looked gloomily at the followers of the evil god below who were attacking more and more fiercely. In addition to cursing, he just wanted to curse.

Those people came from a place called 'Whispering City'. A mountain peak located outside Sumir was discovered half a month ago. There were a large number of fanatical believers who believed in evil gods gathered inside. They hollowed out the entire mountain. Inside, a huge city was built inside, and it was used as a base in an attempt to forcibly take the Holy Mountain as its own. It is said that a large part of it was driven over by people from the Holy Land, and the time can even be traced back A few decades ago, it was just discovered not long ago.

If it weren't for the long-sleeping spirit of the earth issuing a warning in his sleep, and the great shaman Chiron Zorn defying all opinions and using the Stone Ancestor's Horn that can only be blown three times every hundred years to cast [Mountain Echo], I'm afraid until Now no one will notice that such a group of blasphemers has quietly taken root near Sumir.

According to the hazy information fed back by [Mountain Echo], the followers of the evil god who attempted to blaspheme Sumir have gathered more than ten thousand people. They are entrenched in the strange city built in the mountain peak, praising the evil god named Whisper. , constantly carrying out crazy blood sacrifices and rituals, and even eroding an ancient earth line...

If they are allowed to continue their activities, the earth spirit and ancestor altar hidden under Sumir may even be eroded by evil gods, and the consequences will be disastrous.

So, the war broke out naturally.

In addition to Chiron, the great shaman who fell into a deep sleep due to blowing the Horn of the Stone Ancestor, the Council of Elders sent a total of three earth prophets, ten wolf soul druids, twenty high-level shamans, and hundreds of war warriors. The priests and the Earth Whip Guards, composed of two thousand people, launched an attack on the Whispering City at noon the next day after receiving the news.

Because the echoes of the mountains had not yet dissipated, each prophet was able to receive guidance from the spirit of the earth. It took them half a day to find the cultist stronghold that looked just like any other mountain on the surface, but in fact the entire interior had been hollowed out. After breaking through several layers of evil enchantments that confuse people's minds, they immediately launched an attack...

The fierce battle lasted for three full days, and the result was beyond everyone's expectations.

More than half of the Earth Whip was lost, not a single war priest was left alive, three high-level shamans were killed in the battle, and seven were seriously injured. Two wolf soul druids were bewitched by the power of the evil god, and one of them was killed by other druids on the spot. The other person disappeared under the cover of many cultists, and Jose Thorn Bird, one of the three earth prophets, also stayed under the peak forever. He summoned two [Colossi of the Ancestors] at the cost of his own life. 】, and detonated one of them, destroying the earth line that was already overflowing with the power of the evil god. Before dying, he ordered the other colossus to guard the exit, buying precious time for the others. Only then did Sumir's residual The army successfully withdrew most of them, otherwise we don’t know how many more people would have died.

Of course, the Whispering Sect also suffered heavy losses in this battle. The earth line that they regarded as their foundation was completely cut off. This severely weakened those believers who could have relied on divine power to a large extent, and at the same time they also lost their greatest support. This situation of being able to cross levels and fight just by mumbling a few nonsense words can no longer happen again, and the Whispering City is no longer a perfect shelter.

But even so, their numbers and combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

That night, countless Whispering Cultists appeared in every corner of the Holy Mountain, launching a counterattack.

The frontal war has begun...

So Huo Yanyang, who originally only came to the Holy Land to undergo trials, became tragic...

And another, more tragic person is coming soon.

Chapter 192: End

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