Quadruple split

Chapter 1935 Broken Future

Many people know that there are three figures in this era who have reached a state of perfection in the field of astrology. They are -

The heir to the Crescent Moon lineage of the Achizolti family, the youngest epic-level astrologer in history, the only one who can resonate with the stars without any equipment and perform astrology regardless of celestial phenomena - 'Diana ·A.Achizolti'.

Mutar Chirabbi compiled a collection of prophecies called "Black Elegy" twenty years ago. After submitting it to the United Holy Church to no avail, he decided to use his own money to let the poets of Wanderer Hostel spread its contents throughout the continent. A total of fifty-seven prophecies have been fulfilled, and fifty-one of them have been proven to have extremely bad effects. Without the warning of [Black Elegy], there is more than an 80% chance that they will come true. Currently, he has no fixed address. The latest one has appeared. It was in the Nismont Lake District half a year ago.

Finally, there is the one who has continued his own legend and left his own traces in every era. Apart from his name, he is a mystery regardless of gender, race, or appearance. This The gold content is far greater than the two above. After all, there will be different great astrologers in every stage of history, but only Damas has achieved the feat of firmly occupying a position at the top of the astrological pyramid in the past five thousand years. .

Of course, according to the explanation of 'Damás', whose real name is Michel Noterdam, [Damás Remidep] has long been transformed from a name into a heritage. In the past five thousand years of history, , a total of more than 70 great astrologers Damas appeared, and these people all have legendary strength that can be said to be outstanding in this field, and they have always used the name "Damas Remedip" Be active in the world.


"Damás Remedep...is dead?"

Mo Tan looked at Tifilo dumbfounded and said in astonishment: "You mean, he is dead?"

It can be seen that Mo Tan is very aware of the significance of this name in the field of mysticism. In fact, even if Diana's relationship is put aside, with the intelligence gathering ability of 'Mo Tan', there is no way he lacks the ability to The understanding of the three great astrologers of the world.

As a result, Tyfilo actually told himself that the most valuable person among the three was dead!

"To be precise, it's the seventy-fourth generation 'Damás Remedep'."

Tifilo looked at his old friend not far away with a cynical smile and piercing eyes with some sadness, and said softly: "My friend Michel Noterdam."

Mo Tan also followed Tiphilo's gaze, and after "looking at each other" with Damas for a moment, he silently took out the cross, closed his eyes and prayed.

"I've always felt that paying tribute to the dead is a very disingenuous act."

Tiphilo's brisk voice sounded next to him, with a faint smile.

"It doesn't matter, I just did it to make myself comfortable."

Mo Tan replied calmly, and after a moment he completed a simple prayer. Then he turned to Tifilo and said in a deep voice: "Go on, I feel that you will soon get to the point that interests me."

"Haha, actually I want to remember the past more. You haven't seen the days when I was in the referee's court. Apart from anything else, I mainly focus on a handsome guy."

I don't know when he returned to the skinny old man he was when he first met Mo Tan. Tifilo, who was stroking his goatee, smacked his lips, shook his head and said, "But that's about it for you to see, and we really need to say it." Let’s get to the point.”

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and then walked to the railing of the rooftop with the old man, and looked up at the starry sky under the night where the evening breeze froze along with the young Tifilo and Damas.

"After we separated that year, my contact with Damas has actually never been broken."

The stooped Tifilo leaned against the railing, tightened the priest's robe that was a little too loose for him, and said cheerfully: "Although we don't meet many times, we still keep in touch through letters. , the letters he writes to me will be sent directly to the City of Light, but when I write to him, I send them anywhere, and he will always receive them anyway."

Mo Tan frowned and commented with colored glasses: "It sounds disgusting."

"Believe me, child, it may be difficult for a man and a woman to have the so-called pure friendship."

Tifilo looked at Mo Tan seriously and said solemnly: "But there is actually a pure, healthy and friendly relationship between men."

"You don't need to tell me this, I know it very well."

Mo Tan shrugged and said dryly: "I just want to feel the feeling of saying that to others because I am often teased by a certain friend."

Tephiro laughed, and then continued the topic: "You should have read a lot about my deeds from the portrait of [Luke Tephiro] in the Thousand Lights Dome, well, starting from the mid-term , most of the content above is true, and in this process, Damas helped me a lot, and of course, I also secretly solved a lot of trouble for him."

"Do you feel that you are particularly suitable to be the protagonist in those bardic stories?"

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows and joked: "I met Neva Fao when I was still a kid. When I became a favored person of the gods, I was adopted as my godson by that crowned prince. I have been unreasonable since I was a child. His talent is so good that he is loved by everyone. He can make friends like Master Elphis and the great astrologer Damas whenever he goes out. He has no shortage of confidantes, not to mention his true destiny. Goddess, to be honest, Your Majesty Luke Tefero, you are more like the protagonist in a story than a living scumbag."

Tifilo smiled casually and said leisurely: "If this is the case, I might be a little happier, but it's a pity that reality and stories are still different, and real people are often more complicated than the heroes in stories. many."

"For example?"

Mo Tan pressed forward step by step.

"For example, heroes rarely eat, drink or have diarrhea...at least it takes up story space."

Tifilo shrugged and said lightly: "But if I don't spend twenty minutes in the toilet every day, I will feel that my life is a little incomplete."

Mo Tan snorted noncommittally and did not answer.

“Like Elephith, Margaret, and Hans, Damas is a good friend of mine, and although I never told him what I wanted, I always believed in the man who had his breakthrough in his early thirties. When you reach the legendary level, the guy who always talks in a garrulous manner and hides his head and tail knows everything."

Tifilo made a face at Mo Tan and curled his lips and said: "And the only reason why he never mentioned that matter to me is probably because that loser knew that he couldn't solve my troubles, and he also knew very well that he couldn't persuade me. Move me."

Mo Tan looked expressionlessly at Tifilo, whose face was full of memories of the past, and said dryly: "Please tell me the important point, my time is precious."

"Okay, okay, okay, ah, young people nowadays really don't know what respect is... Okay, okay, don't glare at me, just focus on the important points."

The old man sighed resentfully, and said helplessly to Mo Tan, who had been angry with him for some reason: "The last time we met was six months ago. When I noticed the existence of you 'outsiders', Before I was about to write to Damas, his letter was sent to me first. It probably meant that I should put down my quill and go directly to him, because this is not something that one or two pieces of parchment can do. Explain things clearly."

Mo Tan did not interrupt, but nodded slightly, indicating to Tifilo to continue.

"Then I went to his observatory, which has been the home of Damas for generations. Although usually only those who inherited the name 'Damas' and their apprentices, occasionally outsiders like me would go there. Visits, of course, these people are all trustworthy, and history has proven that those people did not make a mistake.”

Tiphilo smacked his lips and explained to Mo Tan in a relaxed and cheerful tone: "Did you know that those [Remidep Observatory] in Damas are actually underground? It's very interesting, isn't it? It's clearly called The star observatory is built underground where you can’t see the stars.”

Mo Tan shook his head and said disapprovingly: "It doesn't matter. I remember that astrologers of high level and above have the ability to simulate stars. After the epic level, they can create illusory starry skies regardless of location. Although the accuracy is not as good as the open air environment, if Damas throughout the ages have reached the legendary realm, so the difference between the ground and the underground should be infinitely close to zero, right?"

Tifilo rolled his eyes: "You kid is really not cute at all... Wait, why do you know this somewhat unfamiliar astrology knowledge?"

"Because I'm knowledgeable."

In order to avoid being overwhelmed by his guilt towards a certain great astrologer, Mo Tan casually mentioned the topic and asked: "By the way, since this Master Damas is a human with half-orc blood, , he who was half a year ago...should be as close to death of old age as you are now, right?"

"Why haven't you been beaten to death at this age?"

Tifilo puffed his beard and stared at Mo Tan. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you're right. Damas is about the same age as me, although the legendary realm and strength have been more or less extended for him. He has lost some life, but when I saw him half a year ago, the boy could no longer live without a fireplace, a blanket and a wheelchair. I suspect that if the apprentice hadn't been filial enough, he might have died a few years ago because he couldn't cook for him. He ate it and died."

Mo Tan frowned and asked, "So who is Damas's apprentice..."

"The successor, the next Damas."

Tiphilo calmly interrupted Mo Tan and said concisely: "As for who will become Damas' apprentice at what time, it depends on Damas himself to predict. By the way, for thousands of years, every Damas will predict their own death time after being promoted to legend, and each time they will complete the 'succession ceremony' with their apprentices the day before their death."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and complained: "Standing up doesn't seem to be a positive and sunny ritual."

"Of course, after all, this is a method that can 100% promote people to the rank of legend. How can it be without cost?"

Tifilo shrugged, spread his hands and said: "In fact, the essence of the succession ceremony created by the second generation Damas is to rub everything about himself except his memory, personality and consciousness, and then transfer it to On the successor, even though this 'rubbing' will be annihilated by itself in the process, more than 50% of it will be destroyed, but even so, it is enough for a talented astrologer to open the door to 'legend'."

Mo Tan tilted his head and thought for a while, then suddenly asked: "Then how do they know that the heir they are looking for is a talented person... Oh!"

"Haha, if you didn't react, I would have laughed at you."

Tiphilo stroked his beard and said happily: "Yes, he is also a legendary astrologer after all. Isn't it easy to find a good candidate? In Damas' words, he even knew it before they met. I know that on a certain day of the month thirty years from now, I will scold my apprentice for something bad."

Mo Tan, who had some knowledge about astrologers, was stunned for a moment and said in astonishment: "Can you predict this accurately?"

"It was so predictable."

Tifilo snorted and sneered: "The old boy has a good memory. He just deliberately finds trouble with other girls on certain days and scolds them."

Mo Tan: "..."

"Okay, let's get down to business."

After getting Mo Tan out of trouble, Tifilo smiled with satisfaction: "In short, we talked a lot about you 'people from another world' during that meeting half a year ago. As for the conclusion... a brief summary is this Damas is going crazy.”

Mo Tan blinked and asked curiously: "Why?"

"Because unlike many astrologers, the Damas lineage likes to predict the future in stages long into the future, and after the people of your world appear..."

Tifilo shrugged and said with a bad smile: "The future in his eyes has become fragmented, messy, confused, and miserable."


Mo Tan choked immediately.

"But he was quite optimistic after being rescued."

Tifilo chuckled and sighed: "I even feel that I am a little short-changed because I only have three years left to live. I can't see so many colorful futures."

Mo Tan's eyes narrowed slightly: "You mean...three years?"

"Yes, according to what Damas said half a year ago, he still has about three years to live."

Luke's expression also became serious, and he said softly: "However, he died twenty days ago."


"He saw something he shouldn't have seen, something that could directly defeat 'destiny'. And it was that shocking glance that caused Damas' three-year lifespan to be shortened to thirty minutes."

"thirty minutes?"

"Yes, he did not die immediately, but spent the last thirty minutes of his life leaving me a letter and saying goodbye to his apprentice briefly."

Chapter 1926: End

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