Quadruple split

Chapter 1925 Dark Night Murder

Holy Calendar Year 9457, Frost Moon Melody 9th, Southwest Continent, Borderlands

Game time AM02:09

In front of the slope at night, a man who looked like he was at least eighteen or nineteen years old, but was wearing a regimental commander-level [Holy Arms], with a shaky figure, gritted his teeth and swung a sword, throwing out several long golden arrows. The trailing light slash contained seven or eight rapidly approaching black figures more than ten meters away.

They were priests wearing black priest robes or knight armor. If you ignore the color, their outfits are 80% similar to those of the priests, priests, and paladins of the Dawn Sect. Even many of the lace details on the cuffs and other positions are similar. Very similar.


He was almost out of breath under the weight of the heavy [Holy Arms]. As the youngest deputy commander in the history of the Templar Order of Dawn Sect, "Morning Regiment", Hans Andre resorted to sucking The strength allowed him to stand firmly in front of the position, and he cursed through gritted teeth: "Are they all born from Nikaqiu? His vitality is so... haha... tenacious!"

As a result, just as he was cursing, a team of twelve Night Paladins suddenly appeared from the darkness on horseback. To Hans's despair, under the cover of dark magic, when he and several people around him When a friend realized the existence of this enemy, the latter was less than twenty meters away from the simple hard drive.

Twenty meters away! For the Paladin who is galloping on his mount, it is not even as long as it takes for them to take three coordinated breaths.

[It’s over. 】

Hans tightened the cross sword in his hand, which had almost no flames flowing, and seemed to be as heavy as a thousand stones. Suddenly, with a determined look on his face, he shouted to several fellow paladins around him: "I will find a way to stop this group, and you should withdraw quickly. Let the brothers who are not so seriously injured and can still move push outside and resist as long as they can!"

"Deputy Head!"

The dark elf female knight next to her suddenly turned her head to look at Hans, gritted her teeth and said: "Retreat with us. We can send a signal to the main force in the south..."

"obey orders."

Staring with splitting eyes at the Dark Night Paladin who had rushed within easy reach, Hans suddenly swung his sword behind him, directly sweeping out the Dark Elf female knight under his command and the few subordinates who were unwilling to leave. At a distance of seven or eight meters, he took a deep breath, raised the seemingly extinguished cross sword in his hand high above his head, and shouted in a deep voice: "Sacrifice my body, burn my soul - Dawn of Death..." "

"Cut your mother's head off."

As the familiar curse sounded close by, Hans Andre felt his body sink. The power that had been poured into the sword returned to his body in an instant, and then his legs softened and his butt fell. Sitting on the ground.

The next second, he raised his head in embarrassment and stared at the back of the figure in front of him who was wearing a priest's robe and had long golden hair. He opened his mouth in shock, but no words came out.

At the same time, twelve dark night knights with average strength, all of whom were at the peak of high level, were already within reach. The leading knight suddenly raised the sharp black lance in his hand. If nothing unexpected happened, the next moment He would fly the slightly thin man in front of him and kill him.



The cold spear surrounded by dark divine power was stuck firmly in the air with a twisted outline. No matter how hard the Dark Night Knight captain exerted his strength, it was difficult to make even an inch of progress.


The eleven paladins following closely behind the team leader were shaken at the same time. They watched helplessly as the horses galloped out without any hindrance, while they seemed to have hit a hard and thick barrier. He was frozen in place amidst the severe pain that threatened to shatter all the bones in his body.


Including the captain of the Dark Night Paladin who was still struggling, the entire team of twelve people flew uncontrollably into the air more than three meters above the ground, and their gazes were completely suppressed by an invisible force. Unable to move.


Twelve rays of blood exploded neatly in the hearts of the Dark Night Paladins, killing them instantly without exception and returning to the embrace of the Dark Goddess.


The holy son of the Dawn Sect and the chaplain of the "Morning Regiment" of the Knights Templar, the seventeen-year-old Luke Tefero turned to his friend and grinned, and said cheerfully: "I'm so glad you're still alive, Hans. .”

"If you hit me harder with that slap just now, I will die, and..."

Hans Andre turned his head and looked at his shoulder pads with a slap mark. He stood up with some difficulty on his knees, staggered to his friend, grabbed the latter's collar, and said angrily: " Why are you still here?"

Luke rolled his eyes, easily broke away from Hansen's weak grip, and asked lazily: "Why can't I be here?"

"Why can't you be here?"

Hans laughed angrily, and approached Tifilo, who was slowly retreating, with a staggering step, and said in a loud voice: "Because you are the target of the heretics of the Dark Night Sect! Because their purpose of this ambush is to kill you, A rising star who may cause them huge trouble in the future!”

Tifilo rubbed the tip of his nose in embarrassment, and while retreating at a very fast pace, he said very humbly: "Where is it..."

"I'm not complimenting you!"

Realizing that with his current physical condition, it was impossible to catch the bastard in front of him, Hans had to stop panting, leaning on his cross sword and said in a deep voice: "Anyway, I am very grateful to you for saving my life just now. , and then, no matter which muscle you shot wrong and you ran back, retreat immediately! I will lead my friends in the position to cover you and buy as much time as possible!"

Tiphilo raised his eyebrows, and said softly in a slow and calm tone that was completely opposite to Hans: "Stop dreaming. It's just you defeated soldiers, let alone buy time. Even if you leave it alone, it will take ten and a half days." I’m afraid Yue will explain everything here.”


Hans clenched his fists tightly and said angrily: "Now is not the time to joke, and I hope you can be respectful. You must know that the reason why everyone fights to this point is not because of..."

"In order to cover the regiment commander and my regiment, we fought our way out of the encirclement."

Tifilo calmly finished the second half of Hans Andre's sentence, and then shrugged: "That's absolutely right, man, but I don't want to owe you such a big favor. The reason why I cooperated with the retreat before was because Each of us misjudged the situation, thinking that the other party had missed that a certain woman who liked to use crosses to crack people's heads was also in this team. In that case, a rear-cutting force with Her Highness Xia Lian would also fight. It's very hard, but the level of hard work will never exceed your daily training, but the problem is... we were wrong."

Tiphilo narrowed his eyes and looked around at the messy battlefield down the slope that could be called the land of Shura. His eyes swept over the thousands of war dead and he sighed deeply.

"this is not your fault."

Hans stared at Tifilo's clear and bright eyes and said word by word: "You don't need to feel guilty about this! You don't need to be responsible for this!"

"That's not the point, Hans. I'm not that pretentious, and I don't intend to argue with you."

Tifilo waved his hand impatiently and spoke a little faster: "What I want to tell you is that the power of the Dark Night Sect in this ambush is far beyond your imagination. At this moment, our large army It has been completely delayed. Although it is only a matter of time before we win under the leadership of the leader, at least tonight, time is not on Dawn's side."

Hans was stunned for a moment, then immediately asked: "What's going on?!"

"It means that the leader and the main force of our 'Morning Regiment' were dragged in the wasteland twenty kilometers away from this position. The enemy is the second, fifth and seventh combat orders of the Templar Knights of the Dark Night Sect. and a large number of employed Borderlands vagrants.”

Tiphilo shrugged and said calmly: "At this moment, your Excellency the regiment leader is leading our main force to fight bravely, because there is no knight commander level figure in the opponent's formation, so although we are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, The odds of winning are even greater. If nothing happens, the opponent will fall into an irreversible defeat within five hours."

Hans breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest gently: "That's okay, that's okay..."

"However, the small group of elites pre-arranged here by the opponent is far better than the rear-cutting troops led by you. It is obvious that if I had not arrived in time, you, as the last group of viable forces, would have been broken through by now."

Tifilo turned his head and looked at the twelve Night Paladins on the ground whose hearts were simultaneously detonated by the Law Technique, and asked calmly: "The reason is obvious. Our Holy Lady... was held back, right?"

Hans sighed, nodded helplessly and said: "Yes... We originally planned to fight and retreat with Her Highness Xia Lian as the core. You also know that with her magical attainments, we can definitely do it without sacrificing our utmost." If we hold back the opponent with low casualties, even if there are some casualties, we will never end up in this situation."

Tifilo nodded slightly and asked, "So the reason why Xia Lian is not here is..."

"We encountered a Dark Knight Commander."

Hans cast his gaze at the dozens of criss-crossing ravines not far away, filled with dark divine power, and said solemnly: "If His Highness Xia Lian hadn't forced that man away in time and moved the battlefield to other places, I'm afraid we would have all been killed. After that, although everyone persisted, they were still retreating steadily under the elite forces of the dark night. This slope was already our last position. Including me, the total number of survivors was 1,460. Seventeen brothers and sisters were ready for martyrdom.”

"I see."

Tifilo nodded, then turned around and walked towards the direction from which the night attackers were coming. He said without looking back, "You guys have a good rest, I'll go deal with the problem."

Hans was stunned for a moment, and then immediately yelled behind Tifilo: "Are you crazy? The other party is the knight commander of the Dark Night Sect! How are you going to solve the problem!?"


"Careful? Tifilo, you..."

"Just put your mind to it, my friend."

Tifilo turned to Hans and smiled, waving a ball of light that he caught in the palm of his right hand: "Use the [Heart of Dawn] that my godfather gave me before departure, just in case."

Game time AM02:25

"Last warning."

Holding up the star-gold cross in her hand that exuded little bits of light, the Saint of Dawn Xia Lian Zhuye stared coldly at the elusive darkness in front of her, as if it could absorb even the starlight in the sky. He paused and said, "Get out of my way, otherwise I will turn all of you rubbish into smoking rags even if I risk my life."

"If you can..."

An ethereal and soft voice sounded from the deep depths, with a touch of mockery and coldness: "Just give it a try."

"Don't show any shame!"

Xia Lian's eyes narrowed and she slammed the cross in her hand to the ground: "Show me!"

The next moment, I saw that the dim starry sky in the sky suddenly brightened visibly to the naked eye, and became starry in just a few seconds. It actually directly illuminated hundreds of meters in radius with Xia Lian as the center. The earth, while the darkness not far away was visualized into a circle of about three meters, as if it were 'embedded' in the space like a large dark cocoon.

Although there is no actual attack power, Xia Lian's silent holy words just now directly locked the 'cocoon' that could theoretically appear in any 'dark' environment at any time, and forcibly completed it for the enemy. A round of space anchoring.

"You won't be able to escape this way."

Having been delayed for too long, Xia Lian, who was too worried about Hans and their broken rear troops, had completely lost her patience. She completely locked onto that damn Dark Night Knight Commander and directly raised the cross high, calling out dozens of words every time. The Holy Light Hammer, which contained the epic peak lethality, did not hesitate to use the magic that was like a swarm of meteors. It was obviously a single attack, but it was forcibly transformed into a designated range of continuous strikes.

And the giant black cocoon did not sit still and waited for death. Countless black spikes were seen shooting out in mid-air the moment the hammers of holy light appeared. In an instant, the size of the 'meteor shower' was thinned out by nearly 10%. A third of it was followed by a large black vortex with a diameter of about half a meter across the space between the [Hammer of Holy Light] and the cocoon of darkness on the ground. It swallowed up less than half of it in an instant, so when the last ten When several war hammers filled with the power of dawn fell, their overall power had been reduced by at least 60%, so that the giant black cocoon only shook lightly and smashed those war hammers into pieces with a cold and dark wave in the air. .

As a result, at the same time, with a roaring sound that broke through the sky, the giant black cocoon that had just dissolved the piece of [Dawn·Bola] suddenly shattered, revealing the figure that had always been hidden in the depths of darkness.

But that person was not the Dark Night Knight Commander.

Instead, she was a woman wearing a complicated priest robe like a long skirt, with black hair reaching her waist, a quiet temperament, and eyes as beautiful as rubies.

Chapter 1916: End

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