Quadruple split

Chapter 1919 Unexpected Visit

"Luna conquered nearly all the Skolks?"

Mo Tan, who had just picked up the coffee and was about to sip it, was stunned for a moment. Then he put down the cup and asked Xia Liya in astonishment: "What is the specific situation?"

Shalliya shrugged, stood up and walked to the long table in front of Mo Tan. She casually pulled out two pieces of parchment from the pile of documents and slapped them in front of the latter. She said in a leisurely tone: "This is Si Please read the communication briefing for yourself between the alien lady named Yuekui in Kolk and Lao Luo."

Mo Tan nodded, and then he lowered his head and quickly read the briefing summary summarized by Luo Ou and summarized by Shalia, and then his expression became more complicated.


Five minutes later, Mo Tan, whose eyes were a little straight, raised his head and asked blankly: "What does the 'Geng Jia' mentioned above mean?"

Shalia blinked and said in a brisk tone: "The brightest star in the Oak Constellation, whose scientific name is [Lanzhu One], is a frequent visitor in astrology. In the dialect of northerners, it is - Yujia, In the surrounding area, Yujia is the only star that can help people identify the direction during the day. Like 'Skolk', the word 'Yujia' is also an honorific, and its meaning is probably 'to illuminate us and warm our way'. people'."

"It seems I was right in not insisting on keeping her."

Mo Tan shook his head slightly, put down the parchment in his hand and sighed: "I'm afraid it's not easy to make those Skolks pay so much attention."

Raymond coughed slightly and said with a subtle expression: "With all due respect, Your Excellency, this can no longer be described as 'very difficult', although the name 'Yujia' over there does not directly lead people. 'Skolk', but the weight is no less than the latter. They are willing to call Miss Luna this way, which can almost be understood to mean that those Skokers are willing to die for her at any time."

Mo Tan, who didn't understand the local culture, was suddenly shocked: "So serious!?"

"That's how serious it is."

Shalia nodded vigorously and said seriously: "But I think Ms. Luna deserves it. If you turn to the second page and look at the appendix carefully, you will know that Ms. Luna almost let everyone down in just a few days. More than 70% of the people in Skolk Dazhai who suffered from various diseases and old injuries have restored their quality of life. Not only that, after she completed several infrastructures through her temporary alchemy workshop, every Skolk People can now drink clean water without impurities, and in addition, she has also solved the problem of malnutrition among children."

Mo Tan suffocated slightly, and after a while he breathed a sigh of relief. He rubbed his forehead and said with a wry smile: "So has she really been sleeping these days..."

"Yue Kui didn't mention in the message whether Miss Luna slept, but one thing is for sure..."

Luo Ou crossed his arms and grinned at Mo Tan, raising his eyebrows and said: "Our alchemist lady has been emphasizing to everyone who wants to give her their heart to show their gratitude that the reason why she is willing to go to Skolk The reason for the help is because the current speaker in Doumbouya City, the Reverend Heifan of the Dawn Sect, has repeatedly given instructions. So if I want to thank him, I would like to thank the Reverend Heifan who has always cared about Skolke even though he has not been there in person. ”

Mo Tan nodded, and then turned to Phillip and asked: "Is there any news from the Union? It doesn't matter whether it's formal or informal."

"No messages have been sent directly on behalf of the United."

Philip shook his head and said hesitantly: "Informally speaking... the Harvest Sect contacted me twice through some special means, mainly asking me if I could adapt to the environment here. There was something wrong with the previous battle with the Harpy. No injuries, I think Avery should have received similar news."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and then asked curiously: "How do you usually contact your own sect? Is it as convenient as us from other worlds?"

"Haha, how is this possible?"

Philip, who had been exchanging common knowledge about people from other worlds with Luo Ou recently, laughed dumbly and shook his head: "Although our contact method is more convenient than normal letters, it is not as good as your 'friend messages' that can be sent anytime, anywhere without any delay. But there is a huge difference. To put it simply, high-level clergy can use the power of faith as a transit to link up with the churches, chapels and other faith gathering places closest to them, while the faith gathering places always maintain the same relationship with each other. With the lowest level of links, this way..."


Mo Tan frowned and interrupted Phillip, and said succinctly: "Don't be wordy, be concise and focus on the key points."

Suddenly, apart from Luo Ou who was still happily sipping the tea, both Shalia and Raymond shivered subconsciously. For no other reason than Pastor Hei Fan's lack of respect for His Highness the Holy Son. Although both Philip and Avery have no airs at all, and even repeatedly emphasized that they hope to be treated equally as ordinary partners, at present, only heterosexuals like Mo Tan and Luo Ou can really achieve this. People from the world', and strange women like Luna, although they are both NPCs, they are too 'informal' in every aspect.

"Oh! Okay!"

However, Philip himself didn't think it was anything. After hearing this, he immediately rubbed the tip of his nose and said faster: "To put it simply, a high-level cleric like me can resonate with places like churches through the power of faith. Churches can produce similar resonance effects over long distances, so small-scale prayers in the City of Light can be used to activate all faith gathering places between there and Doumbouya City, through something like a 'springboard' The effect will be to contact me directly, but on the other hand, I think it will be much more troublesome to contact the other party. Sometimes it is more convenient than writing a letter."

Luo Ou blinked and interjected: "It sounds similar to dialing the area code for transfer decades ago?"

"I don't know, I didn't experience that era much."

Mo Tan shook his head honestly, took a sip of coffee and chuckled: "It seems that as I expected, the United side was shocked by the results we sent before, so they were half pushed and half put on the ground. Promise to let us continue to wait and see while cooperating with Skolk, haha... But this is not a problem, I think it won't be long before there will be clear rewards over there."

Raymond frowned and hesitated: "Is this really going to happen? Although I admit that we fought beautifully in the previous battle, we have battles of that scale every year..."

"No, no, old man, this time is different."

As a result, before Mo Tan could speak, Xia Liya happily interrupted Raymond and said with a sly smile: "In the past, we only had vacations or gold-plated butts on our heads. Naturally, those benefits did not go to big-head soldiers like us. , but now the situation has changed. If nothing else, with Your Excellency and the two His Highnesses stationed in Doumbuya City, I believe that the joint high-level officials will soon put pressure on them under the joint pressure of the three major sects: Dawn, Fertility and Justice. He will praise us lavishly and will probably publicize it throughout the entire sanctuary. The protagonists are naturally Pastor Hei Fan and the two Holy Sons."

Phillip scratched his hair in embarrassment and said with a wry smile: "I'm really sorry. It's obviously a joint effort of everyone, I..."

"Just accept it calmly."

Mo Tan raised his hand to interrupt Philip, whose face was full of embarrassment, and said in a brisk tone: "Although the excessive publicity of you and Avery is foreseeable, the city of Doumbouya can be in the situation it is today. It can be considered as a bonus from both of you. The Sect of Abundance and the Sect of Justice are not philanthropic. After getting so many benefits, how could they not give some benefits to their own people."

Phillip sighed and shook his head: "But I really don't want this benefit..."

"Don't be naive."

Mo Tan glanced at him and said calmly: "It's not something you don't want if you don't want it. The Fenghuang Sect and the Just Sect have devoted so many resources to your two highnesses. If those uncles and aunties don't want to make up for it, I’m afraid I won’t be able to sleep well at night.”

Xia Liya also nodded vigorously and agreed: "Priest Hei Fan is right. Don't think too much, Your Highness, the Holy Son. We are all partners who have fought side by side, even if we don't know you for a while. What is your character, but you also know how big a role you played in that battle."

"Yes, if you hadn't taken the risk of being counterattacked and came with... uh, what's called divine grace, and blocked the entire battlefield, we definitely wouldn't have been able to annihilate each other so easily."

Luo Ou chuckled and shrugged: "But I'm afraid Brother Avery's achievements can only be made up. After all, he had been sent to Skolk at that time. Although it was also a very important mission, in St. In the eyes of the United Church, it is definitely not important to deal with those down-and-out families, so if nothing unexpected happens, there is a high probability that the figure of the Holy Son of Justice will also appear in that great victory."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and smiled: "That's right, but we just need to be happy about it. After all, only by letting them taste the sweetness can we have the opportunity to extract more benefits from those people. At this stage, For us, any substantial benefit is extremely valuable.”

Shalia yawned, leaned back on the chair and asked Mo Tan lazily: "So do you have any other instructions? If not, can you let me go to bed?"

"Go to sleep, and remember to ask Raymond and Lao Luo to cooperate with you to sort out the rest of the organization as soon as possible."

Mo Tan smiled at Shalia, then raised his arms and stretched, and smiled at Raymond, Luo Ou and Phillip: "Let's get here first today. As the saying goes, if you want to do your job well, you must first do it well. To sharpen our tools, our top priority is to organize the system together. Although the process will inevitably be a bit boring, please calm down and do the most basic work first. Okay, it’s getting late. Go and rest."

So, the four of them were sent away, and after everyone left, Mo Tan slowly walked to the window of the prayer room, staring at the starry night sky in the howling cold wind.

"Senior, don't catch a cold."

Putting her cloak on Mo Tan's shoulders, the female knight looked at the latter's slightly tired profile with concern, and couldn't help but said: "Senior, I always feel that you have been very busy recently, are you endless..."

Mo Tan shook his head to interrupt Yi Xuan's worries, and turned to show the latter a smile that was not forced: "An Xin, I'm resting pretty well, but I've been thinking a lot lately, and occasionally I feel a little tired. That’s all.”

Yi Zuo pursed her lips, and after a moment of silence, she said, "Then... let's go back to the City of Light?"


Mo Tan turned his head and glanced at the half-dragon female knight who was half a head taller than him, with a struggling expression. He repeated in surprise: "Back to the Capital of Light?"

Yi Zuo nodded vigorously and said seriously: "If you tell Her Highness Xia Lian, she will agree. Even if His Majesty the Pope and their side... have other ideas, senior, you are from another world after all, so you must still If there is a way, if it comes to Doumbouya City, let other knight commanders who are proficient in military strategy come..."

Under Mo Tan's half-smiling gaze, the female knight's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally she lowered her face and stopped talking.

"Look, you don't think it's realistic either."

Mo Tan took a deep breath of the cold air in the north and said leisurely: "This is a one-way road without any room for maneuver. Now that we have taken a step forward, before crushing all obstacles or smashing into pieces, it is It is impossible to stop, neither the three Highnesses Fiari, Avery, and Philip nor the three major sects of Dawn, Harvest, and Justice who have high hopes for us will allow us to stop."

Yi Zuo pursed her lips and frowned: "But..."

"Don't be bound by your identity as a guardian knight, Yi Zuo. I'm grateful that you are willing to be my sword, but this does not mean that you have to live for someone other than yourself."

"...Yes, senior."

"I think the reason why you were willing to call me senior and become my knight was because I did something that made you envious, proud or proud of me, intentionally or unintentionally. I don't want you to put the cart before the horse and take care of me. The mood and body go against the original intention.”

"...Yes, senior."

"Hey, let's change the subject."

Mo Tan closed the window, walked to the warm fireplace and sat down, lazily tilted his head and asked Yi Xuan who was standing beside him: "Want to hear some gossip?"

The female knight was stunned: "Gossip?"

"That's right, gossip, and it's also gossip about the love between our Highness Xia Lian and the previous pope."

Mo Tan grinned and said happily: "There used to be a scumbag named Luke Tefero. He..."

"He's about to round his arms and give you a big ear-scratcher."

On the chair opposite, an old man with white hair and beard stared at Mo Tan with a smile -

"We gotta talk, kid."

Chapter 1910: End

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