Quadruple split

Chapter 1912 Long-cherished wish but unwillingness

"Good evening, mistress, may I help you?"

A polite and soft voice sounded behind him, and Ji Xiaodao knew without looking back that the person coming was the middle-aged man who used to be the butler at the Sin Lord's Residence. He was a gentleman, had a careful personality, was meticulous in his work, and had great execution ability—— Liev Astor.

"As I said a long time ago, that despicable role-playing game is over, and you don't need to call me Mistress anymore, Mr. Astor."

Without looking back at the other person's face with a decent expression, Ji Xiaodao said without looking back: "If there is no official business, please stay away from me."

Obviously, Ji Xiaodao did not have a positive impression of this man. Although she had to admit that he was indeed an excellent housekeeper under the pseudonym 'Dawn', but whether it was towards 'Tianzhu Mountain's quasi-walker' Li Fu As She didn't have any affection for Thor, or for the high-ranking cadre 'Abel's Soul' among the remnants of the Sun Dynasty.

In fact, Ji Xiaodao, a 'big shot' who did not have any clear position but had extremely high authority over everything within the camp, basically only had four attitudes toward outsiders.

First of all, in front of a certain guy who was conferred the title of Lord of Sin and was later nicknamed the King of Sin by Arthur. Although Ji Xiaodao's attitude was relatively cold, he would talk a little more. Occasionally, he could even be as good as a normal person. Although he calculated carefully, The end result is still 'taciturn', but compared to the other person, it can even become a bit talkative.

The second group is White King Arthur, White Bishop Osiris, Marshal Galahad, Chauvin Emperor William, Dora and others. When getting along with these people, Ji Xiaodao has always been relatively talkative and indifferent. That, but in essence, the attitude towards these people is pretty good, even considered 'mild'.

In the third gear, there are people like Gawen and Meilin who, although they belong to the same camp and can be regarded as partners in principle, they always make Ji Xiaodao feel uncomfortable. For them, even if they are in the same position, the girl will not Swords facing each other often require a considerable degree of cooperation and cooperation, but the attitude will never be better.

The last level is the enemy, there is nothing to say, just cut it.

And the Li Fu Astor behind him is undoubtedly the third level, that is, although he is not an enemy, he hardly gets Ji Xiaodao's good looks.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your mood."

Li Fo bowed slightly, and after a brief silence, he said softly in a decent but not as calm tone as before: "To be honest, maybe I'm just a little...scared."

Ji Xiaodao frowned slightly, turned to look at Li Fu, whose expression was still calm, but with a hint of bitterness at the corner of his mouth, and repeated: "Afraid?"

"Yeah, I'm a little scared."

Li Fu nodded and calmly said to the dark elf girl in front of him: "Although it is difficult for you to empathize with me, in fact, betraying Tianzhu Mountain is undoubtedly an act that makes people sit on pins and needles, especially for a despicable little guy like me. For people.”

Ji Xiaodao narrowed her eyes and asked in her usual cold tone: "Didn't you betray Tianzhu Mountain a long time ago? Your Excellency Abel Soul?"

"Theoretically, that's true."

Li Fu laughed and shrugged: "As you know, I am the remnant of the Sun Dynasty, and Tianzhu Mountain is the culprit that directly led to the destruction of the Sun Dynasty. It is also a thorn in the eyes and flesh of all the remnants, and I, as the top The ultimate goal of an infiltrator with the name of 'Abel's Soul' is to collapse that suffocating mountain and eliminate the biggest obstacle to restoring the glory of the dynasty."

Without any intention of ending the conversation, Ji Xiaodao just nodded lightly: "Continue."

"But I don't think this is a betrayal of Tianzhu Mountain, because from the day I was born...even before I was born, I have been destined to dedicate everything to the revival of the dynasty. No one can choose their own origin. , Mistress, even you people from other worlds cannot choose whose child you will be."

After a breeze that was not too cold passed by, Li Fu magically took out a beautiful and exquisite cold-proof cloak and handed it to Ji Xiaodao. When the other party showed no intention of reaching out, he smiled and said: "This is what your Excellency still needs." When I was maintaining my status as a sin lord, I was told to find someone to do it, but he seems to have always felt that your 'character setting' was a bit too frugal."

"I've never been a competent actor."

Ji Xiaodao took the cloak from Li Fu's hand, which was of ordinary quality and had nothing but good looks and warmth. He casually put it on his shoulders and picked up the topic again: "So? You don't seem to have a clear understanding of your origin. satisfy."

"You are the first person to know about this matter. Of course, I think your Excellency and Ms. Jiawen have probably seen some clues, but they obviously don't bother to bother with a little person like me."

While Li Fu adjusted his white gloves, he said in a brisk tone that did not match the atmosphere: "Yes, I am very dissatisfied with my origin. In fact, I don't like Sun Dynasty at all, although I do I have dedicated everything I have to the restoration of the dynasty, but speaking from my personal point of view, I think that the once great country will fall apart sooner or later, just like the Cang Yue Empire in the past. Even if Tianzhu Mountain did not take action, it would still fall apart because of its cruelty. , the arrogant and corrupt dark side became history.”

Ji Xiaodao, who also knew the history of the Sun Dynasty and had no favorable impression of Underhill (the capital where the leadership of the Sun Dynasty gathered, now the ruins of Underhill), was finally aroused and continued to ask: " So why are you still doing these things? Since you hate Sun Dynasty so much."

"Because I have the blood of the dynasty in my body. As I said, mistress, one cannot choose one's origin. Although I am not a descendant of any royal family, my ancestor is just a small officer of the Undersheriff garrison, but When they and those like-minded people decided to dedicate everything to the dynasty, my life was destined not to belong to me."

Li Fu smiled at Ji Xiaodao, and then explained: "But please don't misunderstand, this is not a curse or a contract. In fact, even if I choose to live peacefully in a deserted place, Will be tortured by any mysterious force that suddenly descends."

The girl's brows furrowed even more tightly: "Then why did you..."

"Because I can't betray the efforts of countless generations. Mistress, you don't know what hardships those remnants went through in order to survive in the days after the fall of the dynasty, and how much they paid to accumulate strength. If I choose If you live for yourself, then countless blood and tears, resentment and hatred, despair and forbearance will be meaningless."

Li Fu made a helpless expression, shook his head at Ji Xiaodao, who couldn't hide his confusion, and said, "I don't expect you to understand my thoughts. In Ms. Jiawen's words... it's too 'abstract.' But this is indeed the only reason why I decided to dedicate everything to the Sun Dynasty. It may be funny, but the reason why countless remnants of the dynasty can persist until now is precisely because of this funny and abstract reason."

Ji Xiaodao stared at Li Fo with cold eyes and said expressionlessly: "It's a good story, but it has always been difficult for me to sympathize with the poor people in the story. As you said, I don't understand you." ideas, and not interested in the ins and outs.”

"I'm sorry, mistress, I shouldn't have digressed."

Li Fu showed an unapologetic smile, and then lightly tapped his forehead: "I remember what I said before... yes, fear, I feel afraid of betraying Tianzhu Mountain, but I don't think I The identity of 'Abel's Soul' is a kind of betrayal. The reason is actually very simple. That is, I think Tianzhu Mountain may not know my identity. In fact, I think they most likely took my identity from the day I was on the mountain. Everything is clear, whether it is the remnant of the dynasty or the ridiculous soul of Abel."

Hearing this, Ji Xiaodao finally showed a somewhat shocked look: "You mean, they knew it from the beginning?"

"They may or may not know, but it makes no difference to them. Mistress, in the eyes of Tianzhu Mountain, my identity and thoughts are of no importance at all, just like a gardener doesn't care whether the ants in the garden are planning something." In order to kill themselves, they only need to clean up the bugs that do bad things and leave the bugs that do good things. As for what the bugs think, they don't care, or even if they do care, it may be because the bugs don't exist at all. The ability to hurt yourself and be happy with it.”

Li Fu turned his head and looked at a star that can point people to the north, and said lightly: "This is what I have learned in Tianzhu Mountain over the years, and this truth is actually not difficult to prove at all. You know, even we The most powerful period of the dynasty, which the remnants dream of returning to, took less than thirty minutes from the time Tianzhu Mountain decided to level it to the completion of the 'razing', of which the first fifteen minutes were delayed. Or is it because Master Lu Wei is busy with other research and has forgotten the time, so why do people care about us weak remnants?"

Ji Xiaodao nodded: "Indeed, if you put it this way, you are just bugs at the giant's feet. As for whether the bug is big or small, the giant really has no reason to care."

"But your Excellency is different."

Li Fu changed the topic and said seriously: "Your Excellency is not the lingering remnants of us, but the existence that can really make the big shots in Tianzhu Mountain fearful and uneasy. Although you were not sure at the beginning, After following you for such a long time, I am now convinced that you have the potential to shake that giant mountain."

A flash of understanding flashed in Ji Xiaodao's eyes, and he nodded and said: "So, although being a remnant of the dynasty is not a betrayal of Tianzhu Mountain to you, joining Mo's command and offering your loyalty to him is. It is an out-and-out betrayal of Tianzhu Mountain, because he can indeed cause trouble to Tianzhu Mountain, right?"

"That's it."

Li Fu took a breath, shook his head and said, "I can't help but feel fear. Whether it's you, Tianzhu Mountain, or whether I'm Li Fu Astor or the soul of Abel, I'm afraid." I can hardly breathe. I have spent decades in Tianzhu Mountain, and in the past six months, I have witnessed your Excellency grow from scratch. I watched him take Master Meilin and Ms. Jiawen under his command, and design to murder Kangda. The Prince and His Highness Arthur presided over the creation of Lord Bishop White and Lord White King's God-killing Star Plan, and let Ms. Gavin lead the Dark Fire Operation that simultaneously united the Griffin Dynasty and the Dreamland Theocracy. Now they have even brought the entire With the jingoistic empire in the bag, it all feels like a dream."

Ji Xiaodao snorted coldly: "This is not a good dream."

"Of course, this is undoubtedly a nightmare, but compared to the nightmare that has haunted us remnants of the sun for countless years, your presence also represents hope."

A flash of enthusiasm flashed in Li Fu's eyes, and he said softly: "Let us realize our long-cherished wish."

Ji Xiaodao looked at Li Fo with a flushed face with cold eyes, and said coldly: "Fulfill your long-cherished wish? Haven't you seen the ending of the Chauvin Empire? Do you think that if Ruo Mo finally succeeded in overthrowing Tianzhu Mountain, your Will the dynasty continue its glory after its restoration? Lifu Astor, do you know how long it has been since the sky in the Chauvin Empire has cleared up? You who have been following Mo, do you still remember how long it has been since you saw the sun? "

"Thank you, Mistress, I know I know exactly what you mean."

Li Fu bowed and saluted Ji Xiaodao, and said with a smile: "But, so what?"

The latter was stunned for a moment, then fell into silence.

Li Fu, while adjusting his tie, said in a cheerful tone: "Their long-cherished wish is to revive the dynasty. If possible, it is best to make Tianzhu Mountain pay the price, and I have indeed been working hard for this goal. Work hard, if this is the case, it is no longer important to me whether the new dynasty can continue its glory, whether the sky over Undersher will fall into a haze, whether the Grand Archon will kiss your boots."

"I don't see what you mean by fear."

Ji Xiaodao looked at Li Fu's unusually bright and lifeless eyes, and said coldly: "I only saw a poor guy who was driven crazy."

"No one is not crazy, Mistress."

Li Fu shrugged, spread his hands and said: "Except you, whether it is Master Merlin and Ms. Gavin who are from other worlds like you, or the reborn Lord Osiris and Lord Arthur, or the Duke Garros and Marshal Galahad, who have already been baptized, who are not crazy?"

"Haha, I don't like hearing this, Butler Dawn."

Sunshine's hearty voice sounded from a short distance away. Before Li Fu had time to turn around, a solid arm hugged his shoulders.

"Good evening, Your Highness Arthur, what do you want..."

"Do you have something important to say to Silent Prayer?"

"Not yet..."

"If not, get out."

"I'm just..."

"Get out of here right now, or do you think Mo will mind if I twist your head off?"

"Yes, Your Highness."


"Your Highness?"

"Who told you to 'go'? Didn't I just say 'get out'?"


Chapter 1903: End

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