Quadruple split

Chapter 1866 Official Announcement

As we all know, the relationship between Mo Tan and Yu Chen has always been very delicate, and this subtlety can be called 'more than friends, but not enough lovers' in most situations. All in all, it seems at first glance that it is a special relationship. Romantic state.

In addition to Yi Dong and Nangong Na, everyone who knows Mo Tan and Yu Chen at the same time, whether it is Kang Lan, Wan Yang, Cui Xiaoyu, Gu Xiaole, and the Ji sisters, all feel that these two people will get together sooner or later. , in fact, a certain unlucky person has already begun to discuss with everyone in private whether the two parties involved can directly cook raw rice into cooked rice within this year.

In fact, this is really not nonsense. After all, this era has always been a bit 'too open' in some aspects, even if we leave aside those dirty bastards who have evil intentions and can only think with their lower bodies, even if they are serious about falling in love. It is not uncommon for people to reach the stage of cooking rice in the process of dating. Although the overall style of Mo Tan's small group is relatively pure, and there is even a super pure person like Cui Xiaoyu who was born solo until he was in his twenties, but There is also a filthy existence like Kang Lan who is not a virgin...

All in all, in everyone's eyes, it is a certainty that Mo Tan and Yu Chen will become a couple in the future. Even now, many of the interactions between the two are just like a serious couple.

However, although everyone's 'feeling' is generally correct, the current 'fact' is that the relationship between Mo Tan and Yu Chen has reached a dead end to some extent.

Cui Xiaoyu, Wan Yang, Kang Lan, Gu Xiaole, and Ji Xiaoge couldn't see this. Ji Xiaodao could vaguely feel it. Nangong Na's current situation didn't know why it turned out like this. Only Yi Dong knew the ins and outs of everything, and even surpassed Yu Chen himself, who was one of the parties involved, in terms of intelligence.

However, although Yuchen didn't know that Mo Tan was mentally ill, she was somewhat unreasonable and was extremely sensitive to Mo Tan... or to Mo Tan in a certain state. It is called incredible intuition, and how much she has seen through and how much she has played dumb with this intuition is still a mystery, a mystery that Mo Tan does not even dare to touch under a certain personality.

As for Mo Tan, it is necessary to analyze the specific situation in detail. The first thing that can be determined is that when he is in the state of 'chaotic neutral' or 'lawful good', it can be said that he does not call Yuchen at all, although He never denies that the other party is a very attractive ideal partner at any time, but he only appreciates it from an objective point of view and a friend's point of view. If he only talks about feelings...or to be more straightforward, he insists on saying whether it is right or not. If he likes it, Mo Tan under the lawful good personality will definitely say 'no', and although he will nod without hesitation and say 'yes' under the chaotic neutral personality, even if the object is changed to an armed helicopter, he is afraid that would also give the same answer, so exactly zero in terms of reference value.


What is also certain is that when the personality is in 'absolute neutrality', Mo Tan's feelings for Yu Chen can be 100% defined as 'admiration'.

To put it more complicated, I just don’t want her to be too close to other men, and I don’t want her to wear too cool clothes outside. I don’t want her to think of her unconsciously. No matter what she is thinking about, my thoughts will eventually stray to her, and we are together. Sometimes she blushes and her heart beats, she longs for physical contact, she hopes others don't like her, she doesn't want anyone to dislike her, she wants to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with her, live in the same place, and bury her together when they grow old.

To put it bluntly, he really likes her and wants to have a love-to-death relationship with her.

However, we can’t talk about it——

There is no need to elaborate on the reason. After all, from God's perspective, Mo Tan's troubles were clear from the beginning. Therefore, in principle, both he and Yi Dong, who knew him well, believed that Mo Tan should not follow Yu. When we are together, if we really force ourselves to fall in love, the final result will only be bad or worse.

In this regard, Yidong has always been interested in bringing together Mo Tan and his cousin Gu Xiaole. The reason is very simple. First of all, Sister Xiaole has a basic liking for Mo Tan. Although she has now "looked away", Yidong is very fond of Mo Tan. It is clear that this "look away" is actually due to Mo Tan's "absolutely neutral" style of painting in most situations, and the one Gu Xiaole really has a crush on is the little brat who always had the patience to coax her. In fact, it is Mo Tan whose personality is in a state of 'lawful good'.

Not only that, Gu Xiaole is also a very open-minded producer control in a sense. The role she calls her husband has already exceeded the double-digit mark, so if it doesn't work, the mentally ill Mo Tan will be regarded as a third party. A husband with a different serial number is also a solution.

The third point is that Yi Dong positions herself not as 'Gu Xiaole's natal family', but as 'Mo Tan's natal family', so after discovering that the wrinkled lolita who was not much prettier than a monkey has now become a slim and graceful person, , he immediately hoped to let Mo Tan take advantage of Gu Xiaole, based on the idea that the wealth would not go to outsiders.

In the end, Gu Xiaole is Yi Dong's blood relative after all, and Mo Tan is Yi Dong's most valued friend, so if they can get together, then everyone will be a family from now on. This result will be very important to Yi Dong. It can be said to be perfect, because in his opinion, Mo Tan is his first family, and to a certain extent, it is even more important than his parents.

To sum up, we can draw a conclusion, that is, regardless of Yuchen and Gu Xiaole, as long as Mo Tan and Yi Dong have different genders, there will be no suspense in the emotional route of this story. In fact, assuming there is In the other world line where Yi Dong is a girl and is renamed Yi Si Xi, then Mo Tan's 'mental illness' will even be cured in his childhood. In other words, there will be only one personality left, one that will be 100% identical to Yi Si Xi's. The complete 'Mo Tan' who will fall in love until death do us part, instead of the current four 25%.

It's a pity that Yi Dong is not Guns N' Roses Yi Xixi, and Mo Tan is not the demon girl Mo Xiaotan, so at least in this story, two people with the same gender and normal orientation can only be good brothers for life.

Now, please contain your excitement and let us get down to business——

All in all, both Yi Dong and Mo Tan, who has a 'lawful good' personality, always stand from an objective perspective and insist that there is almost no way for Mo Tan and Yu Chen to get together. Not only that, even if they are lovers like this now, In a state of fullness, it is best to make decisions as soon as possible. If you remain indecisive, the consequences will only become more serious.

It's a pity that although Mo Tan himself is very aware of this, whenever his personality is switched to the 'absolute neutral' state, it is difficult for him to take any action that would push Yu Chen away from him. As for Yi Dong, Although my friend intends to bring Mo Tan and his cousin together, he absolutely does not want to go against his brother's will, so he can't do much other than worry and help cover up. As for Mo Tan's other two personalities...

In a nutshell, under the "chaotic neutrality", he doesn't mind watching the excitement, no matter whether it is the current state of chaos or the worst and most desperate events that may happen in the future. It seems that everything can be blamed on - Lezi, and since it is Lezi, then even if it is possible to burn himself, Mo Tan, who has a "chaotic neutral" personality, is willing to take it all. In fact, he has never caused trouble in this state. The main reason is that Yuchen's overbearing intuition can see through all its disguises, so that in reality 'Tan Mo' has not been able to successfully disguise himself as 'Black Brahma' in front of him even once.

And when Mo Tan was under the 'Lawful Good' personality, although he knew very well that 'he' was doing something wrong, he could not make up his mind to 'break it off' with his current personality, because he knew 'himself' very well. ', thinking that even if he can grit his teeth and give up to save everything when his personality returns to 'absolute neutrality', he will definitely be immersed in extreme negative emotions. And for some reason, he always feels that he is immersed in extreme negative emotions under his 'absolute neutral' personality. This kind of thing in a negative mood is...dangerous.

Of course, Mo Tan, who has a 'lawful good' personality, finally chose to ignore that illusory intuition. When he thought that a break must be made or both parties would be severely damaged, he planned to take action. However, he found that Yu Chen did not seem to intend to give him any help. It's a chance for 'himself' to show off his cards, because they seem to treat 'himself' just as an ordinary friend, and the distance they keep is so decent.

It was also from that time that Mo Tan realized one thing, that is, if he had to say or do something to Yu Chen that was beyond the scope of friends, then he had to be 'absolutely neutral' in his personality. It can only be carried out when the state is good, otherwise it will be completely meaningless.

Strictly speaking, things have become like this since Yuchen officially started calling Mo Tan "Hei Fan" regardless of the occasion.

Precisely because of this, given Mo Tan's indecision under his 'absolute neutrality' personality, he neither dared to go directly to A regardless of the consequences, nor could he draw a clear line to give himself relief and give Yu Chen peace, but Just dragging it up and down, waiting for a turning point that will never come.

To be honest, for those who know the truth, even a close friend like Yi Dong who will stand by Mo Tan no matter what, and who will gladly go with him even if the latter goes to hell, must admit this approach. It is extremely excessive and irresponsible.

And Yuchen herself... I'm afraid she has already noticed many details that cannot be ignored, and she has the same perspective as an insider when it is difficult to see the whole thing. However, she said nothing and asked nothing except Occasionally, Mo Tan would be frightened, but the latter would just make a fuss and get over it, and always kept 'waiting' except for the little awkwardness.

That's right, just wait.

For Yi Dong, Mo Tan and some insiders with a God's perspective, Yuchen is actually waiting, and the answer she is looking forward to in her heart is naturally not clear to everyone. To put it more clearly, it is the black If Van' confesses to her, then she will definitely accept it.

To be honest, even though Mo Tan is the humble one in this relationship, Yu Chen's waiting is equally heartbreaking.

And this is the worst-case scenario in the eyes of those in the know -

It was a double bitterness that could not be concealed by the superficial understanding and sweetness, and had no end and hope.

All of this is beyond the understanding of Cui Xiaoyu and others, Nangong Na and others. Even if the latter, as Yuchen's best friend, was aware of some problems, she never expected that the real situation would be so serious.

So when we put aside the perspective of an insider and look at the two people from the perspective of normal people, what Mo Tan did seems a bit excessive.

Based on the above, it is completely reasonable for Kasena and Mika to think that Mo Tan is a scumbag and that Yu Chen is very likely to be manipulated with his feelings.

So in this situation, what is Mo Tan's response method?

Just a simple sentence - "I am currently only pursuing your good friend one-sidedly."

This is the best excuse to save Yuchen's face without damaging the relationship between himself and Yuchen.

There is no other reason. As we said before, those who know the inside story understand how desperate Mo Tan is, but in the eyes of outsiders, Yu Chen is the somewhat humble one in this relationship.

So, Mo Tan made an untrue 'confession' in front of everyone, officially announcing that he had been pursuing Yu Chen, but the latter did not agree to him.


Yuchen, who was standing on tiptoe to say something, immediately choked on the spot, and lowered his face with a red face and stopped talking. After all, it was different from the tacit understanding between the two before, although both of them knew what had just happened. That sentence was mostly used to cope with the situation, but Mo Tan's words, which were tantamount to confession in public, still made Yu Chen blush, and Ai Ai didn't know what to say.

It seems quite fantasy, but in fact when we really care about a person, the words from that person's mouth will naturally have more weight than the thousands of words spoken by others, as if we may be able to evaluate them calmly and calmly. Various 18+ works, even based on their own bottomless rich experience, the mood during the process is as stable as a corpse, but they are still shaken by being handed a half-drunk drink by the person they care about. (Of course, people with some strange hobbies are not excluded, please don’t find fault)

After that, Kasena, Mika and Nangong Na were stunned on the spot as expected, while Gu Xiaole was surprised and slightly resentful. Yuying, who was basically an outsider, was eating melons online with interest. , Ito and Lucie showed slightly complicated expressions.

The scene was awkward again.

But this time, it was not anyone present who broke the silence, but a tall and handsome man who appeared out of nowhere.

"Beauty, can you leave me your contact information?"

He lightly patted Kasena on the shoulder, showed a refreshing and bright smile, and instantly became the most handsome boy.

Chapter 1857: End

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