Quadruple split

Chapter 1863 Attitude

There is no suspense in the game anymore.

As Mo Tan said, although he was not killed directly like Ascension and Order Destruction, Wang Che Yiyi, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, could not survive for long. Under the former's overbearing 'chronic poison for self-defense', at most In five minutes, the [Iron Door Bolt] team wiped out the entire army.

Putting aside the losers that no one cares about, and excluding the two evil heretics with abnormal brains, the most hard-working member of the [Harlequin Card] side in this game has been shipped out by two orc men and half a truck of cabbages. Mu Xuejian from Chengdu was very unhappy, very, very unhappy!

There was no other reason. After noticing that the two opponents were killed, Mu Xuejian immediately judged that there was no suspense in this game. Although she was not very clear about the situation on Mo Tan and Shuang Ye's side, in Mu Xuejian It seems that since [Iron Door Bolt] was able to eliminate two people in succession without killing either of the evil heretic duo, this game should have officially entered 'garbage time' from now on.

And this was what made Mu Xuejian most unhappy.

However, she was not dissatisfied with her role, but was very resistant to this somewhat absurd ending.

Because he had listened to Mo Tan's analysis before the game started, Mu Xuejian had already guessed that the two men were able to kill each other because they must have used some tactics and calculations at best, and dirty tricks at worst. Although She had no objection to this, but the fact that she had spent so much effort but failed to really participate in the 'actual drama' still made her pout, and she vented her anger after sending away the two agents who were paid to do things. He turned his sword over and came out to practice swinging it in the air.

In Mu Xuejian's opinion, the most ideal form of this game should be for both sides to engage in a battle of wits and courage from beginning to end. In the end, one side will be completely crushed due to the strategies of those two people and their own strength. , perfectly won the victory after a series of wonderful deductions and mutual cuts.

This is the royal story, and this is the treatment that the [Harlequin Card] team deserves.

And now this result is too lacking in drama for a story. Even if the situation on the other side is actually very exciting, it still lacks enough beauty.

Mu Xuejian is not the kind of girl who hopes to be a high-profile person and thinks that the whole world revolves around me, but she values ​​​​the sense of ritual, so for this girl, only the kind that has a beginning and an end, and climaxes one after another, Only a continuous process of ups and downs can make her feel satisfied.


Although both Mo Tan and Futaba have the ability to turn this game into Mu Xuejian's ideal look, super doubling the length and fullness of the story, these two people have not considered this at all. Futaba The whole process here was about watching the story and being lazy, but Mo Tan simply gave up on having a passionate, emotional, and exciting game with the three players on the opposite side who were very smart, and chose instead The simplest and most direct way is - beheading.

There is a saying that the role of 'Tan Mo' is a professional position that is biased towards an assassin. There is nothing wrong with letting him carry out the assassination. However, the problem is that everyone has already subconsciously defined him as a 'dirty person. Characters such as "conspirator" and "crazy sociopath" ignore the fact that he has never failed to improve his strength.

There is nothing that can be done about this. As the people closest to Mo Tan during this period, both Mu Xuejian and Shuangye are too supermodels in terms of strength. Therefore, for the two girls, Mo Tan is The little progress I have made is really hard to feel.


If compared with other players, the character 'Tan Mo''s strength has been greatly improved.

Even if Futaba and Mu Xuejian couldn't feel it, from the perspective of people like Yu Ying, who was a little stronger than 'Tan Mo' on the panel, but didn't obviously distance themselves from each other, this elusive person who didn't do his job every day was really powerful. But things are different from day to day.

As the saying goes, the body is the capital of revolution, and the character strength in the game [Innocent Bound] can basically be equated to the 'body'. Therefore, for Mo Tan, who calls himself a revolutionary under the chaotic neutral personality, the strength of the character is In fact, his priority has never been low, but many people have ignored his progress under his deliberate guidance. After all, the character 'Tan Mo' has almost never used his full strength. Coupled with his calculating personality, many people have ignored him. It is reasonable for people to misunderstand him as a sickly man with high IQ who is frail and easily pushed down.

But again, the character 'Tan Mo' is actually not weak at all.

It is true that he is not as playable as the character 'Mo' who has already entered the combat power rankings in every sense, but if as 'Tan Mo' he could have 24 hours of game time every day like other players , then no matter how conservative the estimate is, he can still occupy a stable place in the top 50 of the personal combat power rankings. Even if it is difficult to be better than the sword darlings Futaba and Mu Xuejian who are overly professional, he will definitely not be too far behind. many.

And even in the current situation where the game time is less than one-third of the mainstream players, Mo Tan still maintains an unquestionable T1 level. This fact in itself can prove its strength.

In fact, this achievement is mainly attributed to the mission system of Innocence.

To make a long story short, you can basically get some rewards for doing anything big in this game. The larger the task, the richer the rewards. Because of this, Mo Tan, who has a chaotic neutral personality, doesn't seem to have done much. He has experienced monsters and leveled up, but in view of his extremely fond of making trouble, the tasks he completed are terrible in terms of both quality and quantity. Compared with a person who only focuses on studying academics, he has barely completed a few serious tasks. The leaves are very contrasting.

All in all, although these tasks rarely involve direct combat and other content, so there is no way to improve the strength in a targeted manner, and even a large part of the rewards will be divided by professions such as engineering, alchemy, and fraudsters, but over time, 'Tan Mo' 'In terms of panel, he is still the leader among high-level players. Although a large number of liver emperors and professional players are unable to obtain epic professions, they are quickly chasing the vanguard. Now they are almost catching up with Yu Ying.

In addition, in terms of actual combat experience, aside from the unsatisfactory "Hei Fan", Mo Tan has accumulated a lot of combat experience through the role of "Mo", and much of it can be directly applied to the role of "Tan Mo", so that The lack of opportunities for actual combat is simply insignificant to him.

Not to mention anything else, Sha Po's guidance to Mo Tan was enough to increase the strength of the character 'Tan Mo' by at least 20%.

All in all, as long as he is not compared with Futaba, Mu Xuejian and others, Mo Tan is definitely one of the top assassins among the players, and is in the same league as Yu Ying.

As for the three members of the [Iron Door Bolt] team, namely King Cart Castling, Order Destruction and Promotion, although they can use the club's resources to a certain extent, their combat effectiveness is actually very inadequate. Although they also have A high-level level that far exceeds the registration threshold, but it is only a high-level level.


"There's no way they could survive in my hands."

While Mo Tan was braiding the hair of Shuangye who was lying on his lap, he said in a calm tone: "When I went upstairs, I had already selected three or four places that were very suitable for taking action, so when the promotion boy After he decided to take me and the other two guards down, his fate was already doomed."

Futaba snorted noncommittally and asked lazily: "Then what?"

"Then I'll take action."

Mo Tan grinned and said cheerfully: "The entrance between the first floor and the courtyard. In terms of the process... I first used a kidney shot to put the child into a [fainting] state, and then randomly released a few The skill killed him along with the other two guards."

"Then what?"

"Then I smeared some blood on myself and lay down with me. Because there is no body after the player dies, so in the eyes of the order destroyer and the king's car castling who hurried downstairs, there were only three just The guards who had breathed their last were lying on the ground. In this case, their first reaction was naturally that the enemy team players had invaded the second secret area and killed their teammates and three guards in just one face-to-face encounter. ’, so it’s almost impossible to suspect me in the first place.”

"Oh, what happens next?"

"Then what next? After the two reacted, they immediately quickened their pace and wanted to run out. They probably planned to put those who were guarding inside and outside the yard into martial law immediately and came in to strengthen security. However, because I set up a small trap in advance Because only the uncle insisted on reaching the door, the legs of the other guard and a few guards became weak while walking."

"What trap?"

"Two disposable [Wind Shaping] magic scrolls, a bottle of cost-effective diffusible cartilage agent that costs no more than seventy gold coins. You can understand that the foyer at that time was like a vault with the door closed. Although inside There is still some oxygen that can allow people to survive, but the air has no circulation. In this case, the atomized toxins that permeate this area become quite heavy~"

"Isn't it too extravagant? The total of these things must be one hundred gold coins, right?"

"Oh, it's not because someone refuses to cooperate and insists on showing off in the name of aunt. He also said that if I can't handle it, I will be very angry. Otherwise, even if I die, I will never waste more than a hundred dollars. Of gold coins.”

"What? Do you have any objections?"

"Hey, look at what you said, am I worthy?"

"Okay, good boy, so what happens next?"

"What happens next is that I hold a [Killing Feast] on the spot, kill a few guards and the guy called the disruptor of order, and then replace it with a short sword that has been coated with two kinds of poisons in advance. , rushed up and grabbed the uncle, and the white knife went in and the red knife came out, and the red knife went in and the red knife came out again, to ensure that he would not die immediately, but it was impossible to save him, so he stopped."

"Aren't you afraid that while he is still alive, someone will go upstairs and hack us to death?"

"Don't worry, didn't I just say that there are two toxins on the dagger? One is a potent toxin that can ensure that he dies within five minutes, and the other is a neurotoxin that can make targets whose physical condition is below a certain level Losing the ability to speak and the five senses should have a similar effect to a player as being in a coma, both of which are negative effects of being unable to control one's body no matter how conscious they are."

"I see."

Futaba rolled over on Mo Tan's lap like a soft cat, lazily pressing his chin on the latter's knees: "Anyway, let's just assume you performed well this time."


Mo Tan, who had turned Futaba's silky long hair into a head of dreadlocks, smiled fondly and said in a brisk tone: "I dragged the hopeless uncle out before I came up. Now everyone is here." We are busy rescuing their Archon, who is destined to not live long, so no one should disturb us in the last few minutes."

Futaba nodded slightly, then slowly climbed up from Mo Tan, raised his eyebrows and fiddled with his dirty braids before walking to the table belonging to the owner of the room, opening a drawer and walking out of it with ease. The diary of [tanuki] was taken out from inside.

"check it out."

The girl threw it at Mo Tan's face and said calmly: "Maybe it will help you pass the time better?"

Mo Tan casually caught the heavy 'work diary', and immediately showed interest after hearing Futaba's words, and couldn't wait to open it: "Let me be healthy——"

two minutes later


Mo Tan, who skipped the really useful content and only cared about emotional gossip, twitched his lips and said in a playful tone: "This thing is really suitable for killing time."

"So? What do you think?"

"Opinion? To whom?"

"It doesn't matter, I just want to hear your thoughts."

"Then I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you, my dear."

"So the answer is, no idea?"

"That's it. After all, it's been hard for me to understand this kind of story since I was very young. To be honest, whether it's a [cat], [raccoon dog], or [snake], in my eyes They are all undisputed idiots, and I have little patience for anything stupid."

"But you can make up a story casually instead of actively reducing the possibility of this girl falling in love with you."

“Is it possible that my attitude towards ‘you fancy me’ is far more resistant than you imagine?”

"Of course, otherwise it would be hard to explain my dreadlocks."

"In short, it's time for us to correct our attitudes. If we want to find someone to flirt with, we will have plenty of time in the future, but..."

"Needless to say, I would never have brought the attitude I had during the auditions and mock battles to the main competition."

"Very good. After all, it's enough that I'm the only one holding back."

"Oh, you are self-aware."

"As an aside, if you were the [cat] in the story, then..."

"Then this story would never have happened in the first place."

"Yeah, I guess so."

Chapter 1854: End

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