Quadruple split

Chapter 1857 Cat and Mouse

As we all know, the power grading system of the Innocence Realm from low to high is divided into five major stages: primary, intermediate, high-level, epic and legendary, and each stage can be refined into half-step, first-level, and first-level according to the specific situation. , Peak, etc. are not official statements, they are just reference stages for people to judge.

If there is more to say, there are two small digressions——

The first is the so-called [Field]/[Inherent Barrier]. This thing has nothing to do with the power level and has a very low awakening rate and strong randomness. However, it can generally greatly increase the owner's overall strength, and in the eyes of many people Here, this power also represents infinite potential and extremely high ceilings, so domain owners will be highly valued no matter where they are.

The second is the so-called [Myth], which is the sixth stage that is theoretically superior to the legendary level. As far as Mo Tan knows, only the ancestors of the Dawn Sect have been arguing with a certain saint. Chaotic Luke Tiffero touched upon this level, the so-called 'half-step' myth.

Based on this, three digressions are derived.

First of all, after many researches, Mo Tan believes that if Jadekar Diesel does not embark on the path of a mage, but realizes his talent in the field of knights, it is very likely that he will achieve the same level as Luke Tefero It's a pity that there is no so-called if. Although the old man obtained the epic title of 'Knight Lord' through temporary epiphany while devoting himself to studying the way of mage, he is old after all. If nothing else, this The achievements in the field of knights in a lifetime may not even reach the legendary level... Although this sounds a bit Versailles, it is true.

Secondly, considering the two examples of Jadeka Diesel and Luke Tefero, Motan believes that although the [Myth] level is extremely rare, it can be a 'half-step' level, which means opening a little door. However, the latter may not be the only one who can sew it. Even if Luke himself is the only one, he may not be unprecedented or unprecedented. In fact, he seriously doubts that those high-level observers with unfathomable and strange painting styles in Tianzhu Mountain have The strength exceeds the legendary level.

Finally, although it is just a guess, Mo Tan believes that there are indeed many complete [mythical] strong men in this world. Yes, they are 'complete bodies' rather than 'half-steps', and they...or they It is very likely that his name has already been printed on the title pages of various sacred scriptures.

All in all, the combat power system of Innocence is relatively stable compared to many games, and it is one of the few types that will not be affected by players' balance, although this is destined to make those who want the world to revolve around them I feel disappointed, but being born in a world that is logically self-consistent will not allow you, a newborn calf, to walk around the world in just a few days, with a bunch of big figures who are all-powerful in the original world chasing after you, calling you "Hero~Hero~" non-stop.

In fact, even though the server of [Innocence Boundary] has been launched for nearly a year, none of the players has been certified as a strong person in the game world view, that is, the 'epic level'. This situation is very rare, but it makes What many friends and businessmen are puzzled by is that the more this game is like this, the more confident many people are in it.

So, let’s get down to business——

At this moment, there is actually no shortage of powerful people in the banquet hall in the center of Yanjinyuan. For example, as mentioned before, the bodyguards who specialize in serving the 'Little Duke', as well as some waiters and guests, these people basically have the same general strength. From mid-level to high-level, a few customers who are not professionals or have only basic level basically bring bodyguards or some protective props. The average safety factor is actually quite high.

As for the two most critical figures, Mu Xuejian and Voris, their strengths are 'ordinary' and 'intermediate' respectively. The former is because his original strength has been suppressed by drugs, so there is no need to go into details. The latter is not only Intermediate level, even a tough and tough class like [Paladin].

It is true that Wallis's skin is even more delicate than most girls, and it can be said that it is not rough at all, but the flesh is ridiculously thick. If it were placed on someone else, it would be worth a serious plate armor suit. .

So under this premise, let's study the gap between different levels of strength.

The first is the well-known watershed [Epic]. There is nothing to say about this. Above Epic and below Epic are two completely different worlds. Even a top player like Futaba cannot compete head-on with Epic across levels, even if she is at a high level. There were almost no opponents in it, but after Ito paid a huge price to temporarily advance to the epic level with the spirit body of 'Bannai', she could still absolutely suppress Futaba.

As for Jiawen who used the [Sin Soaking Bullet], it is true that we must admit that she single-handedly resisted the encirclement and suppression of many people, including Yi Zuo, an epic class, but everyone should not forget that the reason why Jiawen The reason why she burst out with such fighting power is because she paid the price of "certain death". In this way, her fighting power is stronger than that of Idong who paid a heavy price but at least will not die, so that she can withstand the epic paladin Yi Zuo + epic Knight Lord Jadka + Motan, who has fully activated the Reverse Scale and fully activated Herrscher's Determination, can completely explain it.

So let’s look further down…

Although the gap between mid-level and high-level is not as big as 'High-level→Epic' or 'Epic→Legend', it is actually very large. In most cases, high-level professionals can easily sweep through multiple mid-levels, only to be surpassed. The possibility of defeating higher-level players is higher. At least those on the first page of the rankings cannot defeat epic players now, but many of them have the ability to defeat ordinary high-level professionals in the mid-level stage, such as Awakening Dragon and Mu. Xuejian has had this experience.

Then there are the mid-level and low-level. The gap between the two is further shortened than from the mid-level to the high-level. A better example is probably from 'beginner' to 'experienced'. Although the differences are clear, from a certain perspective The upper and lower limits are also very large. Many powerful peak beginners can even fight two or three ordinary mid-level professionals at the same time. Half-step high-level mid-level professionals have an "epic vs. high-level" relationship with ordinary junior professionals. This level of dominance is all about chaos.

Finally... just ordinary people.

There is actually nothing to say about this. After all, all of us are ordinary people in a certain sense. Even if we become a certain race in the Innocence Realm and have better eyes, stronger muscles, and a tail, It's just from an ordinary person to a being like a 'strong ordinary person', a 'tall ordinary person', or an 'animal-eared ordinary person', unless like 'Christina' she is directly transformed into a 'dragon' It is a chosen race, otherwise there is not much difference between us at the stage of ordinary people.

So the question is, how big is the gap between Mu Xuejian and Voris under the current circumstances?

One is an ordinary person, but he has a half-step epic or even a higher level. His physical fitness is suppressed to about the same as outside the game, but he still retains talents such as "Sword Heart" and a sword-type specialization level that is unique to players.

One is an intermediate paladin. He is unprepared but has many life-saving items hidden in his body. His fat thickness alone is comparable to that of heavy armor. Voris is very strong in every sense of the word.

It goes without saying that Mu Xuejian only has one chance.

[The guards did not follow...]

The girl did not open the task bar immediately. Instead, she continued to focus on dancing with the sword while trying to distance herself from Voris. She quickly observed the situation with the blessing of the talent [Bright Heart of the Sword] and began to consciously pay attention to Voris. Conducting guidance.

At this moment, almost everyone present had guessed what happened. To put it simply, the 'little duke' was attracted by this white-haired girl with a huge appetite and amazing dancing skills. He didn't even have time to wait until the banquet was over. He wanted to take action against her, and since the girl continued her breathtaking sword dance while consciously keeping her distance, it was enough to show that she was not very willing to be favored by Wallis to this extent.

This is normal. Although the girls who stayed in the same yard as Mu Xuejian before want to climb the high branch of Wallis, for other female guests, Mu Xuejian's resistance is completely understandable. , taking into account Wallis's image and reputation, and looking at his appearance at this moment, let alone the girls, even the male guests looked at Mu Xuejian with a lot of sympathy.

However, sympathy is sympathy, and it is absolutely impossible to draw a knife to help. After all, everyone is not a fool. No one is willing to offend Wallis for a girl he has never met, especially when the latter can destroy anyone present with his words. Under the circumstances, it would be fine if everyone didn't help hold Mu Xuejian down, but it would be impossible to help.

All in all, people kept silent in place with a tacit understanding, and the guards who were responsible for protecting Voris did not rush to protect their master, nor did they help chase and intercept Mu Xuejian. After all, anyone with a discerning eye could see it. It can be seen that Wallis is completely immersed in the joy of cat and mouse at this moment. The more the opponent dodges, the more excited he becomes. However, the gap in strength between them destined that Mu Xuejian could only escape for a while. In the end, You will eventually be caught.

However, one thing is that although Mu Xuejian has been dodging and avoiding in action, she did not show that panic or despair, but maintained her usual expressionless poker face as always. .

It's not that Mu Xuejian doesn't want to act more realistically, it's because she has always been dealing with Mo Tan and Shuangye during this period, and she has seen such extreme and perverted acting skills every day, so she doesn't like them at all. The level of low-end actors, including herself.

But this is actually harmless. After all, everyone can't see her expression clearly, so they mainly rely on their feelings + brain. So even if Mu Xuejian doesn't panic, everyone will imagine that she is panicked, scared, and desperate.


During the previous meal (even though she didn't eat a bite), she sat next to Mu Xuejian. The half-orc girl from the cat tribe, who looked innocent but was actually well versed in the ways of playing hard to get and contrasting cuteness, scratched her hair a little anxiously and shook it uneasily. The tail was spinning in circles, and then he gritted his teeth hard when Voris accelerated his speed for the last time, and his eyes were focused and he wanted to rush over.


Cynthia next to her immediately stepped forward and held her down, saying in a deep voice: "What are you going to do!?"

"I'll take that guy's place."

Cat Girl clenched her fists and stared intently at Mu Xuejian, who was already sweating on his forehead. She said in a hoarse voice: "She doesn't want to accompany others, but there are many people who are willing to accompany them. In this case, it's better to let me..."

"You're going to die."

Cynthia pressed Cat Girl's shoulders hard and shook her head gently: "Although I don't know why you can't stand it, since that girl is here, she must be ready to welcome this ending. You should also see The attitude of the 'little duke' is gone. Now if you rush over and try to 'replace' her, not only will you not be able to solve the problem, you will probably be killed yourself."


Cat Girl bit her lower lip and said tremblingly: "Once you step on that road, you can't turn back... But I have seen before that she still has a chance before she steps on it... "

Cynthia was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes became complicated: "But you don't have it anymore, right?"


"Don't do stupid things, life is long."

"...Needless to say, I am very satisfied with my current life. I have delicious food every day, always have new clothes, and no longer need to freeze, starve, or steal. I am very nourished!"

"Well, then wipe away your tears quickly. Us girls always look better when we smile."

"I am a girl, and you are just a big aunt!"

"Do you believe I will kill you?"

"Hey, be careful..."

At the same time, just as Cynthia finally held down the cat girl, Mu Xuejian was gradually forced into a desperate situation by Wallis.

She was about to retreat to the wall, and she knew very well that she could not wait any longer, otherwise everything would be irreversible if Voris took action first.

But what made her wonder was, in this situation where she had lost her way out and couldn't find a clue, why instead of being confused, she became calmer and calmer.

just like……

As if you are very confident that you can kill him?

【I see. 】

At the same time as this idea came to mind, Mu Xuejian suddenly realized it, and then he showed a smile that almost made Voris full of possessiveness, and slowly closed his eyes.

His consciousness scanned the text of this competition's limited mission, but an excerpt from a poem he had read a long time ago came to mind—

[Huo Ruyi shoots at the nine sunsets, as powerful as a group of emperors flying into the sky.

It comes like thunder to absorb its wrath, and ends like the clear light of the river and sea. 】

Chapter 1848: End

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