Quadruple split

Chapter 1850 The Lost

Game time AM11:45

[Crime Contest·Group Audition] Contest-specific map, mirror space S5806-0133

Jiuquan City, in front of the North Gate


The burly orc warrior put his hand on the short ax at his waist and shouted sternly. Half a meter away, a half-elf man dressed in benevolence and wearing thick glasses asked in a deep voice: "Who are you?" ?”


The latter was so frightened by his voice that he shook his body. After a while, he patted his satchel twice with a low eyebrow and smiled flatteringly at the orc man in front of him who seemed to be a little nervous. : "What, a poor monk came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty..."

"what are you saying?"

The orc interrupted him viciously. While holding the battle ax tightly, his expression became more and more confused, and asked: "What soil? What sugar?!"

"Hey, you must have misunderstood."

Mo Tan smiled and said clearly and clearly: "What I just said is actually..."


"A bean sprout that has no strength to restrain a chicken and is out of breath after taking only two steps. Obviously, with your sharp eyes, you don't think that he can cause any trouble, but a huge amount of ill-gotten wealth can actually make people happy." You can add two more dishes to your meal tonight, or even three more dishes."

"You...you are tricking me..."

"Yeah, man, I was just kidding you."

"Then I...I must..."

"You must cooperate with me. After all, nothing is more important than this. Don't worry, I guarantee you will be forgiven. Just think about it, there are many big shots in this city. Who would care about when and where a pawn kills someone?" What character was put in?"


"Hurry up, man, everyone is so familiar with me. Even if I plan to do something that is treasonous in people's eyes, I won't involve you."


"No? Don't believe it? If you don't believe it, look at my sincere eyes?"


"Thank you. You will forget about this soon. If not, just pretend to forget."

He gently patted the shoulder of the orc guard who was staggering in a trance, but his strength was not affected at all. In the few seconds just now, he used [Bewitch] and [Confuse] one after another. Mo Tan, who had an unpopular skill, smiled, then stretched out his middle finger to push up his glasses, and walked into this majestic and prosperous city with a smile that was even large enough to serve as the imperial capital of a small third-rate country.

It is true that in the original plan, [Cat] only needed to make simple contact with the agents stationed at the west gate or the south gate, and he could be let in by answering a few passwords, but he still resolutely chose to enter the city through the north gate.

Among them, 50% of the reasons are because he wants to use the two deceiver-specific skills that have accompanied him in the early stages of the game but have been appallingly low in the past six months. 40% of the reasons are because of him. He is naturally rebellious and extremely stubborn. He never cares about what others say to him or what he is asked to do. Therefore, since the previously designated plan asked him to go to the west gate or south gate to find support, he would not go there. After all, that would not work at all. cool.

The remaining 91% reason was that Mo Tan was not confident that he could accurately find the west gate or the south gate in a short time, so he simply rushed to the nearest city gate after the game officially started. If the password is not correct, the first move is to throw it away with a set of skills, and directly 'brute force' it.

Here is a brief review of the general usage of those two skills. First of all, they both have extremely low consumption and a cooldown time of up to 60 minutes. Secondly, the functions of the two skills are to 'make the target regard itself as a friendly unit' and 'Making the target significantly lose their ability to judge and have a sense of autonomy'.

There is nothing worthy of further study in the latter, but the effect of the former in making the target regard the user as a friendly unit is not the crude logic of "turning the red-named monster into a green-named monster" in many games. The friendly here is actually Let the target's favorability towards you increase sharply. If it exceeds a certain threshold, then the skill will be activated successfully. However, if the target's prejudice against you is too deep and the hostility is too strong, so that the favorability cannot be increased out of thin air, then this skill will not work. The launch failed.

It is precisely because of this that Mo Tan uses [Bewitch] and [Confuse] together. After all, he is not a charming person like Ji Xiaoge, who can make countless people's favorability increase just by looking at his face. Although he is also It's not that you can't use words or other means to achieve similar effects, but in this situation where you're in a hurry, simple and crude ones are the best.

After entering the north gate, the first thing Mo Tan did was change his clothes to make himself as inconspicuous as possible, and then quickly took out the map that suddenly appeared in his luggage after the game started. , began to determine his position by relying on the few nearby landmark buildings, and finally achieved his goal by using the closed mercenary association across the street, confirming that he was at the north gate of Jiuquan City at this moment.

"Well, although I'm a little unhappy...after all, the situation is special, and there's nothing we can do about it happening once in a while."

After murmuring in such a low voice, Mo Tan stared at the map in his hand, as if he wanted to burn it into ashes with his eyes. It was not until three minutes later that he breathed a sigh of relief and turned over the map that he had already used. The crumpled map was stuffed back into the bag.

At this point, although it was only temporary, he had completely memorized the city's floor plan, and even completed the three-dimensional plan in his mind.

To put it more clearly, Mo Tan now 'remembers' the road for the time being.

Note that it is 'remembering' the road rather than 'recognizing' the road. In fact, this method does not help Mo Tan's outrageous sense of direction at all. It is just a way to prevent him from losing himself in a short period of time. , it’s a very expensive and cost-effective method.

To put it simply, we can understand that Mo Tan turned the 'map' into a 'puzzle', and then assigned numbers to each puzzle piece in his mind, and then made them three-dimensional, converting the 'puzzle' into a 'Rubik's Cube'. Then the Rubik's Cube is given a sequential code to obtain a series of specific addresses. Then, he will remember some more important number + code combinations, such as 'destination', 'meeting point', 'connection point', etc. And start from your current position to formulate a route and simultaneously logically 'scramble' the Rubik's Cube, and finally store the scrambled state in the form of a 'memory snapshot', and the route to the destination is It was his process of restoring the Rubik's Cube to its original state.

When necessary, Mo Tan can even store a double-digit Rubik's Cube in his mind at the same time to ensure that he can avoid spending extra time and energy on finding the way in extreme situations.

At this point, some people may ask, knowing the way is obviously a very simple matter, is it really necessary to make it so complicated? Even though there are many people who have a poor sense of direction, for people like Mo Tan who have a good memory and can memorize maps directly, isn't it superfluous to do puzzles and Rubik's cubes? You can memorize the map, so what roads are there that you still can't recognize?

How to put it, this does make sense. After all, for most people, even if you don't know the way very well, if you can memorize the map, then even if you can't synchronize your location in your mind in real time, On the map, you can also update information based on large and small landmarks such as banks, restaurants, subway stations, etc., so as to achieve the great feat of not losing anything wherever you go.

But for a small number of people, even if they can memorize the map, they will still become confused, confused, dizzy, and lose their way again in the process of finding the way.

And Mo Tan... has nothing to do with either of the above two types of people.

After all, everyone can see that "lost" is not a simple attribute or cuteness in him, but something similar to the law of cause and effect. In Mo Tan's worldview, many ordinary people scorn a concept. In fact, they all really exist. To take the simplest example, there are indeed monsters in the world where Mo Tan lives.

So, based on this underlying logic, Mo Tan's 'lost' trait may not be so simple. Even he himself sometimes wonders whether he really has no sense of direction or if there is something going on in the dark. The ground 'interferes' with one's sense of direction.

Of course, this suspicion had no effect. Although Mo Tan felt that the Ji sisters' father, whose quality needed to be improved, might know something, he instinctively did not want to have anything to do with that guy, so he gave up the consultation. The plan of things.

All in all, no matter what the reason is, Mo Tan's sense of direction is incurable, at least not through normal means.

Fortunately, things like navigation exist in this world. Although Mo Tan seems to have the kind of physique that can interfere with GPS, as long as he ensures that his mobile phone is inspected every month, there will be no problems under normal circumstances.

But Mo Tan is very afraid of the emergence of 'abnormal situations'.

He is very self-aware and knows very well that if he does not have something to guide him, life will probably be extremely difficult, and no matter where he goes or what he does, he will encounter considerable constraints, so he is prepared as he should be. 'Backhand'.

After countless trials and errors, Mo Tan finally discovered that if he made the process of 'path-finding' complicated enough, and even changed the concept of 'path-finding' itself, then he could get an answer regardless of the process, an answer. The answer to your 'destination'.

If we must use language to describe this abstract concept, we can tentatively understand it as 'Motan cannot judge that he needs to turn left because the place he wants to go is on the left', but he can turn the 'place' itself into a problem. After completing the answer, I came to the answer "I need to turn left now". Although it seems similar at first glance, the process is decisively different.

It's very abstract, but if you think about it carefully, something that is not abstract enough is not qualified to become a problem that has troubled people like Mo Tan for more than 20 years.

All in all, after he concluded the above-mentioned crucial logic, he began to think of ways to solve this problem. In the end, it took him nearly a year to find this [Map → Puzzle → Rubik's Cube → Break Rubik's Cube → Although this is the least loaded method among dozens of methods, Mo Tan still cannot use it as a daily ability, because this way of maintaining high-intensity thinking at all times is really too tiring. For ordinary people, it can even be regarded as self-abuse.

But at this moment, Mo Tan finally chose to use this move. The reason is very simple. If he allows his sense of direction to cause trouble in this game, then the "huge flaw in his sense of direction" will be completely exposed. In front of Futaba, no matter how hard he tries to find reasons, the latter will definitely be able to deduce the correct answer. Even if this matter is temporarily known to her, it will not matter, but it will definitely become a hidden danger in the long run. After all, Mo Whether it's Tan', 'Tan Mo', or even 'Mo' and 'Frank Hughes', they all share the same sense of direction. If Futaba explores this direction a little bit, he might be able to uncover some clues. Then pull out the radish directly and bring out the mud.

So Mo Tan used it, even if it seemed a bit overkill in this situation, he didn't hesitate to use it.


"Hmm... It should be said that fortunately there are relatively few friends who can completely take root in this city. I can still cope with it for the time being."

While Mo Tan grinned, he raised his hand and gently wiped away the cold sweat that kept protruding from his forehead, and murmured: "Sure enough, even in this damn game, the mental fatigue is not much lighter than outside. It's better to say , even the physical fitness level has dropped rapidly along with it, phew, hurry up and find a guide after walking around for a while."

After saying that, he stepped forward and merged into the noisy crowd, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

at the same time

The center of Jiuquan City Administrative District, Iron Guard restricted area


A long-haired man who looked to be about twenty-seven or eighty-year-old, wearing a plain white cloak and a green brocade robe, touched his chin and frowned: "Since we just saw 'himself' in a meeting, then these three people Within an hour, there is a high probability that something will happen..."

"Definitely, even if nothing happens, we have to find something to do."

Opposite the tea table, a dwarf priest with fine features nodded and speculated: "Based on the status of the three of us in the scene just now, if we speculate purely from the perspective of strength, we are probably weaker than the opponent. "

"I'm afraid it's bullshit, I'm afraid."

The third person at the table stood up angrily, slapped the table hard, and roared hysterically: "Stop pretending, look at the battle panel! There are two people on the opposite side of his fucking personal list!"

"Oh my god!"


"Stop screaming! Tell me what to do."

"As the saying goes, those who understand current affairs are heroes. If this is what I see..."

"As you see it?"

"Let's go and make a good relationship with those two giant guys who are probably girls, and then we'll vote, right?"

Chapter 1841: End

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