Quadruple split

Chapter 1837 Method

【Eliminating evil】

Category: Special Mission

Quality: Legend

Content: Annihilate all regular targets and five special hostile entities in the target area. If any of the above units leaves [Pato City], the mission will fail.

Current progress: 99%\u002680%

Success reward: slightly

Failure penalty: None

[Note: Kill them all! All must die! ! ! 】

The above is the third legendary mission that Kevin has received since entering the game [Innocence Boundary], and the content of the first two unfinished missions is to defeat in the competition and suppress his own strength to a half-step epic. The Grand Knight Commander Glynn Tyree' and 'killed 2,500 cultists in the Battle of Sumir', and the result was naturally an expected failure.

To elaborate, Kevin, who had just obtained the high-level profession [Knight Commander], could only survive less than ten moves under Green. During the period when he followed the Northern Expedition to Sumir, he only killed a total of 100 people from beginning to end. Three cultists were lost, and one of them was killed in the last encounter.

All in all, like most mainstream players in this game, our Great Bright Knight Kevin has always believed that 'legendary tasks' are not for normal people, so when such tasks are triggered, their first reaction is Not excited, but regretful.

After that, I basically just glanced at the mission description that I knew would be super outrageous without even thinking about it, then carefully read twice the equally outrageous but extremely enjoyable mission rewards, and finally closed the task bar with satisfaction and pretended I didn't see it. .

It's not that Kevin himself is like this, but that most of the players in the Innocence Realm have this virtue. In fact, even players like Mo Tan, who have a super high limit, are not much different when encountering legendary missions. , the only difference is that he may choose to give it a try depending on the situation, while the vast majority of players will choose to give up directly.

There is a saying, after receiving a good mission, you just choose to give up without even trying. This kind of thing is unimaginable in other games. After all, in the eyes of most people, no matter how high the failure rate is, it will not delay yourself. Try hitting the wall, but the problem is that the cost of hitting the wall in [Innocent Boundary] is too high.

Take Olathe Wars, which has topped the list of the most popular games in the world in recent years, for example. There is a chronicle-level (approximately legendary-level) mission of similar quality that requires players to pass a certain cliff within a certain period of time. Its steepness can almost kill 99% of players who have all active and passive skills sealed. Even the relatively simple first third of the road can screen out about 98% of players, and they can finally complete it. According to official statistics, there were only more than 7,500 people who received the one-time chronicle mission reward during the entire process.

There are more than 7,500 people around the world, including more than 5,000 professional players including Awakening Dragon. The average players are only over 2,000. You must know that [Olaxi War Chronicles] has more than 5,000 professional players in China alone. With an average of tens of millions of daily active users (DAU: Daily Active User) players on a global scale, this number can be said to be a drop in the ocean.

But even so, there are still people who are rushing to complete the task that will automatically fail if they do not challenge it within a month. At most, they only need to prepare more and simulate more before starting, but no one has said that they will not do it.

The reason is simple. Even if the player slips and falls while performing that mission, he will only be teleported to the nearest large crystal after the mission fails and dies, and will suffer a 25% reduction in all attributes for ten minutes, plus symbolic losses. Just 3% of your money.

Do you have the ability to try it in [The Realm of Innocence]?

Your brains will be knocked out!

Of course, having your brains knocked out is not the point. After all, there have always been many 18+ games on the market. Even the player's character can die very tragically. The character is chopped off, missing arms and legs, or is eaten. Everyone is already accustomed to having only one arm and leg left. As long as there are no problems with the sensory protection system, the player's tolerance for this is actually quite high.


Whether the players can accept being killed in the game is one thing, but whether they can accept being deleted directly after being killed is another matter entirely.

Although the vast majority of people don’t have a big opinion on the former, and many people even regard death as a part of the game, for players in the Innocence of Innocence, the word death is synonymous with their role in [Innocence of Innocence] World] Ninety percent of the efforts in this life have been directly in vain, but everything that is normal has to be weighed.

We can give a simple example -

For example, if you encounter a cybermaniac who is charging around with a submachine gun in real life, even if you think that you have a 10% to 15% chance of subduing him after being trained to a certain extent, you will probably be faced with a mortality rate of more than 85%. Don't hesitate and run as far as you can.

For another example, in a game where death penalty is relatively normal, you encounter a Gundam that rushes around with a positron city-breaking cannon. Many people will choose to rush if they feel that they have a 10% to 15% chance of defeating the opponent. If you're lucky, you can probably make a lot of money. Even if you get fucked, it doesn't matter. After all, in everyone's perception, dying thirty or forty times a day when opening a dungeon is considered normal, and it's not bad at all. This time.

In [The Boundary of Innocence], the matter of life and death becomes a bit ambiguous, because although the player's death in this game does not have to pay the price of 'his own life', it will directly cost him the money he poured into it. Everything about this character, even if there are such rare things as soul-bound equipment, or the specialization speed bonus after creating a new character (see the previous article for details), the loss is huge and difficult for ordinary people to accept, and in this In this case, some rather opportunistic choices become less popular.

It is true that there are many players who are willing to sacrifice themselves for those NPCs who only have one life under the circumstances of the Great Plague in Misha County. But apart from some people's reasons for "emotions are over here", the more reason is because everyone After rational weighing, I felt it was worth it.

But risking your life for a bunch of exaggerated rewards is not worth it in the eyes of most people.

According to statistics from some players, among all the legendary tasks posted to the Innocence Forum, less than 0.6% of the tasks were successfully completed, and in 99.4% of the failure cases, the player died when the task failed. It accounts for 80% of the cases.

In this case, as long as they are not super confident in themselves or top gamblers, only those professional players who are protected by clubs or studios dare to challenge it. After all, there is no copy of [Innocent World]. It is a setting. If logic allows, it is completely feasible to use external force to reduce the difficulty of the task.

How can our Great Light Knight Kevin Hod compare with professional players who have team support?

As a young man who has a good idea of ​​how much he weighs, he knows very well what he can and cannot do, so naturally he does not pay the slightest attention to the task of "eliminating evil". In fact, even that An epic-quality mission [all completed! 】, he didn’t even plan to do it properly.

As a result, not long ago, [All ends! 】This task was actually completed by mistake.

Not only that, when Kevin held Hong Jiu's body that was rapidly losing texture, he suddenly realized that many of the so-called special enemy units seemed to have been killed.

So he quickly opened the mission, and then found that the mission progress of "Eradicate Evil" had reached 99% and 80%!

The first 99% naturally refers to those Blood God believers who were preparing to perform a large-scale sacrifice tonight and were all summoned to this auditorium by Sirius not long ago.

The next 80%, if nothing else, should be four of the so-called "five special enemy units", namely the bald orc who used self-destruction against Mo Tan, and the tree that was stabbed to death by Mo Tan with a spear that dropped from the sky. Elf, Red Fourteen who was killed by Red Five and the former because of a sneak attack on Red Nine, and Red Five who was headshot by Sirius in a sneak attack.

The last one left was naturally Sirius, who claimed to be the Archbishop of the End.

In other words, as long as Sirius is killed and the Blood God believers in the auditorium who are about to be wiped out are dealt with, Kevin can directly complete the legendary mission of "Eradication of Evil"!

[This is too outrageous...]

Realizing this, Kevin only felt a little dizzy. After all, although he was quite active in this game, his contribution was very limited. Let me tell you, if those five special enemy units were coming for him. , I'm afraid my brother has been killed a hundred times.

But now, he is about to pass this mission! Even if he couldn't defeat any of the five special enemy units, Sirius was the only epic-level strongman, but in front of the God of Justice, Hemer, who descended into Tychus' body, the so-called The epic warrior is just a joke.

After realizing this, Kevin tried to use the unskilled [Holy Healing Technique] to delay Hong Jiu's collapse, while carefully paying attention to the situation not far away. The strange thing is that as long as he kills the opponent, he will have a very high level. The mission was likely to be completed, but after the God of Justice proposed to let Sirius go as long as Hong Jiu was cured, Kevin had no resistance. Instead, he was inexplicably relieved and felt that this was not bad.


Sirius, who said that he could not save Hongjiu, was chopped to pieces by Hemel.

But Kevin subconsciously opened the taskbar and found that the progress of the task of "Eliminating Evil" was still 99% \u0026 80%!

In other words, Sirius, who was theoretically wiped out, is still alive!

The moment Kevin finished speaking, the few remaining Blood God believers in the auditorium suddenly trembled and exploded, turning into blood flying into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, two system prompts sounded in Kevin's ears. The first one told him that all the regular enemies in the mission [Elimination of Evil] had been killed and the progress of the branch mission had reached 100%. The second one told him that His mission of [eliminating evil] has failed.

At the same time, Hemel, the God of Justice who is currently attached to Tychus, also dispersed the weapon in his hand, shook his head and said: "It's too late, she should have used the unique skills of Brother Xuezi's followers before." The "life blood" was quietly implanted into those people's bodies, and then I sacrificed the hosts of those life bloods with their blood just as they were obliterated by me, and used their blood to create magical formations and send them away. Although I had to escape even if I didn't die after this experience It’s a layer of skin, but now even I probably won’t be able to catch up with her scattered life blood.”

Kevin nodded palely, and after a moment of silence, he looked down again at Hong Jiu, who was lying on his lap.

This fair-skinned woman with golden hair is completely different from when she first appeared in front of Kevin. The strange aura of invisible matter has long since disappeared, replaced by a fresh and holy aura. As for her appearance, ...Kevin didn't feel much at all, because Hong Jiu was a pretty and attractive girl even without eyebrows and eyes closed, so her current beauty and pretty eyes naturally wouldn't surprise him.

"Is there any other way?"

Although we only got together for less than one night, not to mention any strange feelings, not even friendship could be established, but Kevin, who had been rescued by Hongjiu more than once, still couldn't keep calm. When the thin figure who was several years older than him but had the personality of an innocent girl gradually became transparent and dissipated, he almost forgot that this was just a game, whether it was the walking corpse priest in front of him, the escaped Archbishop of the End, or The God of Justice standing next to him at this moment is just a disposable background board that is no more than a consumable.

"At least I'm no longer with this kid named Tychus."

Heimer shook his head, squatted down and grabbed Hong Jiu's blurred right hand, and said with a bitter smile: "The only thing I can promise you is to leave Tychus's body before she completely dissipates, and to Pay my attention here, try to save her soul, and take her to my kingdom of God."

Kevin breathed a sigh of relief, nodded slightly and said, "That's okay."

As a result, the God of Justice shook his head vigorously: "No, that's not good."

"not good?"

Kevin was stunned at that time and said in astonishment: "How do you say that?"

"The main culprit of why she suffered so much was my 'sight'."

The God of Justice sighed, and looked at Hong Jiu with a trace of guilt in his eyes: "Returning the soul to the Kingdom of God may be an honor in the eyes of other believers, but for this girl... Whether it is the God of Justice or Justice, The sect only brings her pain, so my Kingdom of God is not a good destination for her."


"But if there is no other way, I still have to do this."




"What I mean is that Tychus said that you are a disciple of the Knight Commander of the Dawn Sect. With such a high status, you don't have any... life-saving gadgets in your hands?"

"Sorry, it was actually Tychus who misunderstood. I...Eh?!"

"What's wrong?"

"I have an idea!"

Chapter 1828: End

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