Quadruple split

Chapter 1825 Complete chaos

problem occurs!

Something big happened!

Riding their horses galloping on the trail to Pato College, Kevin and Tychus' expressions were extremely solemn, and their worries were similar.

Obviously, the enemy was encountered by the ninth team that had previously sent the two young men to a safe area and rushed to Pato Academy. And judging from the exceptionally bright signal in the sky, they were not encountering a small group of enemies. It is a large force that is at least one-third of the total number of heretics. In this case, even if there may be colleagues from the Grand Inquisition working together, it is unknown how long those eight people can last.

After all, as we all know, those in the Inquisition not only do not regard the lives of their enemies as their own lives, but they also do not regard their own lives as their own. In this case, it is really a luxury to expect them to regard the lives of their comrades as their own, and the seventh around them Although the eighth and tenth teams are not far away, it still takes a long time to get to the scene of the incident. After all, even Kevin and Tychus, who are theoretically the closest, took a full three days. It took a few minutes to see the main entrance of Pato College.

"The battlefield is further away!"

Tychus shouted low, raised his hand and swung his sword, smashing the solid black iron main gate in the air without Kevin being able to see his movements clearly, and then rode in first.

"Slow down, be careful of ambush."

Kevin, who followed closely behind, had no choice but to give a warning. At the same time, he lit up the cross sword in his hand. While greatly improving the visibility of the surroundings, he completed the starting position of [Judgment Killing], vigilantly guarding against the possibility of coming from somewhere at any time. A heretic or a silent heretic who came out of nowhere.

"Get off your horse! They're at the door of that building that looks like an auditorium, and they're fucking trying to rush in!"

Tychus cursed, and then jumped up from the horse. His strong body stretched in mid-air for half a second and then suddenly spun and plummeted. He swung the handle a full 720 degrees. The sword slashed a strong man in red robes who had just rushed out of the window in the air, causing a large amount of blood to flow out.

"Fuck, so fierce!"

Seeing Tychus's simple, rough but extremely useful fighting method, Kevin sighed subconsciously, and then turned over and dismounted in a relatively ordinary way. He was clearly within the range of his light condensation technique, but not only was he not illuminated, Instead, a strike was struck from the increasingly dense dark red shadow - [Urgent·Crime-Judging Slash].

In an instant, it was like a rainbow passing through the air, accompanied by a flash of harsh light. When the cultist came to his senses again, a hole as big as a bowl had been pierced through his chest.

"Fuck, so fierce!"

Having just heard Kevin praising himself, Tychus, who had just turned his head to say something modest, opened his eyes wide and directly returned the praise from his partner before. Then he ran past Kevin and went straight to those who were of the same rank. On the stone steps of the auditorium where the friends of Team Nine were, they shouted loudly: "Support is coming!"

"Everyone, step back first, there may be danger hidden inside!"

Kevin, who was very aware of Mo's strength and that there was no epic or semi-epic expert in his team, even though he chased after him, he immediately asked everyone to retreat. For no other reason than that. From Kevin's point of view, although this ten-man team including himself and Tychus was not weak, it was far from being able to compare with a strong man of Mu Xuejian's level. Even if the latter had not reached the level of epic, he could still do it. Easily kill this evenly high-level team.

On the basis of the above, 'Mo' who was in Academy City at that time was able to contain Mu Xuejian for a long time in a duel. Although he probably didn't have that bastard to fight in coordination this time, a considerable number of heretics were better than that. The turtle is even more troublesome. If the situation really reaches a stalemate, Mo who can let go will definitely kill him.

Yes, Kevin had no doubt that Mo Tan would be on his opposite side, and he also had no doubt that he would definitely die if the two sides met at this point in time.

He knew that he would have some advantages in this game, but these advantages were the combined secret forces of the Holy Religion that raided Pato City in three batches, with a total number of more than 300, and those who were extremely weird regardless of their existence, form or power. Members of the Grand Inquisition, not Tychus and eight other high-level paladins beside him.

Again, the 'balance' of the system has always been to give the weak some 'possibilities' that will help them 'come back' and allow them to still have a glimmer of hope in a desperate situation, rather than forcibly balancing the strengths of both sides to five. Wukai, in other words, although the "right time, place, and people" around both parties will be different, under normal circumstances, the identities of the cat and the mouse will not be interchanged.

The strong are strong and the weak are weak.

The reason why the weak are given a chance is because the strong don't need a chance at all.

Kevin was defeated by Mo Tan not long after entering the trap, and later saw his strength in Academy City. Kevin knew this very well, and he knew even more clearly that he was definitely the undoubted weakling.

This has nothing to do with pride. The reason why Kevin is so objective is simply because he must be so objective in order to seize the opportunity and win this game. "

"Back off! Back off! Come out first!"

Tychus, who had already misunderstood that Kevin was carrying a hidden mission and had doubled his fashion value countless times, was also very cooperative. After the former shouted, he immediately echoed loudly, obviously thinking that the other party knew what he knew.

As a result, those few were fighting bloody battles in front of the auditorium with a few Blood God cultists who had fallen into madness. The Paladins, who kept waving their weapons, refused to take a step back, and even went against the current, step by step, firmly towards the murderous Killed in the auditorium.

"Back off! Regroup first! Support will arrive soon!"

Kevin slowed down his pace towards the church while continuing to try to calm his colleagues down.

"There is no way to retreat. There are many innocent citizens inside. We have to help him rescue them!"

The paladin of the Mist Cult who had sent Kevin and Tychus to the Yellow Light Alley before shook his head, raised his hand and turned a pool of blood that was cut like a sharp blade into a ball of red mist, and then attached it to his short sword. He threw it and stabbed a Blood God cultist hiding in the auditorium.


Kevin clenched the hilt of the sword with a complex expression, but before he could speak, Tychus's burly figure rushed past and pushed against the top stone steps of the auditorium.

"Looks like we have no choice, man."

After saying this without looking back, the young and tall knight of justice took a deep breath, and then slashed forward with a sword at a very slow speed.

And this seemingly slow and weak sword actually killed at least five Blood God believers directly in front of Tychus to the ground in the next second. After a huge shock, It hit the ground with a crash, and in an instant it was no longer alive.

[Half-step epic! ? 】

Kevin, who had been taught by the Grimm Grand Knight of the Dawn Sect for half a year, and whose eyesight was already quite vicious, was immediately stunned. After all, he had never thought that although it looked like something, it had basically no depth. His peers are not at the top of the high-level, but are strong men who have already half-stepped into the epic realm!


Knowing well that there is no room for hesitation on the battlefield, Kevin was stunned but not completely stunned. It took him less than half a second to recalculate his score in his heart and then strode onto the board. Stone Steps, changed his previous attitude, brandished his cross sword that was flowing with the power of dawn and rushed directly to the front of the team, while using [Spin ​​and Judgment] that could be thrown far away to kill the blood rushing to the door. The cultist suppressed him and returned to the auditorium. He turned to Tychus, who was standing side by side with him, and smiled: "Yeah, I have no choice."

Obviously, after learning that his good friend had a half-step epic level of combat power, Kevin had changed his plan and gave up on waiting for reinforcements to surround the cultists and Mo, and chose to hug the thick thigh next to him. Go in and complete your main quest.

You know, even Mu Xuejian in the Comprehensive Knight Fighting Skills Competition showed slightly inferior combat power to the 'Half-Step Epic'. Although not inferior by much, he was able to overpower Mo Tan, and this At this moment, Tychus, who has a stable half-step epic level, can easily deal with the latter.

In this case, there is no need to be conservative at all!

While Kevin was thinking this, he was fighting with swordsmanship, but Tychus, who was able to complete at least one kill every time, pressed into the auditorium. Under the latter's overwhelming power, the ninth team was like a stick. He stabbed through the door like a spear and rushed into the auditorium that had been 'finely decorated' with bloody magic arrays and temporary blood tanks everywhere.

Kevin, who had been concentrating on looking for people since he broke in, also immediately discovered the target, a panting half-dragon whose scales were almost stained red with blood.


Without any hesitation, Kevin immediately used his strongest killing move, which was the powerful move he used against Mu Xuejian in the fighting competition in Academy City and successfully caused long-term damage to the latter's dominant hand—— [Break obstacles, cut off crimes and kill].

And unlike at that time, at this moment, Kevin has improved his strength and is using his usual weapon, the long sword, instead of the battle ax deliberately chosen to restrict Mu Xuejian. Not only has the charging time of this skill been compressed, By 3 seconds, the intensity had also increased, and the number of slashes reached the upper limit of twenty, almost flying towards Mo Tan with the force of a goddess scattering flowers.

Several Blood God believers who happened to be between Kevin and Mo Tan wailed and fell into a pool of blood, but there were still a total of thirteen executions. For some reason, Kevin found that he could at least avoid them. Most of the 'Mos' did not dodge at all, but raised their swords after roaring and prepared for a head-on confrontation.

Going head-to-head with [Obstacle Breaking and Sin-Slaying Slash], whose main effect is 'weakening' and 'debuffing', is definitely the worst choice he can make at this moment.


"Stop it, Kevin!"

With a soft cry, Kevin felt his eyes blurred, and then he found that Tychus had rushed between his Thirteen Sins and Black Tan, swinging the ancient knight sword in his hand in a semicircle, and with the help of A half-step epic sword strike broke through thirteen slashes that could directly impact the muscles of the human body.

Kevin was suddenly shocked and lost his voice: "What are you doing, Tychus, he..."

"He is not from the same group as those lunatics. Look around him, look behind him!"

Tychus interrupted Kevin, and while continuing to fight with several Blood God believers who had large amounts of blood attached to their arms, he shouted loudly: "He is not an enemy!"

【! ? 】

Kevin subconsciously looked around Mo Tan, and then his pupils suddenly shrank. Only then did he realize that there were several corpses of Blood God believers scattered around the latter's feet, and behind the door behind Mo Tan, They were at least a dozen women and children dressed as ordinary people, with fear in their eyes.

"What the hell..."

Kevin stared hard at Mo Tan, who was holding a long sword and breathing heavily, and growled: "What kind of plane are you doing!?"

"Sorry, I just can't stand it."

Mo Tan shrugged with a wry smile and replied loudly: "There are traitors in the Grand Inquisition. They have learned that you are coming to raid, so they plan to advance the ceremony to midnight. The warm-up before the official sacrifice begins is The blood of nine virgins and nine boys, what a coincidence, I am the one responsible for guarding these girls and children."

Kevin, whose blood pressure soared, struggled to chop down a Blood God cultist and said angrily: "So you jumped backwards?!"

"Probably, I killed a few priests who were preparing to perform the ceremony. I originally planned to take them away secretly, but before I even left the house, I was surrounded and suppressed by the Blood God cultists who noticed something was wrong and sent more people here."

Mo Tan spat out bloody saliva and said happily while wiping his bloody face with the back of his hand: "Fortunately, these knights arrived in time, otherwise I would have been in trouble."

"I'm so damn... you're so damn... god damn..."

Kevin gritted his teeth and glared at Mo Tan, but he was so angry that he trembled for a long time without saying a word.

Obviously, the situation has been completely messed up, and this mess is obviously outside the normal logic. After all, according to the 'script' provided by the system, it should be Kevin from the Holy Religion Alliance and Mo from the Blood God Extremist Sect. The sandalwood needle is facing the enemy, fighting side by side with the terrorists who have insiders, and fighting the enemy hand in hand with a large number of paladins who hide half of the epic. The people from the Grand Inquisition are helping both sides. The overall situation is slightly unfavorable to Kevin. Beneficial, but limited.


The special Mo Tan jumped directly! Stop pretending! Even before Kevin and others, they had a fierce battle with NPCs from the same camp as Te Miao, and even lost half of their lives.

Kevin even suspected that if the Holy Religion Alliance was delayed for something, Mo Tan would even fight to his death here.

The result is now good. In the eyes of Tychus and other paladins, 'Mo' is already a friendly unit of Special Meow. If he dares to attack him, I am afraid he will immediately become the common enemy of the two NPC camps in this game. The enemy, and what’s even more strange is that for ‘Mo’——

This is also the case!

Chapter 1816: End

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