Quadruple split

Chapter 1820 Stupidity and Hypocrisy

Men are very stupid creatures most of the time.

Of course, women can be stupid sometimes, but in many cases, the areas of stupidity on both sides are actually different.

It is worth mentioning that the ‘stupid’ mentioned here is not simply a derogatory term, but a worthless, unnecessary, and meaningless thought and behavior.

To give a slightly off-topic example, when a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder is used to turning off the light with three fingers, then when he realizes that he has just turned off the light with two fingers or one index finger, there is a high probability that he will turn off the light. Turning it on and then turning it off again in the way you think is correct, and in this process, apart from feeling "satisfied", there is no positive benefit, and it will even reduce the life of the light bulb by a small amount.

All in all, given the diversity of human beings, this kind of 'stupid' behavior that requires quotation marks can actually be seen everywhere, but it is not actually a derogatory meaning, it is just a 'relatively worthless behavior' that will confuse non-parties.

By the way, I made up this word right now, so there’s nothing sophisticated about it, so there’s no need to look it up.

So, after layering a few layers of armor, let’s go back and talk about the ‘stupidity’ we just mentioned.

To put it simply, Han Gang, the rising star of the Red Constellation Club, whose game ID is called "Hanguang", although his attitude was very calm and submissive after learning that he had to be a substitute if he did not perform well, but when Xinglong said that he would let Hanmei take his place. After he became a stable starter, this guy became a little restless.

Let me briefly explain here. Under normal circumstances, Red Constellation's configuration in this kind of competition is a main team competing for the championship, one or two high-matching teams competing for fame, and two to three potential rookie teams. In view of the fact that the club has settled in [ The staff of "Innocence Realm" is very small, so this time there is only one of each of the three teams, and the eight people in this conference room are - [Awakening Dragon], [Hanmei], [Hanguang], [ Bloodstained], [Silver Moon], [Herald], [Gentleman], and [Nine Levels] are all the candidates for this main team.

Under this premise, the players within the main team are divided into three types, namely 'substitute rotation', 'core rotation' and 'irrefutable absolute starter'.

Let’s talk about the substitute rotation first. To put it simply, it means people who have to sit on the bench most of the time. They are either in poor condition, too junior, or not up to the standard. This kind of member will generally not be a starter, but when it happens There is also a certain attendance rate under special circumstances (including but not limited to the main members having a bad stomach and staying in the toilet) and certain low-pressure games.

Then there is the core rotation. Generally, this type of member has the largest proportion in the team. Most of them are players with very good overall strength and advantages in a certain field. Everyone is good at different directions, depending on teammates and venues. Various factors such as players and opponents will produce different chemical reactions. These people generally have a stable appearance rate. As long as they are suitable for their performance, they can generally start in the starting lineup. They can be said to be the 'backbone' members of a team.

Finally, there is the unbreakable starter. This actually means literally, that is, 'unless there are special circumstances, he will not participate in the rotation and will be a member of the starting lineup every time.' This kind of person is usually a member of the club. There will not be too many signboards, there will only be two or three in a team with less than ten people. Only the strongest, most popular or no blind spots will get such an honor.

For the Red Constellation Club, there are only two starters for the home team in this year's [Battle of Condemnation]. They are the No. 1 domestic professional player in terms of both popularity and strength, Xinglong, who has no blind spots at 360 degrees, and the club. The most promising star among the new blood, he is very popular among the new generation of professional players, and is regarded by countless people as the successor of Xinglong.

Except for the two of them, the other six people basically belong to the core rotation. Because everyone's strength is very online, there is actually no substitute rotation in the conventional sense.

Therefore, Xinglong said that if Han Gang's condition continued to be sluggish, he would be asked to be a substitute. The warning itself was almost full. If Han Gang really went to be a substitute in the end, it would definitely be a huge punishment.

The result was unexpected and reasonable. Although Han Gang, who had always admired Xinglong and was very obedient, was indeed frightened, he still accepted this treatment without hesitation until... Xinglong said that Hanmei would take over as the absolute starter. At this position, he began to express his complex emotions that were not humane to outsiders through silence.

So the question is, is Han Gang's resistance almost written on his face because he has any opinions on Hanmei, or does he think the other party is not good enough?

The answer is no, or even the opposite. I still remember when Hanmei said at the club that she wanted to retreat to the second line, but Han Gang risked being beaten and racked his brains to refute the opponent, and finally succeeded in convincing Hanmei and completed the project. Even Awakening Dragon has almost never been able to persuade the big devil head-on.

Since there is no objection to Hanmei's strength, is there a possibility that Han Gang is dissatisfied that Hanmei will knock him out of the starting position?

This is even more outrageous. You must know that although Han Gang is a super newcomer second only to Xinglong in the Red Constellation, he is also a very humble young man. Because of his relatively young age, he is basically the same as everyone else. He calls me "brother" or "sister". He usually rushes to do the dirty work and never thinks too much about status, fame or even appearance rate. Although he has some shortcomings, compared to the pioneers who are idle and the perverted writers, Gentleman, his character is quite good, and he is even called the "Three Consciences of the Red Constellation" together with "Nine Layers" and "Silver Moon".

In short, the reason why Hanguang is defined by everyone as the half-successor of Awakening Dragon and the future leader of Red Constellation is that in addition to his impeccable strength and professional attitude, his character and character are also very important reference values. The report on this aspect was written by Hanmei, Xinglong and Jiuchong together.

It can be seen that Han Gang has never been the kind of person who would seek trouble because of his status or exposure in the team. As for unfair treatment, at least in the days when Xinglong and Hanmei were in charge and Luo Oushang was the boss, this possibility was It has almost been eliminated.

So the question is, since this is neither this nor that, then why is Han Gang unhappy?

This is related to the ‘idiosyncratic stupidity of some men’ that we talked about before.

In a nutshell -

When Han Gang thought that he basically couldn't play in the game, but Han Mei could always play in the starting lineup, fighting side by side with Awakening Dragon, Pioneer, Gentleman and others, something felt wrong all over. It felt very uncomfortable, and he felt that he was excluded from a certain field. Besides, Hanmei was left behind on some god-knows-what road.

This feeling is ridiculous, a bit similar to when you want to watch a TV series, comic or movie with the person you care about, only to find that the other person has already finished watching it, and there are several people they both know who have also finished watching it. It’s like I haven’t finished reading it.

If you and the people you care about haven't watched it, then it doesn't matter even if everyone around you has watched it. But if it happens to the above situation, it will be particularly unpleasant, and it will still be the kind of thing where you can't say it, because as soon as you say it, it will It would seem very childish, which is not the taste.

And the discomfort Han Gang felt at this moment was exactly the 'stupidity' mentioned before.

This kind of stupidity is not uncommon. For example, Mo Tan once felt particularly unhappy because Yu Chen, Kang Lan, and Gu Xiaole went to a certain store to buy figures together, but he could not show it because he refused Gu Xiaole at that time. The person he invited was himself. Although he had a different personality, he was still 100% the person named 'Mo Tan'.

There is a saying that in the month after that incident, Mo Tan would become very anxious and depressed as long as he was in the state of 'absolute neutrality'. Even now, when he thinks about that incident, he feels so unhappy that he wants to smash things.

And I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but since then, Yuchen has not participated in any activities that are not all girls and do not include Mo Tan, even if it is only Gu Xiaole and Yi Dong, who has a good relationship with Mo Tan and can wear a pair of pants.

Naturally, this kind of detail was quickly noticed by Mo Tan, and after that, he started a new round of depression... because he felt that Yu Chen had obviously done nothing wrong, but had made changes because of his own reasons. Ever since, the worry turned into frustration and dissatisfaction, and there was no way to express this dissatisfaction, because Mo Tan himself knew that this was simply his 'hypocrisy', and there was no way he could gain sympathy from any normal person.

"Alas, the person who is obviously the most qualified to be unhappy is Yu Chen..."

Just as Han Gang cheered up at the speed of light, Mo Tan on the other side also ended his fourth personal audition as "Mo". As soon as he opened the message bar, he saw at least twenty messages from Ji Xiaoge .

'silent! I win! I won the first game! ’

'And I won it in a serious way. The person lining up with me was also a little girl. We bumped into each other not long after the game started. Then I flew up, and Nachateline started shooting. She looked for cover and used magic at the same time. Throw me away, it’s exciting! ’

'But that sister's magic was not as good as that of Lao Jia, so although I was a little nervous, I still won steadily in the end. Woo, I blasted two bunkers flat with my hand in the process. Although it was a little uncomfortable, I still won. I think Lu Jiang has used this kind of thing to kill other people's groups, so it's not that uncomfortable QAQ. ’

'are u there? Have you started playing yet? Is there enough time? I am holding you back in team battles, so you must work hard in individual battles! ’

‘Can I go see you play? You can turn on the option to allow friends to watch the fight in the privacy options on the main interface of [Battle], so that I can watch you fight at any time. That thing is turned off by default. ’

‘Well, you don’t seem to be here, or have you said that the fight has already started? Then I’ll line up another one! ’

‘I lost. The opponent is so powerful. He seems to be a professional player. I fought side by side with many beautiful elf ladies, but I was still defeated. The professional player is so bad, he even killed people! ’

‘By the way, it’s been determined that the three of us will gather at a quarter past eleven during game time, right? I'll go ahead and tell Lao Jia and the others some more instructions. ’

'Hey, I'm back. Everything is going well over there. Lu Jiang told Captain Largo that now is a very important recovery period, so the lunch break will be extended three times, which happens to be the period from 11 noon to 3 p.m. During the auditions. ’

"Then I'll line up another one!"

"Haha, I just met a friend I met on the forum. She is a girl. Her name is Braised Heaven. She taught me a lot of Sichuan cuisine. She didn't hit me just now. She was killed by a landmine. She is sending me a message. Hey!"

"Yes, yes, let me tell you..."

There are more than twenty messages like this in total. Although the content is very ordinary, either chatting or complaining, there is still a sense of intimacy.

This closeness can naturally be explained as the comradeship of having known each other for more than half a year, but if you want to talk about it in other aspects, it seems that it is not impossible.

All in all, comparing his feelings with others, Mo Tan thinks that if a boy he met in the game chats with Yu Chen like this, then even if he doesn't care now, but with an 'absolutely neutral' personality, the best result would be to directly lead him. The reorganized Doumbuya garrison rushed into the blood barbarian hinterland, bleeding into rivers.


"Oh, I can't say."

Shaking his head helplessly, Mo Tan, who had fought twice as many individual battles as others, briefly replied to Ji Xiaoge with a few messages, with the topics respectively 'Congratulations on winning two games' and 'The delicious food is amazing. Delicious and easy-to-use food is even more powerful' and 'I have allowed friends to watch the game, but if I continue to play for a while, I will be temporarily offline'.

After that, Mo Tan started to match the role of ‘Mo’ in the fifth game of the day without stopping.

By the way, his record in the previous four games was - 0 wins.

This is not surprising. You must know that although the character "Mo" does not seem very strong at first glance, it is on par with monster-level characters such as Mu Xuejian, Shuangye, Xinglong, Gu Xiaole, and Cordova. Under such circumstances, the fact that he can reach the personal combat power rankings itself proves that he is already stronger than 99.9% of players.

In other words, leaving aside those players who are not strong enough to participate in the competition, Motan is still qualified to be on the list even though he is at the bottom of the list, and minus the combat power provided by Wang Badan, his blood contract partner. In any random match, the winning rate is at least over 90%, so let alone four consecutive wins, even forty consecutive wins is not surprising.

But in this fifth battle, he was miraculously matched with an old friend——

[The main mission has been triggered: Kill the opponent - Great Bright Knight Kevin]

Chapter 1811: End

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