Quadruple split

Chapter 1808 The two sides of the Taiwan Strait can’t stop crying


Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge looked at each other, a little confused for a moment.

You know, in their impression, Lu Jiang's mysterious brother, who is also the founder of Tianzhu Mountain's high-level observer, Ah Sang, who was displaced in the 'timeline' due to an accident, is A very fierce hunk.

Of course, the macho man here does not refer to him being eight feet tall, with a green face and fangs, muscular muscles, and thick body hair, but refers to the fact that A Sang, as a player, left a footprint around the world during the days when he was forced to play stand-alone. He also made direct contact with Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge through his own mage tower ruins. Not only did he help to deal with a bunch of bone bandits who had been miserable for eight lifetimes, he even specially set up a capable person in the 'past' The teleportation array that goes directly to the Dragon King's Tomb is for the two people 'now' to use.

In other words, if it weren't for the guy whose game ID is [Sang] and calls himself A Sang, Wang Ba Dan might still be hiding in his shell.

But according to the information obtained by Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge, although Ah Sang has been playing stand-alone, if compared with current mainstream players, he is definitely a first-rate boss.

First of all, when Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge were still at the mid-level, and [Red Constellation] had just officially announced that Xinglong had officially obtained the high-level professional 'Fighting Soul', Ah Sang had already entered the Holy Spirit in the past 1750 years ago. In the 7821st year of history, the Pride of the Dragon Clan has a mage tower, a mage tower that belongs to him, is guarded by the tower spirit, has all the internal organs, and can easily activate dozens of high-level magic to eliminate intruders.

Not only that, Ah Sang also has very terrifying connections, such as the last Dragon King Bosh, Wang Badan’s complex father, and a certain patriarch in the Diesel family history, both of whom can condone this guy. The relationship between setting up a teleportation circle in his backyard was only known to Mo Tan. God knew what else he didn't know.

But the most important thing is that 'A Sang can have an impact on the present in the past when being affected by the pseudo-empty time flow'. You must know that Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge were influenced by A Sang in God knows how much. The magic circle set up in the Twin Lions Castle years ago was accidentally teleported to the [Time Tower] at the end of the Dragon Clan, and the reason why they were able to teleport directly from the tower to the theoretically sealed Dragon King's Tomb was also because A Sang The reason why he went over there and set up a magic circle after learning about Mo Tan's mission.

Pay attention to the order. Ah Sang first 'learned about Mo Tan's mission' and then 'went over there to set up the magic circle'.

However, there are huge limitations to the operation of influencing reality from the past. Since we have explained it in detail before, we will not go into details here.

One thing to say, at first glance, this thing sounds like cheating, but under normal circumstances, this kind of thing that can affect the present from the past is probably even more extreme than cheating. I won’t go into specific examples, Mo Tan The best evidence is that he can complete several mission chains with almost no pressure, and almost skipped most of the previous hard-core monster-fighting content.

However, the reality is not so beautiful. In view of the fact that the [Pseudo Space Time Flow] that lingers with Ah Sang has no rules at all. In other words, it can be thrown into the [Innocent Realm] anywhere in history anytime and anywhere. Any place in time, and it can be as short as three to five seconds, or as long as one or two months later, it will happen again. It is very likely that you were doing business in the Violet Empire just now, and the next second you will be thrown to the center of the opposite continent. People fight holy wars, or appear on the gridiron of some ogre tribe.

Therefore, when life and death were at stake, Ah Sang didn't say that he was cheating on "future generations". Even protecting his own life was a problem. Admittedly, he did help Mo Tan once in an almost cheating manner. But since the game [Innocent Bound] has been running for such a long time, Ah Sang has only done this kind of behavior once.

To sum up, compared to most...well, this is the current world that all players except A Sang live in. Although it is not a peaceful age, at least everyone can know where is dangerous and where is not dangerous. Between players In the year 9571 of the Holy Calendar, in which we can help each other and exchange information, there have always been huge security risks in the place where A Sang lives. The reason why he can survive until now is that except for the stronger ones, In addition to the two points of crisis awareness and continuous improvement of one's own strength, it is mainly due to Hao, a super responsible mentor.

Although to Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge, Lu is a mysterious figure who has never been seen before, but in Lu Jiang’s words, this high-level observer spends a lot of time every day to locate who knows who is involved in the [Pseudo Space Time Flow] Wherever he went, he tried every means to get in touch with him, and tried his best to provide help to this alien apprentice. He even occasionally provided psychological counseling to the latter who became intermittently hysterical after he started playing single-player games.

Not only that, the "General History of the Mainland" he gave to Ah Sang back then also provided great help to the latter's survival. You must know that it is not one of those general histories on the market that is either unobjective or too subjective, but is written by Tianzhu. Written by Albus Diakad, ranked fifth among the top observers of the Mountain, it covers the version from the first year of the Holy Calendar to 9571. Its level of detail can even be directly used by A Sang as "Time Travel". Use "The Survival Guide: The Innocence of Modern Times".

In short, in the eyes of Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge, there is absolutely no reason for A Sang to be weak despite being involved in the chaotic time and space shortly after the server was launched, but still being able to persist until now.

As a result, Lu Jiang actually said that Ah Sang thought that just any player could make him almost overturn. This...

"I always feel like it's a misunderstanding."

After thinking briefly, Mo Tan said in an uncertain tone: "I find it difficult to accept that a random player can cause trouble to your brother."

Ji Xiaoge nodded vigorously and echoed: "I also think that although I am not a very powerful person, I think Ah Sang must be a super powerful player. No matter what, he can't be worse than Mo."

"Oh, I think so too."

Lujiang spread his hands and said helplessly: "But my brother... well, how should I put it, he is usually fine, but he gets very nervous when talking about [The Boundary of Innocence]. I think he must be suffering from some post-traumatic stress disorder." He has a stimulatory disorder and can't listen to anything. He won't tell me how strong he is. He just keeps saying that he is a noob. He understands everything according to his own weird logic. I feel like there is no way to save him. ”

Ji Xiaoge smacked his lips and sighed: "It's because the single-player time is too long and it's driving people crazy."

"It should have nothing to do with single-player. The NPCs in Innocence are actually no different from players. And even now, there are many players who deal with NPCs every day, but they have never seen the same kind."

Mo Tan shook his head in opposition, held his chin and speculated: "I think it should be the lack of sense of security caused by traveling all the time. After all, even if he is very strong among players, he still cannot avoid encountering various dangers in the chaotic time and space. .”

Lu Jiang sighed and said helplessly: "Probably. Anyway, I have given up trying to reason with him. If he thinks he is weak, just be weak. I don't believe that guy can really fail in the audition."

"Hey, don't talk about the auditions. I think it's okay for Ah Sang to be as strong as he wants. I still have the "Iron-maned Book" made of iron-maned porcupines that he gave me before."

Ji Xiaoge said with a serious face that he was very optimistic about A Sang, and then suddenly asked: "Speaking of which, you two must participate in the individual competition, right? I remember that Mo participated, and Xiaolu You will also sign up, right?"

"No, I have no intention of signing up."

Lu Jiang shook his head vigorously and waved his hand: "I just want to join in the fun with you. I'm timid. I would be scared to death by myself, so I won't be embarrassed."

"Actually, I'm about the same, but Teacher Lu Wei seems to want me to participate in a personal battle..."

Ji Xiaoge shrugged and said with some confusion: "I said I want to test the effects of various mechanical creations on people from other worlds, and some other messy things. Anyway, I plan to cooperate with him. Anyway, I am idle. , just be filial."

Mo Tan, who was also participating in the individual battle, smiled slightly and said to Ji Xiaoge: "Then let's cheer for each other~"

"Just do it yourself."

Ji Xiaoge made a face and said happily: "I'm just joining in the fun and doing some experiments arranged by the teacher. If you tell me, I've been holding back the team competition. I have to fight hard in the individual competition to try to get a ranking." of."

Mo Tan burst into laughter: "Would you like to take a look at the ranking list over there? I'm on the last page. How do I get the ranking? Does 200th place count as ranking?"

"Don't say that!"

Ji Xiaoge frowned, put his hands on his hips and said, "What does the ranking mean? I think you are awesome! You can win the championship!"

"I'd like to lend you your kind words."

"Hmph, this is the blessing of the goddess of victory!"

"I understand. I will go to the entire sect to support you later."

"Pfft, come on, I know you can lie now."

Ji Xiaoge snorted, then stood up lightly, stretched his wings and waist comfortably, then smiled at Mo Tan: "Then let's stop here today, I'll go back to the game to rub the props first Well, the competition is about to begin, and there are a lot of things that Mr. Guang Luwei wants me to test that I’m not prepared for.”

Lu Jiang nodded vigorously: "Yeah! I also want to practice a few more forms of actual combat. I don't know if Captain Largo is up at this moment. It would be great if he or Lao Jia could accompany me to practice for a while. .”

"As for someone..."

Ji Xiaoge crossed his arms and glanced at Mo Tan, then said with a half-smile, "Just do what you have to do."



"Uh, it's nothing, then I'll get off first."

"See you tomorrow~"

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Game time AM06:35

The realm of innocence, public space, Sarufang Weiwei’s private space

In the center of the almost undecorated empty hall, there are seven or eight people sitting on both sides of a long gray-white granite table. In addition to them, there are more than a dozen people playing cards not far away. The contrast between the suffocating low air pressure is extremely stark.


The only man who was not sitting on a chair but squatting at the end of the long table looked up at the group of people in front of him with a gloomy face. He gritted his teeth and said, "Can anyone explain to me why you haven't played for long? Just two days after we got together, a gorgeous... family members died?"

This person has a pair of black ears and a head of black hair with red highlights. He is a cat orc who looks a bit sickly. His ID in [Innocence Realm] is 'Aramis', but His identity here at this moment is that he is the president of the [Bathing in Fire] Guild, a well-known non-professional player group in the country. In the past, he was a well-known player who used 'Typing Warrior' as his game ID.

Sitting next to him is the Highlander who is still working with Aramis in the [Innocence Realm]. Named after 'Porthos', who is also one of the three musketeers, the three members of the Fire Guild are... One of the vice-presidents, a person whose common ID is 'Seventy-Six Sticks'.

In fact, when Porthos first entered the realm of innocence, he still used the name "Seventy-six Sticks", but he was killed by someone who had sinned in the past in an incident not long after, and he was resurrected. Renamed Porthos.

The other people around the table were cadre-level figures from the Yuuhuo Guild.

"God damn my whole family, but I'm still alive and well."

Covered in black haze and with a giant long knife hanging on his back, the handsome and handsome heavily armored man rolled his eyes and said dryly: "It doesn't matter to me that these idiots are dead."

[Po Douluo], who is also one of the three vice-presidents of the Yuuhuo Guild and has been playing with the Typing Warrior since the second grade of middle school, has an unruly and unruly look on his face, showing off the elegance of a strong man on the first page of the personal combat power rankings. .

"Okay, you see I can't give you more blood in the future."

The lion tribe orc who was wearing linen clothes nodded and glanced at Po Douluo lightly.

"Dad, I was wrong."

Po Douluo immediately apologized to his old friend who was able to increase blood, resist monsters and output all three things, and he was so cowardly that he apologized.

"Don't be so blind. Anyway, I, Huang Yu, Apo and Shamao are lucky enough to survive. At least we can form a team battle lineup."

The last vice-president who died in the fire was also the owner of this private space. The orc, who looked gentle and had two horns on his head, glared fiercely at Aramis and Porthos, and cursed: "You two Is this bitch really going to be able to do it anymore? I just need to change my waistcoat and stop working, right?"

"You know what Bang Chui is. We are conducting a low-key investigation into the customs and customs here. This is a great wisdom."

"Fuck you@#, the thirty-man group was killed by more than twenty people, and you still have the nerve to show your great wisdom here."

"It's a joke, you guys can't handle it, why didn't we go there to give it to you?"

"@#¥, bitch!"

"@#¥, Minotaur!"*2

"I'm not a tauren!"

"Tauren, Minotaur, Minotaur!"*2


"%¥*\u0026 @!!!"

In this way, amidst the chaos, the pre-war meeting of the Guild on Fire began.

Chapter 1,799: End

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