Quadruple split

Chapter 1798 Interlude·The parents have short stories

"I said...little devil Han Gang..."

Outside the game, he was not much different in size from his opponent, but now he was inferior to Yangmei, who was only as tall as [Hanguang]'s legs. That is, [Hanmei] in the Innocence Realm tilted his head and glared at the former angrily, and said dryly: "You When you were a child, did you still think that the children in Inner Mongolia usually rode horses to school?"

Han Guang blinked and asked curiously: "When you were a child?"


Hanmei was shocked at that time and said in astonishment: "You don't think so now, do you?"

"Well, isn't it?"

Han Guang was also confused, and said hesitantly: "My dormitory director in college was a big brother from Inner Mongolia. I asked him about it at the time, and he said that I guessed it right. People go to school on horseback over there, and..."


Hanmei twitched the corners of her lips and asked with a smile, "What else is there?"

"Also, he said it's not easy to grow food there, so he has to go hunting every week."

Han Guang lowered his voice inexplicably and said with awe: "Mainly hunting sheep and wolves, using bows and arrows, lassoes and double-barreled shotguns, it's awesome!"

"Your second aunt is so awesome!"

But when Hanmei pulled out a staff that was taller than her, she hit the front end of the staff with a large piece of amethyst on the opponent's head, and said angrily: "You can't even use your brain, Qite? Even if you do, Occasionally, you are willing to ride a horse to keep fit, but in what era are there still people who go out hunting every now and then! After all, how did you idiot get into college!!!"


Because he was a legal profession at the same time, Han Guang, who was hit by Han Mei's stick, staggered for two steps, and then said in shock: "Am I being cheated!? No way, the leader of our dormitory is so kind! "

Hanmei rolled her eyes and sighed: "He is a very nice person, otherwise he wouldn't have told you that he would go hunting every week. But...who would have thought that you, a silly little kid, would really believe that kind of thing?" !Didn’t you ask him for confirmation later!?”

"No, because he deliberately lowered his voice when he told me, so I thought it was some big secret, just... animal protection laws or something, so I didn't dare to ask more, and I didn't mention it in the next few years. I’m afraid he’ll be caught.”

Han Guang said matter-of-factly, and then looked at Han Mei with disbelief: "So I was cheated?!"

"You, well, if nothing happens to you in the future, just stay away from me."

Hanmei looked up to the sky and sighed, shaking her head and saying, "Although idiots are theoretically not contagious, for an idiot like you, I think it's better to be careful."

Although he holds the title of leader of the [Red Star Brigade] and [Red Star Mercenary Group] in the game, Hanmei and his colleagues in the guild department handle most things, so he has almost no real power (actually, he doesn’t have any real power). Hanguang, who does not want any real power) looked aggrieved: "Sister Meimei, did you come here specifically just to hurt me..."

"How much I love you, I came all the way here just to hurt you."

Hanmei glanced at the other party, casually took out a horse from her bag and sat on it. While swinging her two short legs, she said lazily: "You went home from leave yesterday and were not at the club, so you don't know. , the list of the first team for the team competition has come out, and the idea is to use the last ten days to bring everyone together to practice hard."

Han Guang scratched his hair and asked curiously: "Then am I selected?"

"You were not selected because you were too stupid. This time you will be a substitute for the second team."

Hanmei snorted expressionlessly.

"oh oh."

As a result, the other party nodded vigorously without any objection, patted his chest and said loudly: "Okay! I will definitely be a good substitute!"

"You kid did it on purpose, right..."

Hanmei raised her staff as if to demonstrate, and then said seriously: "The core five candidates for the home team are [Awakening Dragon], [Hanmei], [Hanguang], [Blood Stain], and [Silver Moon], and the substitute rotation members will be There are [Ninth Level], [Pioneer], and [Gentleman], a total of eight people."

Han Guang blinked and suddenly exclaimed: "Eight people?!"

"Yeah, eight people."

Hanmei tilted her head to look at him inexplicably and asked, "Is there any problem?"

"Yes! I remember that the number of people in the team competition is limited to three to five people!"

Han Guang looked at the de facto boss of the team in confusion, and asked Han Mei, who was smoking a cigarette, "The eight of us must have exceeded the limit!"

Hanmei frowned slightly at first, tilted her head and thought for a few seconds before suddenly saying: "Oh! Didn't you read the detailed description of [Inquisition and Debate]?"

Han Guang continued to be confused: "What detailed explanation?"

"I know that you are a professional player after all. Forget about other things, you should take a look at the details of this kind of competition."

Hanmei kicked Hanguang's calf angrily, and said angrily: "It's the hyperlink at the end of the announcement, more than a hundred pages of supplementary instructions and detailed terms."

When the latter heard this, he immediately looked away and began to rub the back of his head and talk about it: "Ah... that... that one has more than 100,000 words..."

"I admit that Innocence Realm does talk a lot of nonsense in this regard. It also likes to layer armor on itself for no reason. It seems quite annoying, but you should take a look at the information the club sent you. Seriously, if you do this again Go down...oh, forget it."

Seeing Han Guang's head lowering lower and lower, Hanmei finally shook her head helplessly: "I know you can't calm down recently. I'll talk to you about the key points later. How is the old man's health?"

Han Gang, who took leave this time because his grandfather was hospitalized, looked gloomy and shook his head: "I was so sick that I was always in good spirits. But after this physical examination... Well, maybe I pretended not to know and didn't follow him. It's okay if I don't want to be hospitalized, after all, I just cough a lot."

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's lung cancer, old man. If you were hospitalized and treated early, it would be cured quickly. If you really pretend not to know anything, what will happen if it gets too bad in the end?"

Hanmei, who had already understood the specific situation, gave Han Guang a fierce look, and then said sternly: "If the old man is not willing to go through the trouble, just look at it in your hometown first, but if you can't understand, then quickly transfer to our hospital. Uncle Luo specifically called me last night to ask about this matter, saying that as long as you need it, we will definitely be able to arrange it here. There is no guarantee that it will be good, but we will definitely find the best doctor and hospital."

Han Guang shook his head and said repeatedly: "No, no, no, no, I can't trouble the boss like this..."

"What are you talking about? What kind of trouble is this to the boss? Haven't you always said that your grandpa loves you the most and treats you better than his own grandson? Then you should do your best to fulfill your filial piety. At least you can't keep it. Pity."

Hanmei raised her hand impatiently and interrupted this little brother who had not experienced many big storms in the real world. She said sternly: "The matter is settled. I will take Jiuchong to pick you up on the 28th and pay a visit to the old man by the way. Then discuss with your family about transferring him to a hospital if it doesn't work. If there is no problem, it would be best to have the old man come over after the National Day holiday."

Han Guang was stunned: "On the 28th? Didn't I just take three days off?"

Hanmei patted Hanguang's shoulder with her staff and said calmly: "I have adjusted the arrangements for these days. It is basically all online training. It doesn't matter where you participate. The extra days off will be given to you. , now we are concentrating on being innocent and no longer playing Olathe War. During the day, if we have nothing to do, we can spend time with the family, especially your mother, who is her biological father. Don’t worry about getting angry and getting sick. "

"Thank you, Sister Meimei..."

Han Guang cast a look that was more complicated than ordinary gratitude at the other party, and then suddenly his eyes narrowed: "Wait a minute, Sister Meimei, you want to come with Sister Jiujiu?!"

Hanmei nodded matter-of-factly, crossed her arms and said, "Yes, yes, Xiaojiu has always been interested in the hot springs in your hometown. I plan to accompany her to take a bath. Is it convenient at your home?"

"my home?!"

Han Guang was so frightened that his voice changed.

"hold head high."

Hanmei nodded as expected and said, "Don't your family run a B\u0026B? The kind with a hot spring."

"Oh, there is this, there is this."

Han Guang, whose thoughts just wandered a little, immediately nodded desperately and said loudly: "Reserve the venue! The venue must be reserved!"

"Well, I'm not polite to you. Then when we get off the plane, we'll take a bath in the hot springs first."

Hanmei clapped her hands happily and said happily: "Then let Jiuchong dress up more beautifully and pretend to be your girlfriend to visit the old man together."

Han Guang also nodded in agreement: "Yeah, let's soak in the hot spring first, and then let Sister Jiujiu... wait a moment!"

"Fuck, you're going to die!"

Hanmei, who was almost thrown off the horse by Han Guang's throat, was shocked and said angrily: "Why are you shouting so loudly!?"

But Hanguang just stared at Hanmei with wide eyes and said in a shocked voice: "So why does Sister Jiujiu pretend to be my girlfriend!?"

"Yes, why should I pretend to be Xiao Han's girlfriend?"

At the same time, a cheerful and soft voice suddenly sounded from behind the two of them.

It was a half-elf girl who looked like a junior high school student. She had beautiful long brown hair, an attractive baby face that was both cute and intellectual, and her soft light golden eyes were able to make even Hanmei look... People with a grumpy personality can calm down immediately.

The former vice-captain of the Red Constellation main team, he is also a veteran figure like Hanmei. Together with the former, the professional player [Kuzhong], who is known as the 'Red Twin Stars', is looking at the two of them with his head tilted not far away, with a somewhat troubled expression. .

"Ah, hello, Sister Jiujiu!"

As a junior, Han Guang immediately greeted him politely.

"Oh, what a coincidence."

Hanmei happily waved to Jiuzhong and said with a smile: "Xiaojiu, come here quickly~ I was just about to tell you this."

"I'm several years older than you! Stop calling me Xiaojiu."

While saying something that Hanmei would never listen to, Jiuzhong walked slowly to the latter's side and said softly: "I'm sorry I'm late. I spent a lot of time sorting out the information. Xiao Han, is your grandpa's health feeling better? "

Han Guang shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Although it has not worsened, his mood has been very bad. If he continues like this, it will be a matter of time before his body gets worse."

"I wish I could recover soon."

Jiuzhong sighed in relief, then turned to look at Hanmei: "So what are you talking about?"

"I was about to tell you!"

Hanmei raised her hand and blocked Han Guang's mouth with her staff, and then said cheerfully: "Actually, it's Han Gang who wants to ask you for a favor. You also know that his grandfather has always wanted him to bring a girlfriend back, but in the end This kid is also useless. He hasn't found a partner for several years since he came out. Last year, he finally brought someone back with Li Lei, a brat who made the old man angry, so Han Gang, I hope you, Xiaojiu..."

Jiuzhong raised his eyebrows and stared into Hanmei's eyes: "Pretend to be his girlfriend to meet the old man?"

A drop of cold sweat slowly slid down Hanmei's forehead: "Hmm... um..."

Jiuzhong stared: "Are you sure?"

Hanmei looked away: "I'm sure..."

Jiuzong continued to stare: "Are you really sure?"

Hanmei couldn't resist, lowered her head and whispered: "Maybe I'm not particularly sure."

"Oh, I knew it was you who made the decision..."

The woman with the best temper among the red constellations, but the only one who can subdue Hanmei, shook her head: "What are you thinking about? I'm already thirty-one."

"You are thirty-one and have no one!"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with being single."

"I just let you pretend for a while!"

"Please, I'm almost ten years older than Xiao Han. It's so weird."

"Don't talk about it. The last time we went shopping together, she almost thought you were my niece. Damn legal lolita."

"I also want to look more mature!"

"Anyway, just help me."

"It's not good to lie to people, and even if I am willing to help, Xiao Han will definitely not be willing."

"Why wouldn't he want to? He must be so happy to have a beautiful and legal lady like you who is willing to pretend to be his girlfriend, and this guy must be a sister-controller. I noticed this several times when we were having dinner. He’s secretly looking at you!”

"That's... Oh, forget it, I can't do it anyway."

Jiuchong shook his head slightly, spread his hands and said, "I'm going on a business trip to the youth training camp in City B at the end of the month, so I can't accompany you to Xiao Han's place."

Upon hearing this, Hanmei immediately froze in place as if struck by lightning: "Why!?"

"Because the second team, the first regiment and the first guild that I led were all pulled to the Boundary of Innocence. The Olaxi War Chronicles side is now only supported by the third team, the second regiment and the second guild. We don’t have enough staff.”

Kunou shrugged and said slowly: "Even if everyone focuses on Innocence in the future, Olathe War is the most popular game in the world after all. We can't let it go easily, so I have to go to youth training. The camp will bring four teams out, the S Horse Racing will be held soon, it would be too shameful for us to only send one team to participate."

"Then I..."

"Yes, I'm afraid you can only go to Xiao Han's place by yourself, come on."

"Xiaojiu, you can't do this to me!"

"Hey, let's go to the hot springs together next time~"


"I don't have to discuss it~"

"Nine ah ah ah ah!!!"

Chapter 1,789: End

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