Quadruple split

Chapter 1796: Taking advantage of others

Five minutes later, the woman wearing an eyepatch named Xizhao came back, holding a 'lottery ticket' in her hand that was equal to the entire activity funds of the two of them.

Forty-five minutes later, the game ended. Rebel Hopkins had the last laugh in this long and fierce battle, even though her fragile body was already crumbling, and even one of her weapons was broken by force. But he still became the winner of this battle and was promoted to the 513th rank in the Prince's Courtyard Arena.

"To be honest...this rank is beyond her personal ability."

The alchemist stood in front of the one-way glass of the box with his hands behind his hands, looking down at Rebecca who was holding her bloody shoulder and limping towards the contestants area amidst cheers, and said calmly: "After this , if she continues to compete in the high-level area, then every opponent she faces will probably be a half-step epic. Even if the accident rate of this arena is lower than that of other peers, it is still too dangerous."

"The odds...the odds are seven...seven...more than seven times..."

Xizhao, who completely ignored the alchemist's words and didn't hear even a single word, stared blankly at the card in his hand that was worth 30,000 gold coins not long ago. Now it has jumped from excellent to epic quality, as stated in the note. The 'lottery ticket' worth two hundred and twenty-six thousand, five hundred and forty-nine gold coins, the exposed eye widened, and the whole person fell into a rather confused state.


Sighing at the unseen virtue of his companion, the alchemist turned to Xizhao and said: "Since the principal is the activity fund, then use 50,000 to fill in the budget. I will keep 150,000, and the remaining two I’ll give you the 16,000 gold coins as your errand fee.”

Xizhao was shocked at that time and said in astonishment: "Damn it, it's really fake! It's so easy for me to take you seriously, Xiao Fang!"

"Well, it's okay."

The alchemist nodded and said in a very indifferent tone: "After redeeming the bonus, just keep the change yourself, and then ask them to give you a Steam Consortium certificate worth 150,000 yuan and a gold coin chamber of commerce certificate worth 50,000 yuan. , just bring it back to me."

Xizhao blinked and hesitated for a while before asking cautiously: "Are you really giving me the change? Are you sure it's a change from twenty-six thousand? Not a change from six thousand?"

"That's right."

The alchemist continued to nod and said calmly: "So go and get the money."

"This... you are so smart, you should know how much more than 20,000 gold coins are worth, right?"

Xizhao pursed her lips, but still did not run out immediately to pay back the money, but said seriously: "It's not a small sum!"

The alchemist sighed and pinched his eyebrows helplessly: "I'm not short of money."

"Then you are not a rich second generation."

Xizhao raised his hands on his hips and assumed the posture of an older man: "I know Xiaofang, you are young and promising now, but even so, we can't treat money too little. Look at those foreign stars. Which one is not worth hundreds of millions of dollars and euros, but because of poor financial management skills and spending money lavishly, many people ended up with their families and wives separated when they finally couldn't make money anymore. Oh, by the way, you I don’t have a girlfriend now, and getting married in the future will also be an expense. I have to remind you, young people must learn to be reasonable..."

"First of all, Xizhao, you are only seven months and fifteen days older than me, and your life experience is not enough to give me comprehensive advice and warnings."

The alchemist calmly interrupted this colleague who had been working with him for more than two years and whose good-natured attributes were seriously exceeding the standard. He shrugged and said, "Secondly, although I was not born into a wealthy family, I consider myself to be quite good at financial management. To give you an example... Well, last month I made about 100,000 U.S. dollars by speculating on currencies on a black platform and playing with leverage. I won 80,000 U.S. dollars by buying online football lottery last month, but I lost some money on stocks. After all, I didn't One would have thought that Black Sun would expose the fact that the executive director of that company had a cross-dressing fetish, but it only lost two thousand five thousand, which is still acceptable."

Xizhao: "..."

"So, the reason why I am so generous is just that I have made a little too much recently and want to break the bank and eliminate the disaster for myself."

The alchemist smiled and said leisurely: "I am a very superstitious person, so I always prefer to believe in the law of conservation of character. Can you accept this reason?"

Xizhao, who had just reacted, immediately widened her one eye and shouted, "What a ghost! Putting aside stocks, the two things you did above are most likely illegal!"

"Well, so let's think of the more than 20,000 yuan as hush money for you."

After the alchemist said this, he stepped forward and walked briskly past Xiuzhao: "Then, I will wait for you outside first."

Game time AM09:39

Northwest Continent, Principality of Freya, Lower District of the Principality Ellet, Triumph Memorial Square

"Gu Gu~ Gu Gu Gu Gu~"

On the bench next to the fountain, a middle-aged man with a decent appearance wearing a simple linen shirt was leaning over with difficulty, imitating the sounds of some birds, and trying to feed the grain in his hands to The fat ornamental birds in front of me.

"Don't waste your efforts."

An old man with a slight hunchback walked over from the side, glanced at the man with his gloomy eyes and said coldly: "These birds have been fed for a long time, and they don't even eat black bread, let alone this kind of bird." I don’t know where I got the low-quality wheat from.”

As a well-known 'intermediary' in this area, the old man Fu Deng, who has many things to do, actually doesn't really want to take this trip today. If it weren't for the other party, he would have an 'explanation' anyway. In addition, he originally made an appointment with him this morning. His business partner was suddenly delayed and couldn't keep the appointment. At best, Fuden would ask his incompetent assistant, who was also his son, to come over and deal with it.

In fact, Fuden regrets it now.

A man who tried to feed the lettering birds with 'Mi Mai' in the Triumph Memorial Square really didn't know what he had to say to this kind of thing.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to worry too much about this -

"I'm sorry that you took time out of your busy schedule to come see me."

He stuffed the rice and wheat in his hand back into the bag. The middle-aged man stroked his stubble and said carefully: "I think there may be some misunderstandings in the previous communication between the two parties, although there were already some misunderstandings in the previous two days." I’ve asked our people here, but that’s just one sided statement after all, so I just want to find out from you what part went wrong.”

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. When the other party's attitude was very polite and even a little 'humble', Fuden did not show too much aggression. He just said lightly: "According to your words, it is obviously the price." There was an error in the link.”

"Uh... I remember seeing that contract in person."

The man scratched his hair and said with some embarrassment: "I generally remember the above clauses. If we do complete the task in accordance with the employer's requirements, and always abide by the several constraints established before, the task will be completed as expected. If it is completed at a level no less than 80% of the expected standard, you will settle the commission totaling six thousand gold coins the next day, right?"

Fuden nodded lightly: "That's right."

"So, the reason why you are only willing to pay us one-twelfth of the original reward, which is 500 gold coins..."

The man pursed his lips, his expression very uneasy: "Is it because we made a huge omission somewhere during the execution of the mission?"

"Yeah, huge omission, of course."

Fulden responded absently, not even intending to elaborate.

But he didn't tell me, but the other party had to ask, so he had no choice but to confirm: "So, can you tell me what the omission is?"

"As a mercenary leader who works in Freya, you have asked me too many questions."

Fuden glanced at the other party, then breathed lightly and said coldly: "But... well, since you insist on asking for clarity, I will tell you where the omission is."

The other party immediately nodded his head and expressed fearfully: "I'm all ears."

"If I remember correctly, Viscount Battle's commission was to get rid of the 'Wildfire Party' who kidnapped his daughter two months ago."

Fu Deng narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "And the so-called 'get rid of' should mean killing them all, leaving no one behind."

"Is such that."

The middle-aged man nodded immediately, then frowned and said: "So what you mean is that we don't..."

"Yes, you have not eradicated the Wildfire Party."

A cold arc formed at the corner of Fulden's mouth, and he said in a deep voice: "According to the roster we found, there should be seventy-five active members of the Wildfire Party, but the corpses you left behind...are only sixty-three."

The man's pupils suddenly shrank, and he said in shock: "Twelve people are missing!?"

"Yeah, twelve people."

Fulden snorted and paused lightly on the ground with his cane: "I told you the result a long time ago, but you have to insist on it. Do you understand now? If according to the contract, such an omission occurs, You couldn't get a single copper coin originally, so I took it upon myself to give you five hundred gold coins because of my kindness."

The man who seemed to be the boss of a certain mercenary group pursed his lips and murmured: "So that's what happened..."

"That's it."

Fuleng stood up, turned around and glanced at the opponent: "But although you caused a big mess, you actually did it cleanly. I also know that it is not easy to make a living now, so I will take the responsibility." I've got it, well, it's better to be like this, from now on..."

"Where was the roster found?"


"Uh, I was just asking."

The man who was sitting there scratched his cheek in embarrassment and said with a smile: "After all, we have already looked through their strongholds, and we still can't find the roster you just mentioned."

Fulden snorted impatiently: "So why don't you ask those people under you why their work is so careless!"

"So, can I see the roster?"


"Eh? Isn't it possible?"

"Because I have already disposed of that book. Otherwise, there is no way to explain it to the employer. After all, what he asked for is to eradicate the roots. I have also seen how many corpses there are in total. If you let him know that the number does not add up, you are responsible for this. Can you afford it?”

"I see."

The man nodded with a look of confusion on his face, then stood up and extended his right hand to Fuden: "I understand, Mr. Fuden is worthy of being his middleman. He has so much experience."


Because he felt that this mercenary group was quite useful, Fuden, who planned to make the other party his long-term tool, did not lose face and shook hands with the man in front of him expressionlessly: "See you later... huh? "

The man who grabbed Fulden's right hand smiled and asked, "Sorry, I have one last question, Mr. Fulden."

"What do you mean..."

"Can you tell me the names of the thirteen fish that were written on the list but were not killed by us?"


"Please answer, Mr. Fullerton, this is really important to me."

"Who would remember that kind of thing, I..."

"Haha, in order not to leave any clues, you are not even willing to make up some names on the spot. You are so flawless. This kind of stubborn spirit that you know you are lying but insist on sticking to the end is also a must for big people to some extent. What about quality?”

"Luseil! You..."

"I'm different. I'm not a big shot, so this kind of thing won't trouble me at all. For example..."

Lusail grinned and threw his arm to the ground: "Fuden Gavilan~"


"Kavi Horst."

Along with several figures with cloaks decorated with a large number of cyan patterns and an arrow-like blue bird printed on the back, with faces shrouded in hoods, another bloody arm was thrown to the ground.

Kawei Horst is the bodyguard Fuden hired to protect him with a large sum of money. He is an assassin with epic strength. The tattoo on the arm on the ground is exactly the same as the devil flower tattooed on Kawei's right arm.

"Kurtu Gavilan."


Another arm was thrown to the ground. Its owner was Fulden's only son. Although he was not up to par, he would still inherit Fulden's mantle in the future.

At the same time, under the dual stimulation of pain and some strong emotion, Fuden finally began to scream, making a heart-breaking high-pitched noise.

"Milly Alfonso."

A thin arm, an old friend from Fuden, old Milly who is good at finding fat sheep in the mercenary market.

"Sain Regner."

A fair arm comes from a lover who is twenty years younger than Fulden.



One name after another was read out, no more, no less, exactly twelve.

"Including you, my friend, there are a total of thirteen people..."

Lusail leaned down and smiled at Fulden, who was lying on the ground and had become hoarse from shouting -

"Every hand that has touched those 5,500 gold coins is here, literally."

Chapter 1,787: End

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