Quadruple split

Chapter 179 Too much consumption

A ray of gentle light shone on Xia Lian, allowing the first saint of the Dawn Sect to regain some consciousness.

In the past ten minutes, although the heavy cross in Xia Lian's hand was still held high above her head, and the holy light lingering around her body did not stop for half a second, she had been in something similar to a deep coma. state, fighting against the eternal darkness in the deepest part of consciousness.

If Xia Lian's mind had been any weaker, or if she had been shaken even a little under that indescribable divine power, she would be a dead person now.

But this elf, who had only lived for less than five hundred years, managed to survive. In the process, he even maintained the magic circle with a tenacious will that was like necrosis of nerve endings. His firm belief has already It cannot be described with the word 'devout'.

You must know that the Dark Goddess not only used a 'divine word' to disintegrate Xia Lian's spiritual defense at the beginning, but also used Yuchen as a medium to continuously erode the magical array covering the entire sky with dark divine power, and as a hub It can be said that the elf saint was suffering from full backlash almost throughout the whole process. Although the situation improved after the intervention of the goddess of dawn, the dark divine power that seemed like an eternal night has never been quiet for even a moment...

"It turns out I'm still alive, but it seems like the rest time hasn't come yet~"

Xia Lian, who had recovered her language ability, slowly put down the star-gold cross in her hand. Her pale cheeks were covered with cold sweat, and her body was trembling slightly, but she still tried her best to maintain the light that gradually began to overflow in the sky. A scattered magical array.

[You have proven your faith, child...]

A drop of golden 'teardrop' slipped from the corner of the eye of the goddess of dawn statue in the sky, and then turned into a mist filled with holy aura and entangled beside Xia Lian, nourishing her body that had almost been destroyed by the dark power.

Xia Lian was stunned for a moment, then stuck out her tongue playfully: "Hey, it's great that I didn't embarrass you."

This elf saint who has always been favored by God is exactly the same as when she first listened to the oracle more than two hundred years ago, smiling like a child over a hundred years old.

[Well, girl, you are so flattering to me! 】

The divine voice echoing in my mind was also smiling.

"Goddess, is Wangyu okay?" Xia Lian, who rarely communicates directly with the Dawn Goddess, frowned slightly. While continuing to forcefully overdraw her body to maintain her magic, she asked softly and worriedly: "What did I just do? I found that her power seems to be..."

[There are occasional shadows of dark divine power, right? 】

The goddess statue in the sky seemed to curl her lips slightly.

Xia Lian bit her lip uneasily: "Yes, this was the closest I've ever been to the power of darkness in my life. That feeling is exactly the same as the aura that Wangyu exudes when she occasionally loses control of her magic, but I can guarantee that she is a Good boy, so..."

[Don’t worry, I will take care of that child just like I take care of you. As for other things, you will gradually know in the future...]

The golden mist slowly dissipated after recovering most of Xia Lian's injuries, and Pakoxi's voice gradually weakened.

The elf saint raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "Yes~"

at the same time

Chengxi Church

Mo Tan, who was paralyzed on the ground, raised his head with difficulty, faced Yu Chen who was kneeling in the resonance circle in front of him and asked with a wry smile: "Are you able to move?"

"Well, it still doesn't work." The girl shook her head slightly and whispered: "The physical fitness value is still zero, it is difficult to even move your fingers, and the negative state called [Divine Power Still Remains] has not disappeared. What about you?"

Mo Tan sat up with a grin on his face, shrugged and said, "I'm a little better than you, but I can barely move. I don't have any negative effects. I just feel pain all over my body."

He is still wearing Yuchen's precious female...well, equipment. The six metal wings floating behind his back are full of cracks, and the golden halo on his head has become dim. In addition, With that lifeless expression and dead fish eyes, at first glance, he looked like a perverted angel whose face had been confused by RPG.

Yuchen's image is much better, but her physical condition is worse. Her physical strength has completely returned to zero. The long snow-white legs under her robe are trembling slightly. Not only can she not move even half a minute, she can't even move. The operation of 'taking out the potion from the bag' is no longer possible.

[By the way, this goddess won’t just leave us two here...]

Mo Tan looked back at the erratic golden shadow behind him, and seriously doubted whether the goddess who said a few minutes ago that she would 'leave for a while and come back soon' would keep her promise.

You must know that he and Yuchen are in a state of severe weakness at the moment. It can be said that the man is challenging the three concepts and the woman is half-clothed. If a passerby sees this, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"The goddess will come back~" Yuchen seemed to be aware of Mo Tan's uneasiness, and quickly comforted him in a low voice: "If she leaves, those wings behind your back will definitely disappear."

Just as Mo Tan was about to nod, he heard a crackling sound coming from behind, and then the three pairs of floating cannon-like wings shattered to the ground...

It's broken to pieces, can you believe it! ?

The next second, the Dawn Goddess statue in mid-air suddenly burst out with a flash of light, and then slowly disappeared amid a faint chant.

The two of them were immediately confused.

Mo Tan was silent for a long time, and finally couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "If it doesn't work, let's go first..."

"What to lay down first?"

The golden shadow behind Mo Tan leaned over and smiled: "Are you afraid that I won't come back to help you deal with the aftermath?"

Thank God, this goddess finally remembered to come back.

Yuchen breathed a deep sigh of relief, and then whispered honestly: "Actually, it's a bit..."

"How can I be so unreliable!" Pakosi snorted with her hands on her hips.

Mo Tan rolled his eyes covertly. He felt that the goddess of dawn who descended on him like a spirit from behind was indeed unreliable.

She actually triggered a light explosion just because she was dissatisfied with the speed. As a result, Mo Tan directly hit Yuchen. Not only was she almost killed by the surging dark power of the girl, but she was also almost killed by the system. He would be punished by heaven (Yuchen told him), not to mention the bad idea of ​​exchanging equipment between the two of them... although that bad idea did work well.

But it's hard for Mo Tan to think of any way to delete the image of himself as a cross-dressing boss in Yu Chen's mind, let alone how to face this dark history that is destined to be taken to the grave...

"Don't look at me like that~" The phantom of the goddess glanced at him (suspiciously) and said slowly: "I really have no other choice. You know that I want to temporarily improve your physical fitness to the point where you can use Did Wang Yu put a lot of effort into getting dressed like this? Fortunately, Delia didn't pay much attention to the characteristics of people from other worlds like you, otherwise there would really be nothing you can do."

Mo Tan sighed deeply: "That's really thanks to your wisdom and martial arts."

"That's right." Goddess Dawn didn't hear (or deliberately ignored) the complaint in his words, and just nodded vigorously: "I also suddenly remembered that your reliance on equipment is much higher than most people. Only then did I come up with this clever plan. I didn’t expect that your boy’s strength would increase greatly after he became abnormal, and the power Wangyu could provide to Delia would suddenly drop a lot. Otherwise, I might not be able to do it in the shortest time. Get rid of her within the time~"

Yuchen blinked: "When you say clean it up...what do you mean?"

"It's just to break up her consciousness attached to you." Goddess of Dawn shrugged and said in a regretful tone: "I would like to kill her, but unfortunately it is too difficult to kill a god. Maybe You two think that the beating just now was very effective, but in fact, being knocked away a ray of consciousness is not even an 'injury' to our body."

Mo Tan nodded weakly: "Everything you said is right, but now let's solve our problem first. Yuchen is completely unable to move, and I am only a little better than her."

"Actually, you're almost here too, just because I haven't released the Divine Resurrection yet." Goddess Dawn clapped her hands, and then her 'body' began to dim at a speed visible to the naked eye: "I will try my best to help you regain your strength, but No guarantee of effectiveness…”

"You are a goddess. You can't guarantee the effect of restoring the physical strength of two mortals?" Mo Tan immediately expressed dissatisfaction.

The phantom of the goddess behind him raised her hands and fired a puff of light at the two of them respectively. Then it flashed quickly as if the signal was interfered with, and her voice became a little intermittent: "Baot... words... I'm... This world simply doesn’t have the ability to use its own power!”

Then it disappeared with a 'pop' sound.

Mo Tan immediately felt a strong sense of separation coming from his body. Fortunately, the goddess's 'treatment' had begun to take effect at this time, otherwise he would probably have gone cold.

He was at such a low level and had not been favored by the gods for so long. If Pakosi hadn't temporarily enhanced his physical fitness and used the last bit of power to treat him, it would have been almost impossible. Dead.

five minutes later

The negative status of "Still Powerful" on Mo Tan and Yu Chen disappeared, so the two of them hurriedly changed their equipment. In the process, Mo Tan spent nearly half a minute. The main difficulty was basically They all focused on the "taking off the dress" part. Yuchen helped with the zipper part.

"for you……"

Yu Chen stuffed Mo Tan's previous set of equipment into his hands, then took the priest's robe handed to him with his back to him, and while clumsily putting it on, he said softly: "Thank you, thank you for having Mo Tan here today." .”

"I think we are both victims." Mo Tan was busy putting on his pants and said without looking back: "But I hope you forget about today..."

As a result, before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a figure descending from the sky, and then he heard an earth-shattering sound...

"Fuck! You, you, you, you, you!!"

Xia Lian, who had just finished the magical formation and rushed here immediately, stared at the two young people in front of her in stunned silence. Her small cherry mouth was so wide that she could almost stuff a duck egg into it.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

【Ruined! 】

Mo Tan was frozen in place as if struck by lightning, with the pants in his hands just halfway up, while Yu Chen was half-covered in his priest robe, struggling to reach behind his back to unzip the zipper.

Mo Tan, who had previously thought that 'it would be terrible if someone saw me wearing women's clothing', now realized how naive he was at that time, because that scene was far from the worst, it is now!

Yuchen, on the other hand, automatically switched to a downtime state after being stagnant for a few seconds, staring stupidly at his saintly sister without saying a word.

Xia Lian, on the other hand, changed her expression several times and turned around as if she hadn't seen anything. She whistled and walked outside the church. At the end, she didn't forget to shout: "Just call me when you're done."

Mo Tan: "..."

Yu Chen: "..."

Then the two people who had been back to back turned around and looked at each other subconsciously, and then Mo Tan fell down holding his nose.

two minutes later

The two people, fully dressed, appeared in front of Xia Lian again. Mo Tan looked in a daze and didn't know what he was thinking, while Yu Chen shrank his neck and remained silent as if he was possessed by a quail.

"Um, I'm sorry..." Xia Lian grabbed her red ears and said with a smile: "I was just worried that something would happen to you two, so I forgot to say hello and rushed in."

There was an awkward silence...

"Ahem, but you two also have a problem! After all, this place is connected in all directions, right? If someone passes by...right, luckily it's me who comes this time, otherwise it would be inappropriate."

Two awkward silences...

"Tsk, tsk, you are big-hearted. Just a few minutes after the magic formation was completed, you two started to put on your clothes. I can understand taking them off, but wearing... Hey, Hei Fan, don't blame Sister Xia Lian for speaking out. After all, Now we are more or less a family, and I know two very skilled alchemists, and I will introduce them to you later."

Three awkward silences...

"Then let's go?" Xia Lian saw that neither of them spoke, so she immediately promised loudly: "Don't worry, I will never talk nonsense about this matter today. I have the strictest mouth."

Then Yuchen remembered that his saintly sister had "forced to" confide something about the ascetic Tom's appearance to the two of them, and quickly grabbed Xia Lian's sleeve: "Sister saint, what happened It’s not what you think!”

"We are absolutely innocent." Mo Tan picked up his cross with an unusually serious tone and said in a deep voice, "I dare to swear to the goddess, I definitely didn't..."


Xia Lian directly raised her foot and kicked him over, and said angrily: "You don't want your life, even a goddess dares to lie to you!"

Mo Tan, who didn't have much physical strength left, was suddenly kicked to pieces. He struggled for a while without getting up, and then...

A strong sense of disobedience suddenly arose in his heart!

【not good! 】

He immediately guessed what was going to happen next, so without saying a word he immediately sent a friend message to Yuchen, 'I have something urgent to do and need to go offline, but because there is an NPC present, I will definitely faint on the spot. You can find it wherever you want. An excuse to explain to Xia Lian! ’

Then he pretended to cover his forehead and went offline.

"Ah? What's wrong with him?"

Xia Lian looked at Mo Tan who was 'fainted' on the spot, and asked Yu Chen in confusion: "Are you stimulated by me?"

"No, no." The girl who received the news in advance waved her hands quickly, then tried hard to think of an excuse, and finally...

She happily thought about the negative effects of the previous [divine power still exists], so...

"He must have consumed too much!" Yu Chen clapped his hands and said seriously to Xia Lian.


Chapter 176: End

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