Quadruple split

Chapter 1788 Preliminary work

The boss is mysterious.

At least the big guys in most fields have a mysterious side.

Even for the faces that often appear on the screen, people may not clearly know when they were born, how tall they are, whether they have hyaluronic acid, whether they like men or women, and how many people they are dating at the same time.

Even many bosses who don’t look very mysterious and whose style of painting is very friendly to the people are actually mysterious in nature.

In other words, they may not be mysterious, but because they are too far away from most people's world, they appear to be very mysterious, just like many people don't know how much the bald owner of the canteen downstairs earns per month, what kind of car he drives, and He doesn't have the slightest curiosity about where his son goes to school, but he feels like he has discovered some shocking secret just because he accidentally caught a popular star taking two puffs of a cigarette.

In the final analysis, there are many things that no one cares about when it comes to ordinary people. The reason why they become "secret" or "mysterious" is simply because the parties involved are different.

All in all, in the eyes of players of the game [Innocence Boundary], most of the big guys on the rankings are relatively mysterious, and this kind of mystery is mainly divided into two types. One is the professional players headed by Xinglong, To put it simply, although you don’t know how powerful he is, you can get a feel for it through his clubs, studios or his personal promotional materials on social platforms. He is about half a public figure, and you don’t mind being half a public figure. A high-end player who is a public figure.

The other type can only appear in large numbers in an environment like [The Realm of Innocence], that is, without any relevant units as a backend, one can stand out from countless players and become one of the [ Personal Combat Power Rankings] exist at the top of this list, and the mystery of these people is mysterious in the literal sense.

The most representative ones among them are naturally always occupying the top three in the rankings. There has been no change from the launch of the game until now. I don’t know when they started to be called the ‘Big Three’.

two'? ? ? ' and 'Cordoba', these three 'ordinary players' who have been confirmed not to have joined any studio or club, but who have always been pressing the Awakening Dragon's head, have long become like a 'UFO' that appears anytime and anywhere. The fact that it can be used as a topic by other players has even become a reason for some low-quality people to attack the professional circle.

This is not surprising. After all, in most games, whether it is various activities or competitions, the first echelon is basically under the rule of professional players. In other words, those who are the most Generally speaking, good prizes and the highest-profile honors are not available to ordinary players, but in this case, there will be a few people who blame professional players for no reason, thinking that they are not doing business every day. You know that the "bad game" you play affects the balance and is unfair to other players...in fact, they themselves.

But in fact, everyone knows that this idea of ​​comparing one's own hobbies to other people's jobs is very nonsense. It is like a student who doesn't study hard every day and only knows how to make trouble by complaining about the "students" in the class who have better grades than themselves. It's so unfair and bullshit.

From an objective point of view, there is nothing wrong with players criticizing some unscrupulous small studios for disrupting the market, flooding the screen with advertisements, and other behaviors that damage the experience of other players, but if they accuse those professional players of grabbing first kills, grabbing records, and grabbing When it comes to activity rankings, I can only say that they are either stupid or bad, or both stupid and bad.

After all, with the development of the times, whether it is a game official or a studio, the skills of defrauding krypton and buying orders have also improved. In the past, it was like posting advertisements everywhere or giving yourself a name called "Bringing XX for only 88" and then killing Not only will the behavior of entering the dungeon rankings not be cheap, but it will also be disliked by players who are becoming increasingly difficult to serve. One improper operation can easily be sprayed into a sieve.

All in all, the game environment is slowly getting better, and the quality of players, officials, and studios is slowly getting higher, so even in Innocence, there are some sour grapes that are [list rankings] against professional players such as Awakening Dragon. , and it won't cause the slightest disturbance. After all, it doesn't matter to him whether you like him or not.

But even so, everyone is still very concerned about the 'ordinary players' on the first page of the rankings, and the most eye-catching ones are naturally the 'Big Three' at the top of the personal power rankings.

It's a pity that their investigation is too difficult. The first and third people are question marks. They have no information at all except that they are not domestic professional players. There are only a lot of different legends about Wa', and the number of people who have actually come into contact with it is pitiful.

The reason... is mainly because although he is not a 'chaotic evil' player who is qualified to remain anonymous, he does not often show his face outside. He spends half of his time in the Seventh Outer Mountain where there are almost no players, even if he occasionally goes out to fulfill his role as agent. His duties or testing the rune body are not high-profile.

Of course, the most important reason is that [Innocence Realm] is not an ordinary online game where it is easy to encounter each other at the same progress, but an outrageously large scale and the speed of private information dissemination is faster than that of the Middle Ages. Non-mainstream games.

In this case, if you want to accurately inquire about a person who has almost no other information except his name, the probability of obtaining reliable information can be imagined. In addition, in the past six months, not many players have been able to actually play in the game. They have too much influence, and those who have a little influence will not spread the information everywhere, so for most players, it is impossible to get reliable information about the big guys.

As a result, under this situation, Futaba, who clearly does not have a partner like Jun Wu who is a middle-level cadre in a place like [Wanderer Hotel], but can grasp the specific information of 'Cordoba' is very powerful.

What’s even more outrageous is that she actually claimed that she knew ‘Cordoba’!


【This is not nonsense~】

Mo Tan, who was back to back with Futaba and was currently grabbing the latter's wrist to put potato chips in his mouth, rolled his eyes and asked curiously: "Are you serious? 豼真Do you know that Cordoba? Then why haven’t I been beaten to death by him yet?”

"Because I only know Cordoba, I don't have a Cordoba."

Futaba pinched Mo Tan's face gently and said angrily: "I won't tell you how we met him. In short, I still have a certain understanding of the ten thousand year old second man."

Mo Tan nodded, then slowly slid off the bed, walked slowly towards the bar in the corner, and asked calmly: "Very good, please tell me more specifically."

"I can't be too specific. I can only say that Cordoba just wants to have a good individual battle. Although he will also participate in team battles, he should bring some teammates with poor skills."

Futaba leaned on the soft cushions of the bed, throwing potato chips at Motan, and said with a smile: "That man is not very smart, so if we really encounter him, I think I can let you hold him back. Go and attract hatred, design a plan to make him leave the group, and then Mu Xuejian and I will directly take away those cannon fodders, and after a wave of exchanges are completed, we will waste time until the end of the game. By then, the result will definitely be our victory."

Mo Tan rubbed his chin, and after a moment of silence, he nodded slightly and said, "Okay, since you know him personally, then I'll do as you said, but the information you revealed is too stingy."

"Don't say that. I actually don't know much. That guy is too big. I'm not very good at contacting people who feel like they have muscles in their heads."

Futaba stuffed the last half of the potato chips into her mouth, while shaking her head and saying: "And I know exactly what you have in mind. You want to open my box in this way, ha... I'm dreaming."

Obviously, although Futaba has always doubted the identity of Frank Hughes, he has never doubted his first friend after entering the world of innocence.

I don't know that 'Hei Fan' and 'Tan Mo \u0026 Black' are the same person. This is Futaba's biggest disadvantage and omission in this game, but similarly, if Mo Tan doesn't handle it properly, it will accidentally make the latter suspicious. , then it will also face devastating consequences.

After all, neither 'Tan Mo' nor 'Hei Fan' knows even a little bit of information about Futaba outside the game, but the latter has already completed the preliminary investigation of 'Mo Tan' and even infiltrated into his social circle. , and established basic friendships with Yi Dong, Yu Chen, Cui Xiaoyu and others, although not too deep. Even because of his superb hacking skills, he was flattered by several boys every time he appeared.

So Mo Tan has actually been in a very dangerous position to some extent. In other words, while enjoying the bonus of 'multiple identities', he also has specific information obtained by his old enemy who is eager to kill him.

In this case, as long as the identity of 'Tan Mo' is equated with any one of 'Mo Tan' and 'Black Brahma', he will be destroyed immediately, and he will not even have room to fight back. .

And this feeling of dancing on the tip of a knife, although it put so much pressure on Mo Tan when his personality was 'Absolute Neutral' that he almost had a stomach perforation, it also brought him enough pleasure under his current personality.

Of course, although the truth was this, Mo Tan would definitely not admit defeat, so he immediately retorted: "This is because you are unreasonable. I was..."

"Revealing that he is the world's number one idol, His Royal Highness's royal words?"

Futaba interrupted Mo Tan in a very lazy tone, raised her eyebrows and said: "If I remember correctly, I should have promised that I would not check her background before you introduced her, right? You By bringing this up now, are you forcing me to regret it?"

"whispering sound."

Mo Tan, who pretended to stop asking because he was wrong, curled his lips, opened the small refrigerator next to the bar and rummaged for a while, then turned to the girl and asked: "Why don't you have beer and Scotch whiskey here?"


Futaba raised his eyebrows, and then immediately responded: "Why, you want to make me a cup of Six-Gun Junction (that is, the border town of Waco, Texas, where Dr. Pepper was born at the drugstore's old corner) ')'s the same Dr.pepper?"

Mo Tan shook his head, and while pouring the Scotch whiskey that Futaba bought on the spot into the shaker, he said lightly: "Although I did find out what was probably the original recipe through some channels, to be honest, 1885 The prescription in an old drugstore in the countryside is useless except that it is authentic enough. So although this thing replicates the 'original Dr. Pepper' in terms of taste, it is not the 'six-gun intersection'. Do you understand? "

"It doesn't matter, I don't know much about bartending anyway."

Futaba rolled around on the bed and said nonchalantly: "If you want to be attentive, I can't reward you."

Mo Tan sneered, holding the beer that Futaba bought and sent directly to the bar through his mind after buying it in his left hand, and holding a freshly opened can of Coke in his right hand, while performing a dazzling speed adjustment, he said slowly: "I don't think people who don't know how to mix drinks would prepare amaretto at the bar, but forget it, it's just for you anyway. If you don't mind that this one has a stronger smoky flavor, I'll give it to you. .”

"I really don't know if you are poor or lazy."

"Both of them are, but the point is that other people's stuff is more 'scented'. Okay, if you're fine, just keep talking."

"If we go down the ranking list, Awakening Dragon will be a heavyweight character. Should we talk about him and the red constellation directly, or should we put him at the end of the finale?"

"This sense of ritual should not be for anyone other than you and me, my dear."

"Haha, are you jealous?"

"you do not say."

"Okay, let's talk about the dragon~"

Futaba lay on her back at the end of the bed, looking at Mo Tan's busy figure behind the bar. She held her glasses and said in a brisk tone: "I won't tell you about the things that can be found just by looking for them. I'll just tell you. The key point, first of all, is that in terms of personal strength, the conclusion given by Red Constellation is that if Cordoba does not improve significantly in this month, then the winning rate of Xinglong in personal battles will be 78%'."

"Good guy."

Mo Tan first sighed politely and expressionlessly, and then after pondering for a moment, he slightly raised the corners of his mouth and said softly: "In other words, the Red Constellation has already had direct contact with the second one? "

"Yes, I spent some time hacking into their headquarters. Although I was quickly discovered by the network security department, I did not have access to core intelligence, but I also intercepted some useful things."

"For example?"

"For example, the 78% winning rate I just told you. Another example is that Awakening Dragon had a fight with Cordoba in a public space before."

"turn out?"

"The Awakening Dragon was killed."

"Oh haha~"

"But he only used 30% of his strength at most, or even lower."

Chapter 1,779: End

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