Quadruple split

Chapter 1784 Interlude: Your Circle

"Tan Mo!!!"

The young girl with a beautiful black high ponytail and a Japanese high school girl's uniform let out a scream and rushed straight towards the man who happened to be refreshed in the corner of her field of vision. His appearance was exactly the same as the half-elf in the game. She gritted her teeth and gave him a He grabbed the latter's collar and said angrily: "Look what good things you have done!"

Mo Tan was also a happy person. Seeing how angry Yu Ying was, he immediately knelt down and sobbed with tears: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please give me a little more time, just a little more, just a little more!" "


Yuying was stunned at the time. After all, in her opinion, even though she was currently lost in a desperate situation alone, the other party was actually not much better. Moreover, although she had not stated it explicitly before, she had also acquiesced to the risks of accompanying her to explore. , so even though Tan Mo was extremely unhappy with his attitude of directly blocking him after the two parties disconnected (physically), it was far from forcing him to kneel down and apologize.

In fact, the reason why Yu Ying, who came here to block people, seemed so aggressive was mainly to make Tan Mo feel a little guilty, and then add a layer of insurance to his twenty times absenteeism fee, so as to achieve the goal. No matter what the outcome is, he has the sinister intention of making a fortune.

What the girl didn't expect was that Tan Mofei not only did not verbally resist or harass her, but even knelt down and admitted her mistake. This result made Yuying feel an extremely ominous feeling in her heart. premonition.

She began to think about whether it was because the situation was completely out of control and the chance of leaving became extremely slim that made the other party adopt this attitude. However, this didn't actually make sense, because Mo Tan had no idea about the possibility that neither of them could leave. A plan has been made, and even the compensation content has been drawn up. In other words, the things within the scope of the contract are completely unnecessary to apologize to oneself in tears.

So what kind of trouble is he going to make?

Yu Ying frowned slightly as she thought, and the ominous premonition in her heart became more intense.

Immediately afterwards——

"I will definitely divorce her! I promise to divorce her as soon as possible!"

Mo Tan hugged Yu Ying's small leather shoes (above the calf has a high probability of being judged as sexual harassment by the system), and cried: "But this is not the right time, she is still in the hospital..."

Yuying was confused at that time: "What?"

"Didn't I tell you before that her condition is hopeless and she needs amputation?"

Mo Tan continued to howl loudly and sobbed loudly: "So I want to wait until she completes the operation before we divorce. I will have the abortion next Tuesday. When she comes out of the operating room, I will mention the divorce immediately. She will definitely understand. , we have been classmates for so many years, and she is still your best friend, so I can definitely understand."

"Tan Mo!"

As the buzz of discussion around them gradually started to sound like a swarm of flies, Yuying suddenly opened her eyes and said angrily: "What the hell..."

"There's nothing I can do! I've given all my money to you over the years, but I haven't kept any of it myself!"

Mo Tan continued to wipe her tears on Yu Ying's little leather shoes, and cried: "If we propose divorce now, she will be extremely uncomfortable. If she is not willing to share the family property with me, I will have to leave the house. But ...But! My dear! As long as she amputates her leg, given her character, let alone agreeing to me, she will probably initiate a divorce on her own initiative. Then I will definitely get half of the family property! Then we can live in an open and honest relationship. Together!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..."

"That's a little fucking cruel."

"A dog man and a woman! A proper dog man and woman!"

"You must be acting. I remember that this was the case in short videos more than ten years ago."

"It's not like the acting. Look how hard that man cried."

"God is crying so hard. Do you think what he said is human?"

"That woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp either."

"Yes, yes, my daughter-in-law's best friend, hey, is this the legendary best friend relationship?"

"When I saw her walking around just now, I thought she was a very innocent high school girl. Alas, it turned out to be..."

"Stop making trouble, who's a real high school student wearing a school uniform in the game? It looks like he's just pretending to be young. He might be like that outside of the game."

"She certainly isn't ugly, otherwise she wouldn't be so capable."

"That's not necessarily true. Beauty is one thing, but ugly people often cause trouble. Have you heard that?"

"That's right. That man is so weird. It's not surprising that he has such a strong taste..."

"Tsk, tsk, that's awesome."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's so stupid."

As the comments around him became louder and louder, and the contempt in them became less and less concealed, Yu Ying, who could barely control his emotions just now when Mo Tan went crazy, finally became a little unable to hold back.

There is no way. As we have said before, the game "Innocence Bound" has a large player base, so even in a relatively deserted public space, it is difficult for the number of active residents to be less than a thousand, and given that most people Everyone has the habit of going to busy places. These thousands of players are basically concentrated in the center of the square, which is the place centered on the real-time [Personal Strength Ranking] and the real-time [Comprehensive Strength Ranking]. After new players enter, the area will be refreshed. The point will be around here as well.

In other words, although there are not many people here compared to other public spaces, the number of people next to Mo Tan and Yu Ying is actually not much less, which is comparable to large shopping malls, zoos or aquariums in peak season.

In this case, Mo Tan, who makes such a loud noise in public, can naturally attract a lot of eyes at the first time, and these eyes will instantly turn into a crowd after hearing what the former said, and the number will also follow. The weight of the melon is increasing.

It is no exaggeration to say that as of Mo Tan's words, "We can be together openly and openly", the number of fans around the two of them has exceeded three digits. Not only that, there are also people who are crazy about attracting traffic through friends' messages. In line with the mentality that having fun alone is worse than having fun together, and watching the excitement is not too big a deal, call on friends and call on everyone to come to No. 404 public space to watch.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Realizing that something was wrong, Yu Ying immediately defended herself loudly, raised her hand to push Mo Tan and screamed: "I don't even know you!"

Well, how should I put it, comrades, when this person is in a hurry, she will easily get confused, just like our classmate Yu Ying. In fact, if she can calm down and think, she may not be able to find a way to deal with the current situation. As a result ...But she denied that they knew each other after being slandered by Mo Tan and her innocence was stained. This was the worst of the worst.

Whatever she said was fine, but she shouldn't say that she didn't know Mo Tan!

Because at the beginning, many people heard Yu Ying's voice of "Tan Mo" and saw the girl striding over and grabbing Mo Tan by the collar. Even if the reason is unknown, the two of them definitely know each other, so Once everyone knows about this through person-to-person transmission, they can come to the conclusion that this woman is lying.

And this kind of lie that is proven will immediately make your impression in the eyes of passers-by fall to the bottom. In other words, no matter what you say next, it will be difficult to gain the trust of the people.

This kind of behavior, which can be regarded as a big mistake at any time, is tantamount to directly giving himself a death sentence in front of Mo Tan under his current personality——

Snapped! ! !

Soon after, Mo Tan tilted his head and actually used his face to catch Yu Ying's hand pushing towards his shoulder. To put it more clearly, he slapped Yu Ying's face hard with his face, and also slapped his feet. Using force at the same time, he actually flew into the air with a crisp slap, flew over two meters, and fell hard to the ground.

Don't underestimate these two meters. You must know that the player's physical fitness in public space is directly linked to reality. It is completely different from the superhuman physique in the game. In the eyes of the onlookers, being able to use a big butt here is Dou slapped the person two meters away, which was enough to show that the beautiful girl with high ponytail was not only ruthless, but also extremely powerful.

"Yes, yes, we don't know each other, we don't know each other."

Mo Tan covered his face in a posture that was quite strange for a man. To put it simply, he was lying on his side with his legs together. He sobbed humbly: "So please give me a little more time. Please wait a little longer." Let me stop! Please!"


After a long moment of silence, Yuying realized that she was unable to explain herself. After today, she would most likely be sent to the forum to be criticized by some good people. She sighed deeply and secretly made up her mind to change her skin in the login space and never do it again. After arriving in Area 404, he clenched his fists and sneered and walked towards Mo Tan.

Her bottom line is not to have her game ID reported, and the man in front of her knows this very well, so Yuying can be sure that no matter how much trouble Tan Mo makes, he will never say it in front of so many people. With the name "Yu Ying", and the fact that the Realm of Innocence does not support taking photos or recording functions, unless there are art masters who are very accomplished in portraits hidden around, it is impossible for me to do it even in the game. Being opened.

So, if that's the case...

Since this scumbag wants to play, then just play with him!

[Based on the persona you just set for yourself, when faced with a ‘evil woman’ like me, I’m afraid you can only hit or scold you without fighting back...]

Yu Ying gently cracked her knuckles and slowly walked towards Mo Tan, while showing a cruel smile to the bitch who seemed to be trembling.

If that's the case, then just give him a beating first to vent his anger! Well, better insult him some more!

Yu Ying, who was so determined, licked the corner of her mouth, looked down at Mo Tan and sneered: "Okay, then I will give you another half month's grace, but... it's not unconditional."

"Then...what do you mean?"

Mo Tan shrank his neck and looked carefully at Yu Ying, whose forehead veins almost popped out.

"Let me think."

Yu Ying, who perfectly transformed herself into an emotional female assassin in [The Boundary of Innocence], raised her eyebrows, entered the bad woman state directly, and said leisurely: "Why don't you learn a few dog barks first? Bar"

"Woof! Woof woof woof woof!!!"

Without any hesitation, Mo Tan let out an emotional bark the moment Yu Ying finished speaking, shocking the latter and the surrounding melon-eating crowd on the spot.

There is no other reason. Based on the emotional and lifelike barking of this guy just now, which makes people feel like they are among a group of dogs after closing their eyes, it is obvious that he is a 'specially trained person'.

"What the hell..."

Yu Ying was confused at the time, and then she realized that the person in front of her was Tan Mo and not anyone else. For this bitch, learning how to bark a few times was not even a warm-up. In fact, She could even clearly capture the teasing and mocking look in the latter's eyes while he was barking.

As a result, Yu Ying no longer hesitated, and directly raised her fists to prepare for action, deciding that she would have to give this scumbag a beating today, at least for now, who would never dare to seek protection from the system.

As a result, just when she was about to take action, a slender figure suddenly rushed out from the crowd, trotted all the way to Mo Tan, bravely spread her arms to face the murderous Yuying, and said loudly: "Don't hit him!"

Yuying:? ? ?

People who eat melon:? ? ?


Standing in front of Mo Tan was a girl wearing a white pleated skirt with waist-length hair. She had a face that was so pure and clean that it was endearing, and her temperament was extremely clear, second only to Mo Tan when her personality was absolutely neutral. sweetheart.

And her true identity is none other than the super idol ‘Xue Yin’ who is enjoying herself in public spaces after taking a half-night break.

There was no collusion with Mo Tan. The reason why she suddenly rushed out to join this farce was entirely because Xue Yin felt that now was the most suitable occasion to join a new character. Combined with the information she had obtained while watching, she The role positioning I designed for myself this time is——

"Ahua, I was the one who was sorry for you back then."

Xue Yin stared at Yu Ying in front of her with burning eyes and said solemnly: "But at least now, he is still my man, so I don't want anyone, including you, to bully him!"

Yu Ying: "..."

To be honest, she was a little confused now. She just felt so tired and wanted to log off.


Mo Tan suddenly stood up and exclaimed: "Why are you here! Didn't I tell you that I will stabilize Ahua? Now you just need to concentrate on transferring your property. Why..."

"Because I can't bear to see you being bullied by her!"

Xue Yin interrupted Mo Tan with red eyes, pursed her lips and whispered: "And... and I'm a little scared..."

Mo Tan blinked and asked curiously: "What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid you really want to divorce me."

"Little fool, how could it be? Didn't we all agree that when you transfer all the money from your company and Ahua's, we will report her tax problems in the past two years, as long as she is caught by the police uncle Get up, and we, the couple, will have peace of mind for the rest of our lives."

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't owed so much money, I wouldn't have wronged you for betraying your lust and lying..."

"Hold it, I'll do anything for you."





Chapter 1,775: End

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