Quadruple split

Chapter 1778: Broken Heart

That's right, Mo Tan lost Yu Ying, just a quarter of an hour after he said, 'I won't lose you.'

If you ask him whether it was intentional or careless, the answer is naturally - intentional.

The specific meaning of "intentional" must start from the first step after the two people just finished their discussion and decided to implement the "further plan".

"Let me explain briefly."

While playing with the dagger in his hand, Mo Tan said in a brisk tone: "First of all, we have now determined the way to leave this fog directly, right?"

Yu Ying, who was extremely gentle and sweet because of her twenty times hourly salary, immediately nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, although the method is a bit clumsy."

"There's nothing you can do about being stupid, as long as it's easy to use."

Mo Tan shrugged and made an ugly face: "Don't forget that others can't even use stupid methods and can only be trapped here alive. It's not easy for me to figure out this idea. "

Yuying, who earns twenty times the hourly wage, immediately agreed with a bright smile: "Yes~"

"Then let's summarize. First of all, based on where we are now, as long as we always keep heading west, we can leave this fog along the way we came. There is no doubt about it. This thing in my hand The dagger proved it."

Mo Tan shook the five-silver coin buy-three-get-two-free whiteboard weapon in his hand, and said with a chuckle: "In that case, it's easy to handle. Now we just need to... um, where is the west?"


Yu Ying silently pointed in the direction behind her, choosing to shut up because she really couldn't think of anything to say that would please her boss.

"Very good, so I'll mark the location of 'west' first."

Mo Tan squatted down and used the dagger to carve a rather obvious arrow on the ground to the west where Yu Ying was pointing. Then he stood up again and grinned: "Then the two of us will use this place as our destination." Let’s start exploring the basic points. The directions are naturally south, north and east which I personally think can be divided into key targets. After all, according to the survey results, leaving aside those high-dimensional unlucky ones like us, all NPCs have nothing to do with it. No matter which direction you enter, you will basically leave from the west after getting lost for a while, which means..."

Yu Ying immediately responded in a matter-of-fact manner: "It means there are problems in the other three directions in the fog, especially the east side opposite to the west. There may be big problems."

"Yes, then we will analyze the mechanism of this fog area. Well, don't worry, I will try to be as simple as possible to make it easier for you to understand."

Mo Tan cast a soft look at Yu Ying, and after the latter nodded with a smile on his face, he cleared his throat and said seriously: "First of all, I think you have noticed that the rope connecting the two of us is not the same. unusual."

Yuying was immediately stunned: "Huh?"

Mo Tan was also stunned for a moment, and asked with a puzzled expression: "Didn't you see the item panel of this rope?"


Yu Ying shook her head, and then grabbed the piece of rope in front of her. Just as she was about to lower her head and study it, she was interrupted by Mo Tan's quick words.

"Wait a moment first."

He first waved his hand to divert Yu Ying's attention away from the rope, and then suddenly frowned and asked, "Are you resisting things like internal organs?"

Yu Ying blinked and replied: "If it's food, I don't mind. It's better to say that I always order chicken hearts every time I go to eat skewers, but... uh! Wait! Could it be that this rope..."

"Who knows, but I personally suggest that you'd better ignore the item panel of this thing. After all, we will split up soon. If possible, I still hope that you can stay calm and peaceful throughout the process, so don't continue to deviate. Thinking."

Mo Tan immediately spoke up to stop Yu Ying's thoughts from gradually drifting towards the truth, and then turned the topic back to business: "In short, as long as there is this energetic,... As a super large intestine with a limited shelf life, we will be regarded as a whole by this space. As long as we are careful not to exceed the perception limit of the two of us...that is, the sum of the two five-meter distances, then we will not be separated by the rules here. , and as long as we are not taken apart, we can effectively explore through the stupid method just now, in other words, move in an inefficient but guaranteed 'real distance' way."


Yu Ying became anxious at that time, shuddered hard and screamed: "While telling me not to let my thoughts wander, you told me without changing a look that this thing is not a rope but a large intestine, what do you mean!!"

"Calm down, this thing is just called large intestine."

Mo Tan immediately comforted him with gentle words, and said in a gentle voice: "In fact, the proportion of the true large intestine is less than one-twentieth. In comparison, I actually think..."


Seeing that the other party seemed to want to educate herself about the ingredients of this thing, Yuying immediately waved her hand to stop it and said in a loud voice: "Let's continue talking about business!"

"whispering sound……"

Mo Tan curled his lips, and then continued reluctantly: "To put it simply, as long as the intestines connecting us do not exceed ten meters, we can always be 100% connected. Under the circumstances of observation, this space will not regard us as independent individuals, do you understand?"

After all, Yu Ying is still a smart girl, so she quickly nodded: "Probably, anyway, it means that as long as we are tied by this intestine... rope, we can keep repeating the method just now to move effectively, and effectively target this film to explore, right?”

"That's it."

Mo Tan nodded with satisfaction and chuckled: "Although the efficiency is definitely not as high as the random exploration, this is the best solution we can find so far. As far as I know, the physical scope of this fog area is not small. , but it’s not that big. If we spend five hours a day exploring, then we should be able to visit every corner of this foggy area in a week at most. From a probability perspective, we can visit every corner of this foggy area in at most five hours. God, we can find clues."

Yuying blinked: "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm not sure."

Mo Tan immediately waved his hand and explained with a smile: "In the final analysis, those just are just my conjectures. The specific situation depends on us to practice it bit by bit. So if you don't have more questions, we will finally It's better to start 'exploring' now."

Yu Ying sighed and tried not to think about what that thing on her waist was, while she nodded slightly and said, "I'll listen to you."


Mo Tan grinned, then stood up and walked to a position about four meters away from Yu Ying, and said seriously: "Then, I will leave your field of vision again, and immediately mark the position halfway to the limit of my field of vision. , and conduct a round of simple exploration of the surroundings while ensuring that the mark is within my field of vision."

Yuying nodded and asked, "What about me?"

"You can just wait for my friend message, or keep chatting with me using friend messages. This level of multitasking is not a problem for me."

Mo Tan slowly backed away and said in a brisk tone: "Then, see you later~"

The next second, Mo Tan disappeared from Yu Ying's field of vision, blending into the fog that was no longer intimidating in the latter's eyes. Then, the girl who had just opened the message board received a message from Tan Mo. Sent 'I'm fine'.

‘Come on Giegie! ’

Yuying immediately replied, then rolled her eyes with huge eyes and muttered in a low voice: "Go fxck yourself guy."


'Don't curse, honey~'

The moment Yu Ying finished speaking, Mo Tan's news flashed out from the message board, which scared her into a cold sweat.

It's not that I'm afraid of anything else, but I'm mainly worried that my twenty-fold huge absenteeism compensation will go away.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Ying, who didn't look around trying to find Mo Tan, but knew very well that the other party just guessed correctly that she was cursing, immediately replied: 'Giegie misunderstood me! ’

‘Lied and deducted money. ’

'I'm sorry, I just said fuck you...'

‘It’s easy to talk, come here, I’ve seen almost everything. ’

After receiving this reply, Yu Ying didn't waste any time. She immediately suppressed her inner discomfort and grasped the large intestine that connected herself and Mo Tan, which looked just like an ordinary rope. She pinched it twice to confirm that the resistance was normal. He walked along the intestines and soon saw Mo Tan with his back turned to him.

"What is that?"

Walking behind Mo Tan, who was folding his arms and meditating, Yu Ying looked curiously at the patch of ground not far away that was darker than other areas, and asked curiously: "New discovery?"

"No, it's just a mark I made."

Mo Tan chuckled, patted his waistband, and gave Yu Ying a mischievous expression.


Yuying, who knew very well that players couldn't 'mark' in the game like a dog, responded expressionlessly, and then asked: "So, did you find anything?"

"Be patient, dear, if there is an [exploration progress bar] or other similar thing now, then I am afraid that the area we have investigated so far is less than 0.1%."

Mo Tan shook his head, then made a gesture of invitation to Yu Ying, and said with a smile: "Okay, it's your turn."


Yu Ying responded happily, and then quickly walked to the right side of the two people, and soon disappeared into the mist. Since Mo Tan claimed to have a poor sense of direction, she consciously took charge of fine-tuning the investigation area. , the work of maximizing detection efficiency, after all, this is not a difficult task in the first place. Since the other party has promised huge absenteeism fees, she is happy to do a little more to express herself.

After that, only about two minutes passed, Yu Ying sent a message asking Mo Tan to come over, and after the two sides successfully merged, she said that she had gained nothing.

"It's normal. After all, we have just moved a distance of less than 20 meters. It's not easy to encounter changes."

After saying this, Mo Tan casually found a direction and disappeared into the mist, and then called Yu Ying over a moment later.

In this way, the two took turns to investigate for about seven or eight rounds. As the two sides became more and more familiar with the road, their exploration efficiency also improved rapidly, and they completed nearly a hundred square meters of exploration in just ten minutes.

And if they are indeed carrying out 'real movement', then there is indeed no problem with what Mo Tan said before. If nothing happens, the two of them will probably be able to explore most of this foggy area in five days at most.

But the problem is that it is almost impossible to avoid accidents wherever there is Motan... or 'Tanmo'.

Game time AM01:43

Shadow Swamp, the outer layer of the high barrier [Gloomy Cloud], somewhere

"See you later~"

After following the rope to find Yu Ying, Mo Tan, who was already familiar with the road, didn't even stop and walked in a certain direction following the direction that the former had carefully marked for himself.

"See you later."

Yu Ying yawned and responded feebly. After all, it was repeating the same high-risk and precise work, and the physical and mental exertion was certainly not much, so although she did not start exploring for a long time, she Already feeling a little tired.

To be honest, if you really want to explore for five hours a day at this frequency for a week, then even if the absenteeism fee of twenty times the Junwu standard is still a bit premium, it cannot be considered too high.

[Sure enough, a beast like Tan Mo will not let others take advantage of him easily. 】

After realizing that she didn't make much money, Yu Ying made the above emotion a few minutes ago, and her attitude towards Mo Tan gradually returned to normal. Although she was still polite, at least she stopped talking about Giegie.

As for Mo Tan himself, he maintained his cynical, heartless, ulterior motives, and mentally ill style throughout the whole process as usual, and after leaving Yu Ying's sight this time, he brought the above characteristics to the extreme. To put it simply, he ——


Mo Tan casually cut off the alchemy product connecting him and Yu Ying. Mo Tan carefully examined the intestine in his hand with interest. He grinned after confirming that it was completely inactive and threw it into the pot in front of him. In the thick fog, he quickly opened the message bar and sent Yuying the same message as before: 'Come here. ’

'good. ’

The girl responded immediately, but unlike before, she could find Mo Tan along the intestines within a minute at most, but this time she failed to appear on the other side of the mist after a full two minutes.

Naturally, this would not be beyond Mo Tan's expectations. After all, it was his own hands just now...

‘Tan Mo! ! ! ’

'Um? What's wrong? Did you get into any trouble? ’

‘It’s not that troublesome! I really wish I couldn’t find you! ’

‘Are you lost too? ’

‘Not lost! The rope is broken! Didn't you notice that the rope was broken? ? ’

‘Broken intestines? ? ? ’

‘Think of a solution quickly! ’

‘Okay, okay, wait a minute and let me see! ’

'quick! I'm so fucking scared of QAQ! ’

‘Don’t be afraid, I’m here and I will protect you! ’

'You better tell the truth! ’

‘Don’t worry, I’ve lied to you before. ’

Chapter 1,769: End

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