Quadruple split

Chapter 1756 Trial move

"Then what..."

Mo Tan did not immediately regroup, but slowly sat up, raised his eyes and stared at Jadeka: "Personally, I think that with my ability, I'm afraid it's not enough to make you whole." Understand where you are now."

Jadeka coughed slightly in embarrassment, stretched out his hand to pull Mo Tan up, and said sarcastically: "I didn't expect you to be so weak."

Mo Tan: "6."

"Ahem, don't get me wrong, I just don't have a good grasp of the scale."

Although he didn't know why the other party suddenly said "six", Jadeka, who realized that his words just meant serious ridicule, immediately explained: "You also know that I used to be a 'high-level mage' Looking at everyone from this perspective, and in that case, I always think that you are so powerful that it is a bit foul."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows and asked, "What about now?"

"I'm probably more foul than you."

The old mage shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed with a complex expression. He stared at his right hand that looked a little thin, but he easily knocked Mo Fang to the ground half a minute ago: "If this power can be divided a little, How nice it would be to give magic or elemental perception..."

"The world is relatively fair, Lao Jia. You can't expect a girl who is so beautiful that she can put a lot of pressure on people just by standing face to face to cook delicious food."

Mo Tan gave an example very seriously and said comfortingly: "It is within the scope of understanding that someone can become a dual-system sage, but it is also a legendary level of strength. If someone is both a sage and a great lord, This might be a little too much."

"I understand the reason, I just want to complain..."

Jadeka dropped his shoulders weakly, and said to Mo Tan with a very frustrated expression: "Go on."

Mo Tan was shocked at that time and said in astonishment: "Continue? Are you addicted to beating me?"

"How can it be."

Jadeka laughed dumbly and said matter-of-factly: "I just want to continue to 'find out' for myself. Do you still remember the time when we encountered [Viper] in Caselo? In fact, I have always been there Think about it, if you had not fought as a mage at that time, you would not have been in danger."


In the end, Mo Tan gave a categorical answer, saying without hesitation: "Don't forget that you only broke through to Epic in Academy City. When we were in Caselo, even through those [Spicy Burnt Fans] of Night Song, Seeing as you have broken through to the mid-level mage and have the physical strength of a high-level peak, it is impossible to beat that masked quasi-first-class operator. Everyone knows that epics have a dominant advantage over epics and below!"


"No but, we can all see that you tried your best at that time, otherwise Yaya would have died under the fist of that monk. Don't think about those useless things. In that situation, if it weren't for Dali, If Mr. An comes to the rescue, we will all die."

"You're right, Mo."

"It's good to know."

"It's just a little bit over the top for a while."

Jadeka smiled, then changed the topic and said calmly: "But this is not the territory of the Diesel family. If something really happened, little Darian would not jump out of a nearby patch of grass. Come out and save us.”

Mo Tan nodded slightly and agreed, "That's true."

"So in order not to avoid the mistakes of the past, let's come here——"

Jadeka held his breath and stared at Mo Tan with a pair of deep and bright eyes: "I know you too well, boy Mo. In fact, you didn't even use 20% of your strength with that sword just now, right?"

"That's not what they said."

Mo Tan shook his head, walked a few meters away and picked up the [Akatsuki Ruthless Sword] on the ground. He waved away the dust on the sword with a flick of his wrist, and said with a wry smile: "If you were to judge by my standards on the day I arrested people in Academy City, , I did only use about 20% of my power just now, but the problem is that my limit under normal circumstances, which is about 60% of my power that day, may be even less."

Jadeka chuckled and grinned: "Sixty percent is fine, I won't pick it. Having said that, I remember that [Xiao] will only slowly become stronger if you do everything you can and don't stay behind, right?" Do you think now is a good opportunity?”

"That's true. After all, just standing in front of you right now, my physical fitness level has begun to decline at a rate of about ten points per second."

Mo Tan raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead and said softly: "There are not many occasions where you can put aside your identity as a mage. If you think about it this way, now is indeed a rare and good opportunity."

"you do not say."

Jadeka took a deep breath, and there seemed to be a complex heraldry-shaped light wheel flashing behind him, and chuckled: "You help me test my skills, and I will help you sharpen your weapons, there is no doubt about it. A win-win situation, and..."

Mo Tan frowned and subconsciously avoided the old man's meaningful gaze: "And what?"

"And you are in a very uneasy mood right now, young man."

Jadeka stroked his long beard and said with a half-smile: "Although I am not curious about why you are troubled, I am sure that you need to vent properly now."

"Is that so..."

Mo Tan did not deny it, but responded lightly, then seemingly casually raised the ruthless sword in his hand, and struck Jadeka lightly from top to bottom, a few meters away: "That's fine. "


The next moment, accompanied by a low and thick neighing sound, a simple sword light was 'chopped' by Mo Tan, flying straight towards the epic knight lord who seemed to be ready.

As one of the partners who is most familiar with 'Mo' in the world, Jadeka is quite familiar with this skill. In Mo Tan's own words, it is a 'skill' called [Sword Wind], although the consumption is very low. And it can be used frequently, but its lethality is very limited. Unless it uses its extremely fast speed to attack the opponent's vital points when they are caught off guard, it can only play a containment role and cannot cause any damage to the opponent in the same level of battle.

This is true for the same level, let alone Jadeka, who has briefly picked up the profession of 'Knight Lord' at this moment. At the epic level, it stands to reason that he can almost completely ignore the path that is indeed stronger than the 'wind' in his eyes. With not much sword shadow, he directly smashed it into pieces with his own physical strength.

In fact, any epic level physics professional would probably not even bother to react to an attack of this magnitude.


Jadeka Diesel's innate talent warned him at this moment.

If no measures are taken, then in the next second, there will be a blood mark on his chest. Although it is not serious, it can still be called an 'injury'.

"How can this be……"

Although he felt that his unreasonable intuition was a bit too unreasonable this time, Jadeka still did not hesitate at all, and immediately raised his right arm across his body, stimulating a dark red flame that surged like a flame.

That is the 'fighting spirit' that only epic-level physics professionals can inspire. Not only can it carry out long-range strikes with almost no damage, it can also increase combat power by infusing it into the torso or weapons, and can even be attached to the body surface to form an armor-like form. His defense is far from comparable to Mo Tan's half-assed sword style, Mu Xuejian's unique sword intention, or lower threshold fighting spirit.

Of course, the threshold for fighting spirit is actually very high. You must know that what we just said is that 'it can only be inspired by the epic level' rather than 'can be inspired by the epic level'. Although there is no such thing as [Field] that only a very few people can understand. , but it’s still not possible to just grab an epic and know how to use it.

But Jadeka's ability to use it... seemed quite reasonable to Mo Tan. Even though he had been a mage all his life and had not taken the initiative to take a step on the path of knighthood since his boyhood, it was still not surprising at all.

All in all, it is no exaggeration to say that Jadeka's behavior of injecting fighting spirit to defend is tantamount to using anti-ballistic missiles to defend against Erki or Sky Monkey. It is nonsense and wasteful.

As a result, when faced with Jadeka's supposedly ridiculous reaction, Mo Tan not only showed no surprise, but even had a wry smile on his lips.


Just hearing a 'boom', the moment the [Sword Wind] that really looked like a breeze blew by and came into contact with the dark red flame around Jadeka's right arm, the originally condensed fighting spirit Suddenly, it surged crazily like hot oil that had been poured with cold water, and nearly one-fifth of its volume was cut off.

It seems harmless, after all, Jadeka's arms are not that thick to begin with, but the problem is that what was chopped into pieces was genuine epic-level fighting spirit, while the opponent was just a small skill with low consumption, low cooldown and low damage.

There is no doubt that, as Jadekar's intuition showed just now, if he had not reacted in time, he might have been given a bloody wound by now.

"You kid..."

Jadeka dissipated the fighting spirit on his arm in surprise and stared at the ugly long sword in Mo Tan's hand: "Becoming stronger again?!"

Mo Tan had no intention of hiding anything from Jadeka, so he raised his sword and answered without reservation: "Remember what I said before, my consciousness accidentally entered [Dawn] What's the matter? The sword just now, although the skill is still [Sword Wind], but I tried hard to copy a little bit of the sword spirit taught to me by the sword soul. Although the consumption was dozens of times higher than the original, but now it seems , the effect is not bad?"

"Pretty good."

Jadka nodded matter-of-factly, and laughed at the same time as his friend, who was not far away in front of him.

The next moment, another sword wind appeared, still carrying the power that even the current Jadeka would be afraid of, and it seemed to be 'brushing' gently.

Tai'a Sword Intention was the sword intention that Jian Po demonstrated and 'taught' to him on the spot based on the [Tai'a Sword] that Mo Tan had pulled out at that time. However, Mo Tan did not understand it at the first time, so before leaving [Xiao] never mastered the skills related to that sword intention.

As a result, not long ago, when he cut off the connection with Wang Badan and walked alone under the night, he recalled in some inexplicable anxiety that the sword soul was clearly not swung, but just a thought had already caused him to be killed. That aura 'killed' the sword intent once.

At that time, in the realm of the sword spirit, the sword spirit that had not been swung chopped Mo Tan's body into pieces at the consciousness level.

In the quiet night just a moment ago, the sword intention in his memory was inadvertently driven by Mo Tan to cut into pieces the chaotic worries in his heart.

As the saying goes, being able to master this sword intention in such a way was something that Mo Tan had never expected before. The [Sword Wind] with the 'Tai'a Sword Intention' has a lethality far beyond that of Mo Tan. Tan's expectation.


Although Jadeka is not a Saint, he will not suffer a second loss in front of the same move. If the hasty response just now was based on the unfamiliarity with Mo Tan's move, he has experienced it personally at this moment. It is impossible for the old man to be disturbed by this kind of move anymore.


Casually condensing a bit of fighting spirit compressed to the point of dazzling by instinct on his fingertips, Jadeka took a step forward lightly, and actually used the [Spinous Process] released with his index finger to volley and shatter the sword that contained the 'Tai'a Sword' With the intention of [Sword Wind], his body flashed, and he appeared in front of Mo Tan in an instant, holding out his right index finger, which had not yet finished its trend and was still shining with red flames.

【So fast! 】

Mo Tan felt that his eyes were blurred, and he lost Jadeka, who had already been locked by his breath. He had no time to think about it, so he had to immediately transform the long sword in his hand into a rod about two meters long and made of unknown material. The simple forged spear was directly drawn to the ground with the backhand. While blocking the direct attack angle of Jadeka, the whole person jumped up. After a feint, he stabbed out a powerful backhand from the armpit. Shen's [Returning Carbine]!

This time, the flames on Jadeka's fingertips finally went out, but he also grabbed the gun body in a moment, exerted force to pull Motan, who was holding the end of the gun handle, toward him, and at the same time whipped his leg horizontally. .

On weekdays, I have only seen Jadeka play magic slowly, and rarely seen him engage in hand-to-hand combat, let alone have any close combat with him as an opponent. Mo Tan, who could not react quickly, was hit in the waist with a leg, and he was directly connected with a gun. They flew out together. Although they did not hit the ground directly, they found their balance in the last few seconds and staggered to half-kneeling on the ground.

And when he stood up again, his whole body was enveloped in a dark purple haze that looked infinitely close to fighting spirit, but was actually something completely different, and his soft vertical pupils were also coated with a layer of darkness. Red light.

The weapon in his hand turned into an extremely huge halberd shrouded in mist, and then——

[Shura's ultimate intention·Spinous process]! ! !

Amidst the tearing sound like the roar of a fierce ghost, Mo Tan responded with an even more fierce spine to Jadeka who had just broken his sword wind!

Chapter 1,747: End

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