Quadruple split

Chapter 1747: Death without surprising words

Perhaps because they didn't know what to say, in the next few minutes, both Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge tacitly agreed not to say a word, but just hurried on.

As for the way the two of them rushed, Mo Tan initially released Ni Lin, holding the [Everlasting Regret Thorn] in his right hand and speeding at high speed, while Ji Xiaoge flew close to the ground above the former's head, pressing his hands on his shoulders while giving him support. While calibrating this direction.

Although none of the parties involved thought there was anything wrong with this most cost-effective way of traveling, in the eyes of outsiders, this scene was actually somewhat intimate.

Especially when Ji Xiaoge, who was lying on Mo Tan's shoulder, turned his head slightly and whispered in the former's ear. As long as you ignore the content of the whisper, it was probably, 'Do you usually wear it around your neck when you go out? A sign with my home address written on it', 'Straight line! straight line! Don't go astray in a straight line, okay?', 'I'm sorry, next time I won't talk about things, I'll just talk about left and right', 'Very good, I overestimated you, please give up thinking and use yourself as a steering wheel for me to twist. '←These strange words, the picture can be said to be quite beautiful.

After all, the character 'Mo' is different from 'Hei Fan'. His race in the game is half-dragon. With his tall and straight posture and calm temperament, he can be said to be quite handsome. In terms of appearance, he is even on the same level as Idong. He is no less handsome than any other handsome guy. If he gets a perm, with his handsome face that combines softness and toughness, he will look like a super handsome guy in the style of ancient Greek sculptures.

Not to mention Ji Xiaoge, if we digitize the appearance and give 70 points to Mo Tan in real life and Hei Fan in the game, Yi Dong, Kang Lan, Yu Chen, Ji Xiaodao, Nangong Na, the score of 'Mo' in the game is between 85 and 95 due to different personal aesthetics, and the score of Luke Tefero in his youth is between 90 and 99. So the score outside the game and in the [Abandoned and Independent] state After Ji Xiaoge was noticed, she scored a stable 100 points. In the state of [Looking at the Qingren City], she scored a minimum of 300 points. The [Looking at the Qingren Country Again] state has never been unlocked, so there is no way to guess, but Mo Tan is right The talent's view is always pessimistic, thinking that it will cause big trouble no matter when it is opened, so it is ignored for the time being.

Of course, the above ratings are only relatively mainstream data. In fact, each of us has different aesthetics. Except for Ji Xiaoge, who cannot be measured by common sense, even if it is as beautiful as Yuchen and Ji Xiaodao, as handsome as Yidong, Kang Lan and Tifilo may have failed scores in the eyes of some people, but some people who are not beautiful in the eyes of the public are as beautiful as gods in the eyes of others.

All in all, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is an eternal truth, and everyone's aesthetics deserves to be respected. It is very vulgar, bad and unfair to criticize other people for things that they are obsessed with but do not conform to their own preferences. Streaming behavior.

Therefore, even if there are some self-proclaimed poets who love to associate with shit and urine, and have no sense of shame or shame, we must look at them with tolerance instead of blindly attacking and criticizing. After all, that is not conducive to unity and development. .

Obviously, the above paragraph is very vulgar, bad and unpopular, but since the author is not a person with high ideological awareness, it is not important. Everyone just remember not to imitate it.

All in all, when Ji Xiaoge and Mo were alone together, there would indeed be some beautiful chemical reactions, but the two parties involved didn't know how to appreciate them.

In Mo Tan's current personality, appearance is always the least important thing. Although he has never denied his appreciation of beautiful things, this appreciation can never determine his sense of a person. Only things including personality, character, three views, etc., which may sound vulgar but are actually very essential, can make him feel good or disgusted as a 'Mo', and the proportion of appearance in this aspect cannot be Say no, but definitely not more than 1%.

As for Ji Xiaoge... How should I put it, she has grown up like this, and she doesn't care much about what other people look like, so she is similar to Mo Tan under her current personality. It cannot be said that she completely ignores face, but it is difficult to be ignored. The appearance of others is affected.

To sum up, although it is a very beautiful scene, the two parties involved are completely unaware of it.

Time flies, time flies

After about a quarter of an hour, Ji Xiaoge suddenly coughed slightly, breaking the somewhat strange silence: "Then what..."

"Did I go wrong again?!"

Mo Tan was immediately shocked.

"No, no, that's not what I said. If you calculate the time, we should be there soon."

Ji Xiaoge shook his head. The expression on his pretty face that Mo Tan couldn't see was a bit complicated. After a while, he hesitated and asked: "You think I'm not interested in you anymore, right?"

Bang——! ! !

I saw Mo Tan's figure immediately tilted, because he suddenly fell into a state of confusion due to a huge impact while running at high speed, which caused him to lose his center of gravity. His whole body actually hit the ground directly, like a The out-of-control trash can clanked on the ground for more than 20 times before it stopped in disgrace, with 6% of its HP lost.

Don't underestimate this 6%. You must know that the character 'Mo' is now regarded as a top player in the high-level peak. He is also a knight who is known for his physical fitness. In theory, he can defeat Ji Xiaoge head-on. Even a broken tea egg would not shed so much blood. (PS: This is the original model of broken tea eggs, but now it has been improved to the sixth generation of the new version)

All in all, his fall was not light.

But that's not the point. The point is what Ji Xiaoge just said!

"Yege you...are you okay..."

Mo Tan was sure that he had heard clearly just now, so he did not say "What did you say" stupidly, but directly started to ask about the other person's physical or mental state.

"I'm not sure either."

Ji Xiaoge, who landed lightly next to Mo Tan, scratched his hair and showed a very beautiful but somewhat embarrassing sneer: "Originally I thought it should be fine, but now I feel that something might be wrong."

Mo Tan twitched the corners of his lips, and while continuing to take steps in the target direction (the direction reference was the trace he had just plowed), he said in a slightly hoarse voice to Ji Xiaoge, who was following with wings fluttering: " So what do you think it could be?"

"Didn't I just say that?"

Ji Xiaoge put his hands on Mo Tan's shoulders in a familiar manner, and said with a sad face: "You think I am not interested in you anymore, right?"

Because this was the second time he heard it, although Mo Tan's steps staggered a bit, he did not directly fall into the arms of Mother Earth as before. He only waited for a while before saying with a face as earthy as the earth: "Can't you?"

"I don't think so either..."

Ji Xiaoge's tone was also hesitant, and he wrinkled his nose and said: "But I always feel that something is not right during this period, especially when you took Yaya without me last time, I was angry. If it had been before, There's no way I'm so angry."

Mo Tan frowned slightly and said seriously: "I think it's normal to be angry. After all, Yaya is different from you. There are hidden dangers in his physical condition. We players are okay. If she has three long and two shortcomings... Well, so you are like this There’s nothing wrong with being angry.”

"They are two different things."

As a result, Ji Xiaoge shook his head vigorously and said seriously: "Although I am indeed a little angry with you for having the temerity to take Yaya on an adventure, but a big part of it is... you didn't take me with you."

Mo Tan coughed lightly and said with a dry smile: "This is normal, and you have already calmed down."

"No, I actually just thought I had calmed down."

Ji Xiaoge continued to shake his head, and his thoughts became clearer: "But actually Yaya is right. Although I am no longer angry with you two for taking the risk and almost overturning the car, I am still angry with you for not taking me with you."

Mo Tan was choked immediately and opened his mouth but was speechless.

"So I was thinking, do I care about you a little bit? You see, I have never made any excessive jokes with boys, but I am quite casual with you, although it is mainly because I know you very well. He is a serious person, and our relationship is just netizens, but if you think about it carefully, if it were another serious male netizen, I probably wouldn't be able to cause such a fuss."

Ji Xiaoge pulled the thread on Mo Tan's cloak and said absentmindedly: "If you put it this way, does it mean that my feelings for you are different from other boys? Counting my age, I am still in my twenties now. Now that I’m older, I feel like it’s time to fall in love, maybe I’ll fall in love with you?”


Although he still maintained his composure on the surface, Mo Tan, whose back was almost soaked with cold sweat, was thinking at high speed and said at a very slow speed: "It's all just assumptions, right?"

Ji Xiaoge nodded without thinking and said with a matter-of-fact expression: "Yes, yes, it must be an assumption. I have never been in love, how do I know if I really like you."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Mo Tan said that what Ji Xiaoge said made sense, and he was completely speechless. Then he coughed lightly and began to 'risk avert' without leaving a trace, saying in a very convincing tone: "But from my personal point of view, Come on, the possibility of you falling in love with me is actually slim."

Ji Xiaoge blinked and asked curiously: "Why? You don't deserve it?"

"...I can't say that."

Mo Tan was obviously choked, and waited for a few seconds before continuing: "If you only look at appearance, there is basically no one who can match you in my knowledge, but what I want to express is , you may have misunderstood some situations that you have not experienced in the past as the assumption that you are attracted to me."

Ji Xiaoge nodded slightly and urged: "Speak in detail."

"Ahem, let me ask you a few questions first."

Mo Tan coughed lightly, seemingly casually wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, and asked in as calm and convincing a tone as possible: "First of all, have you ever had a clear liking for any member of the opposite sex in the past?"

"What kind of favorable impression?"

"Simply put, it's love."



"Oh, no, no, not even the opposite sex or the same sex, and I don't have any childhood sweethearts or anything like that."

Ji Xiaoge corrected his attitude in a cooperative manner and said sternly: "The children of the same age near my home are all little girls. At least the ones who have a good relationship with me are all little girls. We agreed in advance that it's not me who likes little girls, but my father and Xiaoge." Dao…well, my sister doesn’t really like little boys playing with me.”

Mo Tan pinched his eyebrows and drove away a certain middle-aged man who flashed through his mind. He tried not to think about the certain middle-aged man who asked 'Mo Tan' to inquire about his sister and some bastard half-dragon. The girl, who seemed to have a murderous look in her eyes, said with a wry smile: "Although I want to say that your father and sister are a bit overprotective, but if you are so good-looking outside the game, Yege, I don't think you can't understand them."


Ji Xiaoge's face flashed bright red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Why can you praise others for their beauty without changing your face or beating your heart!"

"First of all, my expression remained calm, but my heart was still beating."

Mo Tan first made a comment to liven up the atmosphere a little, and then asked the second question: "Have you had any male friends in the past few years?"

Ji Xiaoge glared at Mo Tan and said angrily: "I'm not a scourge!"

"Then let me ask another question."

Mo Tan, who knew Ji Xiaoge's details to a certain extent, remained calm and continued to ask: "You are not a scourge, how familiar are you with those male friends?"


Ji Xiaoge opened his mouth, thought for a while and then said hesitantly: "Just... send emoticons to each other in the class group, chat in the small group group, and chat at the party?"

【I knew it. 】

After sighing in his heart, Mo Tan asked the last question: "So, aside from the fact that [The Boundary of Innocence] is a game, am I the person of the same age you are most familiar with?"


Ji Xiaoge didn't hesitate at all and immediately gave the answer without any time to think.

As Mo Tan knows, Ji Xiaoge has kept a distance from most men since she was a child under the protection of her father and sister. Even her conceptual friends are actually just "nodding acquaintances" classmates who went to college. Before, the most I could do was send emoticons in the class group, and I had never gone shopping together. After college, although I had made more friends than before, I was still strictly guarded by Ji Xiaodao. Next, no man can close the distance with Ji Xiaoge.

We have to admit that with this girl's appearance, it is really easy for people of the same age to have daydreams about her, and it is difficult for Ji Xiaoge, who can feel this daydreams, or to think about right and wrong, to have a good impression of these people. impression. .

It wasn't until her sophomore year that she transferred to City B by chance and met a group of interesting people.

Until she fell into the [Innocent Realm] at the same time, and met a very honest person soon after.

Chapter 1,738: End

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