Quadruple split

Chapter 1728 Watching Romantic Comedy

Game time AM08:25

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"Oh, fragmentation is really a big problem..."

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"No, can you tell me what time it is?"

[The current time is UTC+8: 19:42:32, September 14, 2049 AD]

"Well, actually I'm asking about the game time... But it doesn't matter. If the real time is around 7:40, well, it should be less than 8:30 in the game. Okay, then I won't reconnect."

[Please choose whether to exit the game or visit public space]

"Master, please go to a public space."

[About to enter [the realm of innocence] - public space]

"Speaking of which, can I chat with you normally?"

[You are about to visit the public area. Since you have chosen to visit the public space directly, you cannot leave the designated area and enter the Dark Forest. All space teleportation spells/skills/talents/effects/items will be frozen. This is not possible. 】

"Oh, that's not possible..."

[You have successfully logged into the default area: Public Space No. 019. 】

"Oh, by the way, do you know why I chose No. 19 as the default login area?"

[The total number of strokes in someone’s name is nineteen strokes. 】


[Welcome, absolutely neutral Black Brahma]

"hold head high."

The next second, a chaotic body sensation of spinning around was heard. Mo Tan felt his eyes blurred. When he came to his senses again, he had already appeared in the buffer zone of the public space of the Innocence, which was a square area similar to a single toilet room. In the narrow space, there are bare metal walls on the left, right and back, and right in front is a portal that is constantly flowing like water waves.

"Is this the so-called super AI..."

Mo Tan did not walk into the portal immediately, but sighed in a low voice and murmured: "But if you think about it carefully, it shouldn't be a big deal. After all, most games nowadays have to identify and bind citizen identities. Proof, it would be weird if I didn’t know Yu Chen’s name, and we have often called each other’s real names in the game, eh.”

At this point, Mo Tan suddenly paused, because if he thought about it carefully, although he still called the other party 'Yuchen' instead of 'Chen Wangyu', the latter had long since unknowingly started calling him 'Yuchen'. I'm a black man.

"This is really..."

Sighing silently, a wry smile appeared on Mo Tan's lips: "You don't look very smart."

After that, he patted his cheek gently, stepped into the portal after confirming that the system time had reached AM08:29, and left the narrow compartment amid a burst of fancy light effects, appearing in Because it is within three digits, it is the 19th Public Space Plaza which is always very lively.

It is worth mentioning that it actually doesn’t matter which public space he logs into, because the player’s private space is not public. In other words-

[The pinned friend [Chen Wangyu] invites you to enter her private space, please choose whether to accept or keep it temporarily]

A second later, the above system prompt popped up in front of Mo Tan.

"Well, I thought it was Ito..."

Mo Tan rubbed his hands nervously, took two deep breaths and adjusted his hairstyle in vain before choosing to 'accept'. After a while of distortion, he was transported to the 'boudoir' of his beloved in this game.

A second later, as the first visitor besides the group of best friends, Mo Tan appeared in the private room of the character Chen Wangyu in the public space, and then——

[What a heavy two-dimensional concentration! ! ! 】

The moment his vision returned to clarity, Mo Tan expressed the above thoughts directly from the bottom of his heart.

And this feeling is correct, objective, pertinent, complete, three-dimensional, comprehensive, to the point, and hits the point.

The spatial layout here is different from that of Idong's seaside villa. There is no balcony or duplex design, but the public space of Futaba is similar. There is only an extremely spacious and complete space with a very good view. At a glance, there is even a separate There are no rooms.

The walls are a healing warm yellow that is somewhat bright but in reality is very resistant to stains, but for some reason we can barely see the exposed walls.

A large number of posters and glass cabinets of various sizes almost filled the entire wall of the room. The posters were all about characters from various anime, games and even light novels, and the cabinets were filled with various categories. The figures are all serious figures!

There is a saying that things like posters have actually gone out of fashion many years ago, but the owner of the room seems to have a soft spot for this outdated culture. Although he only glanced at it briefly, Mo Tan could still see it. These posters are not randomly tiled and stacked, but are adjusted and arranged bit by bit based on a series of factors such as specifications, themes, eras, painting styles, plots, settings, backgrounds, sizes, and colors. It is precisely because of this that although it is so dense that the walls are almost invisible, it does not make people feel bored, but makes people feel a kind of grandeur and grandeur that although they do not understand it, they are shocked.

Of course, the 'don't understand' here refers to Cassena, Christina and Mika (Lucie understands) in the best friend group. Mo Tan, who has a very wide range of interests and a fairly low two-dimensional concentration, can still see it. Ninety-nine percent of them.

As for those glass cabinets, which are also large and small, with different shapes, they are just as everyone thought, containing a large number of various figures, from the thumb-sized Doctor (know-it-all), Bashful (shy ghost), Sleepy ( Sleepyhead), Sneezy, Happy, Dopey and Grumpy set, to a 1:10 scale, with a total length of 4.37 meters [Archer Angel] (from "Super "Robot Wars A/OG" series, which looks like a female samurai wearing armor, with a pair of biochemical wings on her back, and the pilot is Lamia Labrese). There are all oversized figures.

It is no exaggeration to say that the real price of just the figures in this room is enough to buy a decent house in City S or City B.

Not only that, except for the large round bed in the center of the room, which was filled with life-size character pillows (Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief after noticing that they were all mascot-type pillows), Mo Tan discovered that all the furnishings inside Almost all are peripherals. For example, the shield-shaped dining table in the center in front of him is the table used by King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table for meetings in the Fate series. The carpet in the room is an oversized Totoro theme, and several sets of sofas are Pikachu, They have the shapes of Squirtle, Charmander, Eevee and Garlic. The refrigerator used to store drinks is the same model as Misaka Mikoto’s vending machine. The kitchen knife in the kitchen is the same model as that of the representative of yandere Yuno Gaizuma. The wall clock is a The oversized Kirby Star, the music on the record player is playing the very classic "めざせポケモンマスタ" (targeting the Pokémon Master), "Butter-Fly" (Butterfly Dance) and "Legend" (Legend of the Gods List) in a loop .

"This ingredient..."

Mo Tan stared around at the environment that was completely beyond his expectation. He was speechless for a while and then sighed: "There is no one left."

"I'm so sorry that it's not the warm and lovely girl's boudoir that this person imagined~"

Putting his hands behind his back and chuckling, Yu Chen poked his head out from behind Mo Tan, and Yu Chen, who startled the latter, winked playfully: "Isn't that strange? Anyway, brother and the others have been here once and don't want to come again. "

Mo Tan shook his head and said with great sincerity: "When I was in middle school, I could never dream of such a perfect home."

"Talking about people's opinions on whether they are the second best!"

Yu Chen tiptoed and tapped Mo Tan's forehead. His pretty face showed no hint of complaint, but was filled with a reassuring smile: "Welcome to be our guest, Hei Fan."


Mo Tan opened his mouth. He originally wanted to ask why he called himself 'Hei Fan' even though there was no NPC Yu Chen around him. After all, he was not stupid enough to ask directly. Instead, after coughing slightly, he changed his mind and asked another stupid question: "Do you do this in the room outside the game?"

Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes at Mo Tan angrily and ignored him.

Yes, she had already guessed that the other party might have temporarily changed his eloquence before he wanted to say anything, and would say such a stupid thing, so she had no intention of answering.

"Ahem, just kidding."

Mo Tan scratched his hair nonchalantly, and then at the instruction of the room owner, he walked to sit on the Eevee sofa, while Yuchen sat on the Pikachu sofa opposite.

"I lied to you before. Sister Yidong and Xiaole won't come to the public space for another half an hour. You were the only one who arrived at half past eight."

Pulling the fat cushion beside him and hugging him, Yuchen pouted and looked at Mo Tan: "Can it be done? Can it be done?"

"But...it's okay."

Mo Tan, who was inexplicably suppressed by the girl's aura, nodded immediately and said seriously: "That's absolutely fine! So is there anything I can do for you?"



"Um, no."

Yuchen smiled sweetly, his eyes filled with the slightly cramped figure of the person in front of him, and said softly: "You just need to be here and let me look at you, well, you can look at me if you want. "

Mo Tan, whose mind was short-circuited by the direct gaze of his beloved, went blank, and he was driven by instinct to reply: "Then I would rather obey your orders than be respectful."


Yu Chen first made a short sound of doubt, and then quickly blushed under Mo Tan's unconscious gaze. Finally, he threw the pillow in his hand at the other person in shame, and protested like a small animal: "Don't keep staring. look!"

! ! !

Mo Tan, who was hit, also came back to his senses, and immediately restrained his unscrupulous look in those few seconds, where he just wanted to greedily capture his sweetheart into his heart, and touched the tip of his nose awkwardly: "I'm sorry. , I seemed to have been distracted just now."

Yuchen immediately used the topic and asked very maliciously: "Do you get distracted when you are with me? What about when you are with others? For example, Luna, Yi Zhao, Xiao Le and the others."


Mo Tan blinked in confusion, shook his head without thinking, "No."

As a result, Yuchen, who obviously had super high attack power in a certain sense, was able to break through his defense like this. He huddled on the sofa with a red face and didn't recover for a long time.


After a while, Mo Tan looked around and asked casually: "Is there really nothing wrong?"

"Well, I just wanted you to come over."

Yuchen pinched the corner of her skirt, nodded slightly, and muttered: "Then I'll have it all to myself for half an hour..."


Mo Tan, who clearly heard the second half of the other party's extremely low-volume words but pretended not to hear it, coughed lightly after a half-second pause and suggested, "I see you have installed a screen, how about we watch it?"

"Okay, okay, I haven't watched much lately!"

"Then what should we watch?"

"I want to watch that romantic comedy in July. It's been updated and I haven't watched one episode yet, but I think I only have enough time left to watch one episode..."

"Then let's look at that one?"

"I want to see."

"Then let's see."

"What about the back?"

"What's behind?"

"Just...if we watch the first episode together, what about the rest?"



"I understand, then one episode every day... uh, or if I have a lot of trivial matters, one episode every two days?"

Under the girl's gaze, Mo Tan, who was not firm enough in his heart, was finally defeated and raised his hands in surrender.

"Hehe, let's make an agreement then~"

Yuchen immediately smiled and nodded, then opened the large LCD screen opposite the two sofas and said happily: "But as long as you can watch it with me for a while when you are free, it doesn't have to be one day or two days. Let’s watch an episode, I usually have something to do.”

Mo Tan smiled meekly: "Okay."

"But you won't always be free..."

The girl who was adjusting the screen with her back to Mo Tan added leisurely, and there was a faint black energy escaping from the surroundings that did not exist.

"That must be impossible!"

"Yeah, that's good~"

forty minutes later

Game time AM09:11

The public space of Innocence, Yidong’s personal space

"So, it's really a pity to be the second male lead."

Mo Tan crossed his arms, tilted his head seriously and said to the girl next to him: "Why should such a cheerful, handsome and popular figure lose to such a useless public face?"

"No, it's even more of a pity that she's the second female lead."

Yuchen shook his head vigorously and said with a very serious expression: "Not only is she a close sister who can chat with anyone, but she is also full of the charm of a mature girl. What makes this kind of person inferior to that kind of weak-minded person who can't even speak a complete sentence? Just a passerby."

"Why is she just a passerby? She is the only one who looks good."

"You were preconceived. There are just too many scenes in the OP."

"You are too subjective!"

"Then it's the same for you, why don't I think that's a public face?"

"Come on, come on, take a piece of paper, and I'll draw one for you right now, so you know how popular he is."

"Why, what if you are good at painting?"

Not far away, Gu Xiaole, who had just come in because he was late, bumped into Yi Dong cautiously and asked in a low voice: "What's going on with these two?"

"There's a quarrel."

"What's the noise about?"

"Humble yourself."


Chapter 1,719: End

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