Quadruple split

Chapter 1726 As you wish

Game time AM07:19

Southwest continent, northern part of the Chauvin Empire, temporary fortress [Avalon]

In the claustrophobic dark room, the man who seemed to be sleeping lightly on the throne slowly opened his eyes. He first lazily raised his hand and waved away the surging black mist under the majestic throne, and then turned to look at the man next to him. The slender figure sitting on the broad hands frowned slightly.

It was a dark elf with long silver hair as bright as moonlight, and a cool and cool temperament that was incompatible with the deep and depressing atmosphere of this place. She was as beautiful as a doll.

He looked at her and she looked at him.

In the end, the man took the lead and looked away. While looking at the huge tactical diagram hanging on the wall, he said lightly: "It seems that you are very idle."


Ji Xiaodao hugged his knees and sat on the too-wide armrest of the throne. He put his cheek on his shoulder and looked at the person next to him. He said in the same calm and indifferent voice: "If I compare with you."

Obviously, the girl was thinking that the crime king's online frequency was too low.

"Has Arthur withdrawn?"

Mo didn't pay attention to Ji Xiaodao's metaphor and just asked this question.

"Withdrawn. Although he has emotions that need to be vented, he has not yet reached the level of superiority. It is impossible to directly attack the Rhinoceros Horn Fortress after eating the advance army of the newly formed 19th Chapter."

Ji Xiaodao nodded slightly. Although she had already told the other party in the friend message, she didn't care to mention it again. Maybe it was because Jia Wen would definitely report the same thing to the person next to her as soon as possible. People.

Of course, the girl has no objections to this matter, because it is Gawen's responsibility. After all, unlike herself, Gawen, Merlin, and Arthur are all important and valuable, and she definitely has no reason. To prevent them from realizing their self-worth.

【You are different from others, you are neither important nor valuable. 】

She didn't know why, but every time she thought of these offensive words, she couldn't get angry. She would even raise the corner of her mouth occasionally. If she hadn't known very well that she was the S type in her heart, Ji Xiaodao would have suspected that she was an M. .

In other words, if Ji Xiaodao doesn't mind M, it can only mean that she thinks from the bottom of her heart that those words are not slanderous to herself.

So the question is, if you’re not slandering yourself, what does it mean?

The girl may be able to figure it out, but she is not willing to think about it deeply. It seems that on this issue, she prefers to be more confused.

Therefore, knowing ‘not annoying’ is enough.


And Mo caught the slightly subtle description in the girl's sentence just now, repeated it softly and asked: "Why is it impossible?"

Ji Xiaodao shrugged and said without thinking: "Because Arthur does not have enough troops. Although the first two battle sequences as sharp knives are strong enough to crush the enemy, this level of advantage cannot erase the numerical difference. , in addition, although Rhinoceros Fortress is not as large as the [White Steel Fortress] in the east of Griffin, it cannot be compared with the [Solus Fortress] in the north, which has the Silver Wing Alliance as its imaginary enemy and is named after the founding ancestor of Griffin. , but after all, it is also a barrier guarding the border for the giant Griffin."

Mo tapped his fingers noncommittally: "So?"

"So with the entire force of the newly formed 19th Chapter stationed, the advantage that Rhinoceros Fortress can give to the defenders is too great. Although Arthur was able to defeat the two advance armies at a very low cost, It is also impossible to break through the Rhino Horn Fortress with the power he currently has."

Ji Xiaodao also turned his attention to the map on the wall and said sternly: "In fact, even if he only makes a tentative attack, it will cause [Black Front] to suffer large-scale losses, and [Heifeng] will be the key to planning Central Asia." As the core of Se's main army in the future, if he doesn't go completely crazy, he can only withdraw."


Mo did not comment on Ji Xiaodao's statement. He just gently rubbed the outer edge of his mask and asked.


Ji Xiaodao pursed his lips, hesitated for a few seconds, and then said hesitantly: "With the scouts blocked, not showing up at Rhinoceros Fortress can confuse the top leader of the 19th Chapter, and even make the other party attack us. There is a misjudgment of the direction of combat power. After all, our goal is to be looked down upon by Griffin as much as possible. We will not use our true strength to coordinate operations until the Dreamland Theocracy takes action. But if we are noticed at this point in time, , the situation may be unfavorable to us, even with the cooperation of Emperor Griffin and the Princess, those nobles may take some measures that we are not happy to see."

Mo slowly closed his eyes and asked without emotion: "Can I understand that you are trying to make yourself more useful?"

"Not really. It's mainly because of what you just said. I'm very free, especially during this time."

The girl spread her hands and said this. What she said was justified. After all, at the beginning of the period before the Chauvin Empire was conquered, she was either the 'mistress of the Sin Lord's Mansion' or a 'person under the table'. Both Dao are very busy, often chatting and making snacks with the hostess at a Marquis or Earl's mansion during the day, and at night covering their faces in an unknown tavern and placing an order with a middleman. , I am busy with at least 20 hours of 24-hour gaming time every day, and my life is extremely fulfilling.

And slowly, with more and more people around Mo, Ji Xiaodao became more and more leisurely. Merlin's side was fine. After all, there were no scientific research tasks here before the old man arrived, but Li Fo... The arrival of Astor, Gawen and Dora suddenly eased the tasks Ji Xiaodao took the initiative to shoulder.

After all, Jia Wen can take care of almost everything that requires thinking in an orderly manner. As the representative of Tianzhu Mountain and the remnant of the Sun Dynasty, Li Fu is well aware of various 'under the table' channels, and needs protection. Or when force is used, Dora Hika, who has become someone's guardian knight, will take action.

After the chauvinist empire completely surrendered to 'sin', the important ministers who were baptized by [original sin] successively became more active in various fields. For example, they were extremely talented in political affairs, but they had already been secretly inflicted with [original sin], and Archduke Fossey, who has always cooperated with us since then; Marquis Digory and Earl Moody, who are very capable in manipulating intelligence and managing land; Marquis Miranda, who is good at attacking people, has excellent strategies, and has a deep city, etc. They are all very outstanding talents, and they were also the backbone of the initial transition period after Sin finally became a camp. Under the influence of [Original Sin], they can do things without any scruples and focus on things. It is more than enough for them to control a jingoistic empire. After all, this country originally belonged to them.

But even so, in Gawen's words, these people are just the "backbone" in the early stage. When only the Chauvin Empire surrendered to sin, the abilities of these people allowed them to help control the country. But in this camp, the situation is becoming more and more difficult. In the future, most of them will still only be qualified to govern a chauvinist society.

After excluding [White King Arthur], the only two exceptions are the leader of the Knights of the Sword of the Tsar and the Imperial Marshal Galahad. The reason is simply because the old man possesses legendary level strength. As for The knights under his command, in Arthur's words when chatting with Ji Xiaodao... can make the best use of their resources this time, but if they can survive the war with Griffin, it may be difficult to get a formal establishment in the future.

The second person who is still qualified to become the backbone of the camp in the future is the current emperor of the Chauvin Empire, William Bohe, Arthur's father. Although he must now wear the crystal sent by Tianzhu Mountain to stabilize the opponent, and then He cannot be inflicted with [Original Sin], but with eyes full of his son, he has undoubtedly surrendered everything, and there is no room for criticism or doubt in terms of loyalty.

As for the reason why William can continue to move forward with everyone in the future, it is because of his talent in business and economics that even Gawen is full of praise for. You must know that although the latter cannot compare with William in terms of age, and has never been an emperor, but In reality, she is a very high-level 'businessman'. In fact, the reason why she is good at intrigues is because those methods are very suitable for battlefield-like shopping malls.

In this situation, Gavin, who has more responsibilities to shoulder in the Innocence Realm and cannot focus most of his attention on doing business and making money, believes that William Bohe is the most suitable person to control the camp's economy. .

And the future emperor of the Chauvin Empire...well, Chauvin no longer needs an emperor. In Arthur's words, no matter what, this country and its ruler will be loyal to 'Sin' and the 'Sin King'.

Of course, in name, if everything goes well, William will pass the throne to Prince Arthur who was miraculously rescued from the Griffin Empire during the war with Griffin. Of course, that is not important, after all, The first identity of the person is always the [White King] in the God-killing Star, the Chauvinian Emperor or something like that, that is, he is just an extra, the kind that his own people don't care much about.

To sum up, after the Chauvin Empire has surrendered in every sense, and after professionals in various fields have seamlessly integrated into the camp under the influence of [Original Sin], Ji Xiaodao found that there was nothing left that he could do. .

That's why she became 'very idle', and it was precisely because she became idle that she started to study other aspects, such as military affairs and political affairs, and what she just answered to Mo was exactly what she had learned during this period of time. learning result'.

One thing to say is that Ji Xiaodao is indeed a talented girl, and her talent is not only reflected in combat. You must know that what she just said is almost all on the idea, although there are still some situations that are not comprehensive and detailed. But for Ji Xiaodao, who had no foundation in military strategy and had not experienced any intrigues in the past, it was very rare to be able to achieve this level.

This shocked Jia Wen, who had been in the elite class since childhood and had read countless people. He even said that the other party even surpassed him in terms of learning ability. Marshal Galahat, who had briefly guided Ji Xiaodao for a period of time, also expressed this The girl was full of praise.

However, neither Gawen nor Galahad planned to ask Ji Xiaodao to help with anything, nor did they teach her anything beyond the scope of the consultation. The specific reason was, apart from the status of 'Silent Prayer' Apart from being different, the main reason is that everyone still insists that she does not belong here.

And Mo, who was leaning on the throne as if he was falling asleep, seemed to have the same idea——

"Don't waste your time on those things, that's not what you're qualified to participate in."

Mo didn't open his eyes, but said something in an extremely indifferent tone.

"It doesn't matter, because I think as long as I stay here, even if I take a breath, you will say it is a waste of time."

Ji Xiaodao shrugged and brought the topic back in a brisk tone: "In short, idleness is idleness, just think of it as adjusting your mood before the start of all-out war. Oh, by the way, when it comes to adjusting your mood, you really don't Are you planning to participate?”

The masked man didn't ask what the other person was referring to; in fact, he didn't seem to be listening at all.

The girl who had become accustomed to this situation was not angry, and just continued to talk to herself: "You probably don't know, [criminal debate] has become the most frequently discussed topic among players both inside and outside the game. Big clubs and studios also attach great importance to it... Of course, you shouldn’t care about the fake ones, but the rewards in that game are indeed very good, even for you it’s not without temptation.”


Mo Tan, who was still worried about the [criminal debate] just ten minutes ago, just shook his head and said lightly the comment that Ji Xiaodao often made outside the game.


The beautiful dark elf raised her eyebrows slightly, staring at the other party with her beautiful gem-like red eyes, and asked: "Which one do you mean? [Confrontation]? Or the reward for the top few."


Mo opened his eyes again, glanced at the other party without any emotion, and said with a hint of impatience in his tone: "I'm very busy and have no interest in participating in that kind of funny farce."

"If you could go out and get some sunshine every day, this might be more convincing."

Ji Xiaodao jumped down from the throne lightly, and while stretching his curvy body in a rare lazy posture, he said without looking back: "Well, in that case, you shouldn't mind me. , Gawen and Merlin will participate in that competition together, right?"


"Gawen seems to be looking for a new battle mode recently. As for Merlin, he said he wanted to take this opportunity to test something. Of course, the attitudes of the two of them are not firm. If you don't allow it, they probably won't... "


"Okay, I also plan to sign up for a singles competition. Neither Merlin nor Gawen will participate. After all, they both have a lot to do, and I am the only one who is free."


"Then the matter is decided like this?"

"what ever."

Chapter 1,717: End

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