Quadruple split

Chapter 1694 Rugged Plank Road

Game time AM10:58

Northeastern mainland, west of Guantou Cliff, in front of the rugged plank road

"Ms. Moonflower."

Tightening the reins in his hands, Avery Davidson, who was driving the white dragon horse, stopped the holy carriage, turned his head and called into the slightly open carriage behind him: "This should be the plank road you mentioned, we are going Keep going?"

The beautiful catwoman in a complicated dress leaned out half of her body, shaking her delicate and cute black cat ears, and nodded: "Well, we still have to go forward, but it's best to let me take care of the rest of the way. On the one hand, I did some tricks on this plank road when I came here. On the other hand, the road behind is more complicated. I don’t mean to distrust you, Your Highness Avery, but if you have never walked through it once, it is easy to break in. The territory of the gray dwarves and lizardmen will be in trouble if we try to escape."


Avery nodded immediately after hearing this, and while giving up the driving position, he asked with some worry: "But Miss Yuekui, are you sure you can drive this sedan? Although you did drive it for me before. It’s a while, but a flat road and this rugged terrain are two different things.”

As a result, the cat girl whose full name is Chaoyue Aoi, who doesn't look like an experienced driver in any way, pursed her lips and smiled, waved her hands cheerfully and said: "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm a senior member of the city's equestrian club on the other side. , a carriage of this level is simply within reach.”


Avery was stunned at that time and said in astonishment: "Wha... what kind of membership?"

"A senior member of the Equestrian Club, well, you can understand it as someone who is particularly good at riding horses."

Yue Kui smiled proudly and pointed her thumb at herself: "I'm not bragging. Even a senior knight like you may not be as good as me in terms of riding skills without bullying others with your physical fitness."

Avery was immediately stunned and said hurriedly: "Wait a minute, Miss Yuekui, even if you are good at riding a horse, riding a horse is one thing, driving a carriage is another thing. There is a gap between these two things. Experiences are completely incompatible!"

In the end, Yuekui shook her head and frowned with an expression that was not easy to explain: "The truth is true, but I have talent, you know the talent, it is [riding] talent, so I can control most mounts. I’m familiar with something like this that is obviously a vehicle, so I’m sure nothing will go wrong.”

"Well, what a talent..."

Avery scratched his hair and laughed dryly: "I always feel that after Ms. Yuekui explained things like this, things are even more unreliable than before."

But at this moment, a third voice suddenly sounded from the carriage.

It was an ethereal, soft and pleasant female voice. Although the volume was not loud and somewhat lacking in emotion, it was still clearly audible to the two people outside -

"I believe in Yuekui, the Holy Son of Avery, and you should also be able to trust her."

"I didn't distrust her in the first place."

Avery shook his head, and then neatly put the reins into Yue Kui's hands. He stood up and retreated to the carriage door. He smiled at the latter who was full of interest and said, "If you need anything, call me anytime."

Then, after the latter nodded in agreement, he returned to the carriage after a long absence and nodded to the petite alchemist holding a huge notebook in the corner: "Ms. Lynch."

"The so-called 'talent' of people from other worlds is often not literal. For them, [talent] is usually a very targeted ability, so what Yue Kui meant just now should not mean that she is good at riding. She has talent, but has an ability that can enhance her ability to control a mount."

Luna said this without raising her head. It was not until she finished reading the page in front of her that she reluctantly moved her eyes away from the page and looked at Avery: "Also, there is no need to force Call me ma'am, I know I'm not a normal lady."

"I don't force myself to call you anything, and I don't think only normal ladies are respectable."

Avery smiled casually, shrugged and said: "The only reason why I respect you so much, Miss Luna, is Hei Fan's absolute trust and concern for you."

Luna nodded and said casually: "Oh, okay then, thank you for your respect."

Then she continued to look down at the notebook on her lap that seemed to be endless.


Avery, who didn't expect that the other party would stop the topic so neatly, was stunned for a moment, reacted for a while before smiling coquettishly: "Want to chat for a while? Ms. Luna, although we often go to the back when we come here. carriage, but it seems we haven’t had a good chat yet.”

Luna looked up at Avery curiously and asked doubtfully: "You want to chat with me? What to talk about?"

"Anything is fine, I just think that everyone is Hei Fan's friend, and now we are even more... as the saying goes, bugs tied on a rope, it shouldn't be a bad thing if we know each other better."

Avery, who had a little understanding of Luna's character, took out two cloth bags from the storage equipment and threw one of them to the girl in the corner: "Want some? This is the most advanced product of our Justice Sect. Wartime rations taste quite good. Not only can you skip two meals after eating them, but there is no risk of gaining weight at all. I have a rose flavor here, which is very popular among girls within the sect."

Luna lowered her eyes and glanced at the cloth bag in her hand, then picked it up and opened it, carefully examining the pieces of 'food' inside that were all burnt yellow and exuded a faint aroma similar to roasted sweet potatoes outside the game. , and after observing it for about ten seconds, he suddenly pulled a device that looked a bit like a funnel next to him, and stuffed the seemingly high-end food in the cloth bag into it, and watched Avery gape. A certain switch was flipped, which directly caused a burst of violent elemental burning to 'melt' the food.

"Ah this!"

Avery was stunned at the time. He stared at Luna blankly for a while and then said in shock: "You...what are you doing?"

"Purify, reshape."

While Luna was deftly operating the component that was temporarily removed from her alchemy table in front of her, she said without raising her head: "I just briefly analyzed it and found that there is a fairly high proportion of royal blood roots in it. This is It is a very precious material. It is the reason why you said it will not make you fat and is nutritious. I am now refining it and pressing it again. Don’t worry, it is not difficult.”

Avery twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly: "I'm not worried about anything, mainly...mainly because I'm curious, Ms. Luna, why do you want to extract those 'Emperor Blood Roots' and suppress them again."


Luna gave a concise answer. She pushed a set of metal plates full of grooves and magic carvings under the component that had begun to smoke, and then began to turn the small wrench next to it, pushing out a series of metal plates with a somewhat similar texture. Yu poured the thick liquid of amber into the grooves on the metal plate, and then stuffed a rhombus-shaped crystal that exuded a strong chill into the interlayer of the metal plate. He said in a calm tone: "Equal weight of 'Emperor's Blood Root' , The ration just now is only enough for one person to consume for three days at most, but after my refining, the same amount of 'Emperor Blood Root' can support the consumption of a normal epic level professional for at least a week."

Avery was shocked at that time: "Really!?"

"You can try."

Luna casually pulled out the metal plate, then tilted it over, poured the 'refined products' that had condensed into a spherical shape in the groove into the transparent container in front of her, and casually took one out and threw it to Avery: "Just eat it directly."

Avery had never seen such vigorous alchemy before. He quickly caught the brown-colored ball with a diameter of about two centimeters out of curiosity. He walked up to it and took a sniff. It was stuffed into his mouth. On the one hand, His Royal Highness the Holy Son was a very talented artist and he was very bold. On the other hand, he knew very well that although this Luna girl was a little weird, she was definitely not weird enough to poison one of his own people, so he ate it. Very relieved.

So...how should I put it, still too young.

It is true that Luna has no subjective thoughts of harming others, but this does not mean that the alchemy products she made are safe. It may be okay for external application, but for internal use... If Mo If Tan were here, he would 100% stop Avery from throwing this thing into his mouth.

Sure enough, in the next moment, our just saint son felt his eyes go dark, and then he staggered and almost fell to the ground. His originally rosy face was as red as if he had opened a dyeing room, with black inside, and black inside. .

But Luna is not Ji Xiaoge after all, so although the taste of the medicines and alchemy creations she concocts is generally hard to describe, after all, they are not of a level that makes people see the Santu River directly after just one sip. There is a saying. , Luna’s refined products are actually quite logical.

The logic of ‘good medicine tastes bitter but is good for the disease’.

So the question is, to what extent is this "good medicine bitter"?

We can give a little example here -

For example, before Luna processed the high-end rations within the Justice Sect, the latter tasted very much like the old-fashioned roasted sweet potatoes that often appeared in front of train stations and hospitals. Although they were not particularly hygienic, they were really delicious... …

After Luna's 'refining', those things that looked a bit like coffee balls tasted particularly like Huoxiang Zhengqi water + Chaotian pepper + mustard + ginger. In short, it was very touching, highlighting the hotness. It was so explosive that even figures like the Holy Son of Justice fell to their knees when caught off guard.

Yes, Avery really knelt down and fell to his knees with a click after taking one bite.

Of course, the kneeling was not because he was impressed by Luna, but a subconscious reaction of a devout believer when encountering some huge difficulties or incomprehensible situations, which is to kneel down to pray for the blessings and protection of the gods.

"The response was huge..."

Luna frowned and looked curiously at Avery, who was kneeling there praying in a low voice, and asked curiously: "Are you touched? Do you want me to give you another one?"

Avery's already blue face suddenly froze, and he immediately grinned and shook his head: "No, no, no, the purification technique has no effect on this thing, and eating one in my lifetime is already my limit!"

Luna looked at Avery in surprise, with confusion written on her face: "Eat one for a lifetime? But this thing should only allow you to go without food for up to 30 hours..."

"No, that's not the problem."

Avery shook his head like a rattle and explained with a dance: "I'm not saying that this thing can last a lifetime, but...it just tastes a bit too weird, that kind of...super weird. kind."

Luna looked down at the refined products that exuded a faint fragrance but had an unflattering taste in confusion. Then she picked up one and stuffed it into her mouth under the gaze of His Royal Highness the Holy Son, whose eyes almost popped out. Inside, he slowly chewed it up and ate it, then shook his head and said, "It's not weird, it just tastes like the Emperor's Blood Root."

Avery was shocked at that time and said in astonishment: "What does the Royal Blood Root smell like?!"

"That's what it tastes like."

Luna pointed at the pile of refined products in front of her which was named [Emperor Blood Pill] by the system, said seriously, and then burped a little.

Avery opened his mouth, but did not continue to argue with Luna about the taste. Instead, after a long silence, he sighed deeply, shook his head and said: "Haha, it seems that I am still too pampered. Although He always puts himself in the same position as everyone else, but in essence he is still a young man who grew up in a honeypot..."

"what are you saying?"

Luna did not immediately re-immerse herself in her thick notebook, but looked at Avery curiously.

"It's nothing, Ms. Luna, you might as well help me practice this ration."

Avery sniffed, handed over the high-end rations in his hand that he originally planned to eat as snacks, and said with a smile: "This way, it won't be so wasteful."


Luna also accepted everyone who came and practiced as she was told. She quickly made Avery's share into dozens of [Emperor Blood Pills] and then wrapped them and handed them back to the latter.


His Royal Highness the Holy Son carefully collected the food, then reopened the topic and sighed: "But I really didn't expect that Miss Luna, you came here just for Hei Fan's sake, but you were willing to come with us. Let’s go on an adventure to a place like Skolk. To be honest, although the conditions in Doumboua City are average, they are definitely much better than there.”

"I just want to help Hei Fan. He is not a smart person."

"Haha, in my opinion, he is not too smart."

"He'll try to do things that he's willing to do, but he's not willing to do things that might be right but would make him unhappy."

"For example?"

"Let me risk it."

"This is the first time I see you smile, Ms. Luna. To be honest, if I didn't have a sweetheart, I would be fascinated by you."


"Do you have a crush on Hei Fan?"

"He and Wangyu are the most perfect couple."

Chapter 1685: End

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