Quadruple split

Chapter 1672 Face Blind?

Game time PM17:21

Deep in the poison nest of [Hunting Zhuang], Yaya saw that there was no sound at all. At this moment, Mo, who was leaning against the rock wall with his arms folded as if he was pretending to sleep, let out a sigh of relief with a slightly complicated expression.

She stood up hesitantly and walked slowly to Mo Tan, who had lost consciousness and was strictly speaking just a body. After a few seconds of silence, she finally lifted him up and placed him on the bed that had been covered. She threw away all the bedding on the big bed.

Yaya knows that while his body remains here, even if 'Mo''s consciousness has left this world, he will still bear the load generated during this period when he comes back again. For example, there was one time before, because when he was offline, His posture was not right. After going online, he found that his tail was numbed by pressure and it took him half an hour to walk normally.

Although Mo Tan now has no tail, it is still not a comfortable position to lean against the rock wall like just now, so Yaya put him on the bed, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he also climbed up there. Zhang Kuan stood up on the uncomfortable bed, leaning on Mo's shoulder.

In the past few hours, the two of them had been resting and chatting about each other. There was no clear topic, it was just a very ordinary chat between friends, but because Yaya was rarely willing to keep it, The relationship of 'quick thinking' is quite a new experience for them.

Mo Tan told Yaya some interesting things about people from other worlds, and even mentioned his best friend on the other side, that is, Yi Dong. Of course, in order to avoid the character's image from the Yi Dong whom Ji Xiaoge knew. Overlapping, he mainly talked about things that happened when the two of them were young.

Yaya, on the other hand, kept changing the topic without thinking. She talked about the various shops and vendors in Optical Park City for more than an hour. Finally, she asked Mo Tan to watch her save money with Jadeka in the future, because she liked that. [Sapphire Tail Hoop] + [Celery Stone Earrings] are a bit expensive. I didn’t have enough money when I saw them before.

During the process, Mo Tan also sent a message to Ji Xiaoge to report that he was safe. It probably meant that the two of them had successfully destroyed the organization [Hunting Zhuang] with very unethical views. Although the situation just now was a bit dangerous, it is now safe. Now, after resting and reaching full strength, we will set off to chase them, so that everyone doesn’t have to worry.

Although Ji Xiaoge himself did not reply, a few minutes later, Lu Jiang sent a message saying that everyone was relieved and asked Mo Tan and Ya Ya to be careful on the way back.

Later, after simply calculating the time, Mo Tan gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and lied to Yaya.

The content is very simple, that is, Mo Tan found out that he was poisoned through the [Player Panel] that only people from other worlds can see, and this poison is not very stable and may explode in the next long period of time. And because of some troublesome reasons, he can't keep his consciousness here all the time. To put it more clearly, he needs to 'go offline' as before, so I hope Yaya will take good care of his body during this period. If anything goes wrong, Place - just use the crystal Lu Wei gave to Ji Xiaoge and take Mo Tan back to Tianzhu Mountain to detoxify.

After hearing these words, Ya Ya naturally agreed wholeheartedly, and then took the crystal from Mo Tan, who was immediately sanctioned by the system and had all his attributes weakened to almost nothing, saying that he would definitely take a good look at the latter's condition. Just activate the crystal if there is any disturbance.

After getting Yaya's guarantee, Mo Tan was satisfied and took the initiative to disconnect. He planned to seize the time to solve the problems of the other two characters and go online to keep vigil at night so that Yaya could have a good sleep.

And as we just said, Mo Tan's previous statement that he was poisoned was completely nonsense, and the reason why he had to explain this despite the strong side effects of [Chivalry-Honesty] was because he was worried that Ya Ya would There was a situation of loss of control during the offline process. Although in the words of Lu Wei and the others, it was impossible for Yaya to lose control easily with his current strength, but Mo Tan still didn't want to take any risks in this regard, so he used the reason of "poisoning himself" to let Yaya lose control. Yaya is always vigilant and will return to the mountain immediately if he notices something is wrong.

Under this premise, Mo Tan can conclude that if Yaya's consciousness gradually becomes blurred as before, then she will definitely activate the transmission function of the crystal before she collapses mentally, because she will not be able to watch it properly. silent'.

It will be simple after that. Lu Wei told Ji Xiaoge that this transmission device will directly send people to the delta measurement area of ​​the Seventh Outer Mountain, and will notify him as soon as possible. In other words, as long as he can go back, Master Lu You can take action to stabilize the situation without any additional risks.

This was also the solution that Mo Tan finally came up with after careful consideration and consideration. After all, when she couldn't tell Yaya the specific situation, even if she was told, 'If you feel uncomfortable in any way, just teleport', she would most likely not be able to tell her. It may not be strictly followed. In this case, it is better to use the 'tacit' personal safety as insurance.

All in all, Mo Tan, who had been with Ya Ya for nearly an afternoon, was offline like this, and the insurance he left behind was indeed enough for Ya Ya to choose to teleport away immediately when an abnormal situation occurred. It can be said that he was very careful.

However, Mo Tan, who had just played the role of Yaya, didn't know that he was also played by Yaya.

One thing was that Yaya noticed something was wrong very early on, but did not show it. Although his mind was sharp, his body was always in a state of tension due to the side effect of [Scale Reverse], and there was no place in his body that was not in pain. Can be aware of it.

That is, after his dragon bloodline became invisible, the image that was exactly the same as outside the game was not unfamiliar to Yaya, but it was not unfamiliar either.

We all know that although the Mo Tan outside the game is completely different from the 'Mo' in the game, a parallel priest named 'Hei Fan' under the Dawn Sect looks exactly the same. The reason... There is really no reason for this. What I want to say is that Mo Tan did not perform any additional operations when creating the character of 'Hei Fan'.

In terms of logic, it has always been very clear——

Mo Tan felt that [Hunting Zhuang] might not be an opponent that could be crushed to death with just a touch, but he also felt that if this scourge was not eliminated, he didn't know how many people would suffer, so he decided to seek justice according to the situation, and based on that According to the information provided by the 'Snake', the opponent should not have an epic level master, so in the worst case, unless there are masters of the level of [Awakening Dragon] and [Mu Xuejian], in the high-level field, [Inverse Black Tan should be able to handle it perfectly with its scales fully open.

But because [The Herrscher's Determination] is on cooldown, fully opening [Inverse Scale] means having to bear the side effects of [Inverse Scale], and this side effect will turn him into an 'Ink Tan' outside the game, and an in-game one. The appearance of 'Black Van'.

In this situation, Ji Xiaoge must not be present, because she will definitely recognize Mo Tan's face, and it will be a big trouble if she sees it.

But as for Ya Ya, although she and 'Hei Fan' appeared in Academy City at the same time, the two parties have never officially met. Although Yu Chen and Ji Xiao Ge have dated several times, as Yi Zuo of the entourage , Jadeka and others did not join in the fun. Yaya had been subconsciously keeping a distance from Mo Tan because of his complicated mood at that time, so the two of them probably didn't know each other.

And even though they look the same, 'Hei Fan' and 'Mo' have completely different hairstyles, hair colors, temperaments and clothes. In addition, after the [Scale Reverse] is over, the body and even the face will become enlarged due to scale retraction and other factors. There was blood oozing from the area (Mo Tan had carefully tested the effect). Even if Yaya had an impression of this appearance, he probably wouldn't recognize it immediately.

In addition, there is another top priority!

That is, after getting along day and night for half a year, Mo Tan is very clear about something, that is Yaya...or in other words, all orcs with a similar bloodline to Yaya, all have mild or severe face blindness!

This is very scientific. Just as the half-orcs of Ji Xiaoge's race can find their way through the crazy method of "sensing magnetic fields" like those of their race outside the game, the half-orcs of Yaya's race are also like many canines outside the game. , which is quite difficult in the field of distinguishing other people's faces.

It is definitely an exaggeration to say that they can only tell the race and gender, but they are really not good at identifying people by appearance, body shape and other factors. In most cases, half-orcs of this race basically use their sense of smell, feeling and intuition. Information identifies people.

However, it is worth mentioning that although they are all face-blind, these face-blind people are better than other races in identifying identities. Not only that, their abilities in locking, tracking, identification and other fields are even more outstanding, so when taking risks It is quite popular for job seekers and security work.

To sum up, the core reason why Mo Tan dared to bring Yaya here this time was to bully the little girl into being blind!

He knew very well that although Yaya had not met 'Hei Fan', it did not mean that she had never seen that face. In fact, when he was encircling Jiawen, as a member of the alley closing group, Yaya once personally blocked Gawen who used [Thousand Faces] to disguise himself as Black Van Priest. Not only that, she also hammered back Gawen who used [Thousand Faces] to disguise himself as Mo again a few minutes later, and even said bluntly He bluntly stated that the latter was 'a woman's scent'.

It can be seen that although it is not as sharp as Evie Lehman's magic eye, and it cannot be compared with Diana's astrology, Yaya's discernment is actually very high.

Under this premise, Mo Tan thinks that 90% of the time this girl will not have any impression of the face of 'Hei Fan'. As for other factors, smell, feeling, etc., none of these will be affected by Mo Tan's [Scale Reverse]. 】The change of status will not arouse Yaya's suspicion.

And Ya Ya's reaction to seeing Mo Tan's human form again proved this point. Apart from being a little confused at the beginning, there was no barrier between the two of them in their communication afterwards. This was obviously because Ya Ya knew very well that the person in front of him was 'silent'.


but! !

This is actually just an appearance...

It is true that, according to Mo Tan's knowledge, every half-orc with a bloodline similar to Yaya's is face-blind, but even though he had calculated everything, he failed to realize that Yaya was not face-blind!

Although she has not reached the level of photographic memory, and although most of the time she identifies each other through smell and feeling like her peers, in fact, in terms of identifying other people's faces, her level is not much different from that of ordinary people like us.

In addition, Ya Ya did not meet the person 'Black Van' only through Gawen's [Thousand Faces] as Mo Tan thought. In fact, in the [Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition] and [War League] During this period, although the two groups had never sat together, Ji Xiaoge, who had excellent eyesight, actually pointed out two of his 'foreigner friends' to Yaya from a distance in the stands.

And they are the saint [Chen Wangyu] of the Dawn Sect in the game, and the priest [Black Van] who has an ambiguous relationship with the saint and became even more famous after the War League.

Speaking of which, during the fighting competition, Ji Xiaoge, Ya Ya (and 'Mo') and others were in the player area, while Yu Chen (and 'Hei Fan') and others were in the ordinary stands; during the War League, it was exactly On the contrary, the two parties had no chance to meet each other at all, and because of this, Mo Tan did not take this factor into account.

Under this premise, his huge omission, that is, the problem of ‘Ya Ya is not face blind’, was naturally magnified infinitely!

In addition, there is another very important key point, that is, Yaya is not in a cute state where he doesn't want to think about anything, but is in a very clear and super-awake state, both in terms of intelligence and reasoning ability. All very online.

"Priest Black Van of Dawn Sect..."

Yaya shook his furry silver-gray animal ears, frowned slightly and turned to look at the man lying next to him who was undoubtedly 'Mo'. He scratched his cheek with a subtle expression and muttered: "Although he is the fake boyfriend of Saint Dawn, the two of them are unclear in their world and are very ambiguous...Sister Yege, I am getting more and more confused about what you are saying. Having said that, ...Have our 'Mo' and the 'Black Fan' priest... ever appeared at the same time?"


at the same time

The Innocence Continent, the first ring of the City of Miracles, the third floor of the Jixiua Spirit Advent Tower

"...At this point, please bless me to be able to dream about you under these stars. - Frank Hughes who belongs only to you."

Sitting lazily on the carpet beside the bed, the petite girl with long orange hair read the last paragraph of the parchment in her hand, then rolled her eyes with a huge eye, and turned listlessly to look at the painting on the bed that was as dignified as And the beautiful woman——

"Are you satisfied? This is today's letter."

Chapter 1,663: End

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