Quadruple split

Chapter 1664 Silent Killing

[Hunting makeup] is an emerging force in the Gold Rush Triangle. It became famous about five months ago, and the crimes it committed are far more serious than Largo's previous understatement. .

Although Mo Tan had never even heard of this name before last night, with his unique circle of friends, he was able to collect detailed information about this organization in a short period of time.

The person who provided the information this time was not the Junwu boss of the Wanderer Hotel who had a long-term cooperative relationship with Mo Tan and had established a foothold in the Free City where his headquarters is located, but another person he had only met some time ago. 'Friends', or 'business partners'.

That was a person he met in Academy City when he was 'Tan Mo'. He was also an outsider in the eyes of an NPC, and was an out-and-out player.

The organization he belongs to in this game is a chamber of commerce called 'Viper'.

As we all know, there has never been a "white path" for forces that are keen on engaging in intelligence business. Therefore, whether it is the Thieves Guild or the Wanderer Hotel where Jun Wu is located, they are all gray forces. It is not sure whether they are bad guys. , but basically nothing good.

As for the [Viper Chamber of Commerce], it is much simpler than the previous two. It is a completely evil force. Whether it is its purpose, members, beliefs or spiritual thoughts, there is absolutely nothing positive and sunny. Basically, it can be said that he has done all kinds of evil.

Of course, as a dark and evil force with a history of hundreds of years, Viper is not a gang of low-level bad guys like bandits and bandits. Its tentacles are spread all over the continent, and its overt and covert forces are also intricately intertwined. It even maintains relations with many forces. It has a very close cooperative relationship, and its headquarters is as hidden as the first treasury of the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce and the board of directors building of the Steam Consortium. To explain it simply - most people have never even heard of the name, even the name of Pi. Within Snake, more than 70% of the members are unaware of the existence of [Headquarters].

All in all, the [Viper Chamber of Commerce] is a super villain organization with very strong overall strength, many experts within the organization, protective umbrellas all over the world, and business covering the entire continent.

The person Mo Tan met in Academy City, who he noted as [Snake] in his friend list, was a 'second-class steward' of the Viper Chamber of Commerce.

This is not the first time that Mo Tan has dealt with Viper people. Just a few months ago in Caselo, Mo Tan, Ya Ya, Ji Xiaoge and Jadeka had dealt with a group of Viper Chamber of Commerce slaves. The team fought against each other. At that time, the third-level operator named Sergei almost single-handedly defeated the Wangwang team, whose average strength had not yet reached a high level.

The leader of that team at that time was a shadow mage named Pierce Scrimgeour. His strength was at the semi-epic level, and his status was the 'first-class operator' of the Viper Chamber of Commerce.

There is a saying, if Darian Diesel hadn't arrived in time after receiving the news from Jadeka, saved several people at the critical moment, and casually killed all the people in the Viper Chamber of Commerce, Mo would have Tan and Ji Xiaoge have rebuilt their roles long ago, and the survival rate of Jadeka and Yaya is infinitely close to zero.

It is worth mentioning that although Pierce was a 'first-class operator' at the time, within the Viper Chamber of Commerce, most of the [Operators] were relatively outstanding executives or had certain specialties, while the [Deacons] were mainly Those responsible for administration and planning, so to a certain extent, although the theoretical status of 'first class' is higher than that of 'second class', the 'second class deacon' whom Mo Tan knows is actually higher in terms of authority. Greater than the 'First Class Operator' killed by Darien.

As far as Mo Tan knows, the only person who can break into the [Viper Chamber of Commerce] as a player and be promoted to the level of a junior cadre in just half a year is the hooded man he met in the Free City. .

That was a person who definitely couldn't get along with 'Mo', and would have stayed away from 'Black Brahma', but he took the initiative to approach 'Tan Mo' and wanted to take care of each other. This person was resourceful, extremely deep, and he also carried a powerful person with him. The NPC, Ma Zai and the maid who can single-handedly suppress 'Tan Mo', is a legal white-haired lolita named [Ying].

Mo Tan's condition for agreeing to include her in his friends list was that the girl named [Ying] would cooperate with him once when he was encircling someone. As everyone knows, Jiawen died after all, and Ying Although he didn't make much contribution in this process, he also cooperated with Mo Tan's plan and won a "Tan Mo" friend position for his "adult".

After that, although the two did not have any meaningless exchanges, they never broke off contact. Mo Tan never gave the other party Junwu that level of trust, and the 'snake''s attitude towards Mo Tan was not the same. There is no over-enthusiasm. As he said before, the relationship between the two parties is just an 'opportunity to cooperate' and is not an official long-term collaborator.

Therefore, except for a few exchanges of information, the two of them had almost never interacted with each other. As for the information about [Hunting makeup], Mo Tan casually asked the other party after changing the number yesterday, and only used to chat. His tone and attitude can be described as quite casual.

In fact, Mo Tan just asked casually at that time, completely out of curiosity about the profession of "flower picker in another world".

The person who was noted as [Snake] by Mo Tan also casually answered him after a little investigation.

To sum it up simply:

First of all, although the main scope of activities of [Hunting Makeup] is the Gold Rush Triangle, it occasionally commits crimes in the Golden City and the Principality of Freya. So far, its success rate is a crazy 100%.

Secondly, although the main members of the gang are all men, the objects they deceive include not only beautiful girls but also handsome boys. The difference is that the beautiful girls are basically sold to several places secretly after being tortured (the other party does not have the specific content (Tan Mo, who has a 'chaotic neutral' personality, didn't ask), and those handsome guys... except for those who never saw their bodies alive or dead, seemed to have become new members of [Hunting makeup].

Third, although there is no concrete evidence, the probability that the leader of the [Hunting Zhuang] gang is a woman is more than 80%.

Fourth, this group of people has a protective umbrella over their heads. Although it is not a [deserted store], there are many in the Golden City, the Principality of Freya, and even the state of Toril that borders the Cassello Grassland further north. Dignitaries and dignitaries have unclear relationships with them and frequently provide large amounts of support, including funds.

In the end, [Hunting Zhuang]'s behavior was very cruel and vicious, and almost all the women they deceived did not end well, and the ending was far more tragic than ordinary people could imagine.

As for the above content, although Mo Tan under the 'Chaotic Neutral' personality just laughed it off, at this moment, he had a different mood after connecting the information about those who came to trouble the [Destruction King] mercenary group. .

five minutes later

Game time PM13:09

Outside the hunting nest, the fourth floor of [Poison Circle]

"Damn it, why is that guy still coming here..."

In a certain tree hole, there was a beautiful beige wool roll. The half-orc young man with fair skin and delicate features pursed his lips uneasily. While carefully sensing the feedback from the 'silk' in his hand, he gritted his teeth and muttered. Said: "That guy on the 6th is obviously at a high level, why didn't he stop him for even a minute? Or is that intruder very beautiful? Is he the kind that can be recommended to Sister Xiaohong? Huh, if that's the case If so... it’s not right!!!”

Halfway through his words, his eyes suddenly widened. He looked down at his index finger with several circles of white thread wrapped around it in disbelief, and froze in place.

After a while, the handsome boy with the woolen roll came back to his senses and murmured: "Impossible, forget about the Poison King, why even the Silkworm Mother and the Tangled Spider... Damn it, who is the one who broke in? What kind of monster, epic!?”

He shook his head and drove this outrageous thought out of his mind. If he thought about it carefully, if the intruder was really epic, Sister Xiaohong's 'Golden Eclipse Toad' should have reacted long ago. In that case, the eldest sister would definitely I told everyone to run away a long time ago, so the other party is definitely not an epic!

That’s right, not epic! As long as it is not an epic, no matter who the opponent is, there is absolutely no way they can defeat Sister Xiaohong in this area!

Can't stay here any longer! We have to go back to find Sister Xiaohong!

The wool-curled half-elf who was sent out as a sentry swallowed hard, and then prepared to leave the tree hole where he was living, and ran back to find his 'sister', but just as this person stood up, Just as he was about to lift up the fake tree bark behind him and exit, his body froze and he stood there as if struck by lightning.

Because just at the last moment, a strange and dangerous aura suddenly appeared in his perception,

Eyes of dead leaves!

Without any hesitation, this handsome man with an intermediate druid level immediately activated his secret technique and synchronized his perception to several nearby plants that had been specially treated by him. In the next second, he simultaneously obtained several plants with various angles. Hazy vision.

He held his breath, intensifying his communication with two of the plants, and soon gained a much clearer view than before.

It was a tall, handsome half-dragon knight. His cheeks and eyebrows were dotted with a few beautiful dark purple scales. There was a faint murderous intent in his condensed vertical pupils. The handle in his hand looked quite... The simple long sword broke through an old tree like cutting tofu, piercing into the branches that seemed to hide something, and then flicked out a large amount of scarlet blood.


……Wait a moment?

...Where did the sword penetrate?

The man blinked blankly, looked down at the chest where a hole had been made at some point, and opened his mouth in disbelief. However, he lost his last bit of life the second before he screamed, and curled up to death. in a narrow tree trunk.

Game time PM13:24

Outside the hunting nest, the second level of [Poison Circle]

"Don't... don't kill me! Don't kill me!!!"

A handsome middle-aged man with a slightly vicissitudes of temperament and a unique mature charm roared loudly, and then tremblingly looked at his empty shoulders. There was an arm there a second ago, but at this moment there was nothing but crazy spraying. There is nothing left except purple red. Although his recovery ability is different from ordinary people because he has formed a symbiotic relationship with poisonous insects, it will take nearly half a month to recover from such a disabling injury. However, the other party obviously does not want to. Plan to give him this long time.


What answered him was a battle ax flying down from the air, knocking it directly to the boots kneeling on the ground.

There was no hesitation, no torture, no dialogue. The half-dragon knight with a faint flash of lightning in his vertical pupils just calmly slashed with his sword, cutting off the head with wide eyes and brows filled with fear and pleading. Then he continued walking forward without looking back.

A few seconds later, Yaya, who had kept a distance of thirty meters from the former, arrived belatedly. He glanced at the corpse on the ground with disgust, and continued to chase forward happily.

Game time PM13:36

Outside the hunting nest, the first level of [Poison Circle]

In front of the deep and dark cave entrance, the beast elf man who was given the title 'No. 1' and had already touched the threshold of the epic poem frowned, and an imperceptible drop of sweat slowly slid down his angular cheeks, quietly. It fell to the ground silently and shattered into pieces.

He, who has a higher 'authority', has already learned from the movements of the poisonous beast traps on the periphery that the enemy is about to arrive here.

As for the six people in front of him, there has been no news until now, and no news has been sent back since not long ago.

Although he does not have the ability of 'Sister Xiaohong' to communicate with specific people at long distances at any time, No. 1 still has no reason to feel that his partners are probably in danger. An accident occurred without exceeding the danger threshold.

And it was a series of surprises that were almost impossible to react to, because if his calculations were correct, the opponent did not seem to slow down at all because of the obstacles of the traps and friends, but was approaching here at a very stable moving speed.


Accompanied by a faint roar coming from afar and ending abruptly in the next moment, No. 1's brow jumped again. He knew that this was 'Sister Xiaohong's' pet [Kuave Tiger]. The roar before death, in other words, in five minutes at most, the uninvited guest will arrive here.

[Fight... or flee...]

No. 1 frowned and thought, but soon, knowing that he had no way out, he gave up the idea of ​​​​escape. He held his breath and concentrated on mobilizing the fighting spirit in his body that was just shy of touching the threshold of the epic. He planned to try it first. Test the opponent's quality, and be prepared to pretend to surrender if you really can't beat him, and lead the opponent to the cave on the pretext of leading the way.


He was struck by a halberd falling from the sky, with nearly a third of the bones in his body shattered.

Chapter 1,655: End

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