Quadruple split

Chapter 1644 Luna’s proposal

"Strong mobility..."

Phillip repeated in a low voice, quickly recalled some relevant information about Skolke and nodded slightly: "I see, I understand."

Avery also followed the rhythm and nodded vigorously: "Indeed! According to Ms. Yuekui, Skolk has been held back by a large number of people without combat effectiveness since a few months ago, so that's why he Staying at the same station for so long, the blood barbarian completely locked the position."

Shalia, who had the same idea as Mo Tan from the beginning, just smiled faintly, then lowered her head and wrote something on the parchment, without any intention of expressing her opinion.

And Yi Zuo, who would have rushed to do it when encountering such a thing, remained silent. After all, her most important task was to protect Mo Tan. Although she was worried about the safety of those weaklings on the road, she was also an epic paladin. , she knew very well that her combat effectiveness was probably far inferior to that of the just Son of Justice opposite, His Highness Avery.

Although his personality and behavior are somewhat casual, Avery's performance last night not only shocked the Doumbouya City garrison, but also had a huge impact on Yi Zou.

He looks more like a knight than physically, but he is actually Philip, the Holy Son of Plenty, who takes the path of a spell caster. Yi Zou has a better understanding of Avery, who is also a paladin like herself, and both of them are at the same level of strength. position, so she understands Avery's horror better than anyone else.

In her opinion, if it were not an actual battle, but a practice battle that was infinitely close to the actual combat level, Avery might be able to eliminate the entire B team by himself, even if the opponent was the much stronger A team. Avery's strength can be shaken, of course, when neither team is under the command of a senior.

And if it were Yi Zuo herself, even though she was unwilling to admit it, facing these battle-hardened veterans from Doumbouya City, even with epic level strength, she was still not sure that she could defeat more than ten of them alone. Garrison soldiers.

Therefore, in the view of the female knight, there is not much difference between her senior sending Holy Son Avery to respond and directly sending an elite team. Moreover, because he has only his own relationship, it is more convenient and more secretive to act. .

And Mo Tan... indeed thought so.

Indeed, not to mention that the 'Black Van Priest' is not a Paladin but a priest. Even if he is a knight, with his current strength, it is impossible to see the depth of Avery. After all, there is a gap between the two sides in terms of realm. There are too many. One is an unfathomable genius epic, and the other is a salty fish priest who has barely reached the high-level threshold and has no fighting ability at all. He is not a player at this level at all.


Although it is difficult to see through a master like Avery based on the level of the 'Black Van Priest', but if you add the experience of the two characters 'Mo' and 'Tan Mo', the situation will be different.

We all know that Mo Tan, who has a 'lawful good' personality, is extremely talented in the field of combat. If he is not 1/3 but 100%, Mo Tan, who can have 24 hours of game time every day, may not be weaker than Even if there is a difference between Ji Xiaodao and Xinglong, the difference is probably only in terms of resources.

As for Mo Tan under the 'Chaotic Neutral' personality, although he is not the best in terms of personal strength, he is a very 'informed' person. If he was 'Mo', he was just like Mu Xuejian. Such masters have fought twice, so as 'Tan Mo', he has been playing simulated battles with the two home page bosses every day recently. Not only that, he is also Mu Xuejian's honorary boss.

Finally, and the most important point is that no matter whether it is 'Mo', 'Tan Mo' or 'Hei Fan', they are all Mo Tan in essence.

In other words, although he is not strong, Mo Tan, who spends at least one-third of his game time every day under the 'Lawful Good' personality, has a sharp vision. In addition, he also has one-third of his game time. Time is 'chaotic neutral', so even if you can't figure out the depth of Avery, there is no problem at all in making an analogy with Mu Xuejian.

So Mo Tan came to the conclusion in the practice battle last night that the two saints' momentum was stronger than Mu Xuejian's, and their sense of oppression was relatively weak. To put it simply, their panel strength was better than that of the one who... Sword Maniac] is much stronger, but not as sharp as the latter which always has the bonus of Sword Intent. The conclusion is - half a pound of a pound.

Combined with the information that Feiyali had given him before, Mo Tan's judgment of the strength of the two Holy Sons was even more intuitive and accurate than Yi Zuo's.

"The Holy Union's signboard is quite useful for the time being. The people in charge of Skolk won't mind us picking up the old, weak, sick and disabled, because we all know that we are rescuing them from the worsening situation. come out."

Mo Tan didn't show off, and casually threw the chess piece between his fingers onto the map where Skolke's station was marked, and said calmly: "With the [Sweet Rice Ball] provided by Luna, we can at least ensure that those who are missing People with little food and clothing have enough energy to travel, and with the protection of His Highness Avery, unless those blood barbarians organize a highly targeted and planned attack, there should be no surprises."

Yue Kui nodded slightly and said seriously: "No problem, Skolke will definitely agree. He said before that it would be great if there was a safe and sheltered place to keep those who have no fighting ability. It’s really too dangerous for them to follow us, so he definitely won’t have a problem with it.”


Philip frowned and asked curiously: "The Skolke you just mentioned doesn't seem to be the name of your group, but a real person?"

Yuekui smiled and nodded: "That's right, although we are Skolks, the most respected person among them will be given the name 'Skolk' and abandon his original name." Become a leader and lead the other victims to continue to resist. By the way, this Skolk is now over 100 years old."

Avery was shocked at that time: "More than a hundred terms? The pope of our Justice Sect is only over five hundred generations. Does Skolke have such a long history?"

“Skolk doesn’t have a long history.”

Yuekui shook her head and said in a brisk tone: "I don't know how long the Pope of your Justice Sect can live, but as far as I know, no one has been able to fill the position of leader Skolke for more than three years. If Skolk is the thorn in the eyes of those blood barbarians, then the person who takes this name is the tip of this thorn, the existence they want to remove most."

"I understand. Although I can understand what Shalia just said, it may be because people like us have been growing up in greenhouses. I really can't help but sympathize with these Skolks... "

Avery sighed softly, glanced apologetically at Xia Liya who looked indifferent, then turned to Mo Tan and said seriously: "Leave it to me, I promise to bring those people back alive."

Mo Tan smiled and said calmly: "Of course I hope so, but the most important thing is that you can guarantee that at least you can come back safely. I need you to promise me that if an emergency occurs, you must The priority is to keep yourself alive and come back alive, understand? I mean, even if it’s just you.”

Avery was stunned for a moment and said hesitantly: "This..."

"I'm not asking for your opinion, Avery, I'm ordering you to promise me your word."

Mo Tan interrupted the other party's hesitation and stared at Avery solemnly: "Or I can give an example, such as Ms. Yuekui... Well, it may be a bit inappropriate for her as an outsider to give an example. It’s very appropriate. For example, if there is a spy in Skolk’s station, then if he finds out your identity, he will most likely report it directly to the blood barbarians.”

"But from an objective point of view, although those blood barbarians are crazy and cruel, most of them will not attack and kill people like the Holy Son of Justice in this way."

Shalia pushed up her plain glasses and spoke quickly: "If His Highness Avery took the lead in our battle with the blood barbarians, then the other party will naturally not mind killing him if there is a chance. Killing, but knowing the identity and whereabouts of the Holy Son of Justice and deliberately designing to eradicate him. This kind of behavior will definitely ignite the anger of the Holy Religion Alliance, and even...will give us an excuse to use legendary power, because the entire continent Everyone knows what a Holy Son means to the corresponding sect.”

Philip next to him also nodded and said seriously: "Let me think about it. If this is the case, I am afraid that as soon as the news of Avery's martyrdom is reported back to the Capital of Light, the Guardian Knights of the Justice Sect will be in Taikai. His Majesty the Pope will drive directly here under his leadership, and the great knight captains should also accompany him, so the situation will be simple by then."

"Ha... Indeed, if those legends including our Pope can take action, those blood barbarians may not be able to survive even one day."

Avery smacked his lips and sighed: "In that case, if I want to solve the problem once and for all, I might as well be killed on the road by them."

Phillip nodded and agreed: "You're right, you can pray now that you will be killed on the road or something."

"Ha ha."

Avery grinned, then turned to Mo Tan and winked: "Then this is settled?"

"Promise me, Mr. Avery Davidson."

Mo Tan smiled gently, and repeated calmly as if he hadn't heard the teasing the two had just said: "If an emergency occurs, you must give priority to keeping yourself alive, even if it's just you."

Avery, who had obviously seen many big scenes, but was still a little embarrassed by the smile on Mo Tan's lips, nodded immediately and said seriously: "I swear, I will put my own safety as the top priority!"

Mo Tan picked up the chess pieces on the map noncommittally and kept playing with them while asking without raising his head: "In whose name do you swear?"


Avery laughed twice, lowered his shoulders and said helplessly: "Of course... I swear in the name of my lord, Hemel, the God of Justice."

At the same time, the emblem of justice on Avery's breastplate flickered for a moment, and everyone in the room noticed this except Yue Kui, who had no faith.

"very good."

Mo Tan nodded with satisfaction and smiled at Avery: "Thank you for your hard work. May the God of Justice bless you."

"I really don't understand..."

Yue Kui, who had only found the opportunity to interrupt until then, lightly knocked on the table and complained: "Why do you, the Holy Religion Union, have the ability to easily kill the blood barbarians, but you insist on letting them wreak havoc in the north? Why can't you talk to this little As I said just now, are you going to get some legendary strong men like the Pope Knight to come over and bulldoze those guys who deserved their death?"

Mo Tan glanced helplessly at this Catwoman sister who seemed to be very strong, but was actually very pure, and shrugged: "Things are not as simple as you think. It is the rule of the entire continent that legend-level powerhouses must not act rashly, and there are more than just outstanding ones." You will be criticized verbally and in writing, and if you are not careful, you may even be attacked by a group.”

Yue Kui snorted and said angrily: "Actually, it's just hypocrisy! Those blood barbarians are not good people at all. For those things that commit murder and arson, why can't they have super-standard power?"

"Ha, since we are all players, I might as well tell you this."

Mo Tan gently rubbed his forehead and casually told Yuekui: "In 1939, the atomic splitting experiment achieved great success in Germany. In 1942, the Manhattan Project in the United States was officially launched. In the early morning of July 16, 1945 , the world's first atomic bomb was successfully exploded near Alamodor Air Force Base. As of this year, all countries in the world have the theoretical ability to independently develop nuclear weapons. The threshold for this has even been lowered to the point where it can be studied in first-class universities. It is completed in the laboratory. If nothing happens, in one to two centuries, it is likely that any folk workshop will be able to manufacture that thing without restrictions, but... Dear Ms. Yuekui, the same is true As of today, the only record of nuclear weapons being used in actual combat is the two incidents in August 1945. Why do you think this is?"

Yue Kui's eyes widened and she said in astonishment: "Can this be the same?"

"Isn't this different?"

Mo Tan asked a question first, and then explained in a brisk tone: "In the world of innocence, the concept of legendary powerhouses is no different from nuclear weapons outside the game. Once they are used with all their strength, it will be a man-made natural disaster. If there are no restrictions, the world is likely to be messed up by a large number of out-of-control legendary powerhouses, and these blood barbarians... are similar to terrorists in reality. It is true that everyone dislikes terrorist organizations, but Who do you think would drop nuclear weapons on terrorist organizations?”

Although this example contains some sophistry, since it would be very troublesome and unnecessary to explain it carefully, Mo Tan just said it perfunctorily. Yuekui herself seemed to think that Mo Tan's statement was okay, so she didn't say anything more. what.

At this point, all preparations are in place. If nothing else happens, Mo Tan will work with Shalia to formulate a contract with Skolk, and Luna will prepare those sweet rice balls called [Sweet Rice Balls]. ]'s alchemical creation, while Avery was packing his bags and preparing to set off with Yue Kui after the first two preparations were completed.


"I have a proposal."

Luna Lynch raised her little hand just as Mo Tan was about to announce the end of the meeting, then stood up unsteadily and cast her always hazy gaze on Mo Tan——

"I'll go to Skolke too."

Chapter 1635: End

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