Quadruple split

Chapter 1637 Urgent

The Principality of Scaran is a small country located in the central region of the Innocence. Although the land area is not large, due to its extremely favorable geographical location, both economic and military strength cannot be underestimated, especially when they attract The water power they are proud of is second only to the [First Fleet] of the Silver Wing Alliance.

However, although it is extremely powerful on the water, the Principality of Skarlan is not close to the sea. In fact, no matter from any angle, it is a prosperous landlocked country.

To the west, Skarlan borders Academy City and the Mirk Forest below it; to the south, it borders the Fire Claw Territory and Fernan Territory of the Violet Empire; to the east, it borders Misha County, the southernmost edge of the joint control of the Holy Church; to the north, , is the Jinhui River Valley, the largest inland river in the entire continent.

It should be noted here that the [Jinhui River] and [Yinliu River] are the two largest inland rivers in the entire continent. Among them, the Jinhui River originates from between the permafrost ice sheet in the northern part of the continent and the sacred mountain Sumir, passing through the academy. The city, the land of light and shadow, the Holy Union, the Mirk Forest, the Violet Principality, the Land of Miracles, Lake Nicemont, the Griffin Dynasty, not to mention the thousands of tributaries, the one that runs from the extreme north to the extreme south The scale of the mainstream has reached such a level that it is impossible to tell whether it is a river or a sea with the naked eye.

The Jinhui River Valley, located on the west side of the Northeastern Continent and covering an area approximately equal to half of the Sanctuary, is also the largest canal in the eastern part of the continent. This area is the most suitable for landing and is also the area closest to the center of the continent, which is Skarlan. Principality.

Everyone knows the reason for the economic development of coastal areas. For example, the Chauvin Empire in the Southwest Continent has gained super commercial potential because it is located in the coastal area. Although Scarland has never produced a businessman with extraordinary talents like William Boho. King, but given that its position is too superior, the national power is naturally by no means weak.

Of course, it's one thing not to be weak. The Principality of Skarlan, which has a small territory, is naturally not that strong. It's one thing to be powerful on the water, but they are not stupid enough to rely on their ability to play in the water. They are looking for merchant ships everywhere to collect protection fees. In short, it is a small and wealthy country that has developed quite well in all aspects, but it is by no means a behemoth.

Tactfulness, neutrality, and keeping pace with the times are the foundation of Skarlan's survival. Coupled with its military strength that has never slackened, this country has not only survived the turbulent era of the past nearly a thousand years, but its status on the mainland has also become stronger. The situation became stable, and it felt like a permanently neutral country.

There is even news that at last year’s shareholders’ meeting of the Steam Consortium, someone proposed a proposal to move the consortium’s headquarters to the capital of the Principality of Skalan. Although it was not passed in the end due to various reasons, this has confirmed Skalan’s The fact that the principality is gradually becoming transcendent.

Once the monument of permanent neutrality is erected, Skalan's status and security on the mainland will be greatly improved, and it will be infinitely close to the only two truly transcendent places so far, namely 'Academy City' and 'Tianzhu Mountain'.

Of course, the only one with more reference value is Academy City. As for Tianzhu Mountain... the situation is rather special and not universal.

All in all, the intention of the Principality of Scaran is obvious, which is to strive to be on par with Academy City and become a neutral zone recognized by the mainland, so as to increase its influence in all walks of life.

From a subjective point of view, although it doesn't matter in the current situation, under the other two personalities, Mo Tan actually has a good impression of the Principality of Scaran, and the two parties have a certain friendship.

Everyone should still remember that when the plague broke out in Misha County, the Principality of Skarlan sent a small fleet over because of a letter from Mo Tan.

Although there are only four ships in total, its commander is Paula Olson, the captain of the [Rage] who is nicknamed 'Surge', and the specifications of [The Fury] can be ranked even within Skarlan. There were a total of twenty-four engineering artillery pieces and six seventh-generation magic cannons from the Steam Consortium. The strength of the nearly two hundred crew members was also quite online. The other three [Black Eel-class] ships at that time also had a hundred-person capacity. A good ship, it helped Mo Tan and others a lot in that war.

During this process, Captain Paula became quite familiar with Mo Tan, Xia Lian and others. Until now, the voluptuous female captain still occasionally writes letters to everyone in the United Holy Church, and the relationship is still Quite harmonious.

As a result, just now, Mo Tan caught an extremely shocking news, that is, as the de facto controller of the Violet royal family, the regent, Hugh Bresne, who is far superior to ordinary people in terms of skill, resourcefulness and courage, actually We need to take action against the Principality of Scaran!

This is simply...

"It's so exciting."

Mo Tan stared with gleaming eyes, his face gradually turned serious, and he looked at Xiu with deep eyes, urging: "Tell me in detail! Tell me in detail!"


After a full minute of silence, Xiucai smiled bitterly and sighed. He raised his hand and gently pressed his forehead. He shook his head mockingly and said, "I was too careless to show my flaws in front of people like you."

Mo Tan waved his hand impatiently and said seriously: "Someone said it himself just now. There are not many people who can let you speak freely. I am one of them, right?"

Xiu twitched the corners of his lips and said dryly: "This is the truth..."

"Then stop talking nonsense and talk to me carefully."

Mo Tan interrupted the other party without hesitation and sneered: "Otherwise, believe it or not, I will find someone to inform the Principality of Scaran right now that the new regent of Violet wants to kill them."

Xiu smiled and made a 'please' gesture: "You can try it, I don't mind."


Mo Tan didn't show any surprise, he just raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems you have been prepared for this?"

"So be it."

Xiu nodded crisply and said calmly: "You may not know... No, you definitely don't know. Just three years ago, the Principality of Scaran was under martial law for two full months. At that time, the reason was that the sea was discovered. A small group of troops from the tribe invaded the interior, but the real reason was actually that Archduke Scaran received a message."

Mo Tan chuckled and answered quickly: "The Violet Empire is going to attack them? The story of the boy who cried wolf?"

"It's a bit like the story of the boy who cried wolf, but according to the intelligence, it's not the Violet Empire that wants to take action, but the Holy Religion Union."

Xiu also laughed and said in a brisk tone: "The reason is that the minority of the Sun Sect is probably having a seizure and wants to start a holy war against the Principality of Scaran, which has freedom of belief, and they also plan to bring the entire Holy Religion Alliance together. "

Mo Tan rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Do they believe it? Tsk, if the senior officials at Scaran have this intelligence, then you really should beat them."

"Their intelligence is fine."

Xiu shook his head slightly and said in a calm tone: "It is not public information to know that there is a minority in the Sun Sect. Moreover, in order to strengthen my persuasion, I also laid out a lot of plausible evidence and clues early on. As long as they are a little bit If you look into it, you can detect something obviously wrong.”

Mo Tan smacked his lips and raised his eyebrows: "So? They were fooled by you?"

"Yes, of course they were frightened by me."

Xiu drank up the coffee in his hand slowly, put it on the low table next to him, and said leisurely: "The result is that the martial law has been in vain for two months. The loss is not big, but there must be some impact on the mentality. And after that... I used various means to provide them with various false information that sounded like that, and the latest one seemed to be half a month ago."

"What is the content?"

Mo Tan blinked curiously.

"It seems that the regent of the Violet Empire is ambitious and talented, and is preparing to use a foreign war to accelerate the unification of the empire with the support of several archdukes. And as the Principality of Skarlan is the most vulnerable in the surrounding area, naturally Naturally, he was chosen as the target."

Xiu answered without thinking, and added after a brief pause: "If nothing else, that intelligence would have been torn into pieces by the angry Archduke Skarlan."

Mo Tan suddenly chuckled and said happily: "As you can imagine, after all, it is really annoying to receive a piece of this kind of thing every three to five, and the seriousness of the matter is there. As long as it is a little bit reliable, the following I am afraid that the people in charge cannot intercept this information without permission, so the Grand Duke keeps repeating the cycle of rumblings, nothing happening, rumblings, and nothing happening. Thinking about it makes people feel sympathy."

"Actually, it's nothing. After all, as far as I know, the Grand Duke has been reading this information for fun a long time ago. It's not easy to make up so many well-founded reasons."

Xiu chuckled and sighed: "To be honest, those bardic stories are far less logical and exciting than these intelligence clues."

Mo Tan stretched out, picked up the coffee pot next to him and refilled himself a cup of [Crystal Special Blend], and asked casually while continuing to swallow: "So? The Grand Duke no longer takes these unwarranted threats seriously. What happened?"

"Unfortunately, although Grand Duke Scaran is not an amazing talent, he is not such a simple person either."

Xiu spread his hands and said helplessly: "After all, for ordinary pranks, the cost of my approach is too high, so he should also be able to vaguely feel that this is probably a measure to try to numb himself. For that person, "The most troublesome thing is actually finding the only truth in this series of false information, which is actually me, the author of the false information."

Mo Tan stood up unsteadily with the coffee pot, walked to the low table next to Xiu and refilled the empty cup, and said with a half-smile: "But this is an impossible task at all, because Violet The Empire doesn’t have enough motivation to begin with.”

"Not only that, you have to know that the Violet Empire three years ago is completely different from what it is now. If you really think about it carefully, the regent, Hugh Bresne, started planning everything when he was less than twenty years old." The statement is the most unrealistic of them all.”

As Xiu spoke, he picked up his newly refilled coffee, with a hesitant expression on his face, apparently wondering if Mo Tan had added something to it while he wasn't paying attention.

The latter proved with practical actions that he was not evil-minded. He picked up another silver candlestick on the table and put it in his luggage. He staggered back and said without looking back: "It can only be said that the Grand Duke still didn't think far enough, and his understanding of what happened to Violet during this period was limited."

"You are right, because I would never start a war against a country with a very good ruler."

Seeing that the other party directly shaved off his candlestick, Xiu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, took a sip of coffee with relief, and chuckled: "The biggest disadvantage of the hereditary system is the uncontrollability of the successor. I must admit that in In terms of social form, our world lags far behind yours. Even if I am the regent now and I will be the Violet Emperor in the future, I rationally believe that an 'elected' ruler is far better than an 'elected' ruler. People who become rulers are useful to the country."

Mo Tan, who sat back on the chair, frowned and waved his hands in disgust: "I am just an ordinary poor student, and I don't want to discuss the social form or national system with your future emperor."

"Okay, then I'll just tell you the conclusion..."

Xiu didn't mind, and just brought the topic back in a good-natured manner: "As one of the best among his peers, the current Grand Duke Scaran is already very outstanding compared to ordinary people, but he is only very outstanding, so even the regent was I have the energy to plot against anyone who doesn't succeed, and the people in that country that I fear, no matter how good they are, are not the de facto rulers of the principality after all."

Mo Tan's eyes suddenly widened: "Is it really true?"

"You... don't underestimate the world's heroes."

Xiu glanced at Mo Tan, shook his head and said: "This world is very big, and you aliens are not the protagonists. Be it geniuses or monsters, we don't have a lot of them here."

Mo Tan picked his ears carelessly and replied casually: "Oh, so what? It has nothing to do with me."

"Haha, how come it doesn't matter."

Xiu smiled casually and said with a smile: "With the way you act, I'm afraid you will make countless enemies in the future, whether players or NPCs. Don't accidentally fall into the gutter and be unable to climb out."

"You seem to have something to point out, don't you?"

"You're overthinking, I'm just reminding you in a friendly way."

"Don't worry, even though I don't want to admit it, I'm actually not without fear."

"But what I mean is..."

"It's in the [Bound of Innocence]."

"Oh? This is something new. Is there anything I can do to help?"


"you say."

"Apologise to me and my siblings, and let's have dinner another day."

"Are you leaving? Are you in such a hurry?"

"It's better not to hurry. After all, there are always people like you trying to make the world chaotic as soon as possible. If it doesn't happen sooner, it will be very troublesome."

"I thought you liked everything messy."

"I like it, but I think... other people who want to fish in troubled waters will also like it."

Chapter 1,628: End

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