Quadruple split

Chapter 163 Textbook

The battle suddenly broke out in front of Gawen's eyes.

This girl, who was only a casual player in the game, did not panic at all. She just carefully concealed her figure while watching the "battlefield" coldly, and subconsciously analyzed the situation.

[The other party has an overwhelming advantage. The magician named Luther and Kunda Bohe have no hope of coming back. However, if all assumptions and possibilities are maximized, the prince should still be able to win. There is a glimmer of hope...]

Jiawen judged the direction of the battle almost instantly, and the facts quickly confirmed her guess.

In just one moment of meeting each other, the battle has already entered a fever pitch. Countless dark blue wind element scythes are flying around Garros. He holds a short crystal staff in each hand. Every time he swings it, a formation will roll up around Luther. Zhen Kuanglan, he recited a series of incomprehensible bytes quickly, and the space storage equipment [Blue Silver Gem Ring] on his right wrist continuously released spices, blood, crystals and a large number of spells made of unknown materials. medium……

Various mid-to-high-level attack magic such as Falcon Spiral Arrow, Wind Thunder Cannon, Flash Wing Swing, Vacuum Torrent, and High-Frequency Cutting were surrounding Luther with high-density bombing as if for free, and Garros deliberately controlled his casting range, allowing This round of magic, all focused on medium and long-range attacks, exploded close to Luther, suppressing him in place at the expense of some strength and special effects.

Every second, several spiral winds burst out from Luther's side. Their intensity is not too high, but they have extremely crazy penetrating power, although they cannot defeat the large area composed of high-level arcane arrays. The defensive spell is like a sharp drill punching holes in it, forcing the opponent to be distracted every few breaths to deal with it for a moment, giving those layers of defensive magic time to automatically recover.

Four simple and stable wind element arrays have been floating behind Garros. On average, they will burst out a high-intensity compressed wind element every five seconds. Yes, the storm is like It was pushed out like a small city wall. If Luther didn't break this 'wall' in a short time, he would be immediately pushed out of the 'magic formation' under him. In that case, he wouldn't be able to survive for long.

In addition, Duke Garros will also chant several extremely powerful magic spells from time to time. The staff in his hand is like two batons, and every rhythm is filled with murderous beats, sometimes The two blue wind wings that swept out like knives were sometimes silent vibrations, and occasionally interspersed with some "well-intentioned" jokes, such as summoning a ball of extremely dazzling but powerless light and shadow effects. To Luther, and slightly harass a certain prince twice while the other party took countermeasures.

Elegant and powerful, elegant and gorgeous, Garros has perfectly explained to everyone present what it means to be a 'real mage' in just a few minutes. He is not just standing there chanting boring incantations, or anything. Super-large-scale magic is not like playing chess, where you move one step at a time and I stand in a stalemate with the opponent.

He seems to have transformed into the concept of 'wind' itself. Every movement is smooth and light, and every spell is varied and complex. Garros does not often use large-scale magic that has immediate effects, but instead constantly performs his mastery of mid-level and low-level magic. Various uses, such as using the Gust Technique to speed up the swing of the staff, blasting out a cloud of cold wind at the moment the opponent opens his mouth to chant to interrupt or delay his spellcasting, and casting a wind shock at a unique angle on his side to use his body to dodge attacks. , using overlapping low-level magic tornadoes to deflect the opponent's high-level attack magic, etc...

But this does not mean that Garros cannot or is unwilling to use high-level magic, but it is difficult for you to guess when and in what form he will use them.

For example, after chanting a "Hurricane Technique" loudly, he raised his hand and released a "Distorted Vacuum"...

【This is art...】

Although Gawen, who had been observing secretly, could not quite understand it, he still sighed sincerely in his heart. For people with sufficient appreciation ability, as long as it is something of real value, even if it is just a strange thing, they will instinctively understand it. To create appreciation.

The characteristics of the wind element were brought into full play by Garros, and the rays of magical brilliance that were constantly flickering were sharp, wild, endless, and unpredictable.

However, another spectator did not pay too much attention to Garros...

Sitting in the wheelchair, Mo Zheng stared with interest at the high-level arcanist Luther King, who was completely at a disadvantage at this time. The eyes under the mask shone with approval.

If Bart Garros's spell offensive can be called 'art', then Luther King's ability to resist until now can be called a moderate 'miracle'.

Luther, who was far from the Grand Duke in terms of talent, background, and level, was now covered in bruises, but he still had not lost his fighting ability.

Unlike the former's unrestrained and talented fighting mode, Luther only feels monotonous and boring in these few minutes.

Even people who have not tried any magic can, after observing him for a while, come to the conclusion that dogma, rigidity, etc. are far from being considered as compliments.

This high-level mage who has been an apprentice for decades seems not to be fighting, but to solve problems...

That’s right, it’s just a question!

There were three overlapping four-color magic circles flashing under Luther's feet. They were the mid-level arcane magic circles he had acquired at the beginning of the battle at the cost of three bloody wounds under his ribs - [Elemental Perception]. This Magic can neither be used for attack nor defense. It is just an auxiliary spell with a single purpose. Its effect is the same as its literal meaning, which is to strengthen the caster's perception of elements and magic within a certain range in a short period of time.

Then he waved his staff and started to 'do the questions'.

[The strength of the three spiral arrows is below average, but the speed is about twice as fast as before. There is not enough time to cast the crystal curtain barrier, but you can barely cope with it with the prism shield. Of course, because of the lack of time, you cannot perform refraction and deflection. 】

The gale, which was spinning as fast as a drill, suddenly appeared not far away. The next second, it appeared behind Luther. However, the latter had already waved his staff lightly and barely blocked the three with a prismatic light shield. Intermediate magic followed one after another.

Blood spattered, and another wound was added to Luther's already injured side. Garros relied on his miraculous magic control skills to make one of the spiral arrows turn around at the last moment.

[It’s too strong. In that case, there is still room to change the angle through magic resonance. Although the magic of the spiral arrow is not difficult to control, but if you consider that he is still in the process of chanting the flash wing rotation at this time... sigh , The teacher is right, Duke Garros is indeed a true genius, I am so envious. 】

Luther sighed silently, and in a short interval, he constructed a layer of arcane shields on both sides of his body that were as smooth and shining as glass. The three magic nodes on it were composed of earth, wind, and water elements. It has the functions of defense, neutralization, and recoil. From every angle, it is the best choice to deal with Garros' subsequent offensive.

Two pieces of blue light as thin as cicada wings flashed away, and the crystal screen barrier beside Luther shattered. Garros adjusted the angle several times at the last moment of the spell. Luther, who could not keep up with his reaction speed, had to He watched helplessly as a total of six magic nodes on his pair of crystal barriers were shattered simultaneously.

[My powers of observation and perception are also very powerful, and they are much sharper than mine without the use of perceptual magic. So, at this time, I can only use arcane barrage...]

A swarm of colorful low-level arcane missiles shot out from in front of Luther, just enough to offset the two remaining powerful wind wings.

Analyze as much as possible, resist as much as possible, struggle as much as possible, respond as much as possible, and fight back as much as possible.

Luther's spellcasting seemed rigorous, rigid, stiff, and a little forced.

But he persisted until now in front of Garros, who was much better than him in every aspect. Not only that, Luther even had to protect Kangda, who was being continuously attacked by Ji Xiaodao!

The two twin stars used to protect His Royal Highness had long been chopped into pieces by the frost-faced dark elf. Although the latter's strength was not very strong in Luther's eyes, he could see that The girl's combat IQ, reaction speed and adaptability are all astonishingly high. The two long swords as black as ink are closely following Kunda Bohe like a shadow, and the various negative elements lingering on them are intertwined. The cold sword curtain...

If Luther hadn't tried his best to help every time, His Highness, who was only a trainee warrior, would have died countless times.

If Luther were replaced by a high-level mage of the same level, the latter probably wouldn't be able to last even one minute in this situation!

Are the arcane spells particularly powerful?

Not so. Although this school of thought does not have any obvious weaknesses, its advantage is only that its functions are relatively comprehensive. There are no dead ends and no advantages.

Is it due to Luther's own strength? Is he also a genius on some level?

The same is not true. There is nothing outstanding about this young high-level arcanist. There is nothing extraordinary in talent, understanding or thinking mode.

So why is he able to do so?

It's very simple, just because Luther King has not made a single mistake from the beginning of the battle until now. All his responses, all choices, and all actions are as precise as a rigorous textbook.

This standard academic mage doesn't have much combat experience. His spellcasting is neither elegant nor gorgeous. There are no ingenious arrangements, no sudden bursts of inspiration, no magical surprises, only rigor and accuracy.

How many ways can we deal with the spiral arrow that trades strength for speed? How much magic power output and consumption is required? How to minimize damage if you can't fully defend?

What spell is the other party chanting? how much time is required? What can you do during this time? Should we attack or defend in advance? How many options are there? Is there a most efficient answer? How to do it specifically?

For the same defensive magic, how to choose between three sets of elements among the six magic nodes? How can we maximize efficiency? Which ones need to be eliminated first? What are the most effective ones? Which of these elements combine to create additional effects?

How long can the defensive magic on His Royal Highness last? What method can be used to prevent Duke Garros from interfering with his blessing for Kunda in the next period of time? How to avoid risks to the greatest extent when this condition does not hold?

When forced to fight with an opponent, what kind of spell should be used to make up for the lack of control and magic power? Can you barely make the same level of detail adjustments as your opponent under the same circumstances? If you can't do it, what aspects should you give up?

If this battle were turned into a test paper, then the above contents would be the questions, and the reason why Luther could persist until now is that he did nothing wrong in any of them!

Unfortunately, being right does not mean winning.

Under Garros's uninterrupted offensive, Luther was finally forced into a desperate situation. Although he still did not make even a wrong choice, he was still unable to create a miracle and reverse the situation.

Textbook offensive, textbook defense, textbook choices, textbook responses, even Farah couldn't find any fault with Luther here.

But, that’s all…

Two unpredictable wind pressures broke through the defense and knocked Luther's body out of the elemental perception circle.

"You are outstanding." Garros waved his hand, and several green chains suddenly appeared in mid-air, lifting Luther's riddled body into the air.

"Thank you." Luther, whose magic power had been completely exhausted, was unable to resist. He sighed with a wry smile and poured the remaining magic power into the shields around Kunda.

"It's a pity that you have no talent."

Garros raised his staff in front of him and made a mage salute to Luther: "It's an honor to fight with you. I am Bart Garros, the Grand Mage."

"You are very good, child, but unfortunately not gifted, like me."

Luther's eyes were a little distracted, and he recalled the brief comment that he made with his mentor when he first met.

"It's okay, Mr. Ossis, I just like to study magic. There are many geniuses, including me."

This was the answer he said to Farah with a silly smile.

Then he became Farah's apprentice a year later, and was the latter's first and last apprentice after he became the God of Law.

"Actually, I still envy those geniuses. My answer at that time was probably just because it was 'right'..."

Luther murmured in a low voice, then reluctantly opened his eyes and nodded to Garros, saying solemnly: "It's an honor to fight with you. I am Luther King, a high-level mage, and a disciple of Farah Ossis."

"May the light of magic be with you and me."

"May the light of magic be with you and me."

The chains fell away.

Several invisible winds have shattered Luther's heart.

His body fell to the ground, his head raised as if he was looking at Garros in front of him...

Those eyes that had lost focus were full of longing and envy.

Chapter 160: End

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