Quadruple split

Chapter 1625 Dare to ask where the way is

As the saying goes, "Raise the flames and shine the light, let down the fierce wind and the auspicious snow." All the gods and generals in heaven are frightened, and Yama in the underworld is timid. This nine-tooth rake and its owner who is proficient in thirty-six transformations, has an excellent appetite, and has a pig face are well-known in China, and the majestic song The exclusive BGM "Pig eight quit carry daughter-in-law" is extremely popular and unique.

And Motan is the impurity that was differentiated by Marshal Tianpeng and Envoy Jingtan after their ideological consciousness reached a certain level. The four personalities respectively correspond to greed, anger, ignorance and I really can’t make it up anymore. Anyway, this possibility is not existing.

The reason why Mo Tan produced a [Nine-Tooth Nail Rake] was not that he had any kind of relationship with the second senior brother who was very famous around the world. He simply wanted to verify his conjecture.

The results of this round of verification are not bad, at least generally very good.

After all, Mo Tan did get his wish and got a "nine-tooth nail rake" in the literal sense, although it is not as "big teeth made like dragon claws, fine gold makeup like python shape" as Teacher Wu wrote, and it weighs the most It weighs no more than thirty kilograms, far less exaggerated than five thousand and forty-eight kilograms. It looks like a rather ordinary metal rake, but if it is paired with the BGM just now, it can still prove something.

For example...the leader of this space does not seem to be any known or unknown 'po', but Mo Tan himself.

This is not without trace. You must know that in the words of Shan Po and others, everyone's field is basically the place where they feel most 'comfortable', and the scene Mo Tan is in now, whether it is the environment or atmosphere, or even Even the quietly playing BGM made him feel very close to his heart.

Although the meaning of the martial arts arena at your feet is a little unclear, if you think of it as a 'training ground' or something that matches the mysterious material, it can make sense.

"This is really a bit of a surprise."

Mo Tan weighed the [Nine-Tooth Nail Rake] in his hand, and then with a thought, his arm vibrated slightly and he actually grasped a two-handed giant sword. He smiled and said: "It is indeed like this."

At this point, Mo Tan has completely confirmed his previous conjecture, and is sure that this is specifically for him...or in other words, it is a place used by people who have completed soul binding with [Xiao]. It is extremely compatible with him, and its properties are approximately equal to those of the other eight. The realm of soul.

As for the ninth trait of [Dawn], Mo Tan already knew it in his mind. Simply put, it was that he could transform it into a cold weapon that he could clearly outline the specific structure in his mind.

Yes, it's a cold weapon. Mo Tan, who has also done some research on hot weapons, has just thought about some things that are theoretically feasible, but are "supernormal" for the current world view. For example, even Mo Tan can dismantle them. The [ultra-lightweight portable electromagnetic hand gun] that has a thorough understanding of the basic principles cannot be realized.

In addition, the [Ninth Form] in Mo Tan's hand also does not support transformations that are too similar to the other eight forms. For example, Mo Tan cannot transform it into most of the one-handed swords and combat weapons he can think of. The reason for the ax should be that it is highly similar to the [Ruthless Sword] and [Unparalleled Ax], but if it is similar in type but not very similar, there will be no problem, such as the simple two-handed giant sword in Mo Tan's hand.

It is worth mentioning that neither the "simplicity" in this hand nor the "simpleness" in the nine-tooth nail rake just now was done by Mo Tan deliberately. In fact, when he was thinking about the nail rake, he even followed the rules The specifications described by Teacher Wu make it look gorgeous, but the final product is a bit unflattering in terms of visuals and feel.

To put it nicely, it's 'simple', but to put it more bluntly, it's simply - [rundown].

The dilapidated nine-tooth rake and the dilapidated two-handed giant sword are the concrete results of Mo Tan's efforts just now. Of course, he can now also use his imagination to decorate the dilapidated Emei thorn, the dilapidated whip, the dilapidated boxing gloves, A broken sledgehammer or something.

But this is meaningless, because Mo Tan has vaguely guessed the truth of the last form, and the reason why he does not intend to think about it in detail now is because he is a little curious whether he can get more specific information after leaving here and returning to 'reality'.

Just do it.

Mo Tan, who had already achieved enough results, did not continue to explore, but left the space directly and returned to the platform outside where the Jiuding Small Forging Furnace was placed and connected by the last chain.

Yes, although in theory he didn't know how to leave the space that was suspected of being his own territory, in fact, Mo Tan just had a slight thought and went out directly, which was very different from what he had experienced when he experienced the two previous murders. The feeling of escaping from the body is completely heaven and earth, extremely relaxing.

Without any hesitation, Mo Tan turned back along the original path of the chain, and soon entered the empty void. After a few minutes, he successfully returned to the central area, and unexpectedly saw many things that were not familiar to him. , but no longer a strange figure.

"Brother Mo!"

The obedient and docile Sha Po let out a cheer, trotted up to Mo Tan and hugged him hard. He raised his little face and said happily with a smile: "Welcome back!"

Mo Tan nodded slightly and rubbed the girl's smooth hair: "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Sha Po immediately shook his little head like a rattle: "No!"

"It can't be said that there is none at all."

The man in the priest's robe took a puff of cigarette and said lazily: "It seems that we have been waiting for as long as you have been in. Although it is not really long, it is very boring."

The gun soul next to him rolled his eyes at him angrily: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute."

"No matter what, it's good to have something to gain."

Dao Po, who was wearing a red cloak, smiled and said lightly.

Ax Soul, who was squatting next to the forge, rubbed his nose and grinned: "It's a big gain for him to get into that place. After all, we can't get in."

Shan Po nodded slightly: "Indeed."

The reason why he is a little sparing with words is probably because he took over the science popularization and explanation work from Ax Soul before, so now he no longer takes up too much time.


Ji Po, who was standing far away, snorted, then turned around and walked towards his own domain, and soon disappeared.

Qian Po sighed helplessly, shrugged and said: "This guy is still so unsociable, just now. He doesn't pay much attention to us when we talk to him. Is he just annoying us that much? He doesn't even want to stand close."

"It just depends on your personality."

Dao Po shook his head, stroked his beard and chuckled: "It's normal for people like Ji Po to be independent and independent. I can feel the so-called 'Shura' aura in him. With such a destiny, It’s inevitable that he will have a more fierce personality.”

Qian Po suddenly realized: "That's it!"

"Huh? Is it true?"

Zang Po glanced at the direction where Ji Po disappeared, raised his eyebrows and said, "I can't feel any of the Shura aura, fierce personality, etc."

Gun Po, who didn't seem to have a good deal with Zang Po, immediately said: "You are so naive."

"Let's not go into the digression."

Shan Po, who originally didn't plan to say too much, saw that the situation was getting out of control, so he coughed slightly, turned to Mo Tan and asked on behalf of everyone: "Will it be helpful to you?"

There is absolutely no exploration into where the ninth chain leads. The question raised by Shan Po on behalf of everyone is very pragmatic.

And Mo Tan didn't hide it, and said directly: "If I guessed correctly, it should be a place similar to everyone's field, but dominated by me."


The next second, Jian Po, who had been silent all this time, shook his head vigorously.

Mo Tan:?

Shan Po:?


"It's not that he's unsociable, nor that he's bothering us."

Jian Po turned to look at Xian Qian Po, and explained in a calm tone: "He is far away, mainly because we are taller."

Gun Po: "Ah? What are you talking about?"

"If I'm not wrong."

Shan Po twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly: "Jian Po should be answering what you said about Ji Po."

Qiang Po was stunned for a moment, then covered his face with force: "Oh, can she be any more dull!"

"Ji Po, it's easy to get stressed, I can feel it."

Jian Po didn't pay attention to Qian Po (or maybe he didn't have time to pay attention to Qian Po). He just looked around at everyone present and said calmly: "Except for killing and axe, they are all taller than him."

Sha Po tilted his head: "Eh?"

Ax Soul also looked a little confused: "What do you mean?"

As a result, before Jian Po could answer (or before he had time to answer), Zang Po, who had already reacted, choked on a puff of cigarette smoke. He held his neck and coughed for a long time before sniffing and laughing: "Is it because of your size that you dare to be affectionate?"

"So, Ji Po seems to be indeed..."

Dao Po gestured with a subtle expression at a position about 160 centimeters above the ground, and closed his eyes tiredly: "It turns out I've been overthinking this whole time."

And Mo Tan also realized it at this time. To put it simply, from Jian Po's point of view, the reason why Ji Po is not gregarious is not because he hates anyone, but because besides being a 'child', he is a murderer and is restricted by race. Except for the Ax Soul, everyone present is relatively tall. Even the Jian Soul himself, who is a bit shorter than the Shan Soul, is nearly 180 centimeters tall, so if everyone is as tall as the more arrogant Ji Soul stand together……

Obviously, no matter what the picture looks like, it is probably not what Ji Po himself wants to see, so he stands alone and far away, which has nothing to do with Dao Po's previous serious analysis.


"Even if what you said, Jian Po, is right, I don't think that person would be happy with you telling everyone the truth."

Shan Po concluded this sentence very pertinently, and then forcibly brought the topic back: "Okay, let's not go off topic, so Brother Mo, what do you mean, that place has now become your domain?"

"Actually, I'm not sure."

Mo Tan shrugged, spread his hands and said, "But I think there may not be much help for me now. I think everyone can guess that it is an accident that I can come here to communicate with you. "

Then he told everyone his conjecture in a concise and concise manner, and by the way, he talked about the experience he had just had in a relatively specific manner, and in the process, he blurred the suspected memories of the [Ruthless Sword] and [Snow Spear]. It's not that Mo Tan wanted to hold back the scene, but he instinctively felt that this topic was a bit out of line at this moment, especially since he was about to leave Tianzhu Mountain, and no matter how much the person involved cared, he couldn't help it. Continuing to explore will only cause more trouble for everyone.

ten minutes later

"Well, so be it."

After the discussion ended in a pleasant atmosphere, the first person to communicate with Mo Tan coughed slightly, turned to look at the former and began to make a concluding speech: "In any case, there is only one general direction now, that That is, you have to become as strong as possible and make our weapons as strong as possible, and all the other miscellaneous things we are thinking about now are in vain."

"I think so too."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, then took half a step back, and solemnly saluted the eight souls in front of the forging furnace corresponding to various weapon forms (the halberd soul wandered back at some point): "Then, thank you again. advice."

Zhang Po immediately waved his hand calmly, holding his pipe in his mouth and smiled: "It should be done."

"You are very strong. I can't help you much. You don't need to use my sword frequently."

Jian Po's unattractive face remained expressionless, but his gaze towards Mo Tan was quite gentle: "But when it's most dangerous, use the sword."

"We've got the directions on how to play with the gun, you'll be fine, man."

Qian Po grinned at Mo Tan, raised his eyebrows and said, "Remember to practice more frequently."

“Remember, practice makes perfect.”

Ax Soul looked at Mo Tan seriously and said sternly: "But considering that you don't have much chance of blacksmithing, try your best to practice during fights."

"Everyone is right."

Shan Po nodded in agreement, and then said leisurely: "Just use the fan more often. You are already very masculine. If you add some elegance, it will be easy to leave a good impression on others."

"You are an excellent student."

Dao Po smiled and encouraged Mo Tan: "I hope that when we meet again, you will have mastered those three swords."


Ji Po, who was standing at the edge of the crowd, raised his soft-lined face. Under the ghost-faced helmet, a pair of violent red-purple eyes stared fixedly at Mo Tan. He opened his mouth and spoke in a very fashionable electronic music: "Let me look at you." Take it into account."

"Remember to protect yourself, brother Mo."

Sha Po shyly waved to Mo Tan and smiled sweetly: "Don't worry about everyone being lonely. We have already had the same days over and over again for so long, and we won't mind waiting a little longer."

"I see."

Mo Tan nodded vigorously, and finally gave everyone a fist: "Then please wait a little longer to wake up your promise, and I will definitely fulfill it as soon as possible."



"Well, we all know."


"So what do you want to say next?"

"That's not..."


"I just suddenly thought, how should I get out?"

"How should you get out?"

"Well, do you guys know where the way out is?"



Chapter 1616: End

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