Quadruple split

Chapter 1623 Brothel Woman Murder Case

The bad news is that Mo Tan died just like that.

The good news is that Mo Tan's death was incomplete.

All in all, five seconds after he was stabbed across the body with a knife, he regained consciousness on the square stone platform. He was still surrounded by the bright stars. On the small forge in front of him, the [Ruthless Sword] was standing in front of him. It floated there quietly, looking nothing strange.

But this is just a look. Mo Tan can swear that the reason why he just appeared in a strange 'illusion' that probably does not belong to the realm of innocence is 100% because he touched the person in front of him. relationship with the sword.

Although the numb feeling in his scalp when he was penetrated by a long knife did not dissipate, given that Mo Tan's willpower under his current personality was different from ordinary people, he did not immerse himself in the aftertaste of being 'killed', but immediately started Started thinking.

As we all know, in many works, for the needs of the plot, many characters who were originally intelligent will suddenly become stupid, and some people who are obviously not very bright may not act because they have to take on the task of "Spiritual Pass". Direct cheating is not an undisputed drawback, but to some extent it is indeed unreliable, and it feels like treating people like monkeys.

However, monkeys are also divided into three, six, and nine grades. If the creator's imagination is big enough and the writing power is strong enough, then even if the writing is a little nonsensical and some characters are treated like monkeys or some readers/audiences are treated like monkeys, it is still acceptable. Yes, after all, aside from anything else, at least there is high-quality content to enjoy.

But there is another situation, that is, given that the creator's ability is limited, or even far below the level of compulsory education, it is easy for everyone to feel that they have been insulted by their IQ and think that he is the monkey. For example, in movies, TV series or written works, The protagonist creates problems that even a monkey can solve, not to mention the readers and viewers, and makes everyone worry like headless chickens. This is a situation that requires apology.

Sadly, if we look at some "idol" and relatively professional films, such as business war films, we will find that there is not much of this kind of dross.

Of course, the above criticisms are not intended to prove how excellent this book is, but just to let everyone know that if conditions permit, I try not to be a monkey, and I don’t let everyone be a monkey.

To sum up, Mo Tan did not look blank with questions, but after pondering for a moment, he came up with a relatively reliable guess, that is, the illusion he had just experienced was most likely related to the sword. It is related to Jian Po, and it may even be Jian Po's own experience.

The logical relationship here is very clear. [The Ruthless Sword] is related to the sword soul. Mo Tan was able to enter that illusion through the Ruthless Sword on the small forge in front of him, and the role he played in that illusion was a hand. The girl holding a sword inside because someone said that someone wanted to adopt him as an adopted daughter.

Finally... the man who wanted to adopt the girl was named Huangfu.

To be honest, with so many clues in hand, unless Mo Tan's brain suddenly shrank to the size of a walnut due to a serious illness, it would be impossible for him to show a state of "confusion".

"Well, this must be Jian Po's memory in another world view."

Mo Tan murmured like this, and then after a brief pondering, he left the [Ruthless Sword] on the small forging furnace in front of him, walked to the [Snow Gun] next to him, took a deep breath and raised his hand to hold it. Hold the butt of the gun.

Immediately afterwards, what was expected——

Buzz! !

When Mo Tan came back to his senses, he found that he was in a restaurant that looked very much like a restaurant, but not like the one in the Gun Soul Realm. In fact, judging from the surrounding environment, this place seemed more like——

"Uncle, what's wrong with you today? Why are your hands so honest?"

Looking down at the cheerful, good-looking, charming, ragged girl in his arms, Mo Tan sighed helplessly in his heart.

【It is indeed a brothel. 】

He smiled bitterly, not being moved at all by this situation that would make most people think they were making a lot of money. He just sat on the chair with a calm face, without pushing away the person in his arms or giving any response. He just watched the development of the situation with a calm expression.


And he died.

To put it more precisely, I was stabbed by the warm and fragrant nephrite in my arms.

To put it more clearly, the girl put her arms around Mo Tan's neck, exhaled softly and whispered something into his ear, and at the same time used her other hand to take out a hairpin from the skirt of the infinitely springy dress, and gave it directly to him. Mo Tan's heart was pierced.

Moreover, the hairpin was probably smeared with poison, so Mo Tan didn't even have room to struggle after being stabbed, and died in less than three seconds.

Of course, when he died in that illusion...or 'memory', he just left there and returned to the [Snow Gun] on the platform.

"Last time it was an encirclement and suppression, this time it's an assassination..."

Mo Tan pinched the scales between his eyebrows with a bitter smile, and then remained silent for a long time. He did not leave the [Snow Gun], but stretched out his hand to hold it again.

As expected, after a buzzing sound, his consciousness left the platform at his feet again and returned to the brothel.

It must be explained here that Mo Tan did not come back with the mentality of "holding the little girl for a while longer". Although he had to change to "Tan Mo" in the world of innocence, he might have tried to see if he could It felt good before he died, but at least under his current personality, he would not do such a 'boring' thing.

There was only one reason for coming back, and that was that Mo Tan felt that he could still struggle a little longer.

Different from the place he entered through the [Ruthless Sword] before, Mo Tan didn't feel that the girl he was holding in the brothel was very strong. Even if she was also a practitioner, there was absolutely no way she could compete with that girl in the snow. He was comparable to all the swordsmen in the world, so he wanted to try to see how things would develop if he could block the opponent's unexpected hairpin.

So Mo Tan came back here again through the [Plain Snow Gun]. Unlike last time, this time he came back and was always carefully observing and sensing every move of the woman in his arms, and successfully put his hand into the woman's collar and took it out. The poisonous hairpin was gently tugged in an instant, and the young lady was perfectly subdued through a simple joint technique.

At the same time, Mo Tan, who was highly focused and always observing the movements around him, took off the long spear behind his back and swung it directly to the other side. It seemed that he was pouring wine for himself, but in fact, he secretly took out two sharp weapons. The girl who was about to throw a dart at the bluestone that looked like a migratory locust, was trying to 'put' it down to the ground as gently as possible.

Obviously, these two young ladies want to kill themselves. In addition to the poisonous hairpin and locust stone, there may be something wrong with the glass of wine on the table.

After taking precautions, Mo Tan easily subdued the two of them and breathed a sigh of relief. He then maintained the posture of controlling the poisonous hairpin girl with his joint technique with his left hand and suppressing the hidden weapon girl with a spear in his right hand, quietly waiting for the follow-up.

He didn't wait too long. Soon, a slender figure walked slowly from outside. Mo Tan took a closer look and found that although he was a little older, he was still quite handsome, both in terms of temperament. , a middle-aged woman with a good figure. Judging from her dress, Mo Tan felt that this lady was not responsible for entertaining guests, but most likely a 'bustard'.


The middle-aged woman sighed lightly, glanced at the two people who were restrained by Mo Tan, and said softly: "Two frivolous dead girls, how can this young master's business be yours?" What people can do is really... Oh, that's all, sir, let's do it, the girls here are all pitiful people, if you send them two to reincarnate early, it can be regarded as a good deed."


Mo Tan did not answer immediately, but shook his head after a short silence, released his left hand, raised his spear, and actually let go of the two girls who had closed their eyes and were preparing to die.

That's how he is, even if he knows very well that this is not reality, he is not willing to take other people's lives easily if he can. What's more, didn't the eldest sister who is probably a bustard also said that the girls here are all pitiful people, and for Poor guy, Mo Tan will naturally do whatever he can when conditions permit.

Of course, this does not mean that he is a pedantic, stupid and good person. After all, this is the [Innocent Realm], and it is also a [certain memory] in [Akatsuki]’s [Consciousness Space] in the [Innocent Realm]. This Te Meow's BUFF stack is almost full, so it doesn't really matter if you take a little risk to do something good.

If we were in the [Innocent Realm] where we had to start over again if we died, or in [Real Time] where everything would stop immediately after we died, Mo Tan would naturally not let him go as easily as he does now, even if he didn't directly hurt him The killer should take some extra precautions anyway. After all, although he is very tolerant to others, he is not the kind of person who is cruel to himself.

But in this environment where there are no side effects other than pain and having to do it all over again, it doesn’t really matter. The worst is, you have to start all over again.

Apart from that, there is something else he cares about...

"What are you doing?"

Sure enough, just as Mo Tan expected, the madam did not turn a blind eye to her act of letting people go, but immediately gave feedback, widened her eyes and whispered: "What to do?"

Not only her, but even the two young ladies who had been let off by Mo Tan were stunned. They stared blankly at the 'uncle' sitting on the chair for a while before standing up and retreating together with complicated expressions. Got off.

So here comes the question, what is the other thing that Mo Tan cares about?

The answer is the reaction of these three people.

He still remembered the memory after holding the [Ruthless Sword]. After his arm was numbed by a knife, the man who was originally full of expressions and full of emotions immediately turned into a particularly standard poker face, very It was very abnormal, especially in the eyes of Mo Tan, who had been paying close attention to observing the surrounding situation. The sense of violation was serious.

How should I put it? It’s like the first batch of NPCs in the spiritual virtual world more than ten years ago, who just said a line of dialogue with great emotion, such as ‘Warrior! The village in front of me has been invaded by vicious bandits. Please hurry up and rescue me. My beloved Fran~~~Da is still inside! ', and as a result, when you choose to cancel the conversation or start thinking about how to get the best value for money after watching it, it suddenly turns into a 'smile template'. When you talk again, he opens his mouth and says 'Hello, traveler', just like his beloved Fran~~~ It doesn't matter whether she is dead or alive. In short, it feels very inconsistent.

But now, even if we don’t mention [Innocent Bound], which has almost become an industry benchmark as soon as it comes out, it is not so inconsistent even in other relatively high-cost spiritual virtual games.

So the question becomes, since this situation cannot happen in the realm of innocence, what did Mo Tan see just now?

The answer is actually not difficult to guess at all. At least in Mo Tan's view, it was probably a form of 'acting'.

The 'act' here does not refer to the knife-wielding man who suddenly turned into a poker face, but to Mo Tan himself.

Because he knew very well that the person he played on that previous occasion was not 'himself', but someone else in a certain memory.

And that 'other person' is very likely to be the 'Jian Soul', 'Gun Soul' and others from who knows how long ago.

If you think about it from this perspective, the breakthrough starts to become obvious.

First of all, although Mo Tan didn't know what the specific strength of Jian Po was in those memories, he would never be knocked out of position by someone's sword when he started. In other words, in the real memories , that man has never experienced a situation where his opponent is so vulnerable, and the [Ruthless Sword] floating on the forge is not [The Realm of Innocence], so even if he can create a lifelike illusion, there is nothing he can do about it. BUGs such as "emotional incoherence" will appear only due to hard-core problems that arise due to Mo Tan's dissatisfaction on Beautiful Earth.

If you look at it from another angle, it is just an "emotional incoherence" bug without playing according to the script, and it does not delay the NPC from hacking Mo Tan to death. This space is actually very powerful. .

All in all, Mo Tan, who had been somewhat concerned about this aspect before, confirmed it a little bit. The specific manifestation was that after the madam finished speaking, she directly let go of the two young ladies who wanted to murder her life, because in his opinion Come on, if it were the gun soul who had just dealt with him not long ago, he would have made the same choice.

Now it seems that this is indeed the case, because the plot has not gotten out of control, but continues to go down.

"Okay, for the sake of letting those two little girls go, let's take a step back."

Although he did not get an answer from Mo Tan, the old bustard still walked slowly as he spoke, with a tempting curve on his lips: "Fifty moves, if you can survive fifty moves in the hands of the slave family, the slave family will I'll find an excuse to reject that adult's commission and let you go."

Mo Tan nodded and slowly stood up: "What if I can't hold on?"

The other party immediately smiled sweetly: "Then I can only die here."

a moment later

Mo Tan died here.

Chapter 1614: End

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