Quadruple split

Chapter 1612 Advice

Go say hi to everyone in their area?

Mo Tan was stunned at first, and then quickly understood the meaning of Shan Po. As the name suggests, 'everyone' should refer to the people who live in [Xiao], and together with the three in front of him, there are eight people in total.' The soul is gone.

As for the other noun...

"This is not the place where we usually stay. Ax Soul and Sha Soul have just said that the frequency of everyone accidentally meeting here is actually not high."

Shan Po immediately saw the doubts in Mo Tan's heart. After saying this calmly, he turned to the cauldron and raised his chin: "Did you see the nine chains wrapped around it?"

Mo Tan followed the other person's gaze and noticed again the nine chains wrapped around the dark cauldron and extending into the darkness in the distance, and nodded slightly.

"There are eight chains at the end, connecting our respective domains. As for the last one, we can't walk through it, but you can try. I have a hunch that if you have already completed it with [Akatsuki]... the so-called soul binding of you , maybe you can go and find out."

The handsome elf with an extraordinary temperament introduced Mo Tan in a brisk tone, explaining in great detail: "In fact, those places were not the same area at first. Although because the memory is ambiguous, I no longer remember anything there. What will it look like in the beginning? Sha Po may have a better say in this aspect."

"Yeah, I do remember~"

Before Mo Tan could ask, Sha Po took the initiative to explain: "In the beginning, the place where we rested was just a small dark room. Well, it may not be called a dark room. In short, it was a very dark, narrow and very dark room. Everyone doesn’t like to stay in boring places, but after a long time, the place slowly changes. For example, Brother Shanpo, I remember it was a lakeside hut with a beautiful view, right? There are many inside The kind of book.”

Shan Po nodded and chuckled: "That's it. Anyway, I like my current field very much, and everyone must be the same way. It may be for this reason, although everyone seemed to like gathering here at first. We communicate, but gradually they rarely come out, and for some reasons, we rarely go to other people's fields to disturb others."

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Some reasons?"

"Haha, Brother Mo, your intuition is indeed very good."

Shan Po sighed with satisfaction, then his face became solemn and he said seriously: "Do you know why I call that small space that is very compatible with each of us a 'field'?"

Mo Tan did not answer immediately, but after thinking for a few minutes, he asked: "It is the kind of [field] that only those who have reached a certain level and have unique talents have the opportunity to understand it. What?"

"It's generally fine."

Shan Po shrugged, spread his hands and said: "You have no problem with your understanding of the field itself, but the fields in [Xiao] are somewhat different from those in mainstream cognition. First of all, the fields here are not familiar to people like me. Talented people can also have it. In other words, at least in this place, the threshold for obtaining a field is probably to have a space of their own here. Under this premise, no matter how mediocre people are, they can use it. Build your own territory for the foundation.”

Mo Tan took a deep look at Shan Po and said sincerely, "I think you are still being humble."

"Maybe, I think this should be a character flaw."

In the end, Shan Po actually accepted Mo Tan's words calmly, and even laughed at himself, then he smiled and continued to explain: "Secondly, each of our fields seems to be in line with our own preferences, and can bring us quite strong emotions. Comfort and a sense of home, as Shapo has just said, my field is a lakeside cabin that is different from here, with a pretty good scenery, and there are many miscellaneous books in it. For me personally, that is indeed the best place. It's a relaxing place, in fact, I wouldn't mind staying in it at all if I could stay awake and read all those books."

Mo Tan nodded and agreed: "It's understandable. I think every unfamiliar reading is a huge temptation."

"I think you must have a lot of good friends."

Shan Po praised Mo Tan very cleverly and looked at him with admiration: "As for the last difference, the field here is different from the normal field. Although we have a certain degree of dominance, we cannot They can be expanded or lifted freely, and their position cannot be moved, and of course, there is no consumption.”

Mo Tan nodded silently, and his thoughts began to spin at high speed.


Having said this, Shan Po deliberately paused for a while to give Mo Tan a few seconds to think, and then asked with a smile: "Do you know what I want to express and what I am about to face? "

"If you want [Akatsuki] to grow, you must improve all aspects of its forms. Strictly speaking, I can only exert more than 90% of my strength when using [Ruthless Sword]. Under the premise that the normal growth of this form must be [death fighting], if the combat skills cannot keep up, it is easy to put yourself in danger or even die."

Mo Tan looked up at Shan Po's eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts, and said softly: "So I must enrich my fighting skills, just like what Ax Po taught me when I used the Wushuang Axe. It is best to have each form. There is a fighting method with a relatively high degree of compatibility, otherwise even if my strength gradually becomes stronger, [Akatsuki]’s growth rate will never be able to make a breakthrough.”

Shan Po nodded with satisfaction and chuckled, "So?"

"So you think I should receive some guidance before leaving Tianzhu Mountain, enough to give me a variety of options even in a life-and-death battle, instead of just relying on sword form or other things that may be able to save lives, but enough to directly restart Weapons subject to the so-called 'forging' process."

Mo Tan stated his speculation in an orderly manner, and after Shan Po's eyes gradually changed from 'satisfaction' to 'appreciation', he said softly: "And if nothing else, this process shouldn't be safe, right?"

"The eight of us can only exert our strength to a certain extent within our respective 'fields'."

Shan Po did not answer Mo Tan's question immediately, but said this first, and then nodded without pretense: "You are right, in my judgment, although most people will not mind I’ll give you some ‘guidance’, but this process is indeed not safe. After all, even if we can only exert a small part of our strength, it’s still... a bit too strong for you now.”

Mo Tan rubbed his forehead helplessly, frowned slightly and said, "Can't you control your own power?"

"You must understand that I and we are two different concepts."

Shan Po showed a helpless smile and shrugged: "Everyone has a different personality and temperament, and I, Ax Po and Sha Po should be relatively easy to get in touch with. As for the others, I can't guarantee it. .”

Mo Tan, who had vaguely guessed the answer just now, sighed and nodded: "I can understand...so is it possible for them to kill me?"

"Theoretically impossible."

Shan Po, who had anticipated this question, immediately answered without thinking, and said seriously: "You can now be said to be the master of [Xiao], and we are the vassals of [Xiao]. From a mystical perspective, Understand, when your consciousness is fatally threatened here, it will most likely be immediately 'rejected' to reality by some kind of protection mechanism, so optimistically estimate that your life is unlikely to be in danger if you only enter here with your consciousness."

Mo Tanqian laughed twice and stood up slowly: "If you didn't say 'theoretically' and 'optimistic estimate' in what you just said, I would definitely be able to relax much more."

"But that would be too irresponsible. After all, everything is possible. A theory is just a theory after all. Although there is only one word difference from a conclusion, they are two completely different concepts."

Shan Po also stood up, walked up to Mo Tan and patted his shoulder gently: "Have you decided on the first person you want to find?"

"Where is the realm of Jian Po?"

"The chain on your left hand side."

"Thank you for not telling me in a southeast-north-west way."

"Even if I wanted to, there is no reference here that can tell the direction."

"What about the others?"

"Based on the sword spirit, the first chain clockwise connects the realm of the spear spirit, followed by the sword spirit, killing spirit, halberd spirit, ax spirit, staff spirit and my realm, and in the realm of me and the sword spirit In the middle, there is a place that no one can set foot in. I suggest you go there last and take a look."

Shan Po smiled at Mo Tan, then turned and left. Just like when he came, he was just walking like a leisurely stroll, but in the blink of an eye he disappeared into the darkness like a background board around him.

Ax Soul, who was the first to come into contact with Mo Tan, and who had been squatting beside the cauldron and overlooking the fuel until just now, turned his head and smiled at Mo Tan: "Sha Soul has gone back, saying that he wanted to wait for you when you go. Make preparations before meeting her."

"I'm not sure I should be looking forward to it."

Mo Tan also laughed and asked, "What about you?"

"I have nothing to prepare."

Ax Soul touched his beard and looked again at the liquid under the forge that was emitting astonishing heat: "I'll study this thing for a while. It won't take long. Aren't you going to find Jian Soul first? Wait until you come back. I’ll probably go back when the time comes.”

"See you later then?"

"Go ahead and see you later."


After briefly saying goodbye to Shan Po, Mo Tan did not hesitate any longer and immediately walked out quickly along the chain that Shan Po had just pointed to. Soon, he stepped into the area that looked particularly special from the outside. I was feeling groggy, but after I walked in, I realized... It was indeed quite groggy in the darkness, as if there was only nothingness left between heaven and earth, and only the chain above was the only reality.

However, this strange feeling of emptiness soon disappeared. Within a moment, Mo Tan felt his eyes blurred. When he came to his senses again, he found that he was already under a field of clear stars that had almost disappeared in modern society. In the center of the night, there was a bright and cold full moon.

And it wasn't just the full moon above his head that was cold. Mo Tan also found that the surrounding temperature had also dropped to nearly minus forty degrees Celsius in an instant, although it was still unable to harm his current conceptual body, which seemed to be on the same level as the original body. , but it still doesn't feel good. A rough estimate is that if he stays in this environment for another hour at most, he will develop debuffs such as [Frostbite].

Under the frosty sky, there is an extremely barren and barren land with no grass growing on it. A tall figure is standing in the center with a dull expression, looking at the bright moon in the sky dreamily.

And around that figure, there were countless broken swords of different shapes inserted upside down...

[This is a sword tomb. 】

This was Mo Tan's first reaction after seeing this scene.

The next moment, a sword energy that was neither sharp nor dazzling passed through the air and gently brushed Mo Tan's cheek.

For some reason, he seemed to be able to feel the emotion contained in that sword energy. It seemed to be a... call.

So, Mo Tan walked forward slowly, stepping past the broken swords that he could hardly find a place to rest on. While trying to keep the 'sword tomb' intact, he walked towards the path that was not too far away from him. figure.

As expected, the figure soon became clear.

Not surprisingly, it was a woman.

But she is not a beautiful woman.

It is true that in most literary works, including this book (if "Quadruple Split" can be considered a literary work), the vast majority of women with names, surnames, and roles are far above average in terms of appearance. , such as Futaba, Yuchen, Yaya, Evie, Lesa, Scarlett, Diana, Teresa, etc., they are basically all very pleasing to the eye and beautiful girls, and there are also some unreasonable theories like Ji Xiaoge Although she was a foreigner, she had to admit that the 'Jian Po' girl in front of Mo Tan was not a beauty.

Of course, she is not an ugly girl, she is just a very ordinary-looking young woman. But if Mo Tan, who is standing here at this moment, has a chaotic neutral personality, I am afraid she will still complain about her ordinary appearance. B said that he was really sorry for his appearance.

As for Mo Tan, who currently has a 'lawful good' personality, it's a matter of course and he hasn't even thought about it.

All in all, Jian Po is a human woman who looks to be about 27 or 27 years old. Her appearance, figure and temperament are so simple that she completely annihilates everyone. Even the only complete three-foot green sword in her hand within a radius of dozens of miles. , all exuding simplicity.

But she was extremely beautiful, because when she gently raised the long sword in her hand, Mo Tan even subconsciously ignored everything including herself, and only the figure dancing with the sword in the moonlight remained in her eyes.

At this moment, her feeling changed from 'nothing' to 'one'.

The only one.

Chapter 1603: End

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