Quadruple split

Chapter 1606 Shortcut

Giant dragons, no matter which world view they are in, are basically synonymous with power, and the giant dragons in the Innocence Realm are naturally not immune. They are born with powerful strength, unreasonable talents, and long lifespans, which are particularly special. The existences favored by the Creator do not even have weaknesses, blind spots, or natural enemies. In addition to the relatively low fertility rate compared to other races, these existences that are often slaughtered in various bard stories are infinitely close to 'perfect life forms'.

We have also said before that as long as any adult dragon is not too lazy, he can easily advance to the realm of half-step epic. Note that we are talking about realm here. In fact, if you only look at basic operations such as physical strength and dragon breath, If so, the adult dragon would already be at the epic level in the conventional sense.

Not only that, although they are immortal species like elves, their growth rate is much faster than the former. Some dragons with outstanding talents (or particularly good eating) can even grow to adult size at around five years old, benefiting from Since blood inheritance can generally only be applied to pure-blood dragons, their mental growth rate is not unsatisfactory. Think about Wang Badan, that thing is theoretically less than one year old...

It is true that Wang Ba Dan is a special case because he woke up early in the egg shell, but other young dragons are not far behind even if they are not as good as this guy. He can master three or four languages ​​as soon as he breaks out of his shell, and he has it before the full moon. There are many examples of mid-level strength, in short, they are very unnatural.

In addition, in addition to their powerful physical strength, the dragons can also use unreasonable skills such as 'dragon magic'. You must know that for most intelligent creatures, mysticism is only acquired. It is a field that can make achievements only by studying. Otherwise, no matter how good your talent is and how high your elemental affinity is, if you do not take the initiative to contact and study mysticism, you will not be able to automatically advance to become a mage apprentice as you grow older.

But dragons are not included in this list. These existences that are too outrageous from any point of view can still use "Dragon Language Magic" through instinct after they grow to a certain age, even if they do nothing. At best, some people are good at casting spells. Some dragons, such as silver dragons, blue dragons, and rainbow dragons, can be released more quickly, while red dragons, black dragons, etc. with stronger physical abilities can be released less quickly.

And under the tireless research of countless scholars, including the dragon clan themselves, the secret of the powerful and easy learning of dragon language magic was finally discovered around the third thousand years of the Holy Calendar. It has nothing to do with elemental affinities, magic sensitivity and other messy things. Learning The only insurmountable obstacle to dragon language magic is... speaking dragon language.

If you want to go one step further, it's... the dragon speaks dragon language.

This discovery caused almost all the scholars in the world who studied this art to have a brain hemorrhage. After all, the core purpose of why everyone was willing to delve into this thing was to allow people of other races to be qualified to practice dragon language magic. As a result, the threshold It turned out to be a special meow that speaks dragon language, and the entry requirement turned out to be that the dragon speaks dragon language!

You must know that the human body structure of dragons is different from other races. If the difficulty for humans to learn Elvish language (because Common Language is a basic language for elves and does not need to be learned specially) is about the same as for us to memorize words and practice pronunciation, then the difficulty for all races to learn Dragon language The difficulty is like... inserting your head into the water and breathing through gills.

There is a saying, breathing with gills is not actually a problem, the problem is that there are no gills.

As we all know, most people don't have gills.

Of course, this problem is not unsolvable. Although it is a problem that the caster must correctly use dragon language to successfully cast a spell, many accomplished occult practitioners can still achieve this by modifying their voiceprints and other methods after hard work. First, the purpose.

Then comes the second question, you have to be a dragon, at least you have to have some dragon genes.

Then the question arises. Everyone has worked so hard to study dragon language magic, and finally came to the conclusion that the caster must use dragon language, and it is best to be a dragon...

It is no exaggeration to say that in those years, many respected scholars were angered to death by the results of this study, and the majority of them died of cerebral hemorrhage.

Of course, this theory is not completely useless. After all, there are people in the mainstream races who are not dragons but have some dragon genes, that is, half-dragons. Therefore, from three thousand years after the Holy Calendar to the present, they have indeed appeared in the world. There are many half-dragons who can understand dragon language magic, but as a race whose dragon bloodline theoretically does not exceed one-fifth, their dragon language magic is still not comparable to the orthodox dragons.

It is precisely because of the above reasons that the all-round power of the giant dragon is recognized by all intelligent creatures. Perhaps rare species such as the Behemoth also have the same potential in terms of power, but the latter's wisdom is far away. It is far from comparable to dragons and mainstream races, so no matter how powerful it is, it is destined to be labeled as a 'Warcraft'.

So the question is, will the dragon learn the mainstream skills of those mainstream races?

The answer is ambiguous. If we talk about 'music', 'art', 'literature', 'philosophy', etc., then there are indeed many dragons who are immersed in them, and there are not even those who go to the mountains to find dwarves to learn how to carve gold. few.

However, there are very few dragons in history who would learn any...that's right, 'any' combat-related knowledge from other races. In the eyes of the dragons, things like thieves, rangers, berserkers, wizards, warlocks, summoners, etc. There is no such concept.

We often hear about goblin thieves, orc warriors, pandaren monks, ogre magicians, etc., but we have never heard of "dragon sage", "dragon mage", "dragon ranger" This is a vocabulary, because a giant dragon is a giant dragon, and the dragon itself is enough to represent its combat positioning.

This is even reflected in the rankings. Everyone should also remember that Cordoba is the agent, Gu Xiaole is the onmyoji, Futaba is the magic controller, and Mu Xuejian is the sword fanatic. These are all very clear.

But Yuchen’s good sister Nangong Na, also known as Christina Youke in the game, where her occupation should be written is her race - dragon.

It's not that the dragons are so arrogant, it's because they really don't need to practice those regular professions.

To give an inappropriate example, as a person, after getting familiar with ants, would you choose to become a 'soldier ant' or a 'worker ant'? If nothing else, I think you still want to continue being a human being.

Of course, the gap between dragons and mainstream races is not as big as that between humans and ants, especially after the legendary level, the gap in strength between the two sides is basically small, but again, as long as there is no serious illness, Dragons will not learn the skills of other races, because there is really no need.


but! ! !

Wang Ba dared him to do it! Under the noses of Lu Wei and Hao, this guy successfully used the thief professional skill [Disappear], and then... he entered the [Stealth] state smoothly!

To be honest, these two well-informed senior cadres of Tianzhu Mountain were slightly confused for a few seconds after seeing this scene, because they all knew that although Wang Badan looked like a subspecies, he was actually a subspecies. But he is a golden dragonborn with strong roots. Compared with his mother, the powerful genes of the last dragon king are fully displayed in him, accounting for even as high as 99%.

The remaining one percent is the appearance of its reptiles, the order Turtles.

In other words, regardless of the image aspect, Wang Badan's potential is no different from that of the normal dragon clan, and this is also true. He is less than one year old and has already reached the high-level peak level, even if he is at the same level as his own clan. It is also the best in comparison.

Then... this outstanding person sneaked away without any reserve at all!

"Wang Ba Dan is a very lazy dragon."

While trying to convince himself that it was a 'dragon' and not something else, Fimiguer explained with a stiff expression: "I originally thought what he needed was guidance, but later I discovered that His Majesty the Dragon King had already sent countless useful... ...and useless knowledge was imparted to him through 'bloodline inheritance'. In other words, it's not that he doesn't know how to become stronger, he's just simply lazy and only willing to be pushed up by silent means through the least efficient way. Realm, always enjoy the sun-bathing practice method of getting twice the result with half the effort.”

Lu Wei smacked his lips and couldn't hold back a word for a long time. Finally, he muttered and repeated in a low voice: "Sure enough, the son of a mouse can dig holes..."

"So, how did you do it?"

After digesting this sentence, Hao smiled and asked with interest: "I'm really curious about the circumstances under which such a talented golden dragon can learn to sneak."

Fimiguer coughed slightly and said concisely: "Basically...throw it to some inaccessible place where there are many monsters."

"Then what?"

"No more."

"...To be honest, Femi, is your training method mixed with some personal grudges?"

"...I am too immature."


At the same time, just when Lu Wei and Long Cao were speechless, and Jadeka and others were confused, Ji Xiaoge had already fluttered up with her handful of Catlin and two pounds of kelp silk, relying on her race The powerful vision brought by the characteristics circled and searched.

Just now, Mo Tan told her through a friend's message that Wang Ba Dan did not escape through space transfer or other methods. He was probably still staying in this area at the moment, but his aura masking effect was a bit too good. Even the blood contract connection cannot lock its specific location.

So the latter decided to fly into the sky and use kelp silk to carry out indiscriminate range attacks, coupled with Catlin's indiscriminate strafing, trying to force out the king's bold figure.

However, Wang Badan had disappeared for more than a minute by the time Ji Xiaoge went to heaven. Now he has found a suitable angle to hide with high probability. According to the analysis of his extremely wretched nature, the probability of being swept out by Ji Xiaoge is actually not high. High, after all, one of the most important qualities of the thief profession is obscenity. Although Wang Badan is not a thief in the traditional sense, he has a legendary level in terms of obscenity...

Sure enough, although Ji Xiaoge launched an irregular air-to-ground offensive, nothing unusual was found. When she changed her goggles and tried to lock the opponent's position through the heat source, she discovered that Mo Tan was the target. A large area in the center turned red very evenly. Its main components were energy similar to the shield just now and a small amount of ammonia-smelling liquid residue. If nothing else, it should be turtle urine.

"This damn thing!"

After learning from Mo Tan's news that those non-energy warm residues should be Wang Badan's masterpiece of urinating everywhere, Ji Xiaoge immediately angrily switched Caterin into the egg-emitting mode, and began to use some sound and light effects greater than The eggs with substantial lethality carried out a large-scale bombardment, trying to find Wang Badan through the direction of smoke and dust, as in many stories.

It's a pity that the [Stealth] of the Thief profession is not just about hiding one's body, so the effect of this method is actually not very good, and it can even serve as a cover for Wang Badan who doesn't know where he is hiding.

But Mo Tan did not point out Ji Xiaoge's operational error at this moment, not because he was not anxious to find out the bastard and bring him to justice, but because he was using his consciousness to communicate with the voice in his mind. The author seemed to want him to take a shortcut...

'Can you find him? ’

[Don’t use honorifics, it sounds awkward! 】

‘Okay, okay, please give me some advice. ’

[If it were me back then, I would naturally be able to find that little turtle, but now I am just a lonely ghost. Although I can sense the outside world through the connection between you and me, given that you are too weak, it is definitely not possible. . 】

'So, you are indeed the one in Akatsuki...'

[I'm just staying in my own axe. It would be too long to explain this in detail. Do you still want to find that little turtle? 】

'think! ’

[Okay, then stop using my ax and take out that broken dagger. 】

'dagger? You mean, Everlasting Hate Thorn? ’

[It seems to be called this, yes, just use that thing. 】

'That is to say, if I transform [Xiao] into the form of the Growing Hate Dagger, you can...'

[No, no, no, I said I can’t do it, but just because I can’t do it doesn’t mean others can’t do it, do you understand? 】

‘Sure enough, you are not the only one with consciousness in this [Akatsuki]. ’

[That's probably what happened. In short, if you want to catch that bastard, don't wait and use that broken dagger. 】


[Do as I say first. If you want to ask any more questions, don’t go down the mountain after teaching your son a lesson. 】

‘Okay, although that bastard is not my son. ’

Mo Tan chuckled excitedly, and then his eyes narrowed. The left-hand ax among the two battle axes disappeared instantly, while the right-hand ax quickly turned into an ordinary one in a burst of distortion, looking gray. The fluttering dagger.

Then, a timid childish voice replaced the broken gong voice that had just been disconnected——


Chapter 1597: End

【Don’t know the radio station ①】

Big Flower and Morning Glory: Welcome to the first episode of the unknown TV station. I am the host of the show. Big Flower and Morning Glory, who knows nothing about anything. Don’t ask me why such a program suddenly appears, because I don’t know either.

(enthusiastic applause)

Morning Glory: So, let’s invite our special guest for this episode, the lone wolf professional player Mr. Can Deng from the Wanderer Hostel. Hello, Mr. Can Deng.

Can Deng: Hello, host.

Morning Glory: Welcome to the show despite your busy schedule. Are you really busy? If I remember correctly, your role in the main text is extremely small.

Can Deng: Are you mocking yourself?

Morning Glory: Be consistent and don’t talk about the jokes in the book club here.

Can Deng: Oh, actually I’m not very busy.

Morning Glory: Let’s have a casual chat today. Can I ask Teacher Can Deng, as a lone wolf professional player, your income...

Can Deng: No comment.

Morning Glory:...

Can Deng: What’s wrong?

Morning Glory: It’s boring for you to chat like this.

Can Deng: How can it be considered interesting?

Morning Glory: Just ask me a question, and I'll show you what business literacy is.

Can Deng: Why did "Innocence Academy" stop updating?

Morning Glory: I don’t know.

Can Deng:......

Morning Glory: Do you have any more questions?

Can Deng: When can the [Inquisition and Debate] start?

Morning Glory: I don’t know.

Can Deng:......

Morning Glory: If you ask again, I promise to tell you everything.

Can Deng: Are you sick?

Morning Glory: I don’t know, so the word count has reached the upper limit, so this episode’s program ends here.

Can Deng: It doesn’t cost any money. See you next time.

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