Quadruple split

Chapter 1604 Voice inside the skull

[Valkyrie Catlin] is one of the weapons developed by Ji Xiaoge after she officially studied engineering under Lu Wei. It is also her main weapon in her career as a chef in the game of Innocence. Its version has been updated. Although the speed is slightly slower than that of various eggs, it still keeps pace with the times.

Initially, Caterin only had a GAU high-pressure mode that could fire rice. Although it had a fast rate of fire, low cost, and strong suppression, it also had obvious shortcomings such as the need for frequent cooling and insufficient attack power. As a main weapon, it was actually a little weak. Inferior.

However, after that, Ji Xiaoge quickly added a [quick-frozen taro ball cooling device] to Catlin with the help of Lu Wei, which greatly reduced the cooling time, and even guaranteed it in some situations where the intensity was not too high. The engine does not turn off during the whole process, which greatly improves its battery life, but this transformation is just the beginning——

After another large-scale update, Ji Xiaoge, who has been studying for several months in Tianzhu Mountain, did his best to complete the first expansion-level version improvement for Catlin, directly based on its original version. An additional form variant has been added to the model, that is, the M90 ​​bolt-action sniper mode that is specialized in single-target killing capabilities. Not only can it quickly switch to the high-pressure mode in just a few seconds, but it can also use a variety of different effects. [Sniper Bullet] or [Sniper Egg], although the attack interval is long and the durability consumption is large, its power and accuracy are amazing, and the attack range is more than twice that of ordinary high-level long-range professionals. Even with Rangers The professional department is also far superior.

And its form is systematically named 'Rampage Valkyrie'.

But this is still not the point. Because he had frequent exchanges with the two masters of Craftsman Town during his stay in Academy City, Ji Xiaoge gained a lot of wild inspiration in just a few weeks, so he returned to Tianzhu Mountain this time and decided to participate. After the [Inquisition and Debate], she applied for (or snatched) a large amount of special rune metal from Lu Wei that was unique in the continent in plasticity, and added two new modes to Catlin in one go.

The first one to bear the brunt is the 40mm egg launch mode code-named M321. This mode does not support seamless deformation similar to [High Voltage]/[Rampage], but requires the configuration of a separate peripheral device. Simply put, it is a self-contained The barrel of the Rune Energy Converter and the supporting egg bin, and the egg medicine is naturally a variety of egg products in the literal sense. Everyone knows the ingredients of Ji Xiaoge’s egg products, so I won’t go into details here. In short In the egg launch mode, the attack range and accuracy of those restless eggs have been greatly improved. You can also use the special egg medicine in the current mode. Basically, the effective killing range is larger than that of conventional throws. Radius egg species, and in this mode, the prefix given to Catlin by the system becomes 'Roaring Valkyrie'.

The last one is the [Valkyrie Advent] mode that must be paired with specific large-scale equipment. This mode is inspired by the final special effect of Cordoba's rune body [Unparalleled], which means that it can pass through the outside in a short time. The device is used to fix Caterin in place, turning it into a multi-functional turret that integrates all forms. In this state, all modes of Caterin are activated, and the weapon attributes will also gain 35%. In addition to the independent additional increase, it will also enable a hosting mode that can automatically conduct fully automatic attacks based on battlefield parameters. The strength can be said to be quite adequate, and it can definitely be positioned as the killer weapon at the bottom of the pressure box.

As for the side effect of [The Advent of the Valkyrie], it is a very simple and easy-to-understand 'durability quickly returns to zero'. In other words, it will directly cause the damage to Catherine's body and a large number of auxiliary equipment. Although Ji Xiaoge has enough materials, You can complete the repair work yourself, but the cost is still prohibitively high. After all, things like plastic rune alloys are simply not available outside. Even the Seventh Outer Mountain only has one production line, so in theory this method It is not suitable for frequent activation. Not only that, because the operator and the operator cannot move after activation, and the security is not strong enough. It can be said that it is more in line with the positioning of a 'glass cannon' than the mage profession.

All in all, at this moment, Ji Xiaoge is no longer what she used to be. Although she still cannot enter the personal combat power rankings in terms of combat power alone (she has not fallen out of the overall combat power rankings in the past six months), as long as she gets the right environment, its lethality cannot be underestimated.

Motan's progress has always been astonishingly fast, and Yaya is also steadily consolidating his high-level peak. After obtaining [Spicy Burnt Powder], Jadeka is now even more powerful than any mainstream high-level mage, and is even more powerful in the field of knights. It has reached the epic level. Under this situation, Ji Xiaoge, who is not willing to hold everyone back, is naturally working hard silently. Although he has not yet found the path that suits him best, his combat effectiveness is still steadily improving.

To sum up, when she made up her mind to give the unabashed bastard a good look, it only took less than two seconds to construct a fire belt, using the [Roaring Valkyrie-Cateline] in her hand M321] combined with the [miniature silos] around them to launch tracking strikes on the latter, carrying out bombings written as 'interception' and read as 'ravage' at an average frequency of three fixed-point blasts per second.

"I'll choke—"

Suppressed by the firepower, let alone rushing to find Ji Xiao, the pigeons returned to their nests like swallows. Wang Ba, who had trouble even standing still, cursed vaguely, then turned around and walked towards the courtyard like a stroll. Mo Tan rushed towards Mo Tan. He was now sure that he was going to suffer something serious today, so he no longer tried to get away with it. Instead, he channeled this vitality towards Mo Tan in an extremely unruly manner, trying to Including his eldest brother in this ridiculously accurate fire coverage area.

Wang Ba Dan's mind has always been flexible. Although he has a tortoise face that seems honest and honest, this is actually the best evidence of the nonsense of the statement that "love comes from the heart". He was almost beaten by Ji Xiaoge After being targeted for bombing, he immediately found a way to deal with it, that is, he went back to his eldest brother to post a sticker. In this way, the man and woman who seemed determined to deal with them would at least have a stop. , the probability that you can survive this disaster at a lower cost will be great...

"You speak without restraint."

Mo Tan, who allowed Wang Ba to rush towards him, sneered, and the [Dawn·Wushuang Ax·Splitting Wind] in his left hand roared horizontally towards the opponent's thick-skinned tortoise face: "We will go together with the dog pig."

The bombing zone still followed Wang Ba Dan like a shadow, with no intention of avoiding Mo Tan. Although the battle ax in the latter's hand was avoided by Wang Ba Dan's desperately twisting head, it still hit him hard. A white slash mark was left directly on the shell.

"Brother, please listen to my explanation——"

"Have evil intentions."

"Calm down! Calm down!"

"The crime is obvious."

"No, it really isn't. I really didn't expect that beast Fimiguel to be..."

"Stinginess returns to cuteness."

"Damn it, brother, your ax is so powerful! Whose dilapidated equipment is so powerful!"

"stir up trouble."

"Yes, yes, I know I was wrong, but that's not an angry comment. Brother, you know that the person that my little bastard admires the most is you..."


"Holy crap! What kind of egg is this? Is the eldest sister crazy? What on earth did she do to those poor ingredients!"

"Blue fly pointin."

"Stop! Listen, I can't take it anymore, I really can't take it anymore!"

"Drill to find cracks."

"Why! Why can't these things that eldest sister throws at me explode at all?"

"Unkind and unworthy of virtue."

"No, brother, I don't like hearing what you say anymore. I'm just making a few remarks. As for this..."

"Spouting blood."

"I told you it was just a rant! And if you want to educate me, could you please stop first... No!"

Wang Badan was awkwardly dodging Mo Tan's seemingly simple but in reality violent attacks while dealing with him: "You are using [Justice Interpretation]!"

Mo Tan nodded calmly, and the extremely oppressive offensive climbed to a higher level in an instant. He used two battle axes, which were supposed to be far less maneuverable than swords, to slash across the sky: "Half of a guess was right." , it is true that I am activating [Justice Interpretation], but more importantly, I want to educate you a little bit."

Here is a brief reminder for everyone. [Justice Interpretation] is a skill that Mo Tan learned after obtaining the [Justice Knight] profession. The specific effect is to accuse the target of a 'crime'. As long as it is true, he will gain 3% of the attack speed, which lasts The time is 10 seconds. If the charge is successfully completed again within the duration, the duration will be reset and an additional layer of attack speed will be added. The upper limit is 300 layers. So far, it has only appeared when fighting a group of thieves headed by the player. Once, it is a skill with a high ceiling and relatively demanding requirements.

After all, it is not easy to perform an accurate interpretation at least once every ten seconds on average when there is no substitution, no timeout, no repetition, and in a combat state. Therefore, under normal circumstances, this skill can only be stacked 4 or 5 times at most.

But this is not a normal situation, because Mo Tan knows Wang Ba Dan very well, so he directly stacked eleven layers of effective charges at the beginning, and the attack speed was directly increased by an additional 33%!

This number may not be intuitive and may even lead to a feeling of ‘that’s it? ’ is an illusion, but in fact, the increase in absolute attack speed by nearly one-third is very scary. For example, a person who originally took at least three seconds to kill you now only needs two seconds.

Not only that, Mo Tan's increased attack speed at this moment is not the limit. After all, we all know that there are not too many problems with Wang Ba Dan. Even if the eleven items just now are not a drop in the ocean, they will definitely not be possessed. The total amount is too much. In other words, as long as Mo Tan intends to continue, he can always maintain the state of [Justice Interpretation] against Wang Badan. Even if it is only the lowest level of maintenance, it is 3% every 10 seconds. The attack speed is increased, which is 18% in 1 minute.

In this way, pressure will come to Wang Badan, who is good at protracted battles because of his rough skin and thick flesh!

Either lie flat and get kicked, or get beaten up and then lie flat and get kicked~

If he doesn't want the future to turn into the above development, there is only one path Wang Badan can choose, and that is to fully exert his 'cultivation achievements' during this period!


Wang Badan was once again hit by two high-explosive tea eggs on his back. The whole turtle was almost killed in the shell. Wang Badan let out a howl, and the golden irregular crystals on his back suddenly shone brightly. A barrier formed on his body, isolating subsequent long-range strikes about thirty centimeters outside his body.

It was a semicircular energy shield composed of a large number of fine rhombuses and emitting golden light. It looked like... well, it was still a bastard shell.

However, the defensive power of this thing is indeed worthy of its appearance. After resisting two blasts that were definitely high-level in power, it only flickered twice. It looked abnormal——


Wang Ba boldly grinned and shouted proudly: "Long-lasting!!"

"Filthy words."

Mo Tan expressionlessly increased his attack speed against Wang Ba Dan to 42%, and the two [Unparalleled Axes] in his hands smoothly bombarded the unknown shield in front of him, although he seemed to be possessed by it every time. The strong energy with repulsive force is dissolved, but when it falls, it will definitely become heavier and faster.

"Hey, brother, just give up~"

Wang Badan, who was lying in the middle of the turtle shell-shaped shield, had a very peaceful expression, and said with a happy smile: "I tell you, this thing is a life-preserving magic skill that I only mastered after being humiliated. Even if you If you are capable of smashing it, the two rags in your hands will have to wait until next month."

Bang! Bang! !

Mo Tan did not answer, but continued to continue the previous rhythm and smashed down two axes. The wild style of opening and closing was completely different from his usually skill-based fighting style, just like...

"I'm so anxious, I'm so anxious! Why are you so anxious? Brother, I've been arrogant for more than a day or two. You need to have the same understanding as me. It's okay if I can change it, but the key is that I can't change it either~"

Wang Badan, who had regained his confidence in the shield, was already a little confused now. Of course, although he liked this feeling of 'you are very angry but you can't kill me', he still did not lose the last trace of rationality after all. , after saying a few words of joy, he immediately began to pull back the words: "Brother, why don't we do this, and I will give you two a beating for being a coward, and I will try my best not to say anything in front of you in the future. Well, you, please give me a hand and don’t let my eldest sister feed me those things...you should listen to me!"


Mo Tan simply added a sentence to maintain the accusation [Justice Interpretation], and then directly ignored Wang Badan's BB and continued to chop with concentration.

There are two reasons...

On the one hand, he really didn't want to deal with this noisy bastard.

On the other hand, this is the sound that he is listening carefully to at the moment, which is not loud in decibels but clearly resounds in his mind——

[This is the angle, keep smashing! 】

【Strengthen more! Increase your strength! 】

【The power of waist! I'll let you increase your waist strength! 】

[I didn’t ask you to twist your butt, just let me calm down! 】

【Off! Off again! Do you dare to aim? Didn’t you drink when you got up in the morning? 】

【right! continue! Damn it! 】

【Strengthen more! ! 】

Chapter 1595: End

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